Electric Cars

Vive la R5VOLUTION! All-new Renault 5 electric supermini is finally HERE | Electrifying.com

Vive la R5VOLUTION! All-new Renault 5 electric supermini is finally HERE | Electrifying.com

Well hello electrif so I’m in Paris at renault’s HQ to see a very very special car and to tell you a story of how this mockup of an idea this orange car here which had been languishing in the corner of renault’s Design Studios was spotted and transformed into this concept car

Which got everyone very excited and today we are here to finally see the production version of that car the one you will actually be able to buy sa onour to the all new all electric very French Renault 5 but before I tell you all about the production car that I reckon looks

Better than the concept please do subscribe to our Channel and switch your notifications on because if you’re into electric cars then this is the place for you now this is a car that might not have seen the light of day if it hadn’t been for an 11th Hour decision to include a

Design mockup exploring what a modern-day Renault 5 could look like in a presentation to renault’s new boss Luca de Mayo it turned out to be the car that stole the boss’s heart and he told the team to make it the designers modelers and Engineers created in just 6

Months a concept car capturing the spirit of the original and 3 years later the production version of that car is here now that might sound like an age in a world of Amazon Same Day deliveries but in automotive terms this is a car that’s been created in the blink of an

Eye now if you were to name a typically French car I’m guessing that most of us would go straight for the citen 2cv how dare I say that name here in renault’s design studio in Paris because it is actually this car the Renault 5 that was actually far more successful it

Was one of the first super minis and was the best selling car in France from 1972 all the way through to the mid 80s now the original design brief for this car was that it needed to be a vure of Eva basically a car for All Seasons I

Particularly love the fact that when it was sold in America it was simply called lcar isn’t that utterly brilliant and so wonderfully French so it’s no wonder that Renault has decided to delve into its back catalog by tapping into all that love for the five with this it’s the

Production version of the new Renault 5 now this is the point where I’d normally tell you all about the design how closely it resembles that super cool concept and the original of course but instead I thought I’d get a friend of mine to F you in and all that because

She knows quite a lot about it she’s the designer poo fabria Andro is the design director tasked with overseeing the redesign of this icon so what does she reckon are the five things that really stand out when it comes to design first one proportions yeah this is the main thing

To start the project and to translate the show car that we have uh just here to the real car the first challenge was to introduce the Amper small platform platform so this is the first Challenge and I think that we do it we do it in

Less of 4 M and this is important for the the city electric carrent refreshing to see an electric car that is small cuz so often I’m told we’ll show you a small electric car it’s really big when you see it it’s is it a big challenge to

Make them smaller with the battery sure First Step was uh with Jeremy guf that is uh the head of uh of the Jing and yes of course that the platform has to be small to to create this a small car so was a the first challenge for for them

In fact okay all right so that’s number one give me a second one second one because we are speaking about proportions we can speak about Wheels enormous Wheels because uh normally these kind of cars as small wheels and uh was also important for us to introduce 18 in for all levels to keep

These perfect proportions for all levels so this is important and for pursue the design because we have exactly the same design as we promised at the beginning to to look at the mail to make exactly the same so we have the same Wheels the same car and same wheels for the Techno

Version yeah and also pushed right out as well exactly the position the position is important for that reason the wheels are in each corner of the car and uh the result is uh over overhang really short on the front and the rear and this is part of the the idle

Proportions it’s so unusual to go oh right there’s the concept there’s the original it does look a bit better I think it really does exactly and you know even inside Rena inside design sometimes you have difficulties toh to differentiate both so we communicate a

Lot in the past with the I and now we were even further with the with the pupples we introduced the bules on the glass yeah and when you approach the car she will link at you so this is so nice with the welcome sequence so it’s a way

To humanize to give the human thoughts of this car number four the charge indicator so when you approach the car the charge indicator give you immediately thanks to the five the level of the battery and this is amazing because it’s exactly the way that we have to take in terms of Technology the

Technology be becomes human also we humanize the technology and this is important for us is immediately the people doesn’t need the applications or open the door to see the cluster or you arrive and the car speak with you to tell you what is the level of the of the

Battery it’s such a useful thing and and I can’t think of any other car that does that no it’s the first car okay I’m sorry but this has got to be the fifth one to swamp left masterpiece okay the tail lamps because uh they together the

Really rich design we we wanted to keep this wrong corners and this is comes from the from the Icon and it’s uh really important for us but if you have a wrong Corners the air com through and make turbulence on the re so in terms of aerodynamic is

Not good at all so um the idea is we keep this round image with the horizontal lines but we put a blade a blade that is a a tail lamp to stop the air and goes straight and in this thanks to this blade we have a better a dnamic

So it’s a it’s together it’s encapsule the the real RK design and the deficiency I just love to know what’s it been like to work on this have you had a heavy sense of responsibility as a team cuz it’s it is hard isn’t it to go back

And Design an icon and to bring it to life for a new a new generation and um yes we did because in reality in reality the we had the the icons the three icons so um Turbo Air five Super 5 and the challenge was don’t do the vintage car

And this is amazing because you have to keep all the common memory with all the details that everybody remember but transform in the technological uh elements and functions and to do a really strong design strong design for the future so um we encapsulate the past the present and the future and this is

So Powerful right then that’s some insight into the design process let’s take a closer look at the car itself and I’m kicking off by saying yellow yes please I’ll have it in that this is one of five colors on offer and along with pop green the yellow was inspired by two iconic

Colors from the 70s there’s a choice of three different wheel designs the brilliantly named disco techno and Chrono and they’re all 18 in as po explained there are no other size options the design team reckon the 18s give the R5 the best look and they don’t

Want us messing with that the red trim that runs along the top of the windows can be specked in different colors colors and as for the roof well that might just be one of my favorite Parts because it comes to the choice of four different options including fabulous

Bright red number five you know just in case you forget what your car is called and when it comes to Interior trim there is a choice of three the entry level Evolution techno which features Denim and the topof the range iconic sunk so inside how refreshing to season

Color in a car I love this yellow this trim is called iconic sunk um which is five just in case you didn’t know and you can personalize it in here to your heart’s content so let’s start with the gear selector which comes with various Chanel lipstick inspired covers that you

Can take on and off for the center console there’s an array of accessories that you can choose from as well and take a look at this in case you’re wondering why there is a basket in the car well that’s because the French like baguettes and you can pick your baguette

Up from The Bakers and pop it into a special basket which stops you’re getting crumbs all over your seat how amazingly French is that and yes it will be available as an option in the UK If only know would supplies with proper French baguettes to go into it I live in

Hope but it would also be very useful for flowers or umbrellas now if you look around the car you can definitely see loads of inspiration from the original car um things like the tier Dash with that stitching isn’t that lovely um and here on the roof these sort of padded squares

Isn’t it lovely attention to detail and the seats themselves which have been inspired by the iconic R5 turbo um but I think why it works really well is that the design team have been careful not to make it feel vintage it’s not a pasti it’s got a really modern feel which

Really works so the infotainment system that’s made up of two screens one here for the driver second for all the entertainment and the maps and the display is really bright and Vivid Black is Black and the other colors are bold and vibrant and you can play around with different themes apparently there’s a

Combination of 225 different colorways in here um so the whole system though has been brought up to date with a Google operating system which is a very good thing you also have a personal assistant called Renault re n o which um is meant to resemble the Renault logo but also

Looks a little bit like that Microsoft paperclip from years ago do you remember that anyway you can tell R know a whole host of instructions you can ask questions like how do I connect carplay how do I charge my car and he’s also powered by chat GPT so he should come up

With the answers to most things I do think this is a really nice interior honestly I think the design team have nailed it in here it’s great I love the recessed handle for the back um doors don’t open that wide uh and once you get in it is compact um the

Seat’s been set though for somebody well over 6 foot I’m okay in here but I’m only 5’4 I think it’s going to be best for small people like me or children but because this is a bespoke electric platform that’s basically all the stuff that goes underneath there’s a nice flat

Floor in here which I like and that yellow just really makes it Lively in here and around at the back space isn’t as compact as the R5’s size would suggest well there’s a big lit to get into it but when you get there you get a

Boot that is bigger than the rivals um larger for example than a Perse e208 um the original car had a boot that was designed to fit a weekly Supermarket shopping and you will definitely get that in there and unusually for a car in this class it also has a towing capacity

Of up to 500 kg so there will be two batteries on offer the largest and the only available at launch has a capacity of 52 kwatt hours and an official range of up to 250 Mi the second at 40 kws will give a range of around 190 the

Batteries have been cleverly designed to Boost energy without making them larger which has really been key to making the Rena 5 as compact as possible in terms of size it’s about the same as a PUO e208 or citon EC3 a little smaller than the Renault Cleo

Charging well the R5 will come with 11 KW AC bidirectional charging with vehicle to load which allows you to charge a whole array of electrical appliances from your car things like an ebike or a vacuum cleaner or in my case my head I am um it also comes with

Vehicle to grid which basically enables you to use your battery to balance your home energy or even the Grid it’s really clever stuff and the great thing is that both of these will come standard across all models in the UK now DC charging is 100 Kow for the more powerful car 90 KW

For the entry level pretty much in line with the competition and the five will also be equipped with plug and charge which means no messing about paying at the charger and more good news well that comes with the fact that a heat pump is going to be fitted as standard across

The range in the UK which of course means more efficiency in cold weather and that gets a big round of applause from us so when it comes to Performance there is a single motor made without using any Rare Earth minerals and that has three outputs 110 kws which produces

150 brake horsepower slightly less powerful 120 brake horsepower 90 KW option and an entry level 70 KW with a rather modest 95 brake horsepower now that 110 KW motor is paired with the 52 KW battery the smaller options are paired with that smaller 40 KW battery only the more powerful option

With the 52 KW battery will be available at launch and it can do not to 60 in just under 8 seconds so it’s not exactly Tire shredding is it but more than enough for a car like this and besides Rena’s sister brand Alpine has you covered if speed is your thing the

Really fast version will be baned Alpine and called the a290 and Nikki did a video with that car we’ll put a link in the description below and also at the end of this video so do make sure you check it out you know the Rena 5B Tech is a rare car not

Only has it nailed its comeback but it also looks as good if not better than the concept did I don’t know what do you think I think it looks great let us know in the comments below but I bet you are wondering about the price so should we

Talk money so in the UK it’s going to start at around £25,000 now not quite the rumored Target price of 20,000 but still pretty good when you consider that’s for a well speec version of the middle range 90 K powertrain and if you think about the Reno 5 alongside Rivals like the E8

Which starts at £31,000 or a mini electric or a voxal corser then this car really does start to feel to me like a far more healing car for less money so how have they kept the price down well under the body is the hardware that will sit underneath a

New Renault 4 the new all electric Nissan micro not to mention that sporty version of this car it’s actually built to house an electric car which is very good and by sharing large parts of the structure with other big sellers Renault reckons that production costs are

Reduced by up to 30% over the Zoey very clever thinking so what do you think come on let us know in the comments below because Renault have told me that usbr seem to love this car but then we always did love the reno5 didn’t we we are amongst the Front Runners in the

Order Banks and did you know you can sign up for something called an r5r pass where you pay to get to the front of the queue a bit like you can do at Alton Towers and indeed from this brief first look that I’ve had I think this car

Could well be as much fun as a roller coaster now don’t forget to check out Nikki’s video of this car’s slightly crazy uh cousin the Alpine 1890 and if you aren’t already please do subscribe to the channel and switch your notifications on so you’re the first to

Know when we get to drive this car

#renault5 #r5etech #renault5elelctric

FULL PREVIEW: https://www.electrifying.com/reviews/renault-reviews/r5-e-tech/review

We’ve been given EXCLUSIVE access to the original concept cars for the new Renault 5. Join Ginny as she compares the two to see if the production version is even better.

Re-inventing an icon is never an easy thing to do, but that’s exactly what Renault is hoping to do with the reborn R5. Having seen MINI and Fiat successfully resurrect classic designs from the past, the French giant is betting big on its iconic supermini. It ushers in a new era of electric Renaults and will be followed into showrooms by a reborn Renault 4, which will also take styling cues from its famous predecessor. 

Re-inventing an icon is never an easy thing to do, but Renault has pulled it off with the Renault 5 E-Tech. You can’t miss the design elements that have been inspired by the original, but they’ve been updated with a modern twist. Stand-out features include the reinvention of the bonnet’s vent grille is a state of charge indicator in the form of the iconic number five, which lights up as the driver approaches – as do the pupil-shaped LED headlights that ‘wink’ at you. 

There are two batteries up choose from; a 52kWh battery that gives the Renault an official WLTP range of 248 miles which will be the only option from launch, while a smaller 40kWh battery managing 186 miles will be joining the lineup at a later date.

The Renault 5 E-Tech comes as standard with 11 kW bi-directional charging including vehicle-to-load capability. This allows you to charge an electrical device – whether it’s your laptop or an e-bike – from the 5’s high voltage battery. It also means that the Renault supports vehicle-to-grid charging, which allows you to use the car’s battery to help balance your home energy or even to feed power back into the grid and earn money from it at peak times. You do need a home charger that’s capable of supporting this function, though; not all home wallboxes can do this even if the car has the necessary tech. 

Does the new Renault 5 look like a winner to you? Let us know in the comments below.


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00:00 Intro – We’ve been given EXCLUSIVE access to the original concept cars for the new Renault 5
01:01 The design mock-up that sparked the r5volution
01:49 The Iconic Classic Renault 5
03:00 Let’s chat design with Paula Fabregat-Andreu
03:15 Proportions
04:12 The wheels
05:19 The eyes
05:42 The charge indicator
06:30 The tail lights
08:23 Trim levels
09:25 Interior and practicality
11:55 Back seats
12:27 Boot space
12:56 Battery options
13:29 Charging
14:27 Performance
15:35 Price
17:00 Our verdict

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