Electric Motorcycles

INSANE $10,000 Electric Scooter (80mph!)

INSANE $10,000 Electric Scooter (80mph!)

This is a $10,000 electric hypers scooter handmade in Korea let’s check it out oh my God the weed Sonic X 80 M hour scooter built entirely from Abed aluminum every single piece was cut from a block of metal it’s got 13-in tubeless wheels in the front

And rear each wheel has its own massive motor each wheel has its own suspension even the kickstand has suspension this is a 84v 50 amp hour battery that’s insane motorcycle brakes on the front and rear motorcycle brake levers beautiful pink fluid to match it up ambient lights

Headlights a display we’ll look at when I ride it this is as crazy and beastly as a scooter can get $10,000 you got to ship it from Korea I’m charging it up right now and check this out turn the light off Boom full LGBT lighting up on the front down here

In the wheels along the sides and even the kickstand has a light on it this scooter has an insane presence it’s like the Cyber truck of scooters and of course it’s got headlight blinkers and the loudest horn ever I can’t even do it in here there’s one

Horn on this side and another horn on this side I’ll test that when we’re outside now you already know I’m giving away my Ford Ranger with an Eide Pro SS but there’s only 2 weeks left to enter I’m going to miss this truck if you

Think it’s as cool as I do I link my giveaway down below but entry is closed in 2 weeks I don’t usually wear motorcycle gear but when I do it’s because I’m on a scooter thank you to Alpine Star for sending out the fit we got motorcycle pants jacket boots and

Gloves the scooter is so powerful that they gave some advice on the thumb throttle they said that you should never actually use it with your thumb now that that’s interesting I didn’t know that they said you’re actually supposed to put your thumb here and roll your thumb

And by Rolling the thumb you’re pushing the thumb throttle more delicately I’m going to take that advice we’re out so all right before I go Full Throttle I don’t know where to select the power I think it’s just one power mode there’s no options you do

Have a horn which I’m going to test right now cuz I know it’s loud it sounds like a train horn all right here we go let’s give it some throttle barely touching it we’re going 70 km an hour holy [ __ ] whoa who it feels so controlled this thing weighs

Like more than a suron and you can feel it it’s it’s grounded this is the most solid I’ve ever felt on a suron I mean on on an electric scooter usually they’re more squirrly this feels like a more like a motorcycle we’re going uphill 96 km an hour and you know

What I wouldn’t mind even going faster this is the fastest I’ve ever gone on a scooter but it feels really good I feel like I can keep going that was a little bit uphill so let’s see if we’ll go faster downhill so much space to stand on here we go Full Throttle

107 108 110 holy [ __ ] wow we’re going 100 km an hour turning isn’t bad this is the best feeling electric scooter I’ve ever ridden I actually feel confident on this thing but those are famous last words so I’m not going to I’m not going to act confident here

We go we’re taking the turn Full Throttle I feel like a [ __ ] truck like a scooter truck all right let’s use these brakes really quick feeling good oh that’s good braking I like that I’m shaking I need a second holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this who thought this

Would be a good idea whoa I don’t know if I would ever ride another scooter that not only is it looking cool and it’s more powerful than every other scooter but it’s it’s solid like I actually feel comfortable on that for once that’s why I always wear gear

On scooters I always fall I always fall on scooters this thing’s sick I drained the battery a good amount I was started at 80 four volts and now I’m down to 80 volts and because it’s saying it’s at 84 volts when it’s fully charged I think it’s a little misleading for them to

Call this an 84v scooter that’s 84 volt at its Max when the nominal is 72 volts so I would call this actually a 72 volt scooter but when it’s fully charged it is 84 volts but if we call this an 84 volt scooter then we got to call my

Sirons a 84v sirons so we’re doing over 60 M hour there we’re in normal mode I see there’s a sport mode but I can’t find the button to change it buttons on the display not getting any service to Google it so I’m going to go ride to a

Better spot whoa that’s the shortest owner’s manual I’ve ever seen hey can you hear me yes heyy what’s up it’s siron here you got a second I don’t speak English damn so he’s saying that that’s the full speed and I just did the conversion 115 km an

Hour to mph 70 mph which is fast and that’s close to 80 mph but that’s not what it says on the website we got click baited the website says it does 80 but it does 70 now you’re still breaking almost every speed limit in the US that includes highway speed limits going 70

Mph on this the website said 80 he said he’s going to change the website now that’s not going to put me down cuz 70 is still crazy and I realized how to put it into miles per hour here on this display so let’s go let’s go give it some

Juice here we go Full Throttle yeah know the power is stupid on this thing so we’re R 65 miles an hour wow I mean this is a this is a $10,000 scooter and uh I got to say even though it goes 10 mph slower than they claim on the

Website this feels like a $10,000 scooter the power and the oh my God my my helmet’s flying back and the build quality like the the ride is super smooth I feel very controlled and grounded this doesn’t feel like a scooter like I’m standing like I’m on a scooter but

It has the rideability of more of like an ebike and I really mean that I feel like scooters usually they’re they’re because the bars are so high and all the weight is down low it feels super squirly like the handlebars feel super squirly but I don’t feel that on this

And I know there’s a steering stabilizer I haven’t adjusted it but I don’t feel the need to not even Full Throttle 65 mph uphill I want to take this on the highway at some point people would be looking at it like who the is that this s’s [ __ ] sick I’m going to

Go get my uh my buddy’s reaction he just moved not far from here so I’m going to pull up what’s up that’s insan thanks yo nice place this is a great spot thanks for having me over dud this is sick beautiful cars by the way this is insane

Isn’t that crazy listen to the horn ready said it goes 100 milph like 809 dude that’s crazy you got the Raptor ducatti the Harley the hits dude this is such a cool setup whoa I’m so stoked these guys moved in near me wa that’s good fast letar to

250 that was a good race right there you definitely got me I’m not not in full battery but I mean that’s a race bike right there yo that best is fast 70 mil hour this is such a crazy collection of stuff the scooter the Husky and the vesa wa

Bro holy [ __ ] this thing is fast bro I don’t think I’d be able to go 70 on any other spe on a half charge too if this wasn’t crazy enough Believe It or Not weed sells a scooter that is double the power price and size of this scooter they sell a $220,000 scooter

That’s double the size of this this is already the biggest scooter I’ve ever seen so if you want to see that maybe leave a comment down below maybe they’ll send that one out for a review this was already mind-blowing shout out to weed for sending this out and as always thank

You so much for watching until the end as I do I’m on my own

Testing one of the fastest electric scooters in the world, the WEPED SONIC X!

🏆 My Truck + E-Bike Giveaway! 🏆 https://chargedpev.com/pages/truck-e-bike-giveaway

WEPED SONIC X https://cyberfold.co.kr/product/weped-sonic-x-e-scooter/260/

Alpinestars Gear https://www.alpinestars.com/

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