Electric Cars

LEAKED! The Entire EV Market Is IMPLODING!

LEAKED! The Entire EV Market Is IMPLODING!

It’s game over for EVS the entire EV Market is imploding with companies going bankrupt losing billions of dollars in just days the eveve dream is finally dead as the public is finally seeing through the hype EVS are losing 50% value in just a year causing the used

Car market to crash badly even Tesla the biggest EV conglomerate is having to cut prices as people are returning their EVS for gas cars EVS have turned out to be a big disaster with multiple companies like Ford and General Motors shutting down production and running back to gas

Cars but is it too late and get this EV makers are even paying off leasing companies to keep their mouths shut about their EV failures why are leasing companies suddenly clearing their EV supplies have we all been lied to about EVS this is a disaster of Epic

Proportion folks one that affects you me and all car owners out there let me break things down for you imagine you’re all jazzed up up about getting an electric car thinking you’re doing your bit for the planet and all that but then fast forward a bit and you find your

Prized EV is worth way less than you thought ouch that stings right now think about leasing companies that have purchased not one not two but thousands of these EVS the thing is due to a huge lack of demand for EVS dealers are having to sell EVS at huge discounts but

What about the used EV Market well EVS have been around for quite a while now and in this time period a ing 60% of e owners have said that they’ll never want to buy an e again the hype train seems to be slowing down and this isn’t just a

Small hiccup it’s causing a real domino effect the leasing companies you know the ones that let you drive a shiny new car without buying it outright are caught in all the crossfire they’re seeing the value of used EVS taking a nose dive because of all these price Cuts so what’s happening is they’re

Getting checks from the car makers to make up for the Lost value it’s like sorry your secondhand EV is isn’t worth as much anymore here’s some cash to ease the pain and it’s not just a couple of bucks here and there we’re talking about a potential shakeup in the 1.2 trillion

Secondhand car market that’s trillion with a big old capital T the leasing companies are freaking out because their whole business model is based on predicting how much a car will be worth in the future but with EV prices going all roller coaster on us their crystal

Balls are looking a bit cloudy to add to the drama some car makers are even promising to buy back the vehicles from leasing companies just to keep them sweet it’s like hey don’t worry about the plume value we’ve got your back but let’s be real this is more of a Band-Aid

Solution than a cure let’s take the cheapest out there for starters the 2021 Chevy bolt EV when this thing came out you could get one for $332,000 during the mad rush of the covid days back then everyone thought EVS were the future but now if you take the same car to any

CarMax dealership they’ll not give you a value above $115,000 no matter how good your cars can condition is now you might think this is just a Chevy problem but nope it’s spreading like wildfire leasing giants like avens with a fleet of over half a million EVS are returning all

Their EVs and losing money by the day big corporate buyers for example the companies who buy these EVS in bulk like Herz and six are even giving statements that Tesla caused this whole used e market crash I’ll explain how in a minute but first let’s look at Tesla’s

EV prices a quick peek at Carmax shows a 2022 model 3 going for around $32,000 a fair bit below its original price and while the model y might be fairing a bit better it’s more of an exception than the rule the resale values of top selling EVS including

Names like Tesla GM and Ford have plummeted by a whopping 28% in the US in 2023 alone and if you think that’s bad jump over the pond to the UK and used EVS took a 20% hit way more than the overall Market dip of just 3.7% talk about a real reality check so

What’s the big deal with these resale values you ask well they’re like the heartbeat of a car’s desirability the brains at HSBC are sounding the alarm Bells predicting that 2024 might be even tougher for Ev pricing with subsidies drying up in places like Germany and France car makers might have to slash

Prices just to stay in the game eating into the already slim profit margins on EVS here’s where it gets even trickier the lower resale value means leasing an EV is going to be a pricier affair than opting for good old petrol or diesel rides the bigger the drop in value the

More cash you’ll need to cover the depreciation over a lease term and considering about 60% of new cars in Europe are leased with numbers even higher in the UK that’s a lot of unhappy campers now let’s talk about the big names feeling the pinch the Tesla Model

X took the hardest hit in the US with its used pricing tanking 36% in just a year imagine shelling out $775,000 for a model X in December 2022 only to see its value crumbled to 48,000 a year later ouch and it’s not just Tesla Ford’s F-150 Lightning and the Chevy bolt are

Also on the slippery slope with their values dropping 30% and 32% respectively and the UK Market isn’t fairing much better the Nissan Leaf and ronal Zoe both veterans in the Eevee World saw their resale values nose dive by a quarter even the Swanky Porsche takan wasn’t spared dropping 21% so what’s the

Big picture here it’s like the EV markets hit an iceberg and everyone’s scrambling for the lifeboats prices for new EVS are still Skyhigh demands shaky and now the used Market is in freef Fall it’s a tough pill to swallow especially for folks who jumped on the EV bandwagon

Expecting their investment to hold up some companies are even trying to lure customers by offering 0% Finance deals and cash discounts as high as $10,000 both Ford and Hyundai are offering $8,000 in discounts on their EVS but people still aren’t buying and dealers are stuck with a 3-month long Supply and

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse a report by a consumer Forum got leaked destroying all the trust people had in EVS they included more than 30,000 EVS in their testing and at the end of the day what they found was truly shocking according to the International Energy agency these

Electric wonders made up 14% of all new cars sold globally in 2023 and get this in January 2024 alone EV sales shot up by a staggering 69% even in the US EVS are making their mark snagging up 11% of new vehicle sales in September 2023 it’s like everyone’s gone racing to get their

Hands on an EV well that’s what they want you to believe if you look at the true picture you’ll see that these EV sales numbers are compared to the previous year’s numbers which were already super low in the first place and get this the report revealed that nearly

80% of EV owners are having reliability issues with their EVS compared to just 17% of gas car owners having problems but what sorts of problems are we talking about let’s start with the Hot Topic and I mean literally hot ev’s Catching Fire sounds like something out

Of a sci-fi movie but it’s happening in real garages The Washington Post spilled the beans on this revealing that car makers are pulling back thousands of EVS because they might just burst into flames while chilling in your garage imagine chilling with Netflix and then bam your cars turned your garage into a

Barbecue pit not cool man not cool Chevy had to recall over 60,000 of its bolt EVS they were like uh maybe don’t park these indoors for a bit when these EVS Catch Fire it’s not your regular campfire it’s a blaze tough to put out making it a nightmare for firefighters

But here’s the kicker it’s not like EVS are turning into Fireballs left and right more than gas cars now on to the next Big Chill charging in Winter Eves in the cold are like me on a Monday morning they just don’t want to work their batteries get all sluggish and

Your range drops faster than my New Year’s resolutions Uber drivers in the windy city are spending more time charging their cars than actually driving not exactly the EV dream now is it and then there’s the software Saga it’s like every new EV is trying to be a

Smartphone on Wheels but ends up being as reliable as my old laptop running Windows 95 General Motors is on a wild ride trying to squash software bugs that are turning their shiny EVS into glitchy messes screens flickering error messages on Loop it’s like a bad techno party on

Your dashboard the big dogs like GM and Tesla are scrambling to fix these issues but it’s a tough gig now all e Mak are also recalling their cars Tesla has recalled over 2 million Vehicles just because the brake Park and abs warning lights have problems and Tesla’s not

Alone in this it’s like there’s a recall party going on and every EV Maker’s invited just last month Tesla had to pull back more than 4,000 cars in Australia because of some software glitch and don’t get me started on the whole autopilot Fiasco from December it’s like these Eevees are too smart for

Our own good but wait there’s more Lucid Motors those guys with the the Swanky air luxury sedan are also in the mix they’ve got over 2,000 of their cars that might just give you a frosty surprise because of some high voltage coolant heater drama and just when we

Were thinking it couldn’t get any weirder Ford’s in the spotlight too their Mustang Machi had a moment last year with almost 49,000 Vehicles getting recalled cuz they might just decide to take a nap on you right when you’re hitting the gas not exactly what you want from your muscle EV right remember

How I said Tesla might have caused this used car market crash well it’s true when Elon Musk first brought Eves into the picture he did so in a way that made people think EVS have no flaws a vehicle with 300 mile range that charges super fast and even drives itself what could

Go wrong earlier this year Tesla decided to slash prices on their new models and it’s like they pulled the rug out from under the used EV Market with Tesla models especially the model 3 and model y making up a big chunk of the used EV scene their price Cuts have sent shock

Waves through the market but wait there’s more to of the story it’s not just Tesla shaking things up with fuel prices chilling out a bit this year the mad rush for EVS has cooled off plus with interest rates climbing folks are getting pickier hunting for bargains and

Not caring if it’s an EV a hybrid or a good old gas guzzler driving into the nitty-gritty the top 10 models taking the biggest hit in the used Market are mostly hybrids and EVs and guess who’s leading the pack Tesla with their model 3 prices dropping by an eye watering 30

1 12% the model X and Model X aren’t fairing much better with price drops of 21.3% and 19% respectively as a result of this massive market crash companies like Ford and GM are pumping the brakes on EV production and looking back at gas cars like an X they can’t forget it’s a

Wild turn of events especially after all the talk about electric being the future so here we are watching this eveve drama unfold it’s like the market is imploding and everyone’s scrambling to figure out what’s next the dream of cruising around in a Sleek silent electric car is hitting some serious speed bumps and

It’s making everyone rethink the whole EV thing what do you think have we been lied to about EVS is it all just a scam yes or no

It’s GAME OVER for EVs! The Entire EV market is IMPLODING, with companies going bankrupt, losing billions of dollars in days! The EV dream is finally dead, as the public finally sees through the hype! EVs are losing 50% value in just a year, causing the used car market to crash badly! Even Tesla, the biggest EV conglomerate, is having to cut prices, as people are returning EVs for gas cars! EVs have turned out to be a disaster, with multiple companies like Ford and General Motors, shutting down production and running back to gas cars. But is it too late? And get this! EV makers are even paying off leasing companies to keep their mouths shut about their EV failure! Why are leasing companies suddenly clearing their EV supplies? Have you been lied to about EVs? This is a disaster of epic proportions folks, one that affects you, me, and all car owners out there! Let me break things down for you.

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