Electric Motorcycles

Are 100kmh bikes TOO MUCH??? Testing the Kirbebike 4000w ebike kit

Are 100kmh bikes TOO MUCH??? Testing the Kirbebike 4000w ebike kit

This week on dude stuff this is a kit that I’ve been trying to put together to possibly list on the Kirby bike.com website we’ve always promoted and sold the 2000 what kits they’re an absolutely fantastic kit they’re still my favorite kit to this day but I’ve kind of starting to get the

Urge to see what it’s like to build one a bit more powerful as an kit that anyone can just Chuck on their Moun bike but it poses a lot of questions how easy does it in install how fast is it is it going to be too fast I me we’re

Getting into the territory now where you could even me myself could be thinking not everyone should be buying this I don’t know quickly before we get out on this little bit about it the battery I’ve sourced myself cuz the battery from Kirby bike is still in production they’re designing a completely new 60

Volt battery so this is just a battery that I managed to get off someone on eBay about the same spec good sells 3,000 W rear Motor Wheel and a 60 amp controller so if you’re talking nominal 60 volts and 60 amp controller you’re talking about 3,600 wats and if you’re talking about

The 67 volt fully charged battery of a 60 amp controller potentially you’re talking 4,000 WS which is Bonkers that’s standard kind of power range of a suron in a bike that’s about 10 kg lighter this could potentially be a little bit Bonkers so why we go out for a ride on

It and see how nuts it really is whack it straight up into level five turbo mode and this thing really shifts it’s really really quick I mean you can see that the front forks lift right up yeah this is a lot different to a 2000 watt like a dramatic difference I’ve had

A few bikes that are a little bit quicker than a 2,000 but this is much quicker it’s so smooth look at it that is mental before I get too carried away let’s talk about let’s talk about the fitment of this kit because is it just as easy to install as

You know a 500 watt or a 2,000 watt kit short answer is no starting off with the fact that you can’t get this 3,000 watt kit with anything above a seven speaker set so due to the size of the actual 3,000 W Hub motor being on a bicycle

Wheel not a motor mot bike wheel there’s only enough space to fit a sspeed now with this amount of power it’s not going to present a problem of needing to pedal and have more than those amount of Gears this is going to smash pretty much any

Heel you throw at it it’s not going to pose an issue top end using like the throttle so in terms of usability seven speed is not an issue but what I am going to have to do on this is block off this was a nped I’m going to have to

Block off two gears on a deria and just live without two gears now for me that’s a small sack I cuz if you’re hooning around on one of these you’re most likely just going to be hooning it on throttle next issue is the Dropout on this I

Believe uh what’s a normal bike about 135 or 145 I’m pretty certain this is at least 10 mil wider and it did fit on this bike but I did have to kind of put my Thum on the Hub and kind of prize it into the dropouts I didn’t have to like

Jack open the frame or anything extreme but it’s a very tight fit so so the next problem I had was I got the wheel in and the brake disc alignment from the caliper was way out by at least an inch or two which was quite a lot and the sty

Of caliper on this didn’t allow enough side side movement to move it so I’ve had to use disc spacers obviously they don’t come with the kit so I had some disc spaces laying about I fitted a couple of disc spaces behind to bring the disc out to the caliper

But then that poses a problem with The Gap now being less between the frame Dropout and the Hub motor the gap’s quite narrow you’ve got a very thick Hub motor cable coming out which has to bend quite quickly so that poses a problem of the cable beer need to pull far

Enough away from the bolts on the brake disc so they don’t Fray and end up fraying the cable open and I I’ve got to admit it is very tight but I’ve been been Runing this about a little little bit now and I’ve not noticed any uh C it

Looks very close but I’ve not noticed any bare cables or exposed Fray cables so it’s worth mentioning that with a 60 volt battery which I think this is at least 25 amps with a decent spec 60 volt battery it’s a very snug fit in this Frame which is a large size frame so

You’ve also got to think about it ain’t probably going to fit on a medium frame bike and also you’re going to have to mount the controller underneath the frame um it’s all a little bit different and a little bit tight fit so first off the bat it’s a little bit

More difficult to install so bear that in mind if this does become a product item on the Kirby bike website it might be an idea if you already got a bit of experience of fitting ebike kits and obviously bear in mind the points I mentioned about insallation so now let’s get on to

Performance it’s fast very very fast 15 mph of course but very fast let’s Pin It Wide Open Keep It Wide Open cruising along at 15 M an now too scared to talk too afraid to look down at the speed wow now that may have looked like 50 m an

Hour but I can assure you it was only 15 that was to accelerating then as well yeah in that short space of time this bike could without special effects get to 50 mph and still be accelerating which is mental on a bike I’ve noticed through working with e bikes there’s a

Lot of people theyve had zero ebike experience that think they need a bike that does 50 60 until you’ve done at least 30 to 40 on a on a bicycle then then then you can come talk to me about how fast a bike you need because bikes not designed mountain bikes aren’t designed

To go that fast they’re really not I mean when they design them they’re never going to intend them to do 50 60 MPH and it bloody feels on like it because sitting in your car at 60 you’re all cocooned and safe and it’s not dramatic

At all on a bicycle trust me it’s really quick now I do think there is a point where it just becomes stupid power for a bicycle in in a off-the-shelf kit and this is probably the first potential kit where I’m starting to think maybe not everyone should be buying or riding

This because you could become unstuck very easy on this you really can when I went down the the hill for a highp speeded run earlier today I had the throttle open going around the first Bend downhill and because of the T the front wheel was lifting it was a

Little bit light and I started to get a bit of a speed wobble on which was very scary so if this ever does become a kit it definitely shouldn’t be used by teenagers or inexperienced people that might just show off and not be a to handle the power but then again that’s

Absolutely no different to like motorbikes and mo dirt bikes and things that have been about for years you do get accidents with people showing off and being brav in their talent allows you know often at times I find like UK legal ebikes that do 15 mph actually

Quite dangerous and I know there’s a lot of people that feel the same so I think it’s a great idea even though this is capable of speeds exceeding uh the legal current laws does it feel safer on the road just using you know enough power to keep up with the

Flow of traffic so let’s have it go on a typical urban road and just get an idea whether this can be ridden safely and do I feel safer keeping up with the flow of traffic just get a general feel for this kind of power it’ be nice to see what

It’s like when we get moving all the front wheel lifted up then could pull away about the same speed as a car no problem at all I mean really you’re just going to be riding this thing like a motorbike from from what I could it feels like

Already I just don’t want to be squished at the side of the road I just want to be keeping up with the flow of the traffic to be honest in some ways I feel less vulnerable because I’m not squished at the side of the road going over potholes and dips in

The drains and things like that but at the same time there’s a a certain amount of vulnerability where obviously you’re going at fastest speeds which would not be ideal to crash but it’s all about weighing up what the common senses of what’s what’s appropriate cuz I still think 15’s too

Slow I do feel about 2025 is a kind of sweet spot where it’s not going to be awful for a teenager anyone can pedal at that speed but you know the speed this does is too much really for most people has to have a bit of a screw loose

I mean there’s going to be people in the comments saying I’m the biggest Menace to Society since flipping Hitler but I think that’s a bit bit much I mean I’m technically not at any more risk than I am on my fully legal motorbike which I’ve got a 900cc

Motorbike and I’m no bigger a threat to anyone or myself than I riding a motorbike I’m still the same person on a vehicle that can uh do a certain amount of speed like there’s there’s not much difference in it and uh obviously you got the argument of insurance which fair enough

But quite often or not my personal experience I I tend to find insurance is just something mandatory that doesn’t when you do have a situation I found Insurance not very helpful I’ve had someone Crush into my motorbike early this year and right off police did absolutely nothing the insurance didn’t

Want to pay out the insurance didn’t want to chase the guy who was at fault for doing a hit and run and I just think it’s a kind of man mandatory regulation that doesn’t even always pay off or cover you anyway I mean I get that it’s

Needed but at the same time quite often Insurance are just trying to get out or paying out anyway for like situations so a little bit on the fence it doesn’t it doesn’t make you any safer every insurance but I get you don’t want someone hasn’t got a driving

License someone who hasn’t got any experience right riding things that are too fast and Powerful in terms of someone that has got experience on Fast motorbikes has got a driving license you know maybe in the ebike law they should have a certain power level that’s a bit

More than 15 but you have to have a UK driver license or a motorbike license and then you’re allowed to do 20 25 30 mph without all the overthe top need for like registering a bicycle as a motor vehicle and stuff like that I think that

Might be better way to go about it cuz you just don’t want a teenager ping about on a mountain bike that does sort of 50 mph or so or more so yeah anyway guys let me know if you want some more content on the 3,000 Watts let me know

If you you think this should be a product that Kirby bikes’s stock would you buy would you buy a 3,000 wat kit I hope you enjoyed this video and I’ll see you guys in the video soon take it easy

Testing a 4000w E-BIKE






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