Electric Cars

There’s a lot of EV hate right now | My perspective on it

There’s a lot of EV hate right now | My perspective on it

How’s it going um I’m sitting in a car but there won’t be a car as such in this video because just wanted to do a video just to let normal viewers of YouTube car reviews and Beyond get a sense of what it’s feeling like to be on the other end of

The whole thing um right now and I think a lot of it is is driven by anti sentiment which is there’s kind of a couple of angles from it one is people that are probably not even just two different scenarios actually you’ve got people who have bought cars call them early adopters if

You like although I don’t know if I necessarily agree with that that people buying cars in 2023 2022 or early adopters and then you’ve got people that and the general they’ll use the term milk float to describe an EV so they kind of generally stand out all by

Themselves because you know that gives the game away straight away they’re just anti EV which is cool by the way I I I don’t have any you know this YouTube channel is for all kinds of cars um I run a petrol car myself so I you know I don’t have an issue

People that don’t get EVS or whatever don’t want to get EVS that’s fine um and I also don’t think EVS are the one siiz solution to everything um but what is starting to really annoy me um like first of all this is YouTube and car reviews is my

Full-time job right so I am making videos about cars I don’t get paid by any car companies I get YouTube Revenue so if you watch an ad at the start of a video whoever that channel belongs to gets I think it’s 20% of whatever YouTuber I don’t even know if it’s 20%

To be honest with it doesn’t feel like it’s 20% um and for the last year and a bit I’ve you know full-time gone at this with a with a view to you know just make as many car videos get as many reviews in per calendar year as I can and lash

Out the content right all good and and by the way nearly 40,000 subscribers so many of you have been amazing so really appreciate that all the support and if you’ve been here from day one thank you really appreciate it but um my my annoyance at the moment

Is just you go to a venue or a different country in some cases you know and people see the Instagram side of traveling to look at cars and yeah it’s lovely and the hotels are lovely and all that stuff but actually the reality is you’re away from your family for maybe

Sometimes 5 days at a time you’re up the crack ofon to get flights you’re working from the codon in the morning you’re still working at night time because you’re gone to a dinner with people from the brands they talking shop so the point is um when anything is your

Job it’s a job right so I as I’ve described to someone this morning you know who said that I was uh being untruthful about a particular car review I said but I’m not being untruthful everything in this review is honest and I said and here’s another thing it’s

Like when someone comments under a video it’s the same as me walking into your job announcing to all of your colleagues that I don’t think you’re good at it and then dropping the mic and walking off again and by the way no one knows who I am in that office because I’ve arrived

In with a totally Anonymous handle with a lot of numbers at the end of it no profile picture no nothing and I just go yeah this is crap and this is rubbish and uh why aren’t you telling the truth about EV prices and I’m and then they just walk away

Um and I this is the thing I literally all of the last EV reviews I’ve done mention the price is too high or the price needs to come down or hey the price has come down and now is a really good time like take everyone’s focusing

On id4 at the moment now is an amazing time to buy an id4 but if I say that someone will probably say oh Volkswagen are paying you to say they’re not they’re not Volkswagen don’t pay me anything so but that’s is a statement of fact now is a better time and I think

Some of the things that people need to get their heads around and you know when you explain this then you’re accused of being proe or whatever so the price of making a battery for an electric car has come down by about 40% in the last year huge change in the manufacturing

Process you’ve also got brands that are now building their own factories they’ve got their own chemical Engineers they wear the the coats the lab coats that you’d imagine they have with the car brands on them they work for the car brands and they can extract the raw

Materials and make a battery in the factory goes under the car leaves the factory um and because car companies will get more control over that the prices will fall then you’ve got EV adjustment prices which depending on who you talk to will give you different reasons one

Will say it’s early adopters two will say we’ve been so focused on higher Capac City batteries that now there’s more options coming in and people are going back to a used market and they’re not buying the most expensive car that they all originally thought they needed

And then let’s call it as as it is you just you car companies are in business to make profit and if they could charge nearly 60 grand for an id4 A couple of years ago they did they will tell you that well again producing the car costs more money semiconductors blah blah blah

Blah blah who knows what it is but the point is I I don’t make cars I don’t design cars I don’t like another comment this morning from a guy um on a citen video why aren’t you telling the truth why aren’t you saying this is a PUO and

It’s also a Vox all and I’m kind of going I’ve spoken about stantis in loads of videos they’re this big company that own loads of Brands it’s not a secret it’s it’s on the Internet it’s literally on the internet if you want to find that

Out I’m like I can’t in every video go oh by the way uh this is a Volkswagen but it’s also owned by Audi and did you know they’ve got connections in Porsche and Bentley and you’re just like and it’s like this W this new wave

Of it’s bit like the RS that happen in Dublin and it’s a bit like the Ireland’s full Mantra which it isn’t by the way uh and it’s it’s like I I heard a thing about EV so I’m going to come on under every EV video that exists on YouTube

And I’m going to spout a lot of waffle about and then I’m gon to walk away I did a video last week now sometimes Brands will offer you money to talk about a specific product I don’t do them that often but I did one for the

Fuel hvo right so it’s an alter it’s diesel but it’s an alternative less emissions based diesel what comes out the exhaust is supposedly better for the environment right grant you don’t have to buy it but you can and that was a sponsored post so it clearly says add uh

# SP all the usual someone replied and said uh uh you’ve you’ve sold out um why don’t you go back to the radio station you worked in if you need money and I’m like right so I meant to live on fresh air is you just you do YouTube videos

And the magic fairies pay your mortgage they buy your food they put it on the table to dress your kids the magic fairies why don’t you go back to the so I was like okay so I just I have no issue with people I I welcome the more comments behind the

Video or below video the better amazing engagement talking about the cars it’s the new like car forms are a massive thing and some still are a lot of them have died a death the new way of having a car for them is now you you comment but know the car and everyone’s got

Different opinions and some hate this car and they think this car looks terrible and those wheels are crap and it’s a rip up off all good that’s just opinion stuff but it’s the constant anti sentiment that is from I I feel a group that aren’t even in the market they’re never spending €

117,000 on a seven seater electric SUV anyway um it’s like me going on a video of a Ferrari going this is ridiculous it’s € 300,000 Euro who can afford this I I can’t but that’s the price I can’t control that so it just make I mean and then some of the

Comments really make me laugh there was a video I put up yesterday and someone said uh the state of the carpet in that video you think they would have put and like it genuinely made me laugh the carpet actually when you look back in hindsight was terrible but again that’s

Not the brand aren’t I mean some will go to a hotel and say okay what’s the room like yeah this this suits maybe they just got a car last minute and they just needed a venue close by to everybody and you know so I just think um some of the

Anti e stuff some of it is is led by informed people absolutely and then others are watching other other people and they’re basing their thing on the equivalent of the online version of going into the pub people who have a passing interest in the cars here or see

This they run away with it the Chinese Whispers get worse you turn on the windscreen wipers and the battery drops 100 kilometers and it’s just like when you’re putting a huge amount of effort and time and resource es and never mind even like even getting a car

Getting a car for me is an hour and a half round trip you got to go pick it up you got to sit in the M50 you got to deal with the traffic you’ve got to come home you’ve got to find a location to film the car sometimes you’ve got to was

The car again cuz so many Builders don’t give a damn and the roads are in shice uh then you film it and you research the car and you get all the different specs and the facts and the battery size the capacity the charging speed the boot

Space the price the price it was the competition out there then you get home and you edit this video and you take this huge F and you condense it down into maybe 12 to 14 minutes that takes hours hours right can take sometimes you run out of time because life gets in the

Way and dinner has to be made and kids have be collected so you go I’ll come back to that tomorrow but I really want to get the video today but I don’t have time and then someone comes in and just shits all over your work and questions it in parts that are

Beyond question because their statements of fact and as I said I I don’t have an issue with if I get something wrong I’m not saying I I I never do sometimes you will get things wrong like yesterday I me I said so one car had a dry

Coefficient of 0. 29 one had a dry coefficient of 0 28 and I said so it’s slightly ahead now what I meant was the other way around right but I’m filming a car on the Fly that I’ve Just Seen 10 minutes beforehand and I replied to them

And said well yeah sometimes you you’ll reverse your you know you make a mistake recording you should try it and you should try it if you could do it set up your YouTube channel let’s see what you can do but um as I said like 99% of

Stuff is really positive really you know great Community wonderful viewers subscribers people com in and watch one video never look at your channel again cuz they’re just interested in that one car and I totally get that as well um but it’s it’s that you have to remember if someone is working in this

Space you don’t see a huge amount of the research and the time and the effort and blah blah blah blah and why would you I don’t I don’t want to know what the details of your job are you turn up you get paid you go home again this is the

Exact same my issue is when you come on to a video and you spout lies or you accuse me of not being transparent or because I didn’t mention the fact that pujo and citen are the same bleeding company that makes me uh you know a false reviewer or spreading lies it’s like

Jesus do I really need this grief so I I get it I I get the like I have mentioned price drops of EVS um there’s no hiding the fact that the prices have dropped I get DMS from people all the time should I buy this now because I’ve seen this has gone

Cheaper it’s now a good time to buy if you want to never lose any money don’t buy a new car full stop doesn’t matter what’s feeling it um do I think electric cars like I again I I have I spend more time looking online finding out signs reading comments from other people who

Are maybe on a database of a brand because they bought previous cars and they’re saying got a phone call last week such and such a car there 10 grand offer right now are you interested and you won’t find that information really you know that’s not in the public domain

As such it’s in car Enthusiast Farms but I’m taking that information I’m finding that I’m like oh okay that’s there’s a little nug that might be so I put that into the that’s relevant to that car and I say make sure you shop around cuz you

Know did a Cooper born video last year um it was at was near the the price of the car was nearly $ 60,000 on that particular one why you why you mentioning false prices I’m like that’s the price right now that’s the price that I get from the brand and that’s the

Price that it is currently online but again you get these kind of stupid comments accusing you of not being transparent because it’s it’s something they don’t agree with or you know one of the reasons some people watch videos is they buy a car they want someone to

Evalue it and sort of say nice things about it because they’ve spent their hard ear money on it and I get that but if they don’t agree with what you’re saying they’ll have this big huge rant and you’re like but I didn’t but I haven’t and it’s only a thing in the

Last maybe six months so I do feel it’s being driven by anti- sentiment frustration over the prices as I said I I do get that I understand if you genuinely had been burnt on a car and a family members whove bought EVS at higher prices and

Same cars worth quite quite a bit less and they went to get a price on a trade in it’s like it’s just not viable to change you know and and I get that but if you’re someone who’s coming on to just have a rant about your car that you

Were never going to buy anyway uh and then accuse the person who’s taken the time and the effort to make this video of spreading lies why aren’t up with the real range I was like cuz no one’s driven the car yet and when I do drive

The car I will tell you how much charge has got into it I will tell you what the onboard computer is actually saying versus the wltp figure show me the videos where I haven’t so yeah it’s a it’s a weird time to be um reviewing cars there a lot of

Anti evv sentiment I’m I’ve reviewed and still do review diesel cars petrol cars hybrid cars whatever is going I’ll do it and let me tell you in Ireland it’s not exactly a huge business um so you’ve got to workers those subscribers I have have taken heading into now six years of hard

Work hours of editing hours of researching cars filming cars collecting and dropping cars cuz it’s a job but my issue is when you come into my office or my workplace or my floor my colleagues are all the comments down below it’s fully transparent you can watch a video

Whenever you want whenever you can go back and watch a video that’s up there 6 years if you if you like my issue is when you come on to my channel and start accusing me of misinformation not being transparent when I literally set out to do exactly

That in every single review and as I said if I make a mistake I make a mistake but I certainly uh do not come on here to start misrepresenting um energy consumption or i’ have I never mentioned the price of EVS dropping is that not a thing have I

Not mentioned that on literally every relevant video but I’m sorry for not saying that perso and citen are the same company oh and opal too yeah santis you should Google them there’s loads of information out there about them so sorry this is a bit of a rant um just

Need to kind of get it off my chest because it’s really starting to just and you could spend spend all day replying to these comments and you kind of do feel like you have to defend yourself cuz as I said all you have is your reputation all I have is my opinion if

You don’t agree with it that’s fine but that’s all I have my opinion and my reputation and I certainly set out to make the best quality uh videos I can um with with armed with as much information as I can and then a little bit of

Opinion about should you buy the car is it too expensive whatever it is um but when it turns in into you’re spreading lies I’m just like really might do something else cuz it’s again this is a bit of a pain anyway um let me know prices EVS normal cars have you been

Stung what are what are your thoughts um please do comment down below but yeah it’s a weird angry mob time to be making YouTube videos and as I said I get it but when it’s when it turns into a personal thing when the person is actually annoyed with a brand or

Whatever I am the Messenger don’t shoot the messenger

#ElectricCar #EV #Car

There’s a lot of anger and hate existing in the world of motoring right now. A large portion of it is noise surrounding electric cars, price drops and hearsay. It is now also creeping into lots of comments under videos that I am making so I want to give you my perspective on that.

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