Electric Motorcycles

NEW UK Bike Laws! Electric Motorcycles, 1000cc TOO Powerful? – Biker Opinions #1

NEW UK Bike Laws! Electric Motorcycles, 1000cc TOO Powerful? – Biker Opinions #1

Hello so this is a new type of video where you get to look at my ugly mug and I give you some of my opinions on some bike topics and then listen to some of yours uh as you can see I am holding a mic in front of my face because I

Haven’t got a proper mic set up but hopefully it should still sound okay so for the first topic it seems that the UK have finally updated their motorcycling license laws and I think it’s long overdue to be honest but at least it’s happening uh it’s a little too late for

Me to take advantage of it unfortunately but I know there is you know a few people that haven’t got their license yet and honestly I think this is a much better path than there has been previously so some of the changes would mean that 21 year olds can now get their

Full license pretty sure that’s like direct access because technically you can get your full license at 21 already if you’ve had a A2 license for 2 years uh so I’m guessing that just means you can just go straight to a full at 21 which is pretty good I think so you

Currently have to be 24 to do that so 3 years earlier that’s not bad another change is that filtering will be being taught and uh I think that’s a very good addition I don’t know why it’s taking this long to add that really I don’t know if they already maybe teach some of

That in the advanced Riders course but either way I think that’s a really good skill to know uh as a new Rider I think a lot of people just kind of figure it out on their own so it’s maybe not the safest but another addition is some

People might get annoyed at this so you have to take a theory test before you can do your CBT now even though that is a bit of an annoyance to you know it’s now harder to get a CBT I honestly think the the CBT was so lackluster and really

Didn’t teach you enough before sending you off on the road so I think the theory tests is a pretty good addition to be honest riding around the road for an hour on a 125 doesn’t mean you know how all the road rules engine capacity has nothing to do with you know how well

You know the road rules it does like if whether you’re on a Yamaha ybr 125 or a ninja H2 you’re still following the same rules so why when you have a theory test for both overall I just think it’s going to be a better balance of making sure

The rider has enough skill making sure that the the Hoops that you’re jumping through um cuz there’s probably just as many Hoops still but I think they’re more logical Hoops to jump through uh which mean you’re going to be safer uh but I’m interested to know your thoughts

On that because I know it’s uh it’s not a clear-cut subject and I know not everyone agrees that the current system is that bad but yeah we will see so moving on to the next topic is uh electric bikes and my little maybe slightly more optimistic take on it than

You might be used to as of October last year 2023 uh it was confirmed that the sale of new petrol uh motorcycles would be banned in 2035 so for the mathematically inclined out there that’s about just over 10 years left basically to buy new petrol bikes that’s both a long time and

A short time uh depending on how you look at it so 10 years is obviously just a long time full stop it might feel shorter depending so for example if you’re like me and get a a bike maybe every 3 to 4 years or planning to you

Know in a 10-year period That’s only about 3 to four more petrol bikes left before they’re banned in that way it’s going to feel a little bit shorter I think but yeah at least that would be the case if we were forgetting the fact that you can still buy secondhand bikes

After that date so so depending on how you look at it say you bought a secondhand bike you know right on the cusp of 2035 you know the year that they’re going to be banned then you know if it’s a reliable bike that’s probably going to last you another 10 years so

You’ve probably got you know two more decades out of petrol bikes really I think by that time obviously a lot more people will have electric bikes anyway but I think a lot of people think about this topic as if it’s going to be it’s it’s coming up very very quickly but I

Think we’ve got quite a bit of time left I don’t think we need to worry too too much yet just yet Perhaps this is just an optimistic coping mechanism uh in the face of an impending uh buzzing Doom that is electric bikes but yeah I’m just I’m

Curious what what’s your thoughts on it uh I think there’s a lot of negative opinions floating around um so I guess I just wanted to add my maybe slightly more positive optimistic uh look Outlook on it uh interesting to know your thoughts comment below of course so in the next

Section I’m basically going to be asking some divisive bike questions basically and for this episode the question is are 1,00 cc bikes too much for the road so we got quite a few answers actually so that was pretty decent let’s just go through them so Anton ruse 003 sorry if

I’m butchering that your answer was maybe as long as you’re not going ballistic it’s probably all right I think that’s a I think that’s a fair opinion that’s fairly in the middle I would say that’s probably where I stand as well the answer from McChicken stripper was not at all I have mates

With thous and one even has the Z H2 linear power and less High ring really does depend I suppose on the power delivery uh not every 1,000 cc is built the same obviously Moto Norwegian says well Harley-Davidson has a lot of CC but not much power I’m guessing that you

Mean uh and it depends on how you ride uh again yeah just not all thousand cc’s are built equal um I would agree with that yeah I suppose that’s the problem with this question a th000 cc obviously covers such a wide range of bikes so we’ve got one from Scottish Hound as

Soon as I’m allowed to ride one I will let you know # plates yes I I know that feeling I know that feeling it’s been a uh a six-year journey to get my full license so it’s uh yeah that one that one hits hard uh the next one is from

Traves and your answer was and yet a 5 L sports car isn’t and yeah that raises a very good point that yeah people don’t seem to care about the power of cars like you can be 17 if you can afford the insurance then you can B basically drive whatever so yeah very

Good point so we got one from uh Ali’s adventures and their answer was I’d say no a lot of power to get you out of trouble and a lot of fun I moved to a zed 1000 SX from the CBR 500 and I’d never move back uh smaller bikes are

Good for little Sunday rides but bigger bikes are better for longer rides yeah I suppose everyone has kind of a different bike in mind when when you say in a th000 c see like someone might think you know a Jer you know a panagal or or more sport touring orientated bikes obviously

Most touring bikes are higher capacity anyway and they seem to be better for that overall and next we have boots before trousers and they say they are used to flex upon and impress people you don’t like or care about horsepower top trumps Etc you don’t need them the same

Way you don’t need a 4×4 Range Rover to take your kids to school yeah that’s a very good argument for not having a bigger bike this the way that the questions worded as well is like need do you need 1,000 cc bikes on the road or obviously not everything you

Want you necessarily need as well uh but yeah not always the most practical Choice um and we’ve got Ru rid 22 and you say I think they are too much you’re easily losing your license before having fun on one and again I suppose it really depends on how much you trust yourself it’s

Obviously a lot harder to get to those crazy speeds on smaller capacity bikes even though it is still possible obviously I would say someone who’s going to lose their license on a on a th000 cc is probably still going to get into trouble on a on a smaller cc bike

Um depending on how small but yeah it might be more down to the rider rather than the bike but uh yeah I see where you’re coming from with that one and yeah yeah that was all the the answers to that question and obviously a wide range but yeah thank you for everyone

That answered that I’ll be doing another one soon so I hope to see some more answers thanks again so yes that was a new type of video hopefully you enjoyed but yeah it was interesting to see some other people’s opinions as well hopefully this will be a series yeah I’d

Like to do another one and see how this does so yeah if you liked it let me know like comment subscribe all that yeah thanks for watching and see you next time

In this exciting new series, I’ll be delving deep into the diverse world of motorcycles and the fascinating array of opinions surrounding them. Whether you’re a seasoned rider, an enthusiast, or just someone curious about the thrill of two-wheeled adventures, this series is for you!

But here’s the twist – it’s not just about my opinions. I want to hear from YOU! Each episode will feature your thoughts, comments, and reactions on the topic at hand.

Edited in: Adobe Premiere Pro + After Effects

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