Electric Cars

EV pollution is WORSE than ICE cars… Why is this NOT GOOD NEWS?

EV pollution is WORSE than ICE cars… Why is this NOT GOOD NEWS?

Good afternoon and welcome back to probably the kind of Jeff video that you all know and love this one’s been sent to me a number of times electric cars release more toxic emissions than gas powerered vehicles and are worse for the environment a resurfaced study warns this is from dailymail.com primarily

Talking about America EVS weigh 30% more than gas cars causing tires to wear out faster the tire tread releases toxic particles 400 times greater than exhaust emissions I’m not going to go through the whole article the link is in the comments for you to go and read it I

Tried to do that a minute ago on a video and then I realized that actually I think this is about something slightly different and I’m going to take a slightly different tack with this video so let’s look at the start of it electric vehicles May release more pollution than gas powerered vehicles

According to a report that’s recently resurfaced the study which was published in 2022 so two years ago has begun recirculating again after it was cited in a Wall Street Journal OP ED it found that Brakes and Tires release 1,850 times more particulate matter compared to Modern tail pipes which have filters

That reduce emissions so instead of talking about the emissions that come out of the tail pipe which is what we always seem to talk about when we’re discussing the environmental impact of EV versus Ice all right we’re talking about what comes out the back of the car

Produced by the engine this is the first article I’ve seen that is really starting to talk talk about Brakes and Tires now that’s interesting because both types of cars have brakes and tires and I think if you’re a conspiracy theorist like me who thinks that there’s

A nefarious plan to get us out of our cars then you’ll probably see where I’m going with this and if you haven’t worked out I’m going to say it now I reckon we’re going to start to see an attack on cars in general because of the amount of pollution that they cause from

The tires and the brakes so it’s another way of saying oh your cars are so polluting we must get everybody out of cars because the tires and the brakes they’re polluting the atmosphere and the soil and the water and there’s nothing we can do about that cuz you need Tires

And Brakes so you’re just going to have to give your car back and walk that’s where I think all this is going let’s go through the article a little bit so basically what they’re saying is the heavy weight of EVS causes them to go through tires at a faster rate and that

Is polluting the atmosphere however I’m not completely convinced that that is the case yes you would think that a heavier car would go through tires at a faster rate however for every electrical car owner who says I’m going through tires at an alarming rate you have one

That says I’m hardly using tires at all is the same thing with the Range Rover thing for every Range Rover owner that says these cars are rubbish they’re terribly unreliable you have one that says I’ve had them all my life and they’re absolutely brilliant I don’t

Know on that one stands the reason for me that if a car is 500 kilos heavier than normal cuz it’s got a battery on it it will be going through the tires at a faster rate but I’m not seeing that fully in the online forums I’m not

Seeing it in the Facebook groups and like I said the EV people will argue with you until the cows come home uh hopefully they haven’t been farting too much because all of that is coming next cuz as we know cows are killing the planet but we’re not talking about cows

Killing the planet today uh we’re talking about Tires and Brakes essentially it goes on to talk about the fact that gasoline powered vehicles today aren’t releasing the same amount of emissions as they used to so it sort of says that engines are now nice and clean but the problem is with the brakes

And the tires the effects of Tire composition come down to the materials that the tire is made from the study reported light duty tires are typically made from synthetic rubber which is developed using crude oil natural rubber ads fillers and additives some of which are recognized carcinogens so all the

Stuff that your tires are made of when they break down and go into the atmosphere can cause cancer emissions analytics tested the tire wear on EV and gas powered vehicles after driving them at least 1,000 miles the researchers used a sampling system to collect particles immediately behind each tire

And then measured the size of the particles emitted from the tread it found the greater the vehicle’s mass and weight the more rapidly the tire partic emissions would be released due to the increased torque between the tires and the road let me put that in normal speak

For you if a car is heavier and fatter it’s going to use more of the tire and therefore produce more of the tire into the atmosphere it’s absolutely not rocket science but I would say as well why aren’t we also talking about Road quality why aren’t we talking about the

Quality of the road because if we have a major problem with tire wear and the weight of cars that’s going to vary depending on the surface that you’re driving on so if the surface that you’re driving on is rubbish and full of potholes like a tiny Backwater road that

Hasn’t been maintained properly like I don’t know the M25 for example uh you’re going to be going through more tires and polluting more from your tires than if you’re driving on a perfectly brand new uh nicely tarmacked piece of of black top so I I do think that the quality the

Road needs to come into this as well a separate 2020 report by the emissions analytics firm said tires are likely to be a major concern in the coming years as consumers switch to bigger and heavier cars that’s already happened everybody is driving SUVs including me

With my my BW X5 uh but cars have gotten heavier my Renault 10 which I can see over there with the doors open drying out because it leaks so much and it’s sunny today so I can drive my car out only weighs about 970 kilos it might

Even be less than that so the weight of cars has gone up and therefore the amount of tires that we’re all using has gone up now this then goes on to talk about the weight of cars and it’s talking about Volvos EVs and how much they weigh and the Ford F-150 EV truck

And how much that weighs £6,000 or just under was 2,700 kilos but I don’t really think we need to concentrate too much on what this article says let’s just look at the last paragraph I do recommend you read the article the last paragraph says the science is

Clear soup pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of air pollution and it’s linked to a range of serious and potentially deadly illnesses including asthma and heart attacks now what concerns me there is and I’ve underlined it look the science is clear where have we heard the science is clear before

Usually it’s coming from a someone who’s you know speaking on behalf of the government whilst they’re announcing new measures of lockdown that’s what concerns me I think we’re moving to a a phase in the electric vehicle internal combustion engine thing where we’re starting to attack both

Types of cars based on things that they both have like Tires and Brakes EVS are beneficial for the environment because they have no tailpipe emissions so they produce less greenhouse gases than the average gas powered car so now we’re saying that EVS are better for the environment uh and according to the EPA

Over an ev’s lifetime the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with the manufacturing charging and driving the vehicle is typically lower than the standard vehicle okay so they conclude the article by saying although all cars produce crap off of their Tires and Brakes and heavier cars and EVS produce

More of that they’re still better for the environment over their lifetime and I have to finish this video by discussing just how long an ev’s lifetime is is because as I’ve said many times before this car is from 2005 it’s done 222,000 Mi and it’s still going strong

That car is from 1969 it’s 55 years old and according to the dyno that it went on just the other day it’s still going strong so the emissions that were created in making most of these cars are are banked and done however if these EVS

Are only lasting 3 5 10 years then the lifetime of an EV is much shorter so we’ve got to talk about the greenhouse gas emissions involved with replacing your car every 3 years which nobody wants to talk about because that’s what drives the economy so a slightly round

The houses video there that essentially The Daily Mail are now bringing to our attention the fact that your brakes and tires are polluting the atmosphere and G giving everybody cancer EVS are slightly worse for that but EVS are better in the long run I’m not so sure about all of

That one however it does concern me that now we’re starting to talk about uh what is coming off Tires and Brakes because where that goes next is as I’ve said with my tin foil hat on that is an attack on the car in general I don’t

Know what can be done to reduce the amount of stuff that’s coming off tires I guess the next thing will be all they’ll look at Brands and certain brands of tires will be worse than other and others and then you’ll have to pay a tax on your car based on what kind of

Tires it uses and then that tax will go up year on year and it’s just going to be another little wedge that goes in to open up the Gap to delete car ownership completely I hope all of that made sense I say the article is there in the

Description for you and um thank you very much for watching

So it turns out that pollution from EV tyres and brakes is far worse than ICE cars. Hooray! But hang on a minute… If we’re saying this now, what comes next?

In this video Geoff explains why now is not the time to start bashing EVs for being big, dirty, polluting wastes of lithium. There’s more to this than that.

Read the original article here:

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