Plug-in Hybrids

What’s the Better Buy? Hybrid or Plug-In Hybrid? Trunk Talk | EP.7

What’s the Better Buy? Hybrid or Plug-In Hybrid? Trunk Talk | EP.7

Hi everyone welcome back to trunk talk my name is Charlotte and I’m Gabby and this is the show where we talk about all things Automotive in a trunk in a trunk what car are we in today today we’re in the 2024 kpage plug in hybrid and that

Gently segs us into today’s topic which is hybrid versus plugin hybrid what’s the difference which one’s better and which one might be best for you and your family so today we’re going to give you the facts we’re going to explain the differences between the two and we’re

Also going to talk about some real world scenarios where one may outweigh the other MH so Charlotte let’s get into it let’s get right into it so for today’s video episode whatever streaming device that you listening to this on I’m going to be taking more of the hybrid stance

And Gabby’s going to be looking more at the plug-in hybrid so when it comes to both of these vehicles is we know that the umbrella of you know these zero emissions Vehicles EVS PHS HS can be kind of confusing so we want to make it really simple for you guys so let’s talk

About a hybrid first and foremost now a hybrid is what most people is going to think of when they think of a hybrid vehicle there may be one specific vehicle that comes to mind just in the world of vehicles in general and that’s the Toyota Prius absolutely that’s like

The poster child for these types of vehicles for and think of what you think of when you think of the Toyota Prius you think of efficiency you know you think of a green vehicle and that definitely is going to be a key factor but when it comes to a hybrid vehicle

What uh pretty much that entails is it’s a regular car with the internal combustion engine so it’s still has a gasoline engine but it also is going to have an electric motor and a smaller battery pack to help really to help with the fuel economy if you want to think of

It in a different sense to make it pretty simple it’s basically what that electric motor is doing is it’s helping the engine um to make it a little bit more efficient it’s giving it that little boost little moral support if you will so much like a hybrid workplace

Where you know you have some days at home some days in the office it’s combined it’s two things working together yes you got it and the great thing about a hybrid is it’s nothing that you have to charge you don’t have to plug it in or anything like that and

You really don’t have to change anything with your lifestyle about it now to put some energy into that battery pack um into for the hybrid vehicle you can either do that of course by using the gasoline engine which the vehicle is equipped with but also through regenerative braking and if you’re not

Familiar with what what regenerative braking is and that sounds a little bit daunting to you other people call it regen if you’ve heard that term tossed around uh basically it’s just putting that kinetic energy when you come when you come to a stop or when you start

Breaking uh back into the battery and then you’re going to use that as you are accelerating from a stop um as you’re just continuing to accelerate and that’s what’s going to give you a little bit more of fuel economy too I think it’s important to note that most hybrids so I

Know for example the Hyundai Elantra comes as a hybrid or you can get a just straight gas at low speeds or at idles where a lot of people you know that drive traffic stop and go it’s primarily EV so you’re not wasting any gas when

You’re at a stop or if you’re at a slow speed think like a parking lot speed which is actually really beneficial if you’re someone who again lives in a busy City where more often than not you’re in traffic exactly and for me that is the

Bulk of the driving that I do I live and work in the same town so it’s not like I’m doing huge stretches on the highway so something like that I find specifically beneficial but before I get into the pros and cons of a typical hybrid let’s talk about what a pH is and

How that differs sorry if the camera angle looks a little different if you’re watching this on YouTube we had to restart cuz our gimbal drops but if you’re listening to the audio podcast we’re going to continue off where Charlotte left so she beautifully explained what a hybrid vehicle is beautifully

Beautifully now I’m going to switch it up a little bit and add a p to the HV that’s right we’re talking about plug-in hybrid electric vehicles now so as the name suggests these hybrids you plug in and the reason why you can plug these ones in and not a regular hybrid is

Because these vehicles feature a larger battery pack that is actually capable of operating from a recharge so you’re going to find your main benefits of this plug-in hybrid over regular hybrid just simply by plugging it in essentially when you do this let’s say you charge your vehicle to 100% I know for Kia

Product actually the vehicle we’re sitting in today has about 55 km of all electric range that means whether it’s Highway City winter conditions summer conditions I can largely drive my vehicle on just electric power as long as this plugged in now you may be wondering okay what happens after that

55 km isn’t a long drive I drive 100 km a day don’t worry about that because after that range is depleted you still have a regular hybrid vehicle absolutely and I think that’s one of the biggest misconceptions people think when it comes to PHS is they think that they’re either

Driving something that is strictly electric for a set amount of kilometers or miles and then they’re driving something that is strictly gasoline well really that’s not the case that’s not the case now there are some disadvantages to this as opposed to your regular hybrid but there’s also

Certainly some pros and again it largely comes down to your lifestyle we’ll explain that a bit bit later on but I’m going to explain a little bit as to why these vehicles operate differently and how they operate the same so they’re in the same in the sense that both of these

Vehicles feature a gasoline engine if we’re talking about the Sportage specifically this also translate to the Hyundai Tucson we have a 1.6 L turbocharged engine with the addition of electric motor however when you get to the plugin that battery pack is going to be larger one that actually benefits

From not only regenerative braking but from actually charging your vehicle when it comes to charging your vehicle you can do it at home no special wiring needed let’s say maybe you live at an apartment or a condo where you just don’t have the access to a charger or a

Port outside you can still charge it at the mall any public charging station as long as it’s not a DC fast charger MH the 55 km that our vehicles are rided for is true true to the name and if you ever want to save it for later you

Certainly can so Kia features a button where you can switch between electric mode automatic mode or hybrid mode so if you’re doing your D driving on the in the highway so highway speeds it might be more beneficial for you to save that electric range for being in the city

Where you’re experiencing a lot of stop and go so that’s pretty cool now I think we should talk about some pros and cons so Charlotte why don’t you start off with the hybrid oo so I’ll start off with the pros because let’s keep things positive on a high note y uh soprano

C that was stupid um so a lot of the questions that people ask is you know when it comes to a hybrid is it going to be worth it to get it so let’s talk about that when it comes to the cost so obviously for the hybrid is you’re still

Filling it up with gas it’s going to have a similar size fuel tank maybe a little bit smaller uh but one of the huge benefits is at least with our product is it’s not like you need premium fuel you can just use a regular unlet it now of course that’s going to

Differ from manufacturer to manufacturer uh but I think that that is really a huge takeaway CU you’re still filling it up for practically the same if not a little bit less and having it go a little bit further wow that sounds awesome to me our fuel tanks are

Typically smaller than our hybrids yeah maybe 5 lers smaller cheaper to fill up and last longer Yeehaw M that’s what we love to see uh now I touched on this a little bit earlier but I think the draw for me towards a hybrid electric vehicle instead of a plug-in hybrid is the fact

That it doesn’t allow me to change anything about my lifestyle and I think that this is also going to be a good option for someone who is looking to get into something that is more fuel efficient but isn’t ready for the stretch of something that is either full

EV or plug-in hybrid and I say that because Gabby touched on the fact that if you live in an apartment you may not have access to a regular uh port to plug in your veh vehicle so when you have a hybrid you’re able to just get in it

Fill it up with gas and go and that’s something I find incredibly appealing yeah you never feel like you’re missing out because you can’t plug in your car absolutely right uh another thing is the repairs is it can seem a little bit less intimidating for the repairs on these

Types of vehicles versus a full EV or plug-in hybrid um let’s be real is we’ve seen um hybrid electric vehicles a lot longer than we have seen plug-in hybrid or strictly EVs and like think of Toyota uh we’ve talked about the Prius already but they have a very very rich history

Of EVS or sorry of hybrid electric vehicles uh for almost 20 years in the making and as we’ve seen them become more mainstream the repair costs they’re going to come down because there’s more availability for parts which you know we may not have seen you know 10 20 years

Ago so if you were scared of that don’t be afraid of it anymore no no no the other thing is when it comes to the H components is many manufacturers are going to have a longer warranty on those specific components and for hyund that’s the same whether it’s HV P or full EV

All of those components have a longer warranty on them mhm so what are the pros of a plugin hybrid so I would say pros and my mom drives one she absolutely loves it if you’re someone who knows that your drive to work is for example 35 km in your range on your car

Is 55 km you’re going to work on EV as long as you charge your vehicle of course so that is a major benefit also if you’re in Canada our phvs for the key and Hyundai side of things do qualify for the eyes of rebate woo and you get a

Full 5,000 off with that rebate which is phenomenal now this rebate brings the price very very very close to just a regular hybrid so you can almost get a phv for the cost of an HV availability and weight times are another story that that’s a con I will say they are a

Little bit harder to get but hopefully in the future we’ll see things improve more and more so that would be one of my Pros for sure another one is similar to what Charlotte said about the HV let’s say you forgot to play in your car last

Night don’t fret you still have gas in your vehicle and you can make it to where you have to go no range anxiety included mhm you know what I mean so it’s kind of the Goldilocks of cars I would say it’s a little bit better in

The sense than a hybrid but it’s not as um I guess as much of a commitment as a fully electric vehicle yeah now with that being said I will say U I really do like how you can save your range for later how you can use it right away if

You’d like um just like a hybrid if you’re sitting in traffic it’s going to be an EV mode regardless of if you have range or not that’s just the way our hybrids are but I do want to mention a con ooh so again this one I feel like you can only

Really find it worth it if you do plug it in and the reason I say this is because this vehicle does have a larger battery it’s heavier so when that range is depleted this car it weighs quite a few more pounds she’s a hefty lady she’s

Hefty so that means once that range is depleted the hybrid is working harder it’s not going to be as fuel efficient as just a straight hybrid because of that extra weight so that’s where you may benefit more from a regular hybrid so just uh to kind of reiterate what

Gabby has said is I drive dealership demos and I actually had a Sportage P or a serrento pH sorry as my demo and at my home I don’t have any exterior wiring so I actually can’t plug in the only way I can plug in a car is if I run it through

An extension cord from the interior of my house and throw it out the window don’t do that that’s not safe literally do not do that do as I say not as I do um and that’s exactly what I found is I was only able to charge it at work which

Was great for during the week but my vehicle was the primary weekend vehicle if we were going out so I’d find that I’d pretty quickly go through that electric range and then because of the excess weight and the slightly smaller fuel tank is I’m going through fuel more

Often than I should have been certainly yeah yeah and so it ended up costing me a little bit more than I initially anticipated yeah I um drove my mom’s sentto phv to Deep River which is about on the Ottawa River so it’s about five and a half hours away from here and we

Ran out of range pretty quick thank goodness it was a hybrid but still I couldn’t help but think this car would have performed much greater if it was just a regular hybrid cuz I just didn’t have anywhere to charge we were camping we didn’t have electricity so that’s

Somewhere where I think yeah a hybrid would make more sense but then again if you know what your lifestyle is like you know you have charging at work you know you have charging at home you can certainly make fantastic use out of your plugin hybrid definitely that’s what

Your mom does yeah exactly so she’ll plug in at home plug in at work drive 35 kilometers each way always has range she’ll get gas once a month before she used to get gas at least once a week when she was driving her V6 sento which

Is crazy yes so that’s quite the savings there I will also say some of our phv so I have it was my very first new car sale at this dealership I sold a Nero plug-in hybrid so those ones had about 35 kilometers of electric range so even

Lower but my customers would go months without putting gas in their car now I don’t recommend going too too long without gas just cuz you don’t want it to get stale you don’t you know yeah or if anything ever happens you want to have some sort of fuel and they loved it

They would never ever get gas unless they abolutely had to oh truly that sounds like the dream yes uh do you have any other cons or Pros I and this isn’t necessarily a con it’s just a lot of um it’s a misconception people have people will think hybrids kind of relate them

To electric vehicles and then also think that they don’t have to service their vehicle as often because there’s electric components in their car so if you don’t know already electric vehicles typically require way less service well they don’t need an oil change yes they don’t need an oil change but you still

Need oil changes for plug-in hybrids and regular hybrids because there is a gasoline or IC engine in that vehicle so still get your oil changes we recommend the same intervals it’s just best practices when it comes to maintenance for sure I think some cons when it comes

To uh just general hybrid vehicles is of course there can be a little bit more of an upfront cost when purchasing them however what I will say is it’s not as bad as you think it would be you know for our products I think specifically of the Elantra it’s you

Know maybe 2500 bucks to get that for to get the hybrid version and some people are like oh well I’ll never recoup that fuel cost you probably will here onario like the gas right now is so expensive and what most people find is that you know they’re going to recoup that cost

Of fuel in 2 to 3 years depending on driving even sooner again depending on what your driving habits are um so I think that that is that is really cool so that’s really it’s probably the biggest con that I can think of when it comes to just a

Strictly H HV vehicle of course you know you’re still paying for fuel so that’s always going to be a con because it’s paying for something that is expensive um but let’s talk about some of the stereotypical um reasons why you should buy one over the other and of course

This is going to vary depending on what your lifestyle looks like and also I encourage you to do the numbers for yourself see what makes sense for you so do you want to start with the pH yeah so I think a phv is great if you are someone that generally knows you’re

Driving and knows you have a means to charge your vehicle so let’s say you live at home with a garage that has even just a it’s all it takes is a household out you don’t need a 240 volt like a dryer plug you just need the regular one

Um that you can plug it in when you get home from work from running your errands you’ll have charge for the next day that’s how you really make the best bank for your buck with a plug if you’re someone who can’t rely on charging your vehicle for use then you might be better

Off at the Hybrid that’s for sure um another thing I’ll point out is if you are someone who likes to save or never use gas so if your driving is very very rare and it’s very predictable you may really appreciate the benefits that a plug and hybrid has to offer especially

When the price comes so close with that rebate absolutely also if you’re someone who can wait because if you are placing an order for a new one it is a little bit of a wait if you’re who needs a new car right away cuz your current car just

Got total it may not be the best option for you all right what about a hybrid though Charlotte so typically hybrids we can get a little bit quicker and I actually I guess that’s one of the cons is it’s hybrid vehicle is not eligible for any federal incentive as of right

Now so you are still paying at MSRP for that vehicle there’s nothing additional on top of it that can help you with it um but I think that a hybrid electric vehicle is going to be good for someone who does a lot of driving or road trips

Um Gabby talked about this of course but these vehicles weigh less in a plug-in hybrid but you’re still getting really really good fuel efficiency from it absolutely so I think that that is going to be a great reason to go for hybrid if you’re doing tons of commuting like um I

Think a plug-in hybrid would be good for me if I had charging at home but I think a hybrid electric vehicle would be really good for someone like my husband who commutes to Hamilton every day and doesn’t have charging at home or at work

So I think for him that that would be a really really great addition for his driving habits um so I and also just if you don’t want to change your lifestyle if you want something that’s fuel efficient but don’t really want to have to adapt to any changes this is going to

Be a really strong Contender for you and I really think it will end up saving you fuel money in the long run absolutely so what’s our fun fact so today’s fun fact is one I’m pretty excited to talk about because it involves one of my favorite

Vehicles which just so happens to be a plugin hybrid and if you’re thinking this one’s efficient and will save you money you are so incredibly wrong you are very very wrong all right so we’re talking about the Porsche 918 spider this car is wicked it was dubbed

Probably one of the first um product not I shouldn’t say production but uh plug-in hybrid hyper cars and for a good reason this car is nuts so this vehicle combines a 4.6 L V8 gasoline engine which we all know a V8 just screams efficiency and dual motors

So dual electric motors you get one mounted in the front one mounted in the rear um together those come to hold on 887 horsepower oh is that all that that’s it so it’s like largely a grocery getter plugin hybrid you know um no this car is nuts so and again with the

Plug-in hybrid you get that instant torque right that you would get n largely but I did say it’s a plugin hybrid so what is the all electric range you may ask what what is the all electric range Gabby tell me more 12 miles perfect so after you’re done using

That roaring V8 you can switch it into our EV mode and cruise around town not waste a drop of gas for 12 miles yes and if you’re worried about the uh price to get one of these vehicles there’s only 918 of them made oh so it sounds like

They’re very affordable and very easy to get yes and when you hear the manufacturer Porsche they usually make vehicles for you and me like you know oh yes the everyday Shopper yes no these cars are really expensive I think there’s one selling at our London Porsche dealership for what $2 million

Oh that’s it oh yeah is that all that’s like a Wednesday spend for me Jeepers so yeah that’s our very realistic fun fact um I just wanted to tell you guys those specs because they’re nuts and like this podcast so maybe one day we could drive one or own

One I think it’ll most likely be driving if ever even hey I’ve seen two of them in person there you go not so bad all right thank you guys so much for watching or listening uh do do it again new podcast episodes every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. eastern

Standard time we will see you there if you want to see more of our content and want to see some more videos check us out at the Kia Hyundai Channel you can also check us out on Instagram my Instagram is sh. cars. khc Gabby what’s

Yours mine’s gabes or gabis g a b i sore garage yes can you guess what’s in the garage it’s Char’s cars Kia hunda Channel thank thanks again for watching goodbye bye

In this episode, we delve into the world of hybrid vehicles, comparing Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) with Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). Unravel the differences in technology, charging capabilities, and cost-effectiveness as we navigate the evolving landscape of eco-friendly transportation. Join us for an insightful discussion on the pros and cons of PHEVs and HEVs, helping you make an informed decision for your sustainable driving future.

Thank you for watching! We appreciate your support – Gabi and Charlotte

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