Electric Motorcycles

I Put Street Wheels on the World’s Most Powerful Dirt Bike

I Put Street Wheels on the World’s Most Powerful Dirt Bike

I got a Stark Park I’ve been talking to Stark for a while and they said hey we’ll sponsor you a bike you just can’t ride it in the street I said say less they sent the bike out I got these 17-in Street wheels from warp 9 and we’re going to hit the

Street this bike is in its own category the charger is integrated into the stand it comes with the nicest toolbox you’ve ever seen two torque wrenches in there carbon fiber subframe Brembo brakes on the front and rear this is the best in the biz 80 horsepower this is

The most powerful electric dirt bike ever produced and sold and we got one with Super Moto wheels on it and this is the last week you can enter my biggest giveaway ever I’m giving away my truck with an Eide PR SS my truck’s been in over 200 surer videos

It’s done everything I’ve needed it to this amazing truck and with the 72 volt bike I don’t know what more you could want want but this is the last week you have to enter my giveaway isn’t this the most beautiful bike ever I haven’t put any miles on it I’ve been saving the

First ride for this video the display is this Stark phone it’s pretty cool it’s actually a stark phone and it’s usually mounted here on a wireless charger but I took it off I didn’t want the phone in my face the whole time and it still works off the charger so it says your

Power mode your percentage your speed the full power on this bike is 80 horsepower in my highest power mode right now I have it set at 65 because that’s already insane I’m going to save the full power test for another video today I’m going to get a feel for it get

These new Wheels warmed up new brakes new bike so I’m not going to go too I mean I’m going to go crazy like this is going to be a fun ride but 80 horsepower will not be in this video that’s going to be coming up what’s up boss beauti

Thank you dude it’s my first ride on it yeah where get this you know how much it’s C doing the YouTube yeah videos dude I’m so excited I’m just out here hoping there’s no cops or anything cuzz I don’t have a plate on it the stre it’s not street

Legal but I’m going to get a plate for it soon it’s electric that’s my that’s my mindset wheels are a little wet from the grass let me just warm them up a little bit here we go Stark bar on the Super Moto Wheels in mode one I’m half

Throttle here we go whoa okay waa okay a couple things to say I was at half throttle I gave it a little bit more and I swear almost kicked me off and then I let off and there was strong regen so I got to get used to this by

Far the most power I’ve ever felt on an KN bike here we go this is literally half throttle in mode one here’s more woo oh no that’s that’s unreal that’s unreal what did it turn off interesting oh you know what I think oh it turned

Off cuz I went Full Throttle and then I went zero throttle I went Full Throttle and then let off you’re not supposed to do that it’s too much re too much on the regen there we go ah okay so these are brand new wheels from warp 9 shout out to warp 9 for

Sponsoring these Wheel sets oh that’s cool couple motorcycles giving me the wave I rarely get waves on the C we not hooked up these Super Moto Wheels I really am appreciative I I I’ve ridden this this bike with the dirt Wheels in another video and uh it was

Awesome I’m just not really a dirt guy so having the opportunity to put some Street wheels on this no way this is m one not even close to Full Throttle wow holy I feel like if I twist the throttle too much the real wheel will just spin

Out on me that’s how much that’s how much power you have at how much torque you have at all the speeds wow this is insane okay I need a second if that was full power I’d be having the same reaction the fact that that’s mode one and

There’s five more modes I’m not even close to touching the full potential of this bike that is so exciting one thing I do want to note though believe it or not I have a college degree in math and in your third year you start doing calculus in three dimensions and you

Learn about something called a saddle point a saddle point is kind of what it sounds like it’s a point in space where the curves are orthogonal in all directions but it’s not a local maximum or minimum which according to my calculations is right here and if you crunch the numbers you’ll learn that

Saddle points are really uncomfortable to sit on cuz your butt’s right here and you got slope in this direction you got slope in this direction I don’t want to sit on that that’s super uncomfortable by far my least favorite part of the bike is uh is

That seat and the the math don’t lie it’s just beautiful like the carbon fiber and I think the Super Moto Wheels really tie it together most beautiful bike I’ve ridden let’s get back on it I’m going to get a feel for these brakes see if I can wheel it [Applause]

W that’s in mode one that was just that was just throttle in mode one going uphill and it’s picking the wheels up on this 200 something lb bike that’s insane this has the power to weight ratio of a 72 volt Sur on but it’s 200 lb I looked it up though this bike’s

Super heavy right it’s really hard to to move around the garage but uh it’s still 60 lb lighter than lizo the front brakes are really good wo the front brakes make a big difference the back brake okay it locks the wheel it locks the wheel wheel I don’t even want to

Wheelie this it’s too much power even in the in the lowest power mode that was a power wheelie no that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s a pass just throttle oh I wish there was some way to know how fast that was picking up the wheel that must have been already going

50 m hour and then it’s picking the wheel up with just a throttle I’m curious with the batter is at let me pull out the phone okay so I’m at 86% battery still in power mode one I like that I took the phone off though it it gives it more of a dirt

Bike feel opens up this space and once I start doing wheelies I don’t want a phone right in my face I feel like we’re on our phones all the time at least I am and getting on the bike is like the one time where I’m not

On my phone so why would I want it like right in my face no no no no no no no way I actually I actually can’t believe that I need another minute to process this oh I need to put the charger thing on that still wasn’t even Full Throttle in mode one

I’m trying to understand how that’s possible okay so this is scary it’s a new chain so I got Lube on the chain and then the lube sprays up on the tire so turning on my left side is going to be sketchy as hell cuz it’s all lubed up okay let’s just do

Full Throttle in mode one here I’m still not full thr no I can’t even do it I need more space uphill it’s like the more throttle you give it well you think it’s at full power you’re like there’s no way there’s more and then it gives you even more than you

Could possibly imagine I don’t even think I’m going to get out of mode one in this video but uh I I I mean there’s you got to draw the line somewhere right like we’re on this we’re on this quest to have the most power of any bike in the suron

World and I love it it’s so fun making your bike faster but like at point do you tell yourself you know what I think I’m good now now is when I tell myself that in mode one on the Stark bark now there’s two types of Stark barks there’s

The there’s the 60 horsepower and there’s the 80 horsepower I don’t know if you can even hear me with all the wind noise I have the 80 horsepower Star Bar so if you’re looking at these bikes and you’re like oh I don’t know if I want the 60 or the

80 if my mode five all right keep in mind I’m in mode one if my mode 5 is 65 horsepower then I can imagine that’s plenty but I got the 80 let’s go the brakes are motorcycle brakes the suspension is motorcycle suspension I would say the seat is a motorcycle seat

But my suron seats more comfortable than this I I might make that I cuz usually when you upgrade a bike it’s like okay let’s upgrade the power you know maybe the pegs and the grips and the bars but it’s always the power for this bike it’s

Got the power I don’t want I don’t want any more power if anything I want a little bit less when I start doing balance point wheelies here let’s see this spot oh I have zero traction with this much power on super motos but yeah as far as upgrades on

This bike for me it was the wheels I think the brakes are fine these are BRBO brakes I don’t even know what You’ upgrade to that’s better and the seat I would upgrade the seat for sure this is so pretty now this is one of the the

Reasons I think Super motos are the the coolest bikes is because what is the Super Moto it’s a dirt bike with Street wheels on it which lets you ride in the street you can also goon Max Offroad it’s like the best combination for a

Bike I think here we go let’s see if we can do a sharp turn like this yeah oh Little M it’s been raining out here so I’ve had this bike for like 7 days a whole week and it’s just been sitting in my garage I want to ride it

So bad but it’s too wet outside and on the Super Moto Wheels you don’t want to play around in the wet this bike’s too fast for this Trail I’m turning around it’s literally like a suron like the way I ride a suron it feels exactly like how

I ride this just way easier on the throttle I’ve ridden a lot of powerful bikes a lot of powerful bikes that and and and go-karts and and I’ve never felt something with this kind of power to weight ratio and it’s out of the box like when you buy this bike from Stark

VAR you don’t have to worry about avoiding your your warranty by cutting a wire here and there to make it faster you don’t have to do any that because it just doesn’t need it this is the fun of a suron that I that I fell in love with the suron you

Ride around the street a little bit you find a little side road you hit the side road I feel like you couldn’t I slipped Super Moto problems oh made it so I actually just got my motorcycle license believe it or not and uh I do

Want to put a plate on this bike with dirt legal it’s this company that helps you legalize off-road bikes I think they even do like ATVs so that’s my plan is I want to learn how to wheelie this thing without doing a power wheelie I want to do an actual

Balance point wheelie and I’m going to get a street legal cuz this would totally go on the highway I don’t know how long it would go on the highway but this has way more than enough power to go on the highway and I want to ride

It in a lot of different places and as fun as it is riding illegally and I really mean that I think it’s really fun uh on a big bike like this it’s like $144,000 bike that you know I don’t want him impounding it uh and and I feel like r running on a

Siron makes more sense than running on a big bike I don’t know what the range is on this I’m pretty sure my siron has has better range just cuz it’s not pulling this insane amount of power and it’s just bigger I feel like the best way to run is like being

Squirrly and going on the sidewalk and I just want to feel as comfortable doing that on on the start let me slow down here what I stopped filming I I had to pull over and just contemplate my life for a minute contemplate my existence in the universe for a minute because everything’s

Changed after this little ride I rode the VAR before but I didn’t have an an opportunity to do it on an open road and uh I already had the utmost respect for this bike that’s why I was bugging Stark to send me one but now that I’ve

Been riding it in the street for a little bit I’m terrified of this thing and I have so much respect for for VAR for building it out no one’s done something like this no company has gotten close to something like this there is a there is an electric motorcycle called called the

Damon that’s pretty sick and it’s you know 200 M an hour but it’s uh like double the price of this and I don’t want a sport bike I don’t want to be going I don’t want to be going on the highway you know and get hit by a

16-wheeler I like this kind of riding I like City Country Road and off-road and and that’s just the perfect recipe for a Super Moto the brakes feel so good something just flew through the are you serious something just flew through the tiny Gap in my goggles went

Under the goggles and into my eye that’s crazy wa you see that that just hit me in the eye it went through it went through the nose Fly Away Little Guy fly away somewhere else go for it okay well I’m glad I pulled over for that that dude would have been flying around

Inside my goggles until I got home yay I get waves from motorcycles now they never wave back on the suron okay we’re back on the good Street here we go 3/4 throttle I can’t even do Full Throttle this is so crazy I’ve never got this

Fast on Earth a bike in my life oh it turned off they cut out the light’s still green though that’s weird you can hear the fan going there’s a fan in there why’ it cut out though oh wait that might have turned it up a power mode this button turned up your

Power probably never going to use that button still at 54% battery just turn it on and off okay electric bikes as amazing as they are have their limitations just like any bike electric bikes hate when you pin the throttle for like a long period of time they prefer short burst of energy

Which probably makes this just a I mean I know it already is a beast on the motocross track cuz you want those those quick burst of energy it’s not this bike’s not made for the highway like that Damon bike I was mentioning before that is made for the highway they want

You to sustain those speeds so that’s my excuse for why it’s cutting out but I I am curious if you know go ahead and leave a comment I think the first time it cut out was because I let off the throttle uh at full speed and immediately and that triggered the regen

In a in a bad way I have so much more to do with this bike and I want to live to make those videos so let me just finish off with one little power wheeler here as always thank you so much for watching until the End yeah I’m on my own I don’t need no one I don’t

First ride on my new Stark Varg Alpha 80hp electric dirt bike with street supermoto wheels!

🏆 My Truck + E-Bike Giveaway! 🏆 https://chargedpev.com/pages/truck-e-bike-giveaway

Stark Varg https://starkfuture.com/products/stark-varg

Warp9 Wheels https://www.warp9racing.com/product/sm-wheels/

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