Electric Cars

Kilowatt Half Hour Episode 20: The electric car bargain (that used to be a cat) | Electrifying.com

Kilowatt Half Hour Episode 20: The electric car bargain (that used to be a cat) | Electrifying.com

Hello and welcome to your weekly Roundup of all of the latest news and ramble about the world of electric cars from the team at electrifying decom so this week we discussed the cheapest electric cars in the UK brands that we want to see come back from the dead and charging

Disasters plus we’re going to be answering your car buying conundrums and dipping into the post bag to find out your views on everything electric welcome to the kilowatt half hour I’m nicolah Hume I’m Tom Barnard and I’m Mike asy hey team how are we all all right yeah

I’m good yeah yeah yeah yeah should we start things off with um what’s what’s sort of caught your eye what you’ve been up to this week should we start with you Tom well you not been doing much this week but I did I have got a moan oh

About about charging should we start with a moan or should we do something a bit a bit nicer start a negative let’s get the moan out of the way and then it can only go up from there so that’s ni okay well I had to I had to go and see

Somebody in hospital and I didn’t have to be long so everybody moans about hospital car parking charges don’t they as it happens mine was £370 for 26 minutes which might be seen as excessive but they have electric car charging points now normally they’re full of all the Consultants eye Paces but there was

A space and it was kind of Pole Position the best spot in the whole car park so I thought I’ll park there plugged in the leaf and uh uh looked at it it was a charge point one and I have a charge Point app so so plugged in wandered off

Came back 26 minutes later took the thing out fine then looked at how much I’d been charged now they it’s 42p per kilowatt hour which is yeah right yeah yeah but there’s a minimum charge of3 pound so my 26 minutes cost me3 pound and on top of that because it was my

First charge with them they took A1 pound charge to put in credit on the thing so it was a bit of a stinger really for 26 minutes it was like 15050 per kilowatt hour if you look at how long I was there so I was like half tempted to

Like hang around and have a sandwich or something just to get the the best out of it but I didn’t I thought that’d be silly but it did make me slightly grumpy I mean you might as well have done just kind of hung around but you should know

These things Tom that they’re going to take an extra tener out of your pocket and just just yeah that look that sounded a bit too good to be true the perfect parking space didn’t it yeah true anyway that was my mode of the week and the leave past its mot hey still

Going strong that’s I always I always I always pace around like a kind of expectant father when it’sot time it’s just I don’t know why I get so stressed because if it fails they you know you just pay some money and they fix it but I

Just it worries me I don’t know why done I keep I know it’s done for another year hooray yeah but you’re getting rid of it soon though aren’t you that was the plan well yeah I keep thinking about it but we’ll see now it’s passing mot I’ll

Probably forget about it all right fair enough it’s positive come on then give me some give me some positive things that happen this week should we go to Mike yeah well I’ve been he obviously missed me all last week when I got I was in Amsterdam treat

And it wasn’t for work for once which is quite nice I went there for a a long weekend mainly to buy trousers because um the Dutch are freakishly tall so it’s I can go clothes shopping in Amsterdam and not feel like I’m a circus hacked so

Um that’s one of the reasons why I go one of the one of the things I did noce some it’s the their electric game the electric car game is on point it really is I mean I got a cab from the airport it’s a brand new Toyota bed 4X a Barry

Uh and on the way back and I got a a brand new ionic 6 and this is just like the local grty Mini Cab Company sending these out it was fantastic so really nice run there and back um it’s an odd eclectic mix of uh of cars in Amsterdam

They they like these like really small um electric um cars stuff that makes an look like a like an SUV they have these little tiny two seater things loads of electric cargo bikes like a twizzy like no smaller than a twizzy almost like you can’t almost you can’t

You have to double take to think they’re fully grown adults in this car because it just seems to about six inches either side of them um but it’s perfect for Amsterdam that’s all you need um and the you know obviously it’s a cycling culture in in the Netherlands and

Certainly in the half H it’s just I know this is heresy to say you know from what we do for a living but it’s really nice to go places handful of cars um and the cars that were there you know I think the Dutch were really early adopters of

Tesla so the all the cars parked up in the area that we were staying in were are really early model 3s um late 80s sabs for some reason and these kind of and opal rocks which is the opal version of the siten Amy so I don’t know if they

The siten deal has fallen out with the people of Amsterdam but for every one ammy there were 10 opal rocks so the opal dealers is obviously doing a slight better job than the sit dealer is in in sort of downtown Amsterdam but it was a fascinating place and and the Netherland

Still I to look it up when I got back I mean they’re still very much kind of promoting electric cars I looked it up they you still get 4,000 EUR off the purchase of a new one and you get 2,000 EUR off the purchas of a used electric

Car oh um I mean amam the one to get rid of cars entirely petrol electric whatever you know they want to make it entirely um cyclist and uh and pedestrianized but you know generally speaking as a country they’re still pumping money into getting people into electric and I guess they’re working out

This will trickle down to the used Market you know at some point so it’s just encouraging to see still people um you know a lot of people buying electric cars so that was kind of that and I had an enyak for a week which was another

Positive a new um 2024 model year which is kind of slightly sneaked under the radar it’s got this all this new um which is on all the ID models and all the the cpra ca born and all the the scoda models is the new drivetrain um

It’s a big change actually it’s a lot more efficient it’s got like 545 newton meters of torque and I was thinking Tom you know back in the days of you know when we work on a certain weekly uh car magazine if we drove a car that had that

Amount of torque we’d probably be in Italy driving a Supercar wouldn’t we or something so it’s astonishingly quick this thing um and it was great the only frustration was when I was trying to write up the review’s just gone live today um but I was writing the review

And um I use Apple Pages for writing this and it kept correcting enyak to Ena for some reason so exactly the spell check Apple spell check has more reference to do with early 90s singers than it does with uh with cars so by the time I’d worked out

How to correct that and actually put it in a zyc so we didn’t keep changing it so if you’re reading the review and you wonder wondering why I’m writing about an Irish singer it’s one of the one of the things I didn’t manage to correct so

If you do find it please point it out but that’s worth noting I do all my reviews on on pages as well pages I yes you got to be careful it might slot in you know morisy when you’re writing about you know anyway yeah exactly so

That was my week um what have you been up to Nicola um what have I been up to Alo uh I finally uh shot the long-term review of my Genesis gv60 we’ve done a whole Mystic Meg thing that I really hope goes down well because of the

Crystal ball thing so we did this whole thing anyway um but the amount of party tricks that car has had so I’ve had it for like five months now and I still feel like every day I’m noticing something new that it does because it just it just does everything like it

Tells you that you’ve left a window open it will you know it’s got the amazing massage in seats with the bum punch that we’ve discussed before it’s got the whole air purification thing which I was talking to Tom about the other day right so what it does is it tells you how

Clean the air is inside the car so it will tell you if it’s good uh if and then it will go like normal then it will go poor poor very poor so if there’s someone in in the car with you that I don’t know that’s smoking or something

Or maybe lets off a little cheky cheky fart or something like that you will see that the air quality goes down to very poor but as you approach tunnels like it starts circulating the air inside the car rather than taking everything from the outside it’s it’s little things that

I’m just like I I end up getting really really impressed by the more I drive it the more I kind of get impressed by it and go oh wow that does that thing too that’s really cool now Nicola talking of cleanliness and your Genesis I have seen

A preview of that video were your local car washes shut I’ve got do thumnail that video can I say listen to me right listen it was chucking it down that day and where we film at the barn you know those roads approaching the barn it is disgusting like those it is like driving

Through a river to get into the barn and that day that we filmed it it was chucking it down all day so I said I was like I tell you what we’ll do is as soon as it stops raining I’ll take it down the car wash and I’ll get it cleaned and

Then it just didn’t happen so but but here’s my theory if I’m filming a car that I’ve been living with this is my car that I’m actually using then surely you want to see what it’s like when I live it that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it is that right no

Show you the is next time yeah they when they take that car back they’re gonna have to dismantle that at sea or something it’s just going to be toxic even the bit like I opened the boot and then I forgot that I didn’t clear out the boot so then like inside there’s

Like my jacket my Wellies some hangers never get side the side the side of the car has got so much dirt on it you can grow potatoes in it it’s I’m I’m doing the thumbnail for it at the moment and yeah it’s it needs a lot of cleaning up put it that way

Photoshop’s in overdrive it’s it’s fine it’s fine okay right on okay all right we digress we move on so like what you were talking about like the like uh the electric cars and all that sort of stuff and and charging and things and what it’s like in Amsterdam I found it was

Very very similar in in Norway when I was there a couple of weeks ago oh yes yeah the cabs that pick you like I got picked up local Mini Cab Company picked us up in a Mercedes eqs I was like what the hell is happening here this is a bit

Nice don’t get that in the UK do you I know but I’m going to um I’m going to Valencia tomorrow so we’re recording this on Wednesday I’m going to Valencia tomorrow uh with the FIA for another Eco rally which is like a whole rally test where uh it’s all electric cars and you

Have to stick to a certain speed limit to see which car does it the most efficiently kind of thing yeah um so it’ll be interesting to see how Valencia behaves in terms of charging an electric cars because the last time I did that was in Monaco which I remember telling

You was seriously impressive when it comes to charging and electric cars so full update for you next week after my trip to Valencia from tomorrow so there we go excellent that’s good well um the post bag we had last week we’ll go into that later on in the in the podcast but

The the the stuff on lania lancha to give it its correct pronunciation was off the scale but I think every other comment was about the ipsilon and and bringing back uh the brand and everything of course Luna hasn’t disappeared it just hasn’t really been officially in the UK for a long time and

And Tom and I were chatting earlier thinking well you know what this is potential for a lot of other brands to come back from the dead aren’t there you know the sort of bands brands that have been dormant or laid off or you know sucked up as part of one great big kind

Of U when one brand sold to another um you know it just may me think that might be this might be the start of something new we’re g might see a lot of the older brands coming back so I don’t know if either of you two guys have got

Something you’d really like to see come back um can I throw my hat in the ring yeah um because we were talking about long boys last week um which are also known as Estates to regular people to call them long boys and I’m going to throw out a Sab

93 wouldn’t that be amazing throw out one of that’s always been one of those cars I’m like that is a cracking car that that is a cracking car and everyone I know that’s ever had one has absolutely loved it and I feel like if

That came back as an EV that would be a huge seller surely yeah yeah s’s quite it’s quite an Innovative brand isn’t it I think that the last sa 95 still looks like a good car but it that kind of alternative architect type owner are the type of

People who are now driving electric cars aren’t they they’re all probably in ionic fives like you Mike that’s a very architect type car isn’t it yeah I agree yeah you have to have um thick room spectacles in order to buy one and if if you walk into the dealership and you

Can’t then they they force you to go orar I suppose is the spiritual successor to S yeah I guess so you need to have a sort of you know turtleneck jumper don’t you and sort of knitted trousers You’ be fine go on Tom what would it be for you

Well I quite like SS as well um some of the old British Brands I I love I mean I suppose things like Austin and Morris have been a bit tainted by some of the rubbish they made in the later day so maybe something like Riley that would be

Quite or Alvis I can see myself in an Alvis that would be quite a nice you know sporty but luxury brand Maybe yeah yeah okay I mean I like did you see the Morris the Morris uh what was it called the Morris J that was like a full

Oh yeah actually been launched yet well I saw it at an event like last year sometime and I thought it looked really cool and they were like oh yeah it’s going to go into production and it still hasn’t happened but I would love for that to happen but it is that car that

They’ve got the concept car you can actually drive it around them yeah the van isn’t it yeah absolutely I mean I’d like to see try I I’m similar thing to Tob the old sort of BR there’s so many old classic British brands that still got currency in a heck of a back catalog

Um Triumph I think would get my nod I know the motorcycle side has been revived under chapal John bla um and is doing exceptionally well um but the car brand I think the the trademark is still owned by BMW along with all the other a lot of few others like wolsley and

Riley so and I think there was a concept car last year T25 Triumph coner car I think it was done by a design house rather than anything official I think they just put the Triumph name on it but you got of think if you’re sitting at BMW think you

Must be sitting on the what a success mini has been over the years um and Triumph for you because your your first car was a Triumph wasn’t it Tom yeah I had a Triumph Herald is my first car which yeah convertible should have kept that convertible well I I couldn’t because it

Was um it wasn’t the safest car in the world right could you not open doors at the same time or something yeah I had this problem where the the chassis was so Rusty that you couldn’t open both doors at the same time and you had to

Shout to people so don’t do it and if they did you had to get the Jack out and Jack the car up in the middle so that you could get the doors to shut brilliant safety first [Laughter] people I I think I think a an electric

Like version of a TR7 TR7 is still a great car when you look at it now there was one at parked up at partr run the other week and I was I was taking a picture of it and just the owner came out and he said oh you restor I mean it

Was it it’s they’re quite shunky when you look up and me they’ got panel panel gaps you can see from space and they’re not that well made but there’s just something about that shape that still kind of has currency everything looks a bit old because it’s all on like sort of

14inch Wheels which were big for the late 70s early 80s but um I think a reborn TR7 sports car I mean that would just be because you know especially when we talk about the Lancia thing the lancha thing you know stratas there’s so many of these brands that have got such

An incred incredible back catalog that now we’re in the days of skateboard platforms which you know the same for every car you know it’s really a coach building job isn’t it and and I guess if they can guarantee enough sales out of it then it’s uh it’s got potential so

Yeah I would love to see our TR7 come back yeah that would be my dad uh still has his old uh he’s got a 1975 uh Spitfire still got it and like it’s the slowest car in the world but he loves does it does matter British racing pretty

Thing yeah yeah but like if you know if mg can do the cyberster what’s stopping Triumph from giving it a go on sorting out the Spitfire and making that electric that would be amazing exactly and yeah if there’s anyone listening to this and thinks yes we’ve missed

Something or you want to see something come back please let us know in the in the comments below and if you’re wondering why we’re talking about comments below if you’re listening to this on Spotify or apple podcasts we’re talking about the the YouTube versions of version of this wonderful podcast on

YouTube and we have a lively comments section below so um please please add to that and it does get Lively it does get Lively it does get Lively love it yeah it does I’m talking of lively Tom um you found some um um cheap deals Tom you are our kind of king of

Cheap deals aren’t you because you always like come on to our weekly meetings and say have you seen so you can get an XYZ for this much so your latest is quite spectacular yeah well because I’m I’m kind of in the market for a new electric car I’ve signed up to

All these things and I keep looking at the uh at the deals available and there’s one this week I just thought can that be right and um it’s a leasing deal for the aura 03 which used to be called the funky cat right which you know it’s

Not our favorite car because we thought it was too expensive but you can have one on a lease now which is uh no deposit don’t have to put down any deposit at all £169 a month mean that’s for two years yeah no you can only do 5,000 mil a year

If you want to do 8,000 miles a year which is more sensible for me is 193 which still with nothing down nothing down if you want to put like a grand down it it goes down to what it 110 quid or something like I mean you you fiddle around with the figures but

Basically the worst case scenario which is that uh you you don’t you don’t have a deposit at all 160 quid a month I’m like hang on a minute if you’ve got an electric car if you’ve got a petrol car at the moment and you’re just poling around in it and

You think well I need to change it what do I do you might be spending I don’t know 100 quid a month on petrol so if you can charge it overnight and it’s a couple of quid a night then you think well that’s 90 quid and that’s nothing

What’s going on I don’t why do I not trust it well I know ro road tax is what a 10 or 10 20 quid a month probably on a petrol car as well so you take that out and after a while you just think well this is a really really cheap cheap car

Um and I assume I don’t know I mean maybe the residuals are better than everything else in the market or perhaps they just want to shift some get them out on the road it’s a good advert if people driv clearly yeah clearly they want to shift some but there’s but but

That’s that’s stupid cheap like you can’t even get petrol cars that cheap even a fe 500 you can’t get that cheap yeah was the cheapest price and people say oh well so it’s two years uh so no deposit and it was 5,000 miles which is

Not many although it will SU a lot of people so 8,000 miles was still under 200 quid a month but even if you go even if you need I don’t know 12,000 miles or 15,000 miles you’re still going to be looking in the 200s which is still

Nothing really a month yeah and it’s it’s the no deposit thing that you know we’ve discussed before haven’t we you know it’s quite it’s quite cleverly worded deposit the word deposit isn’t it with with lease deals and everything because basically the any of there you’re just giving them money you’re

Never going to see that again no yeah it’s not deposit that you back exactly you know it’s so when you say it’s a divice it’s basically a down payment and not even that because you you’re not you know when then the leasing thing ends you’re not going to get that six grand

Back are you it’s literally just yeah it’s not like renting a house or putting a deposit down on on something which is then taking off thect no it’s not well I suppose it is but it just makes the monthly slower doesn’t it yeah I guess

It does but yeah so you are sort of paying for it over the longer period I guess but yeah it’s just finding that money up front so here’s a question if you were then reviewing the the funky cat again knowing that that was the price it was going for what you saying

About it yeah well I think it’s much better I mean you can’t a great car yeah yeah think it’s the same we’ve had this discussion internally haven’t we so about you know whether we we go in to review a car again if given a car a low score because

Of its list price is too high and then you can suddenly get it for 200 quid a month which makes it a lot cheaper does it affect what we thought of it whether we still think it’s a good bu on night but you know that deal might disappear

Next week in which case then the score goes back down again so it’s a tricky one isn’t it yeah like we were discussing was it last week about that Honda en1 and it’s you know £9,500 off now suddenly makes it much more reasonable car doesn’t it yeah yeah but

Still not quite there yet it’s still not £10 pound a month compared to a funky cat is it blindly that’s so impressive um guys we got some moreing buying advice required from our yeah now Tom here take advantage of him go for it I’m going to

Do yeah right okay um two two car ones a one charger one I’ll try and rout through as quickly as possible we’re already at 22 minutes um hey guys from Simone Simone says I’m think about getting a Mercedes eqa through work under a salary sacrifice scheme um it’s

£389 pounds for the entry level spec is that a good buy should I opt for the AMG Tom bard well salary sacrific that’s presumably the uh the amount is going to cost her after they’ve taken off the 40% tax rate so that sounds yeah so that sounds like

Quite a lot for an eqa I’m sure there are I mean you can get a Tesla Model y as a private lease for 399 so that seems a big amount to me but I don’t know who knows what the the uh salary sacrifice sheet looks like at her

Company um the AMG version of that I would imagine is just like a trim level they call it something like AMG line don’t they so it’ll have some bigger wheels and some floor mats yeah and some a red stripe on the interior or something so um I would always tend to

Go away from that because I don’t like big wheels and sporty suspension but you know question of your own personal taste I suppose some people will like the fact it’s got AMG written on the floor mats yeah I think it depends what you want really I mean I was looking at it very

Briefly earlier I mean think the the standard one which is one you’re talking about is a sort of wltp figure of just over 340 miles and I think if you start going to AMG and formatic and four-wheel drive ones that drops to about 260 so I

Don’t know I mean I tend to like stuff that goes a bit further so I would probably unless you really wanted to impress the neighbors with some snazzy Wheels as Tom says or a red stripe or you want the extra performance that comes with it but I don’t think it’s a

Lot I think it’s 40 horsepower more or something for the the AMG one I would stick stick with a normal one okay so yeah we’d say stick with the standard one for that one um second one Andrew Douglas um says he’s considering an Astro electric as a company car but I

Want to know what the real world efficiency of the car is box will have made lofty claims about 5 miles per kilo which I refuse to believe until it has been winter tested long term because he was asking if we’d done it and I said we

Haven’t really had one long enough to to establish that he wants to know what the real efficiency looks like over for the long time including cold and warmer conditions is he going to get 5 miles per kilowatt hour I’ll leave that over to Tom because you had one for a little while didn’t

You you had one for a week or so yeah and I think you did the test on it didn’t you and I came away from that car really impressed because I really like the way it drove because it’s lighter than other electric cars uh I thought it

Was Better Built than things like an mg cuz we had an mg4 next to it didn’t we do you remember and there just like bits of trim that felt better and there was less painted metal that you could see on the inside um and I got home and I drove

It around for a while and uh just looked before it went back at the efficiency and it said 5 miles per uh per kilowatt hour and I was like bloody hell that’s the the the best I’ve had in any electric car is f and I wasn’t trying you’re obviously notoriously lead-footed

And uh it was on a Motorway and uh it was just normal roads normal driving and it was five miles from so I was like that’s the most efficient electric car I’ve ever driven and was surprised um but it was quite mild I think it was

You know it wasn’t hot it wasn’t cold it was nice Springtime in a-shirt I know that yeah it was t-shirt weather yeah so maybe winter time so the so the average electric car during winter will lose about 21% of its range so we’ll won’t be as a so we’ll probably maybe be around

Early fours potentially yeah they had one on the on that um winter test that you you went on didn’t you N I don’t I think it didn’t I looked it up soon as one when I saw that email come in and I thought yeah I think it was

Doing early fours which or late three something like that but it was proper cold though wasn’t it where you were extreme yeah you know really likely to get that if you are in this country very for a very brief period but uh yeah so I suspect it would be mid fours something

Like that which is still really good I’d be thrilled if the ironic did anywhere near that so um yeah I think that that new stallant is bigger the new the slightly bigger battery and the new drivetrain with the heat pump and everything it does make quite a big big

Big difference so I think you’re not going to get five um Andrew but it’s pretty good I would say but you’ll get five in a on a mild day if you drive with a gentle foot like Tom does not with a heavy foot like I do exactly be

Fine okay and our third query from our lovely listeners is from chap gold stew um says loving the podcast eagerly waiting my new EV any week now and I need to get my ass into gear in terms of booking and install for the home charger basically he wants to know whether he

Goes for having the manufacturer sort the installation out for him or just buying a charger and getting a local electrician to come out and fit it um which he says will probably work out cheaper and it probably would so he wants to know what’s his viice should he

Go with the manufacturers one or should he go and try and do a little bit of you know sort his own kind of by the charger get quotes he’s he’s done that he’s done that but he wants to know I think he wants to know what what what is the best

Practice really and I think you know if you go with a manufacturer one you’ve got that slight pece of mind that if there’s a problem with the charger you can at least call them and say there’s a problem I don’t think there will be they’re fairly straightforward aren’t

They I mean I think having said that two of as have both gone wrong recently but um there’s always the danger if you have one if you buy the charger and get the local Sparky to fit it I’m sure they do a fantastic job but if there’s a problem

With the charger there’s always the risk that they’ll say well has it been installed properly you your warranty doesn’t cover you know after installation you’re on your own really so I think for full piece of Mind probably go with a slightly price your option of getting you may end up getting

The same electrician because a lot of these people use local contractors they don’t you know if if they’re based in brenford they’re not going to go and fit a you know a charger installation not going to drive up to dunree to go and do it they’ll probably use a local agent to

Do it so you may end up get your local electrician on to contract anyway but at least it would be part of the same job but I don’t know what what you had had done have you got one on fitted Nicola did you get uh so I’ve got mine I got

Mine through my energy so I’ve got a zappy charger and mine uh has all had warranty and everything all included with it so they’ve been looking after if there’s any I’ve had no problems with it whatsoever but they sent out a guy to

Come out and fit it for me who is like a a myal my energy guy that comes out fits for it wasn’t like a local electrician that came out and did it but I do I do recommend having a little look at um my energy and zappy because I’ve had no

Issues with my charger whatsoever I’ve got the cable connected to it which I find is so much easier I know it doesn’t look as smart I find it so much easier but it is yeah it’s got a fully tethered thing and it’s all it’s all passcode it’s

Connected to my solar panels which I have on top of the house so sometimes I can charge in eco mode and just use everything that’s coming from solar and they’ve been nothing but brilliant for me zappy very good yeah well there we go yeah um we we’ve rabbited on a lot so um

Should I do Post back should we should we cover off some ohst yeah yeah yeah go on then okay no problem um right okay I’m gonna probably one subject that dominated the comments last week was luncher I’m gonna say that because in hindsight you know

Russ Hill says um I missed much of your discussion at the beginning of the video because my wife was screaming lancher you idiots it’s pronounced lancher that’s because Tom’s calling it Lancia so we all just agre that’s kind of what we do doesn’t it really I mean thing is Porsche yeah

IOD I know but this is Italian my I as you know I learn Italian my Italian teacher always corrects me on things when I spoke to I said oh you you’d like it I’ve gotten a bath 500 outside she kind of like it’s almost like she’d sucked a lemon or something because she

Said it’s a Bart it’s a hard tea at the end there’s no th at the end of it so yeah so yeah I imagine lancha is the same in creates the same response effectively so anyway we’ll move on from that um musketeer 9 possibly not their

Real name says the only because Tom you were saying that every L luncher uh falls apart and goes Rusty so the only Ro rust prone luncher uh with the first six months of the luncher beater Saloon um after that the Rush’s issues were found luncher bought better quality

Steel I had a luncher beat a coupe 20 it was a great car and didn’t suffer the rust issues I think you and I both known people who’ had deltas and all kinds of things and they’ve just slightly gone back to Nature haven’t they after a

Certain amount of time so yeah in fact when when I was a a whipper snapper there was somebody I worked for who had a a late uh beta Coupe and you could literally open the door by reaching inside through the rust hole in the rear three quarter panel and opening it from

The inside and it was that bad it was hilarious and there’s one side that didn’t rust and I said why is that not rusting he said because it’s made of newspaper and filler so it was Pap paper Mash so they certainly did right I think the later like deas and things if you

Remember those Mike they were madebe delin I still because they were trying to trying to get rid of their yeah exactly yeah but certainly I’m sure that there are plenty of people who who had Lo Rusty laners lanches sorry Lanes exactly Mark Bennett wants to and redress the balance he says

Definitely bring back lancher with that ipsilon uh the rust issues are ancient history the Bild quality under stellantis will no doubt be on point variety is the spice of life and it would be a great additional option yep dubster says yes I really like this ipsilon it looks epic especially the

Stratus rear lights which I think you found you like look off didn’t you Nicola um maybe when the other models arrive it will give them reason to try them selling here I hope so yeah I mean we don’t other are there any UK plans that finalized for this car Tom do we

Know I don’t think they finalized it it’s all that kind of you never know isn’t it yeah which means they’re probably not going to make a right hand drive and then we’re probably not going to get it so that yeah that was with the the last few years of luncher in the UK

Was it was slightly kind of a sad decline wasn’t it because you could only buy the leftand drive ipsilon could you that kind of oddl looking thing Paul Meer says launch your back great I had a couple of integrales Lu at you which were wonderful um they needed a complete

Set of replacement tires every 7,000 miles sounds like someone who drives like you sounds like someone like you Nicola um love it let us hope they come back here in the UK and and helipak says an electric o37 and that was that lovely coupo that they went rallying in wasn’t

It said in Martini racing Livery come on no me OV excited he says yeah so yeah I’d be up for one of those again we was like earlier his companies with a fantastic back catalog of products that you know with a bit of reinvention you

See how well the 500’s done and how well min’s done there’s got to be you know there’s got to be potential there hasn’t there so um so yeah and the final one um subject of estate cars I found someone who doesn’t like estate cars what this

Is quite hard yeah doesn’t like a long boy Grizzly hp2 um says let’s be real four-door saloons with an extra hump on the back to make it look even longer the epitome of ugliness I leave that no that’s that’s really that’s that’s pretty much going to upset the entire electrifying decom

Team absolutely cuz everyone’s a fan of a of a long boy aren’t we i’ call them an estate dear I don’t mind an estate but you know yeah I go I’ll play along with everybody else yes I love an estate you don’t have to play along you can be your own person

Mike that’s fine can okay okay well I’ll stay on this St Glen McKenzie says States yum I still long for an alpha6 Sport Wagon well I think they’re pretty cheap if you go on to um aut trade or other car selling places um but yes and Al Alpha

Um electric estate that could work well I could see that being quite good um General observations we’ve had from the comments Wendy Hopkins says excellent podcast as always um even if you do the cold weather test like you did Nicola um use a Kia e Nero she’s got one and says

It’s got an excellent range even in Winter I’ve heard this whenever we go on about oh you know I put a screenshot saying this car’s done 4.2 miles per kilow there’s always someone with a Nero an Eero that kind of puts a screen grab something that’s done

Five and a bit you know so they do seem to be incredibly efficient um what else have we got um yes uh people saying about the postman Mike song um Mike which isn’t me says uh my Postman Mike vote equals binit okay so that’s good what yep um we haven’t

Sung it today so there we go thank you much much relief Colonel commissioner renck Poss great um says no for no and then says why would you butcher a classic cars only new cars need to be electric classic cars must stay the way they are electrifying just rips their

Soul out if you own a classic vehicle and electrifier you’re missing the point in having one now I can see both size of this argument because yeah I I kind of agree that some things are sacred and shouldn’t be messed around with but there are plenty of classic cars that

Had really lousy engines they made a lot of and if it makes if it allows you to use that car on a daily basis which perhaps wouldn’t have done I had an old Mini which was lovely but the a series engine was terrible it was aw was

Letting me down that had a little electric motor in I mean a series wasn’t hardly rare I mean they’re getting more so now but I think I would use I would you be tempted to use it more we were literally talking about my dad’s uh Spitfire and the engine underneath that

Thing is terrible and it just like you put your foot down it doesn’t really go there was never that much oomph behind that thing if you can Chuck an electric battery inside that an electric motor you’d have way more fun with it because it’s designed to have a bit of fun I

Know it feels faster because you load to the floor and you have the roof down and my dad likes to play James Bond music while he’s driving it so it makes him feel cooler um because he is very cool um but I feel like it like that would be

The kind of car that yeah the cars that don’t have the oomph I feel like an electric version of that would do really really well I do but I understand where he’s coming from I do we can we can ask the the uh the listeners to suggest

Classic cars that would be better with electric my vote would go to Citron DS that was a terrible engine in a brilliant car it was never meant to have that and uh and maybe DeLorean yes that a terrible engine didn’t it that an old Renault truck engine didn’t it old van engine yeah

Yeah that would be great as electric a DeLorean yeah NSU anything with a rotary because they just break so an NSU r80 I mean it was an interesting engine but you had to rebuild it every 300 miles miles so Mazda RX8 imagine that they’re cheap that’ be good yeah so if you let

Us know the cars you think would be perfect for uh classic cars perfect for electric and the ones we absolutely should never be interfered with so we’d love to know what you think about that so yeah and that concludes the post bag for this week Nicola and I think that

Also concludes the podcast because we’re we’re now sitting way over time and I know that people keep saying kilowatt hour but I feel if we keep it short and concise then we’re not just going to be waffling on about a whole load of nothing we’re giving you short concise

Births of information which I think is just fabulous if you are listening via Spotify or on your Apple podcast then please do us a favor and leave a little five star and leave us a nice little comment because the algorithm then Works in our favor um you know let’s just like

Help us out a little bit because it’s nice to be nice the algorithm then Works in our favor and then we would might sort of jump up the charts a little bit and then more people will start listening and likewise if you’re on YouTube YouTube comment everything add

To Mike’s post bag because he doesn’t have enough to do on the podcast thank you well the more talking we do the less singing there is so that that works in my favor so yeah that’s true okay well I feel it’s only fair that we finish on a

Song Oh God all right we’ll finish there thanks for joining us bye bye bye

#electriccars #podcasts #kilwowatthalfhour

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This week, the crew discuss the bargain electric car that costs less per week than a couple of fancy coffees, the updated Skoda Enyaq, car brands we want to see back from the dead, and we try to help out listeners with their car buying conundrums.

If you have a car buying question or want to be included in our postbag, add your comment below!

Every week, the Electrifying.com meet online to discuss all the important matters at hand. Such as the weather, what we’re all having for our tea and who dumped who in last night’s Love Island. Between these heavyweight subjects, we also talk about electric cars. A lot. Probably an unhealthy amount to be honest.

And when we do discuss cars, we find out a lot. From industry gossip to the more mundane practicalities of electric car ownership, it’s the place where we dish the dirt on the cars we’ve been driving and deliver our own verdicts on the latest electric car news. We also like to have a good laugh at the daftest bits of anti-electric news that we’ve seen in the press.

We can’t promise that you’ll learn much. You probably won’t. But if you fancy 30 minutes of idle chat and gossip about the world of electric cars, we’re here for you. If you like it / hate it / think it’s too long or too short, let us know.

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