Electric Motorcycles

Lectric One Review | ($1,999) Pinion C1.6 Gearbox and Gates Carbon Belt Drive for Under $10k?

Lectric One Review | ($1,999) Pinion C1.6 Gearbox and Gates Carbon Belt Drive for Under $10k?

Hey everybody this is Justin again with EBR and today I’m down here in temp Arizona and I’m covering a super cool bike release from Electric this is the electric one and it is by far in my opinion the best bike electric has come out with there is so much to this bike

So we’re going to try to cover the launch going to ride around town give you some of my initial Impressions just kind of talk about it the things that I like I don’t know how much there’s that I’m not going to going to like given the

Price talk on this is only $2,000 and it is hacked with features that I never would have expected pinion gearbox carbon Gates belt drive 750 rear hub rear hub motor that supposedly is really fast we’re going to jump on and we’re going to go test it so hang with hang

With me let’s go for a ride and let’s see how the electric one does okay so when I originally came down here here and electric kind of wouldn’t tell us what they were going to show us I was expecting a new XP light um this is Way

Beyond what I was thinking that they were going to have um you know I was talking to Christian one of their marketing guys and he kind of threw out a casual like yeah we got some really cool Tech like you only see like $88,000

Bikes and I just kind of was like no way you know lric they’re known for the $1,000 XP um and then last night at dinner we were talking to Levi and you know we have a Stromer coming to test and we just started talking about it and

He definitely like kind of grabbed onto that conversation where I just jokingly threw out you know what we need to do I mean if you’re talking about want to make this super fast bike build a build a bike and put next to the Stromer um this one might actually hold its own I’m

Really curious I think the timing couldn’t be better um to be getting these pinion bikes where there’s really where in the United States States and I think lric is going to possibly really tick some people off with the pricing point of this $2,000 is honestly it’s insane like to have the

Pinion gearbox the the carbon Gates belt drive just how smooth this rides how powerful it is and how honestly it’s it’s kind of that perfect commuter in so many ways at a sub $2,000 price range they’re really going to cost some Wes on this like I’m not ready to call it the

Bike of the year yet but it it’s going to be up there for sure in the running and is going to be very disruptive to the industry um so I I got to give them more than two thumbs up or the electric two clap I I’ll I’ll give Levi and you know

The team the the good old electric two clap on this one because it really is an impressive bike the the amount of people that I think would enjoy riding this and getting people off you know out of cars and writing you know to and from work the grocery store just all over the

Place I’m hoping this this makes a pretty big dent there and it’s kind of fitting that we’re at where we’re at so let me flip this around you know I’m sitting here at a community called the culdesac in Tempe which is just super cool where it’s a carless Community um there’s no asphalt

There’s this is the living quarters back here and you have ebik credits you have Community this is a gift shop some other little shops You’ got a really cool gym you just have a lot of cool stuff here and you know bringing it back to the bike I think think this is something

That fits really well in this community um and just just a good place to do this because of that you know again the the big things to point out on this bike first and foremost the the pinion gearbox carbon Gates belt drive you know it is a 750 W

Rear hub motor that is very py very powerful so pairing this smart shift from pinion with that 750 W rear hub instead of pairing a pinion with a mid drive you know it is still Cadence Sensor based you know Levi talked about how he he likes to just get on and go he

Doesn’t want to necessarily sweat but they Incorporated the 96 magnets somehow into that Cadence Sensor so it feels very dialed in very natural feeling um but you can effort effortlessly get this up to you know class three speeds and just have a ton of fun the frame style

Even this little handle here to help lift it is great um bike feels about 50 lbs I’ll have to weigh it when I get back to the office but you know I can lift it up oh I’m going to mess up my video here but it’s not hard to lift up

And it’s just a ton of fun to ride okay so question that I have is give me kind of the background behind choosing pinion choosing Gates and the why there especially since pinion isn’t very well known in the US so this is going to be very interesting to see how

People recognize that and respond totally yeah I think that you know the electric brand name today means something to you know our group of customers and I think to customers that you know may be buying from turn or some of these more um high cost you know ebike Brands I

Think it means something completely different and I think that you know we’ve had a full product team developing all of our bikes State Side here for some time and I think that you know not a lot of people know that or appreciate that about electric that you know we’re

Doing all of this in-house engineering on these products and being really thoughtful with the component selection so I think you know bringing in a partner like pinion on the gear box Gates on the belt drive I think it’s it’s going to be really interesting to see how current electric customers

Perceive those things and you know through the educational materials get excited about that hopefully but I think it’s going to be really interesting for those folks who already know who pinion is who already know who Gates is you know maybe from mountain bikes or from Stromer or from wherever it is we think

We can bring them into that electric fold and say hey electric is not just um you know the light bike or the XP 3.0 or the X Peak we also now have this ultimate commuter package with the cream of the crop top tier Brands you know leading the industry um in terms of

Technology right and so I think it’ll be really cool to see um you know those people come into the fold with this product I agree that’s awesome so yeah a couple other things just to note on it you know as a commuter it’s important you’ve got lights you got the front light the

Wheels you got the reflective White Strip there it is a black color on the bike um but with electric lettering reflective Wheels the integrated lights you’ll still be able to be seen um definitely you know wear reflective clothing as well but I think you know if I have to summarize this

Bike like I I hate to say this but but I think they nailed it on the name the one it really is a bike that I could see being the one bike that I bring home from all the I don’t know 150 200 bikes we’ve got in our office right now this

Could be the one that I bring and just always have um cuz I can go to the grocery store I can ride around town it’s just a ton of fun to ride I think it’s going to appeal to a lot of people um and just overall it’s just a great bike okay so

I’m going to go into some of these settings and see if I can get to where you can see it right so here settings or just the it’s a new color screen by Electric if you hold down the plus and minus and it kicks into here so you have 1 p 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 is where you unlock the speed so 32 go to 45 so that makes it class three then 11 this is your responsiveness so if it’s a three it’s it’s really solid if you kick this down to zero it is insanely responsive and

Had a couple people kind of pop wheelies when it’s down to zero I’m going to leave it at zero cuz that’s just fun so we going to back up and yeah I’m going to kind of take it from here again so you’ve got five different PS levels from

Zero to five I will say it pedals pretty well in zero even um but I’m going to do going to do kind of a quick speed test now that I’ve kind of fully unlocked this at class 3 with the responsiveness set to zero okay so we got a decent

Runway here I’m just going to see how fast I can get this up to I’ve got my hold camera gear backpack on here we go oh yeah it does kick in shift super fast on that pinion 19 20 22 24 right to 26 it did not take long to

Get it up to speed speed just crazy fast off the line do that one more time stop and I’m not even having to Pedal really like push down it’s just get that Cadence going and this thing flies like crazy flies brakes feel good that was a lot of fun this bike is

Seriously I kick in the pants tons of fun okay so as I go back to the group let me give you my first impressions on this bike um with the cave out of I really want to spend more time on it my phone’s having some issues with the app

Right now which I think is an apple issue not a pinion issue um so I’m manually shifting mostly which is fine cuz that’s actually what I generally prefer anyways even when I’ve written these pinions um that you’re old by Etc but start off that Penny and gearbox and the Caron Gates Bell Drive

Combo it’s insane for $2,000 like I don’t know what kind of arms Levine GFC Twisted but they Twisted some arms um to get that price range down this bike as a commuter you know I’m in PS3 right now going 22 feels very natural on the pedaling even

Though I mean it’s got a rear hub right but it just feels Supernatural this shifting is incredibly fast incredibly responsive very smooth and just everything you would want out of opinion this is got it um I was not expecting to see something like this from Electric by any means um

And you know how the bike feels it’s lightweight I I don’t remember the the specs off the top of my head around 50 I think 50 lb or lower um and it feels nimble like I I can carry this upstairs I could if I needed to carry to an apartment the

20-in wheels make it a lot more transportable um and the bike feels solid on the road you know the adjustable stem I’m always a little bit nervous with so far I’ve had no problems with it though it’s felt really nice and rigid um and just comfortable so love the

20-in wheels love the geometry love the feel the overall feel of the bike And couldn’t be more impress given the price range for this like this kind of feels something I’d expect $4 to $5,000 to feel like or more um yeah so very impressed now moving to the pinion again the shifting you probably can’t hear it there’s just a slight little

Like and it just shifts at first when you hop on a pinion you you’re kind of not used to it like right now it’s downshifting so I didn’t have to shift at all I didn’t have to do anything and it just downshifted for me um to make it

Very easy as I’m riding around town which is what I want in a commuter because then I don’t have to worry about oh I’m in the wrong gear crap I’ve got to go I’ve Got a Car on my tail and I got to punch it so love that feature

Um love the functionality and pinions as good as you get with this um pair that with a carbon Gates Bell Drive and maintenance is going to be incredible I think when I was speaking to pinion it was some kind of insane amount of hours on a bike before you

Need to service um that gearbox so yeah just overall great bike great ride quality now as far as the piness goes they talked Levi talked about the um can’t remember the measure power for Watts or watt per weight um being the highest in the industry I’m definitely

Going to double check that and fact check it but if you put this down to setting 11 is the response time and if you set it to zero it will legit pop a wheelie if you’re not expecting it and riding it properly so you got to be

Careful with that but it’s tons of fun um lots of Pep you know I’m in I’m in three kicking up to five here and I’m not going to have any problem keeping up with these cars and even passing them when you know when safe on this bike

So this is going to be very interesting taking it up a hill haven’t had that chance yet so I’ll definitely get this up hell hole as soon as I can um but a lot of power on the bike know what you’re doing but you can also go in and change that

Setting from on 11 up from zero go to three go to four go to five and just kind of customize that how you want so lots of custom customizability I butchered that word in the bike um with the opinion gear app with electrics own settings you can change I did set this

To where it’s a class three um that’s setting number eight that you do that and you’re going to get a lot of speed I think there’s going to be a lot of people very surprised with how powerful and general this bike is Yo okay so I’m headed to the tempy

Town Lake I don’t know why Google Maps isn’t working um so I’ve got a lot of weight on I’ve got my backpack with all the camera gear and everything and I’m going to see if I can stress this out a little bit CU it is incredibly powerful my

Initial take on this is wow it is crazy fun and Incredibly fast you know how they’ve got that pinion gearbox set up with the Cadence sensors with 96 magnet points I guess it feels incredibly smooth incredibly natural I mean no it doesn’t feel like a mid Drive oh wish the car wouldn’t park

There um but it’s just really dialed in um and I know this isn’t a final production model but even as it is right now this might just be the one bike pun intended um that I’m going to want to have in my garage just to commute around

So yeah so bottom line it’s just a fantastic bike Great Value no idea how they’re doing this at $2,000 and that’s just not like a lot of times you hear people when it’s like a sales pitch this is not a sales pitch um there’s a lot of

Tech in here and most bikes that I see with this kind of tech are for $5,000 I mean You’ got other ones that are well upwards of $10,000 um those are they’re going to have higher specs than this per se but this is a killer deal at just

Under $2,000 and if you want the if you want the bigger battery to spend the extra couple hundred bucks go for it um I can see this becoming kind of some of the framework and the core to a lot of electric bikes in the future very interested to see what happens um going

Forward but yeah this kind of blew me away a little bit I was not expecting this um today from Elric so great job if I mean there’s a ton of questions I’m sure things that we have you know I haven’t been able to really fully test

This yet so we’ll come up with a full review here pretty soon as soon as we can get one in the meantime if you have any questions please leave comments down below um and as always like And subscribe to our Channel we’re going to be putting out a lot more lot more

Content but hopefully it was helpful again this is Justin with EBR and hope to see you on the trail soon

Come along with us for a first ride and watch our Lectric One Review. The new e-bike may well be named Best new electric bike of 2024.

Here is the Link to Order or check out the bike if interested: http://lectricebikes.sjv.io/XYjVYG

The tech on this bike is insane for the Price. A Pinion gearbox and a gates carbon belt drive for only $1,999. Very impressive from one of the top selling e-bike brands in the United States.

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