Electric Cars

HUGE NEWS! Mercedes CEO Just DITCHED EV Production!

HUGE NEWS! Mercedes CEO Just DITCHED EV Production!

Wake up the Eevee dream is over Mercedes CEO just ditched their Eevee production shocking all car makers by going back to combustion engines remember how Mercedes promised they’ll ditch all gas cars by 2030 well they’re not doing that anymore the EV Market is crashing super hard

With EVS dropping 30% in prices but why is Mercedes suddenly getting cold feet about EVS why did they go back to gas cars are EVS a scam so here’s the thing a few years ago the government imposed strict rules stating all brands should shift to EVs and if they don’t do that

They’ll be hit with massive fines and one of the very first Brands to ditch gas cars was none other than Mercedes despite the fact that EV sales only made up 11% of Mercedes total sales in 2023 their CEO Ola cinesa said they’re going all electric but now the EV Market is in

Shambles and Mercedes is making a sharp U-turn they were aiming for this future where you could stroll into a Mercedes dealership in 2030 and the only thing you’d see are shiny new EVS but now they’re like H maybe not they’re saying only about half of their cars will be

Electric or hybrid by then that’s a massive shift from their previous EVS or nothing stance it’s not just a Mercedes thing though the whole car industry is feeling iffy about EVS all of a sudden you’ve got Tesla’s Elon Musk talking about slower sales rivan and Lucid not

Ramping up production and GM and Ford delaying their EV projects it’s like everyone got cold feet at the same time back in 2021 Mercedes was riding the electric wave talking big about how half their cars should be either plug in hybrids or fullon electric by 2025 they even had this ambition 2039 strategy

That was like a pledge to go fully electric where market conditions allow it was a bold move but now it seems like they’re tapping the brakes a bit so what’s the deal now in their latest chat with investors Mercedes is playing it a bit safer they’re saying hybrids and EVS

Will hit a 50% Mark in the second half of the 2020s but again only where market conditions allow and here’s the kicker Mercedes Big Boss CEO Ola cinis spilled some tea in an interview he basically said that traditional gas guzzlers are the only ones that are making the money

While they’re only losing money on EVS due to poor sales numbers Mercedes CEO said that making EVS affordable or even comparable in price to gas cars is going to take at least another 10 years let’s talk numbers for a sec in 2030 Mercedes sold a total of 401 943 th000 plug-in

Hybrids which is up by 20.5% from the year before but here’s the twist EV sales actually dropped by 12.5% while gasc car sales soared by 61.3% so electric is clearly losing the popularity contest within Mercedes the whole car Market’s in a bit of a pickle slow economic growth those never-ending

Supply chain headaches and some serious trade tension between the US China and the EU are making things tricky for 2024 Mercedes is already bracing for a bit of a bumpy ride expecting sales to dip in the first quarter and despite all the fancy Tech and research their pouring

Money into they’re feeling the pinch with component shortages especially these 48 volt systems from Bosch that are holding up production it’s like they’re running a two-legged race with one leg tied up Mercedes has this new platform called MMA designed with EES in mind but still friendly to those old

School combustion engines this platform is going to be the base for some cool models like the CLA glb and the little G wagon that’s going to come later in 2024 another big reason why Mercedes is back paddling on EVS is an incoming threat from China this is something so bad that

Even Tesla’s Running Scared but more on this in a minute if you were thinking Mercedes is alone in this Venture let me tell you about some other brands Ford’s been slashing prices on their Mustang Mach e by up to $88,000 cuz January sales were in the dumps and they’re even

Cutting back on their F-150 Lightning production imagine that scaling down on their electric truck production because folks aren’t buying it like they thought they would and here’s where it gets even juicier the Biden Administration is catching on to this whole maybe we were too ambitious with the EV push Vibe

There’s talk about them easing up on forcing car companies to sell more EVs and pushing those targets back past 2030 the original plan was to have 67% of new cars be electric by 2032 but now it looks like they’re rethinking that big leap especially since EVS were only

About 7% of the car game back in 2023 here’s where it gets even more shocking Honda scrapped a colossal 5 billion plan to make EVS leaving investors in disbelief they had teamed up with General Motors to develop affordable EVS but now all plans are off the plan was

To use GM’s ultium Battery Technology to roll out EVS for under $30,000 but with this ongoing EV market crash this seemed too risky speaking of GM even their CEO Mary Bara is saying that making EVS cheaper is going to be impossible oh and by the way what’s Mercedes top rival

Company doing I’m talking about BMW and let me tell you BMW’s CEO has just revealed something that might put them ahead of Mercedes forever BMW is looking Way Beyond betting big on hydrogen engines that’s right you heard me hydrogen it’s like they’re flipping the script on the whole EV craze BMW is

Dropping hints that they’re going all in on hydrogen cars by 2025 Oliver zipa the big boss over at BMW says hydrogen engines are going to be a game changer worldwide they’re looking at hydrogen fuel cell vehicles hfcvs that can offer a range as high as 800 mil they’ve just

Rolled out the bmw5 hydrogen one of the three Hydro Heroes BMW’s planning to unleash in 2024 This SUV is not just about being green it’s about nailing performance too with over 400 horsepower under the hood and a 0 to 60 Sprint in 6 seconds it’s no slouch now let me tell

You about what exactly caused Mercedes to go back to combustion cars you see the EV market right now has more than a dozen players but out of those Tesla and a Chinese company called byd makes up the majority of EV sales what’s even crazier is that byd just made a shady

Play to control our market and destroy all us EV Brands and seeing the competition getting so rough Mercedes wants to steer clear of the price War they want to save their tag of being the luxury car maker but on the same side they also want to not look like fools

When they price their EVS with comparable features next to a Chinese car that costs almost half to make things worse China also imposed a brutal export ban on their rare Earth mineral Supply these minerals like nickel lithium and so on help us make EV batteries and the US gets 80% % of its

Supply from them so is this export ban bad news for us it surely is you see since acquiring the raw materials for making EVS is now going to be even tougher local car manufacturers are going to struggle really hard to keep their prices low but don’t forget byd is

A Chinese company so it can still get those costly raw materials and enter our Market with cheap EVS making other brands just obsolete then you should also know that these raw materials needed to make EVS are only limited in Supply and cause is issues like water pollution and Mining hazards that affect

Thousands of children all over the world now let’s talk about reliability remember how we thought EVS would be less of a hassle because they have fewer moving Parts well it turns out they’ve got their own bag of issues we’re seeing a bunch of recalls from Big names in the

EV game Tesla had to call back over a million cars because of some autopilot snafus and GM’s not off the hook either with their bolt EVS Catching Fire after crashes even Ford had to recall a bunch of Mustang Mach e due to battery issues doesn’t exactly scream reliable now does

It and here’s the kicker fixing an EV isn’t as simple as popping into your local mechanic these high-tech rides can rack up some seriously High repair bills especially if you damage the battery we’re talking tens of thousands of dollars for what might seem like minor damage so much for saving money on gas

But the plot thickens despite all the government incentives and tax breaks folks just aren’t buying into the EV hype as much as expected sales are growing sure but not at the Blockbuster rate some were hoping it seems like a lot of people are still on the fence worried about the prices charging

Hassles and whether these cars can really go the distance both literally and figuratively so what’s the takeaway from all this while EVS definitely have their perks they’re not the Silver Bullet for our transportation woes that some had hoped between the environmental concerns of battery production the Practical challenges of owning an EV and

The reliability hiccups it’s Crystal Clear we’ve got a long road ahead before we can truly call EVS the vehicles of the future Mercedes CEO has probably made the right move going back to combustion engines that are still reliable and selling in good numbers will you be buying an EV yes or no I

Just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

The EV dream is OVER! Mercedes CEO just DITCHED EV production, shocking all carmakers by going back to combustion engines! Remember how Mercedes promised they will ditch all gas cars by 2030? Well, they’re not doing that anymore! The EV market is crashing super hard, with EVs dropping 30% in prices.

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