Electric Cars



What have I done I think I just lost myself $40,000 by buying myself an electric vehic it is so ridiculous I knew in advance electric vehicles are ridiculous it’s not the future it is not the solution but it is flipping fun I love that car but to be honest with you the

Fuel that I saved by having an electric vehicle has like far been surpassed by the amount of money I lost by buying myself an electric vehicle that was $113,000 car that is now worth around $60,000 the Ford Lightnings are a flop the Hummer EVS are going to be a flop

Tesla just plummeted their prices so anybody that bought a Tesla 231 year ago those values are crazy low now today’s video freaking knew it electric vehicle values are plummeting I’m going to go through this car and give you firsters examples of what is happening in the electric vehicle Market my name is Craig

From flying Wheels let’s get Going right behind me is a 2022 Audi rron GT this is like their superar electric vehicle and to be quite honest with you I absolutely love this car it is insanely fast it fits five people I have three kids and a wife it can fit my entire family and it’s it’s really fun

And it’s really great in the snow and if you’re only driving locally it’s also great for that because I can just bring it home charge it at night and then I’m fully charged tomorrow I never have to go to a gas pump it’s really cool I have

A whole other video coming out about the terrible purposes of electric vehicle ownership like how terrible it really is owning an electric that’s a whole different video I’ll have that out probably right after this one today’s video I’m going through electric vehicle values and what’s happening if you’re thinking about buying an electric

Vehicle beware if you own an electric vehicle here’s what’s going on now number one this is supposed to be the solution to our problem right everybody in the world is going to own an electric vehicle our president wants everybody to own an electric vehicle this is our

Future it has nothing to do with our president being partners with people in China that own mining in Afghanistan and blah political political whatever that’s a whole other rabbit hole if you want to get into that’s why the government’s pushing EVS I don’t know I’m not going

To get into that you can talk about that in the comments I am saying that for the longest time years they’ve been saying Hey by 2035 we’re going to go electric 100% electric and then there are states like Connecticut that said hey we’re going to have all only be able to sell

Electric vehicles and Connecticut has like freaking no electric Chargers which is a whole other problem that I had specifically with this car because Connecticut has no EV Chargers except like one station the entire State well the problem with electric vehicles is that they only go 200 Mish on range and

Range anxiety is a real thing now this is my daily driver you can see like I all my stuff is in here but the big problem is this they want to push an agenda of electric vehicle ownership right all right this car is essentially

Like the size of an A6 or an S5 or an A5 fordo okay so it’s not a big car it’s a sedan it fits five people it’s fast it’s sporty it’s luxurious an A6 or an A5 four-door would be roughly $660,000 new this car just because it’s an

Electric vehicle let me show you all right here we go here’s the original window sticker I’m going to try to do this with one hand that is a 2022 Audi rron GT it is like somewhat of a base model it has some upgrades it has RS

Wheels but it has the base battery and comfort and Technology package but there’s no real Frills this car is 103 8.95 $13,000 like you have to be rich to drive an electric vehicle no normal person can have an Audi electric vehicle now yeah this is like their high-end car

Right but a regular rron is still 75,000 when they’re like q6 or Q7 or whatever is significantly less so you’re paying a premium for electric vehicles normal people can’t afford that so the amount you’re saving on fuel is supplemented by the premium you’re paying for the electric vehicle not to mention you’re

Also paying your electric bill so my electric bill has increased since I started charging at home now let’s talk about values of cars okay so I just showed you this car was $103,000 brand new in 2022 it was purchased in August 2022 it is now December 2023 so one year and like four

Five months whatever it is this car is now worth and I’m going to go scan it I have a dealer app on my phone and I can scan the barcode right here and it comes up with values like basically what this car has sold for in the past 30 to 60

Days it gives me an essential idea of what people are paying for these other dealers at auction so I’m going to scan this bar bar code right now now 2022 Audi rron GT 9,000 mil now remember it was 103,000 brand new I bought it February so 6 months later I

Paid 82,000 as a dealer so it dropped $21,000 by February in 6 months now fast forward another 8 n months this car is telling me it’s worth about 64,000 MMR which is the Manheim market report is 57,98811 owner car all right I want to say this out loud cuz I actually didn’t realize

It had dropped even that much more than last time I checked 103,000 now it’s worth 53,000 I don’t believe that because I haven’t ever seen an nron GT for $53,000 and I would buy another one for that price but that’s roughly a $50,000 depreciation in one year and a

Few months it’s it’s not even 2024 that’s another month away once it’s 24 that car will be another year older and it will go down in value again and that’s what’s happening to a lot of electric vehicles so the Mach e was a huge hit and there was a premium like a

Market adjustment on the Mach and there was a waiting list to get them and people really wanted them cuz were in such high demand the Ford Mustang Mach e now people are starting to realize that hybrids are probably a little more realistic my father has a Honda Accord

Hybrid best car he’s ever owned he gets like 60 m to the gallon on the highway he has literally never had to charge it ever and he goes and Fs it up and gets great gas Mage and it’s a great car and it’s not as heavy as these the batteries

Are so heavy we actually go through tires significantly quicker so you’re paying more for tires now you’re not paying for oil changes you’re not paying for like transmission services so the repair and cost of maintenance is a lot lower until you have to replace the battery which is like what 100,000 120

We don’t know yet because cars really haven’t made it that far yet but once the batteries go which has been happening with Tesla people are like forget it a junk the car I don’t even want it anymore it’s not worth anything or people are buying them for like scrap

And then putting internal combustion engines in them because it’s just cheaper that way so the book says that this car is worth $50,000 less than someone originally paid for it which is just ridiculous and you expect the world to all go out and buy electric vehicles pay more than an internal combustion engine

Then there are gas pumps everywhere everywhere the nearest charging station for this car 40 minutes from where I’m standing right here in any direction there’s three in my state and they’re 40 minutes in any direction so if I’m low or like on E too bad I get to call a tow

Truck to come out and charge my electric car with a diesel or gas generator so none of that makes sense and people finally realize that and they like forget it I’m just going to go buy a Prius which makes way more sense or a Honda CT Hybrid which makes way more

Sense now the demand for the electric vehicles are going down but the supply is still there so in order to sell this car or anything like it when they’re not selling Audi has to continuously drop the prices or anyone else like any other Electric Vehicle Manufacturer that isn’t

Selling these has to just keep dropping the prices until somebody says uh that’s a pretty good price I’ll buy it if that’s the price which is a perfect segue into the next discussion so I had made a video about Teslas like eight months ago and I said Tesla prices are

Crashing here’s what’s going on and I always say like I kind of have a crystal ball into the Economy based on how the car market is and and if Teslas aren’t selling the prices have to come down and Tesla dropped the manufactured suggested retail prices on all their cars because

There is a weight on a lot of Teslas so I’m not going to fight against them because their infrastructure is far superior to anyone else’s electric vehicles but even still the pric has dropped and then like if you have to do body work on a Tesla or if you do

Repairs on a Tesla you can’t just go to the Ford dealer and drop it off you can’t just go to my garage in Danville New Hampshire and have us repair them they’re they’re just aren’t out there yet so it’s a whole other world that isn’t convenient which is an issue now

Let’s talk about like the value on when people aren’t buying the electric vehicle what happens remember this car was $103,000 okay so let’s go to the Audi exchange current 23 Audi RS rron GT special offer this is crazy now in a market where just a few years ago everyone was paying Market adjustments

Over MSRP people were overpaying on cars now they can’t give these things away so this car the Audi rron GT RS is starting at $145,000 now they’re offering incredible Finance offers at 2.99% APR when the normal rate right now is 8 to 9% on loans now let’s go down to promotional offers

$30,000 National customer credit bonus receive a $30,000 customer bonus when you purchase or lease a select 2023 Audi RS rron GT Audi of America will apply a $3,000 customer bonus when you purchase a new unused 2023 Audi rron rsgt through participating dealers they are taking $30,000 off the price of their car

That’s how much of a flop this car is now there’s more if you’re a Costco member look at the first car there is an Audi etron if you look right here Costco’s latest discounts of up to $5,000 off Audi EVS on a brand new car you can get

$30,000 and bundle your $55,000 Costco membership discount and get $35,000 off how can I sell a used Audi rron for what I paid $80,000 when you you can go buy a brand new one for the same price so I am just out of luck and here we go you can

Just see how many Porsche tons there are going through the auction and look at all these make offers mean none are sold here’s one that’s sold a 2021 Turbo S Another one not so make offer make offer make offer take on GTS make offer make offer none of these are

Selling and that and the cross Turismo that I showed you make offer means nobody bid on it so there we go all of these electric vehicle cars have just4 $150,000 cars are not even getting bids at $88 $81,000 so if I go to again the ACV auctions app I already have it loaded

These Porsche Tak hands are running through the auction daily all day long and they have plummeted in value here’s a 2022 for $69,000 and they go through it thoroughly I mean this car only has let’s see8 $8,000 433 Mi and my that’s less miles than my Audi which is a

Lesser of a car however my Audi is all-wheel drive and this one is here we go rear wheeel drive so my Audi is worth more because of the four-wheel drive from others as well if I go to ended because I’ve been bidding on them all day you can see there’s 17 ended already

Now this right here is the one that I would want $77,900 the highest bid was $77 ,850 now this was a $175,000 car in 2021 and you can see this this version the Turbo S model has 670 horsepower and I can get this car

For less than I paid for my Audi rron GT which isn’t even an RS model so this would be equivalent to like your RS rron and this car only has 6,000 Mi so 3,000 Mi less now this one right here is actually my dream car this is a 20 22

Porsche tyon cross Turismo This Is Your Wagon and it is absolutely mean looking this would be like your RS5 or your RS6 this would be equivalent to like your RS6 wagon but the electric version it is so cool and this car has 10,000 mil so about the same as my rron GT more

Storage in the back which my rron GT doesn’t have a lot of storage and going to the inside it has a better interior and more screen options now right now I was in Porsche let’s look up Audi rron because there really aren’t many for sale which is kind of neat but the

Reason they’re not for sale is because nobody really bought them rron GT we’re going to look them up show auctions these are all going to be ended auctions so these are Rons going to go electric show auctions out rron AI rron Audi rron GT highest bid

$38,000 and it’s an RS which is just absolutely ridiculous here’s another RS for $77,000 this is insane that those are that cheap that car right there is equivalent to the Porsche tyon Turbo S this car is unreal and it is so much better than my version rron GT and it is

Five grand less than I paid for it with the exact same mileage I just got a notification that that tyan cross rismo just went through because it didn’t sell previously so we can go at it again and there it is right there so it went from

88,000 which I just showed you and it didn’t sell to now 81,000 I could own that car for 81,000 and I guarantee you by the time I’m done making this video there’s still going to be no bids on that car and it is really really tempting for me I don’t know what

To do oh man oh man I’m so tossed I love my Audi and I love my Porsche now it isn’t just this car so I have have been on a waiting list for the new Hummer EV for a long time I was like the first one

To put my down payment down to hold like over two years ago and I’m still waiting for it and when they were first released to like very very few people there were about1 to $125,000 and there was a premium on them people were overpaying $150 to $200,000 on them just like the

Corvette Z06 now people have owned them and they’re like oh this the range sucks on this thing and it’s heavy and EV suck in general so I don’t want it anymore and then now they’re becoming more available I don’t know if I want to spend $100,000 on another EV when it

Comes out even if it is cool that’s a first world problem I get it don’t don’t hate on me because oh do should I buy the $100,000 that’s not what I’m saying I’m saying people are thinking like why would I go get an EV I will just get an

Internal combustion engine plus we’re in a recession people are thinking differently now I don’t have the Surplus to go buy luxuries I’m going to go buy myself a reliable Toyota that will go 300,000 m without any issues instead of something that’s more expensive my home electric bill has significantly

Increased so I think the wakeup call has happened and people realize that like hey this EV life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be it’s a novelty this is I love this car I have so much fun in this car it is also not my only car if I’m going

On long road trips I have to either plan out how far I can go on this car where the charging stations are or I just bring my my gas car and I have to remember to charge that the night before a road trip so I I could just bring my

Wife’s gas car or my internal combustion car and that’s a toy like a Jeep Wrangler Jeep Wranglers are terrible rides and they leak but they’re fun if it’s not your primary vehicle that’s what this car is to me and I don’t know how other people are doing it regularly

Every day when they have long commutes if they can go to their job and come back in charge fine but you like I was on a television show I raced across the country in an electric vehicle Cannonball run across the country in only electric vehicles non- Teslas it

Was ridic ridiculously difficult and I ran out of juice like ran out of power in Ohio or something and had to get charged and it was a lot of it was scary and a lot of work because there weren’t enough stations and I was like a mathematician like trying to figure out

How far I can go on the Range where’s the next charging station it was so much work and I get it everything I’m saying is opposite of what the eveve agenda wants it to be and they’re going to be pissed when they see this video but it

Is what it is I lost $50,000 I have to plan where I’m going and how far I can go because I have an electric car where are the charging stations I one day have to replace the battery in this car that could be $15,000 instead of just doing regular

Oil changes and I didn’t even mention that when I go to a charging station you still have to pay for it I charge that car in Connecticut and it cost me $50 so I drove to Connecticut and back and it still cost me $50 to be an electric car

So those are the problems in the issues in the electric vehicle world and in the next video I’m taking this to a dealer auction to see what I can get for it I want I want that cross Turismo actually I’m going to show you what it sold for

Cuz this video is probably as long as that auction was we’ll check that out and then next video I’m going to try to sell this thing and see how much of my shirt I’m going to lose thanks for watching if you subscribe and hit the Bell you’ll get notifications for the

Next video and just likes don’t cost you anything if you hit the like button it helps my videos perform better thanks for watching I’ll see you all later Adios N

I bought a $103,000 Audi Etrong GT and then the Electric Vehicle Car Market Collapsed.
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Dealer Auction Porsche Taycan Audi Etron E-Tron GT RS Turbo S Cross Turismo Rivian Tesla Model 3 Y X S P75D P75 P100 specs 0-60 prices values for sale near me market adjustment are prices falling coming down when is the best time to buy EV Electric Vehicle Mach E Chevy Bolt Volt Nissan Leaf Best EV Most Reliable Wholesale vs. Retail
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