Plug-in Hybrids

Hybrid VS Plug-In Hybrid – What’s The Difference?

Hybrid VS Plug-In Hybrid – What’s The Difference?

Hey everyone it’s Charlotte and Gabby from the KY hondai Channel and today’s Monday and we are keeping things pretty casual with this little bonus video now this video came about because we saw a comment on our Hyundai Elantra hybrid video and it seemed like someone was getting pretty confused about the

Difference on what a hybrid is versus a plug-in hybrid and with the popularity of EES in the Electric World questions have never been higher yes so I’m inserting the comment somewhere over here that’s why I’m doing that give it a read um essentially it’s sounds like this viewer is confused between the

Range so with plug-in hybrids and hybrids obviously they’re very similar even the name itself is so similar and that aids to the confusion me and Charlotte are here to break it down a bit so Charlotte I want to start off by asking you what’s a hybrid so that is a

Great question so I think a hybrid is going to be what most people think about when they think of the word hybrid um meaning Prius yeah it’s going to be it’s two items working in conjunction with another basically so with a hybrid or hybrid electric vehicle which is that

Hvv acronym that we know and love so much you are going to have a regular gasoline IC so internal combustion engine working in conjunction with an electric motor and what these are going to do is they’re going to work together and basically that’s going to be what creates power what propels the vehicle

Forward now of course we’re going to get into the world of regenerative braking if that sounds like a big term to you don’t let it scare you at all uh but basically what it is is as you are slowing down or breaking in your hybrid vehicle electric vehicle plug-in hybrid

Vehicle it’s going to put a little bit more of that uh energy into a battery uh to give you a little bit more of that electric power when you are coming from an acceleration from a stop so in your basic most basic terms that is what your

Hybrid is going to look like but what about your plug-in hybrid so I just want to clarify things it charges itself essentially it charges itself yes there there’s your key element especially when we’re talking about pluging hybrids versus hybrids and with that I’m going to gently segue into plugin hybrids so

Essentially the main difference is you plug it in and the reason why you have to plug these hybrids in as opposed to a regular hybrid is because you actually have a larger battery so this battery has the capacity to drive itself on just full electric range so when we are

Driving a plug-in hybrid essentially for Kia product we have about 55 km of fully electric range you plug it in as you would a regular EV although it is important to note that these plugin hybrids at least in the KY and Hyundai World I think Mitsubishi is the only one

That does this they do not do DC fast charging so you would largely be plugging in at home or let’s say a shopping mall where you’re utilizing an AC charger so one of the benefits of this though if you don’t have the opportunity to charge maybe you don’t

Have a charger at your work or at your home you still have a hybrid you still put gas in that car and it still runs on fuel so if you’re someone who was considering an EV but let the fear of range anxiety scare you off of it this

Is the best of both worlds you get gas you get electricity you can cycle between the two and it it’s smooth absolutely so that is going to be some of what the biggest misconceptions and what the biggest difference is is with hybrid hybrid electric vehicles just your regular hybrid is people think that

There is going to be some element of just pure electric range and it’s always going to be that combination with plug-in hybrid a lot of people what they’re going to think is that it is either you’re operating on pure electric range or pure gasoline not a combination

Of both yeah and it’s simply not the case once that range is done the full electric range you still have a hybrid one thing I want to ask you Charlotte who may benefit from an H or hybrid rather than a plugin hybrid that’s a great question so and I think it’s

Largely going to depend on what your living situation looks like because the benefits are going to be great you’re still going to get exceptional fuel economy these vehicles they typically do tend to be more expensive in price whether it’s a plug-in hybrid or hybrid but a a plug-in hybrid being a little

Bit more expensive than a regular hybrid uh but I think a typical regular hybrid is going to be a great choice for someone who may live in an older home may live in an apartment that they’re renting or a condo where they’re not able to put in a charger to plug in

Their vehicle so depending on what your lifestyle looks like that might be a great option for you and I know personally it’s probably what I would lean towards my husband he has a longer commute um and he would only he wouldn’t be able to charge his vehicle at work so

He would be able if he was driving a plugin he would be able to drive it on electric range there but not back so it might be better to get a combination of both and keep that consistent the whole time but what lifestyle would be better

For someone who may be looking for a plug-in hybrid so we actually have a plug-in hybrid in my family my mom d d a serrento phv so that has 55 km of all electric grin like I mentioned she also works at a car dealership and we have a

Charger here so she can drive over to work her commutes about 35 km on full EV plug it in at work and by the time she’s done working to go back home fully EV again she used to get gas about once a month coming from a V6 cenal before that

She would be getting gas at least one to two times a week and the gas tank was like 60 to 70 bucks mhm and feels real expensive right now yeah it makes a lot lot of sense for her another thing that may contribute to whether you purchase

An HV or a plug-in hybrid is where you live so here in Canada we actually have a $5,000 Federal rebate towards the purchase of any vehicle that has over 55 km of range or I believe it’s 54 for the threshold so essentially taking it with that discount it’s puts you on par with

The price of a regular hybrid so a lot of our consumers feel like it’s worth it to just get the plugin because even if they don’t have a charger at home chances are they’ll be able to find somewhere to charge and capitalize on that extra EV range right absolutely and

No matter which vehicle you choose if you are researching these and you don’t feel you’re ready for an EV both of them are going to give you great fuel economy generally you’re going to still see uh a comfortable cabin interior quiet cabin too quiet cabin quiet ride as you’re

Used to um but it’s not going to give you that range anxiety that you may have if you’re making the transition from IC to Pure EV yes so that about sums up our video if you are curious to know more about this topic we’re actually planning on doing our next podcast episode on

Plug-in hybrid versus regular hybrid and with that being said we just do we do all kinds of videos when it comes to EV Tech cartech sports cars all key and Hyundai products we film everything and anything so be sure to check out our Channel yeah so subscribe if you haven’t

Already and again go and check out trunk talk which is streaming on all platforms and we will have our hybrid video posted Sunday 9:00 a.m. take care see you guys next time bye that was good

Curious about hybrid vehicles but unsure about the differences between HEVs (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) and PHEVs (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles)? In this quick video, Gabi and Charlotte provide a detailed yet easy to understand breakdown of these two types of hybrid technology.

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