Electric Motorcycles

Surprisingly Good Power, Foldable & Light! – ENGWE L20 2.0 Review

Surprisingly Good Power, Foldable & Light! – ENGWE L20 2.0 Review

This is the ingu l20 2.0 and you might be looking at me and thinking why do we have this bike on this channel because normally we do super high-speed electric bikes well the reason why is because you would think this is like a 36 maybe a 48

Volt ebike this’s actually a 52v ebike now the speed is only 28 mph on this thing but it’s kind of cool and that’s because this one is upgraded a lot more than the version 1.0 the version 1.0 only did 25 mph it was on a 48volt

System and it didn’t fold in half like this one does so this one can fit compactly in your car or if you need to carry up some stairs and before you click out of this video you have to know that this bike is starting at $7.99 for

The pre-order sale and it’s going to go up to $1,000 if you don’t act fast right now now that you guys know that information and it’s out of the way I’m going to set on this bike and show you guys how I look on it being about 59 and

I’m going to say I was kind of excited to get this bike in until I set on it and realized this is not for short people I don’t even know if my head’s getting cut off on top of this camera or if you can even see my feet because I’m

On my tippy toes and the reason why is because this is a suspension seat post and it’s adding this much of extra space that you don’t really need so if you don’t need the suspension seat on here go down to your local bike store you can

Save about that much I want to say like maybe 5 in and that will definitely help shorter people get onto this bike now let’s move on to this battery and I want to show you guys how it gets removed because you guys might be thinking that

The seat is in the way cuz it’s going to slide up from the top and they thought about that so there’s one little button that you push underneath the seat it unlatches like that basically just comes out of the way it’s super nice so you don’t have to undo this pull it out

Every single time that’s a big pain in the ass then to take the battery out you’re going to need the keys you’re actually going to always need the keys too for the ignition to turn it on and off so just keep that in mind once you

Have that little pin out and you turn to the right position you can pull it directly out and here is some of that battery information if you want to know any more of that you can screenshot that and it’s also very easy to put this

Battery back in you just have to get it on the rails in the back once you do that push it all the way down make sure it Clips on the bottom because those are where your connections are at and then make sure you lock the battery in place

Here is a look at the bike folding in half your pedals also fold in half which is very nice to get some extra clearance and then the stem that connects to the handlebars also folds in half to make it a lot more easier and it’s sitting

Upright because you have a nice stand to rest it on so you won’t mess up the paint of this bike either which is pretty cool next let’s move on to the lighting department of this bike I’m a little bit disappointed in this headlight I I can’t lie uh I seen a lot

Of better headlights on ebikes but I will say I’m not going to dock it points for it not being super wide because I am close to the garage so as I move it back you’re going to see that it gets wider I do like that it’s the farthest thing

Away from the bike so it’s on the very edge of the front basket so when you do put stuff it’s not going to be blocked by any type of cargo that you put up there the brake light looks pretty good as well the whole brake light doesn’t

Light up it’s just one extra beam in the middle that lights up but the cool thing is it’s always on when your lights are on if you do turn your lights off it is off but when you do use the brakes it will light up so that’s a pretty cool

Safety thing I don’t know how well people are going to see that during the day but it’s still nice to see and then when both of the lights are on and you hit the brake light doesn’t matter if it’s the left or the right it will work

Here’s a look at this front end that headlight that sticks out very far from the bike you got the rack right behind it that holds up to 17 lb or 8 kg you have full suspension in the front which is super nice you also got fenders as

Well and you might be thinking when you saw the this bike these tires aren’t 20x 4 in wide they’re actually 20 by3 in wide and they go up to 45 PSI I currently have these at 30 and they feel okay they don’t feel like the thickest

Thing but they also don’t feel that thin right here is where you have the controller it’s in this box underneath the battery six BTS to take this off very very easy to get access to that you got an adjustable kickstand the screw is right in the back so if you want it to

Lean more over or if you want it to sit more upright you can do that here is the back rack it holds up to 25 kg which is 55 lb and then here is a closer look at that brake light looks pretty nice and of course fenders in the back as well

And then if we move over here you got your derailer it’s all from Shimano you also got a guard right here this also helps with shipping mine wasn’t bent at all no issues with that you got a little bit of branding right here feels like you could take this off but it ain’t

Coming off that’s probably going to be on there forever yeah this ain’t coming off either so you’re either going to have to tape this off or paint it or something oh and one last thing I forgot you got two bolts right here so you can

Put a water bottle holder or a bag right there now the frame is very skinny though keep that in mind you’re probably going to see when we go on the GoPro footage but it is a very skinny skinny bike all right guys so now that that is

Out of the way let me put my helmet on with my GoPro and let’s go see how fun this bike is before it gets dark all right ladies and gentlemen we’re on our first main road oh man okay so something I didn’t know is that this bike stops at

20 mph to get it to 28 M an hour we actually have to pedal and that’s something I totally forgot about cuz I just talked to him probably over a week ago but watch this so max speed is 20 mph and to get up to 28 we can’t

Actually pedal and use the throttle nothing will change so you actually have to let off the throttle oh make sure you keep both hands on the bike and then you can get up to 28 mph I have a speed meter in my pocket so we’re going to

Test to see if it’s actually doing 28 mph which it shows 28.7 solid and it hasn’t changed so let’s see if that’s accurate or not all right so my speed meter is showing 27 mph if you guys can see that on the screen I haven’t went

Very far I’ve only done under a mile since leaving my house and I got to say we’re already down one battery bar you got to keep in mind this is a 13 amp hour battery with a 52 volt system running at almost 12200 Watts roughly

Like 1,00 but yeah so I don’t think this bike is going to get much range but we’ll just keep our eye on that the next thing you guys got to know is how the cockpit area is like how does this all look and how does it feel what do you

Get so we got some Palm rest grips right here it’s a little bouncy as you can tell it’s not bothering me what whatever but my hands definitely are shaking on this bike it would feel better if I had gloves on here because these grips are very like hard plastic I don’t like them

Whatsoever and they feel really stuck on there there’s no locking mechanism but they’re definitely glued on there pretty good and you have the same for this side as well with a half twist throttle next to that we got a bell I like how the Bell works it feels

Very nice and smooth but it’s not that loud I would like to see a horn but then again this isn’t a very high-end bike so I guess I’m okay with that but yeah no one’s really going to hear you unless you’re going pretty slow on a bike trail

Or a walking trail people in cars people standing probably 20 ft away from you aren’t going to hear anything the Hanah bars do feel nice the way they’re positioned I like that they have a little bit of rise to them I also love the display it’s nice in color I like

That you can see your modes clearly miles travel down here is a little small but you should be okay and then real big and the middle of the screen is your mile per hour that’s the most important thing that you need to see all right so

We are in our designated speed test I already did this once probably didn’t keep the clip in there because I accidentally hit the minus button and we’re in mode number four so in this section I like to see how fast this bike will get up to speed most bikes in this

Area will get up to 27 mph on the average if they get anything over that they’re faster and if they’re under 27 mph they’re on the slower side but we have an issue with this bike because we know that the throttle only goes up to

20 mph that means once I hit 20 M an hour I’m going to have to switch to the pedals so here we go 1 2 3 it picks up speed pretty good I would say look we’re already at 15 and then we’re almost at 20 okay I got to start

Pedaling there is a delay going from the pedals to here and it looks like we’re going to run into a lot of people but it moves pretty good there we go we hit 27 m M hour in that stretch of road so it’s just as fast as all the other ebikes that we

Have so now in this section I want to try out the pedals only we’re not going to use a throttle and we’re going to see how well they work and how fast they work I’m also not in the right gear we’re in gear number seven but we’re

Just going to try it out so here we go one two three you get a start definitely a uh very delayed start it doesn’t give you all the power at once if you really need all the power you’re going to have to use a throttle because if you use

Just the pedals they’re not going to work very well so I would definitely highly suggest using the throttle if you got to cross any Street or get out of the way of traffic anything and then switch over to the pedals cuz that was a very very big delay even being in the

Wrong gear it still once the power came on it was just so laggy oh look how nice these trees are oh that’s beautiful we’re going to have to park this bike and I’m going to have to show you how it looks out in the sun before the sun goes

Away I got to say that is one be beefy kickstand man especially for this bike now there is no information yet I’m pretty sure once the website is up you’re probably going to click it in the link down below but I will say right now I have no information on the weight of

This bike I have picked it up and it feels like it’s around the 65 lb range if I get it at a later date or I make my second video on this I will definitely update you guys but it looks great I love the flat black I’m not a big fan of

All the logos I do like the one on the battery it’s not crazy bad I like the one on the frame I’m just not a big fan of these in the back I feel like there’s just something in every little section I’m surprised they didn’t put something

Right here you know what I mean so and there is one on the front right here so if you don’t get the front basket um you’re going to have a ingue logo right behind there but I do think it looks pretty nice with the front basket mixed

In with the rear basket I feel like you just have to have that combination going on this bike so the next test we got to do on this bike is see how well it comes up here I’m going to use a throttle only this time and I’m going to try try it

Again with the pedals and I think we should do it a third time with the pedals and the throttle so let’s do this 1 2 3 go thrott only definitely has really good punch to it look at that oh it climbed it like a beast all right I’m

Going to have to go a little bit farther back for this because we’re going to have to get the pedals engaged and they take a little bit I also put it in gear number one so let’s try this out in 1 2 3 go go go go go go there’s no

Throttle oh okay cool it did it oh and now the power kicks on did you see that last test coming up the hill we’re going to use throttle and pedals only here we go one two three oh that’s the way baby yeah yeah like a champ this thing is great now

Something I’m noticing like right off the bat if you’re really trying to Pedal very fast on here that my feet are slipping off a little bit because we’re kind of hitting some bumps and since there’s no suspension in the back other than the suspension seat post I’m

Definitely getting a lot of uh vibration in my feet and my feet are kind of almost coming off the pedals pretty much it’s happened once already well someone had to throw out some trash all righty you always find some interesting stuff out here you guys remember the

Video when we found a Honda Civic out here and my feet just came off the pedals they little by little after I hit multiple bumps back to back to back my feet just slowly started like coming off the front of them but it’s all right

It’s not too bad oh we got a little bit of air right there we’re definitely going really full I’m slipping off the seat now man if this wasn’t a big seat this would be very uncomfortable but the seat is helping a lot if I had to give this

Thing a rating I would say it’s probably about a 6.8 to a 7 out of 10 for Offroad it’s not going to be oh my God it’s the best ever but it’s also going to be like man like I’ll never take that bike Offroad again it actually feels decent

All right so we’re down another battery bar down the three left I’m not even halfway done my review video holy moly so this is where I like to do the Turning test and this bike is Wild for the Turning test I got to tell you guys

Since the tires are 3 in wide this thing has turn so sharp when I’ve been riding it like crazy it’s so Nimble I like it the turning radius on it is pretty good as well so if I stop really quick you’re going to see that it can go almost all

The way around and the reason why this side can’t go all the way around is because it was my fault when I was doing the cabling for the headlight wire it was actually supposed to go on this side that’s my fault but if you turn it this

Way you can pretty much go all the way around but be careful because some of these wires are kind of tucked real nicely into the frame if you turn it too much you might pop a cable out that’s connected somewhere down in here but very good especially for u-turns as well

Because it’s so small look at this this thing will stay in one little section super super tiny very convenient and easy to move around next test we got to do is the brakes I’m a little iffy on them I like how these brakes feel cuz they got rubber on them but they’re not

Hydraulic they’re cable brakes so we’re at 28 mph which is roughly 27 is what our GPS said and we’re going to slam on them right now 1 2 3 go all right that was pretty much as hard as I could pull without fully locking him up and you can see that we

Do have one little line right here pretty good though I gotta say look this is the line that we sto for very good bikes and we’re behind it baby even with these because I think the bike is so light again I said this many times and that’s really contributing to this bike

Slowing down on time cuz if you had a 120 lb bike that’s 52 volt and you had these types of brakes we would be like way up there and this is what I was talking about with the little rubber pieces on the handles that actually

Makes it feel a lot better when uh using the brakes move on the way way people even though there’s no one here I’m going to use it when there’s no one here because I feel a little embarrassed using that something you got to keep in mind I just

Thought of is that these pedals come very close to the ground and I almost scraped one of them going around that roundabout let’s see how it is up here because I want to go super fast and hit 28 M hour and the only way to do that is

Pedal but that pedal is so close oh you got to be careful with that but check this out we’re not directly coming up and overpass we’ll do that in a second video so subscribe to the channel if you want to see that look at this 24 mph 25

Mph coming up an overpass doing the roundabout that’s not bad no complaints now the next thing I want to do is let’s go downhill and let’s see if it cuts our power or if we can just go as fast as the bike will allow us let’s see 28

Again we can’t use the thrott we have to use the pedals let’s see let’s see oh what nothing’s changing I can tell I’m not going any faster either oh it just popped up 29 okay okay I’m still recording on my phone so I can see what speed we’re

Going let’s pull over here real quick and verify what our top speed has been so far so our top speed is accurate 29 mph all right so we know we have our plus and minus buttons to go up in pedal assist that also changes our top speed

As well but what I wanted to do is I wanted to come over and hit this top button on the side and this goes through some stuff so max speed has been 29.2 mph that’s accurate our average speed has been 21.3 mph our trip so far has

Been 7 mil exactly and then our odometer is 7 miles so wait my phone said I’ve only done 5.8 now roughly I got to double check that okay so it’s saying on here that we did 7 miles and on here it’s saying roughly 6 miles that’s 5.96 I’m just

Going to round it up to 6 miles so it’s showing a mile differ difference the next thing you guys probably would like to know is the throttle response of the pedals and the throttle I’ve kind of got into it a little bit but let’s do this again so throttle only 1 2

3 it’s instant when you hit it probably not even half a second it works pretty fast but it doesn’t give you all the power so one 2 3 then the power ramps up so it’s not instant power but it’s definitely better than the pedals I’m going to do this one

More time and maybe you guys can tell what’s happening 1 2 3 power’s going now the power’s kicking in now it’s moving now it’s like jamming so just something to keep in mind now let’s see how fast the pedals react so 1 2 3 that’s like roughly a 2 second delay

And then it has the same response lag as this does where it gives you the power but it’s gradual it’s not all power all at once so so here we go 1 2 3 yeah maybe a second and a half to 2 seconds before the power activates and

Then it takes another full second for it to give you the max power out of this bike another thing I didn’t mention at the beginning of this video is that you do have a preload on the left side and then you can also lock out the

Suspension on the right now I put them to the softest setting and I am not locking out that suspension but you can do it if you want now you don’t have the compress one on there but it’s okay suspension feels pretty good for me being 170 lb let’s jump off the curb

Really quick oh yeah it’s not smooth at all but I mean it’s not janky it’s just kind of mid that’s the best way I can say it’s kind of like a mid-range bike oh ladies and gentlemen we’re down the two battery bars out of five it is going

Quick I got to say I think it’s time we turn on our headlight you can probably see a little bit of it on the ground starting to get dark now nice day overall though not super cold not too hot just a perfect time to

Get out here and ride a bike this is a very very good bike for 800 bucks for the pre-order if you guys are watching this video months down the road it’s going to probably be at $1,000 but even at $1,000 it’s not bad at all especially if

You guys want a stepd design ebike the only worst thing I can say about it is if you’re short you’re not going to be able to ride this thing some other things you guys want to know too and it’s something that I took a while to

Adjust to see how I fit on the bike good but let’s just say you’re shorter or taller than me you do have some adjustments so you can raise this pretty high you can’t go super high though because you see how much of these cables are pulling so that’s pretty much the

Max you can go but you can also go pretty low I have mine adjusted a little bit higher than the base just because the seat is so tall and then if you are on the taller side the seat goes pretty high as well to roughly around right

There that is going to be for people that are probably like Shack size right there I feel like that’s really H now the next thing you guys are going to want to know I already know it is Ghost pedaling well that happens at about 17 to 18 mph very very

Low not the best bike to Pedal I would say if you want to feel connected to the bike but the cool thing about this bike is it is street legal it’s a 750 W Motor yes it has a slightly higher Peak power but it is street legal it doesn’t go over 28

Mph and using the throttle up to 20 M an hour is considered Class 2 class 3 is considered pedaling to get that extra 8 mph which this bike does and it complies with everything it looks like we hit 10 mil on this bike and we’re down to our

Last battery bar so kind of something I was thinking of when I got on this bike is that I feel like you’re going to get roughly 13 to 15 15 miles of range and you don’t want to push it probably after 15 you could get way better range if you

Just put it in a lower mode like if I drop it down to two I’m not going to be going that fast anymore but then again I would say if you never are going to go very fast then just get a cheaper bike

At that point but I got to say I kind of like how the bike makes you have to Pedal instead of just being on the throttle even though that’s something I like you get a little bit of exercise out of it and again you’re being street

Legal one last test I’m going to do before we go to the house and give you my final conclusion is what happens if your battery actually dies uh-oh no power what do I do can I pedal this bike back home I am in gear number seven and

Yes it’s taking a little bit of force but I’m moving right along if I don’t want to apply so much force I might go a little slower but this feels perfectly fine you’re definitely going to get a workout but it’s doable compared to the heavier bikes out there this is going to

Be a perfect bike if you get stranded as long as you don’t have a flat and you just don’t have battery percentage you’ll be okay so I turned the bike on and we went up to three battery bars in that time that I was trying to show you

If you could pedal this bike with no power so now I don’t even know where the battery is actually at there’s no way to check voltage unfortunate I feel like bike companies need to start doing that a lot of you guys are going to say carry

A volt meter but the average person is not going to carry a volt meter and know how to use it and what pins to connect it to I feel like a volt indicator would have been great on this bike okay I’ll try to make this fast guys and my hair

Is already so messed up but I think it was messed up in the beginning of the video but I’m not going to try to bore you guys with a super long outro I’m going try to make this as quick as possible so I like the front rack I like

The rear rack I can go without having the front rack and just have the headlight on here that would be perfectly fine to me not a fan of the headlight but I’ll check it out in a separate video I don’t like the grips I don’t like that it has hydraulic BR it

Doesn’t have hydraulic brakes but I will say these perform very good especially for how light the bike is I like the frame design overall I like the flat black too many logos I want to say on this bike the biggest con to this bike is the fact that people that are 55 want

To ride bikes like this but they’re not going to be able to so if you do buy a bike like this you’re not going to be able to ride it until you change out the seat unless you’re going to get on the bike hella crooked and you’re always

Going to be at stop lights leaning over a lot so if you just change this out you won’t have any suspension seat pose so you’re not going to have any type of suspension back here that’s going to make the bike a little bit more rougher

But you can put the seat a lot more lower which will make it easier for you to get on because the way this bike is designed it’s a step through design so it’s made for people that have back problems or shorter people to get on but

Look I can’t even slide on it I have to really get on it and yeah it’s just kind of uncomfortable once you’re sitting on on it and pedaling it’s perfectly fine but when you come up to a light it’s not that great didn’t really like the Bell

But I like how the Bell feels it’s actually louder in my garage and it was outside especially I had a helmet kind of blocking my ears the display is great I didn’t even take the film off of it yet and I was I could see it clear as

Day like during the sunlight I could also see it at night very bright um it does dim and get brighter depending on if you turn the headlights on and off you do have you know some settings in there to check out some information like your trip odometer top speed stuff but

There’s no voltage in don’t like that the gears felt perfectly fine the chain ring and the gears should be a little bit bigger it would have been nice if they had like eight or N9 speed on here or just put like a 50 something to sprocket on the front because you’re

Just ghost pedaling too early like 17 18 M an hour doesn’t feel like you’re connected to the bike you’re just basically moving the pedals just to get the bike to work but I do like that this bike is street legal and it’s not going to get confiscated you can’t go over the

Speed limit here in California anyway so make sure you follow your local logs it might be different than us some places are limited to 20 especially some bike pass or Trails like where people walk you can’t go over 20 M hour so just keep that in mind just so you don’t get these

Taken away from you I like the fact that this holds up to 55 lbs too so you can you know carry some cargo I’m not exactly sure how expensive these replacement batteries are but it would be nice to have an extra one because the next biggest con of this bike is the

Range 13 amp hours of battery now in 2024 is not that much but they’re also not putting this bike at a huge price point but there are bikes on the market that are a moped style ebike that have 34 37 amp hours of battery now they

Might not feel as good as this one they might feel a little bit more janky but you’re still paying $11,000 for that bike and $1,000 for this one which one would you go for type of things so it really depends on the market that you’re into me personally I would probably pass

On this one only because I don’t need a step through design the seat is Too Tall I don’t need a foldable bike I don’t need something to put into my car but if it’s something that you need need that small light and you just need to get it

Around like a campsite or maybe go to the grocery store here and there and you’re not doing more than 15 miles in one trip this should be a pretty cool bike for you so links will be down in the description I’ll have discount codes again the bike is $800 pre-order going

On right now but if you’re watching this months later it’s up to probably $11,000 which is still not that bad of a deal maybe think about getting the headlight on this thing though if you’re going to ride it at night the back’s okay front is not and I never got splashed with any

Water dirt when we went off road even though the tires are hella dirty because we got fenders and the front suspension felt really nice one thing I should note before I leave is that the suspension feels very firm it doesn’t feel soft or plush it kind of feels more on the firm

Side if I had to say a zero to 10 scale I’d probably say this feels like a 7.5 or eight for on the being on the firm side more than the soft side so on that note guys again links down in the description I’ll see you guys in the

Next one hopefully that wasn’t too long for you guys cuz I know a lot of you guys skipped to the end of this video really appreciate watching true MVPs and I got to go cuz I got to take a shower and I got another bike over here too so

Subscribe to the channel because we’re always reviewing bikes on this channel and uh I’ll see you peace

ENGWE L20 2.0 giveaway and $200 off https://shrsl.com/4fud5

Unmatched power with 52V, 75Nm, and a peak output of 1125W, reaching speeds of up to 28MPH.
Designed with the utmost comfort in mind, it’s the ideal choice for female riders. (stylish design, step-through frame)
The foldable design makes it easy to carry and store during travels, allowing it to be stored in limited space without worrying about taking up too much room.
The front basket provides additional storage space, offering convenience for both outings and shopping trips.
The dual shock absorption system ensures adaptability to all terrains, making it suitable for any landscape.

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