Plug-in Hybrids

Should You Buy 2024 Mazda CX-90 Plug In Hybrid? A Mechanic’s Review

Should You Buy 2024 Mazda CX-90 Plug In Hybrid? A Mechanic’s Review

Hello and welcome to the car caras reviews Channel and welcome to the 2024 Mazda cx90 plug-in hybrid model we have previously reviewed the inline 6 model and we did a really in-depth review the technical side and everything and we determined that the n96 was a little too complicated for the real

World but in today’s video we want to check out the plug-in hybrid model because it doesn’t have the inline six it has a completely different powertrain and in today’s video we’re going to do a proper technical review under the hood going to take a look underneath the car

We’re going to take a quick tour around the car because it is essentially the same as the inline six we’re going to talk about some things we do not like some things we do like and if you should buy the plug-in hybrid model over the inline 6 right after This let’s start our technical review with the hybrid system on the cx90 very interesting system and I think it has some pretty unique stuff in it let us dive in so let’s start with the engine first the engine here is not as an inline 6 it is a 4cylinder 2.5 L direct

Injected non-turbo engine this is actually not a new engine for this for Mazda it is the same 2.5 that they have used in almost all their cars up to the point where the inline 6 came out a brief summary of its mechanical construction plastic valve cover pretty

High quality plastic valve cover which I really like and the cylinder head is onepiece hydraulic lifters roller rockers all the good stuff this does have dual variable valve timing the intake one is an electric one so electric motor kind of connected to the inside of the T of the timing gear it’s

If the motor speeds up faster than the camshaft speed it Advan the timing if it slows down retards the timing if spins at the same speed it’s base time this is something that is not new the imas actually pioneered this and they they’ve been really doing it in all

Their cars for a while now and everybody’s kind of following suits slowly this engine is designated as py L just for you to know its name and it is a pretty interesting engine it’s very old school actually it is direct injected only which carbon buildup is a possibility but they don’t have the

Injectors on top of the valve cover like many manufacturers are going towards they actually have it right underneath the intake man fold a much better place for them and makes service very simple the other thing is the high press fuel pump actually sits on the side of the

Valve cover not even on top of it they just have a little housing it’s driven by the cam shaft things are very basic the only thing about this engine is it is in the longitudinal orientation so basically this mimics a rear wheel drive car that has owh Drive in the front

So because this car was designed for the inline six and they wanted the inline six to be as far back as possible so it’s not a lot of weight hanging over in front of the axles this engine is pushed way back and access to the back is a little bit

Difficult but it’s not as much as the inline six I mean there is a lot of room in this engine bay a lot of room here which is very interesting to see of course this engine is not turbocharged or anything the cooling syst system on this engine is extremely simple it has a

Mechanical water pump with a stretch belt and that’s actually the only belt on this engine and as as we’ll talk about the whole hybrid system as a whole you’ll see why there’s only one little stretch belt and that’s it I mean it is so wide open in the front to see that

Water pump and see the belt see all the little details it’s pretty interesting but let’s dive into the hybrid system and I think that’s what’s unique here this is a parallel hybrid system with that means is and let me translate into English it’s a two clutch system and let

Me translate it into simpler English you have the engine and then you have the 8-speed transmission talk about transmission a little bit in between them there’s not a torque converter there’s actually an electric motor and that’s the only electric motor here but in between the engine and this electric

Motor there’s a clutch and then in between this motor and the transmission there is another clutch so you have two clutches this is usually not the case usually they have only one clutch separating the trans the engine but this one has two clutches and the way this

Operates is very interesting and this is I think where they’re on to something here which is really good it has Drive modes so let’s talk about some of these Drive modes so this will start to make sense when you are in EV mode engine’s off the clutch between the engine and

The motor is just disengaged nothing’s connected the engine is just sitting here but the between the motor and the transmission is engaged so now the motor when you energize it it’s going to spin the transmission but here’s the interesting thing usually plug-in hybrids they either have some form of an

Ecbt or something like that or they just have the transmission sit in one speed because the electric motor has plenty of torque it can actually take off the car but this one it actually shifts the transmission and it’s something extremely strange when you drive it it’s

Not strange in a bad way it’s just like oh wow this is like a normal car just shifting and the electric motor is driving it’s very very interesting and then the second driving mode is going to be the hybrid so you’re kind of using both either way so the engine has two

Starting possibilities you can either start it with a starter it does have a starter in certain driving conditions or certain weather conditions it’ll actually start using the starter or it can use the electric motor to start the engine so when you’re driving in high HB you you were in EV and you’re switching

To hybrid mode the electric let’s say the electric motor was going to start the engine the electric motor will disengage from the transmission the clutch between the transmission electric motor will disengage the clutch between the electric motor and the engine will engage the electric motor will spin the

Engine up to the speed of the transmission start the engine and then the second clutch between the motor and the transmission will also engage so now the engine is driving the motor and driving the transmission directly if you need a lot of power and the battery is sufficiently charged it’s

Actually going to apply power to the motor so now the engine and the motor is driving the transmission and driving the car but then the the other mode is if the battery is low on charge and it needs to be charged well the engine now is mechanically connected to this motor

And mechanically connected to the transmission so the motor is going to be spun by the engine to generate and charge the battery pretty interesting principle if you are doing regenerative braking you’re pressing the brake it’s not going to use the hydraulic brakes immediately it’s going to actually charge the battery it’s going to

Disengage the engine shut it off disengage the clutch between the engine and the motor and then the road force or the driving force of the road will spin the transmission which will then spin the motor because the clutch is engaged and it’s going to charge the battery it’s actually a very interesting thing

The biggest thing is here you have two clutches I think that is the biggest thing about this system that I don’t see in a lot of other systems at least the ones that we have reviewed because you can drive the transmission and have that transmission shift while you are in EV

Mode that is something huge folks and it makes a huge difference now this system is all-wheel drive but it is not all-wheel drive in the normal fashion of hybrids and plugin hybrids it’s actually the old school way the inefficient way unfortunately because this is a longitudinal orientation you can’t really drive the

Front wheels and then have another motor in the back that’s just not possible so they actually did it the old school way the 8-speed transmission which is just a conventional 8-speed transmission nothing really special about it you know hydraulic fluid and whatnot it has a drive shaft that drives

The rear differential and then there is a transfer case that sends power to the front wheel to the front differential which then sends power to the front wheels but here is the interesting thing because this is longitudinal you don’t have enough space because the engine sits so far back to

Pass the axle through so they actually put the differential then one axle passes through the oil pan and then goes to the other side now this is not just Mazda this is basically every single car that is in this orientation there is allhe drive it will have to do that

Because there’s no way to pass that axle through the other than through the engine to go to the other side side the HVAC system here usually in plug-in hybrids is very important because when you’re driving EV mode well how are you going to cool the battery heat the

Battery how are you going to cool the cabin heat the cabin so HVAC systems and plug-in hybrids they’re not like electric cars but they’re usually a little bit up and up because that’s really what affects the range here’s what they did here they kept things extremely simple so this has a normal

HVAC system and comes on warms up the coolant coolant warms up the cabin life is good AC compressor is electric here unlike the inline six this is an electric compressor nothing special about it that comes on cools the cabin and life is great the battery is a lithium ion battery now the second

Problem with electric cars and plug-in hybrids the same thing is how do you cool and warm up the battery here they did something very interesting so refrigerant goes straight to the battery to cool it this is the most efficient way it’s a little bit complicated in the sakes of piping and

Whatnot but it is very efficient you don’t have a battery Chiller and you don’t have all that you just have ac lines going straight to the battery and that cools it to warm up the battery they actually followed suit in Toyota’s land this is possibly one of the only

Companies that does it this way also with the refrigerant cooling the battery and then they have an electric heater inside the battery that just comes on warms up the battery and we’re good it’s not the most efficient way but again this is not an electric car so should

Things get complicated while the engine can come on and we have instant heat and we’re good but they went a step further than that cuz this car usually plugin hybrids will have some sort of heat pump system which is very efficient and works great up to 10 -14° F somewhere around

There but here they didn’t do that cuz what happens when you need to heat up the cabin when you’re driving in EV mode they actually put a water heater so that water heater is going to warm up the coolant which then will supply heat to the interior not as efficient but it

Works in a plug-in hybrid now put that in electric car we have major problems because electric cars should be able to harvest their energy their heat a little bit better than this but plugin hybrid this is pretty acceptable now this car has two cooling systems one of them is

From the engine very simple nothing really special about it the second one is actually a dedicated system for the inverter that the inverter is what sends power to the to the motor takes power to charge the battery and does all this stuff DC todc converter because this

Engine does not have an alternator the DC todc converter basically takes that high voltage from the high voltage battery steps it down to 12 volt so we can Char power up all the accessories charge the 12vt battery battery which proudly sits under the hood which is very good not hidden somewhere in the

Back and whatnot and then it also cools the onboard charger so you can plug it in and charge the battery and have some EV range and the motor itself and the transmission they’re all in one circuit now this circuit has its own electric water pump not its own radiator and

That’s the interesting part it is technically but not exactly and this is something very clubber that they did here so the radiator is actually one radiator it’s one unit but it’s actually split the top portion is the other circuit and the bottom portion is the

Engine one now this is good and bad good because you don’t have two physical radiators and all the piping for them and all the complication bad because if you have one of them leaking like you just have a rock that hit one of them you have to replace both you have to

Drain and service both systems at the same time and does add a little bit of cost but in the end I would prefer it that way it’s just one radiator that does everything and we’re done we don’t have 17 radiators in the front now this car does have a very cool feature which

Is a charge charge mode but most plug-in hybrids charge mode is just a button you press it engine will come on it’ll start charging the battery here you can actually select how much you want it to charge the battery Which percentage which I thought was pretty cool pretty

Clear button and you make a selection now this system sounds incredible right things are just cutting edge in a good way and for the most part that is correct on paper when you go drive this car though and and test out the system it is yeah we have some problems some

Serious problems here the biggest problem is it is extremely clunky and slow what I mean by clunky is you accelerate there’s like a jarring feeling not always but for a plug-in hybrid for such a beautiful car it’s not very refined and the biggest problem is if you’re driving EV mode for

Example and you demand like high acceleration all of a sudden you want to take over somebody or you’re merging into a highway you accelerate it’s going to take the system up to 3 seconds to really get going because it’s going to disengage the clutch from the transmission engage the clutch of the

Engine rev up the motor to rev up the engine start it then engage and then then we’re going I mean it’s very slow and then all of a sudden you let go of the gas it’s kind of like jerks shuts off the engine starts charging you feel every single transition and that’s not

Good in plug-in hybrids cuz it makes the car always jarring and that’s not the norm we’re not just figuring out how plug-in hybrids work plug-in hybrids are pretty much here and they’ve gotten really good and this is not really up there with how smooth things are technology wise and like

Design wise it is and I think it’s groundbreaking actually but execution wise and in the real world it’s not so good and the other thing is the electric motor usually you know you drive EVS or you drive even plug-in hybrids you’ll feel you’ll hear the electric motor but

It’s not very loud slight whining when you decelerate and break for regeneration this one is Extremely Loud I mean you’re in EV mode and you just creep a little bit it’s very very very loud the motor it is so loud that one of the coolest things about how it shifts

The transmission in EV mode you will feel every single thing because you can hear it it’s Extremely Loud usually one of the nicest things about plug-in hybrids is when you’re in EV mode it’s very quiet not this one it’s very loud it’s almost as loud as the engine and

That’s where things could use refinement I they were really on to something here but the execution the final execution with the smoothness and the transitions it could really use a lot of work here folks advertised range of this this plug-in hybrid is 26 miles on a full

Charge in ideal conditions of course if it’s too cold too hot might drop a little bit this is not very high for plug-in hybrids of today but again this is a massive car it is very it’s very large it’s swoopy and all that for a dnamic but still it’s a high SUV and

It’s a big SUV so I suppose that is acceptable however I can’t I just can’t get past how clunky the system is unfortunately I really like all the technology and everything that went into it I love hearing that that electric motor Shifting the transmission but things could use some refinement here

Because this is such a beautiful car and really deserves a super smooth and refined plug-in hybrid system and lastly as a mechanic looking around let’s get past the technology and the nerly stuff here first of all you can really tell as soon as pull the cover and look you can

Really tell a much bigger engine was supposed to go here and you don’t have it because there is an alarming amount of space and by alarming I mean very welcome because working in the front of this engine is extremely simple I mean you have so much space and that is

Really good now this is unlike the inline six where every little thing oh engine has to come out not in here you could do it actually a lot the only concern is we talked about it a little bit the engine is pushed back so access to the very back the the high pressure

Fuel pump is a little bit on the difficult side but overall this is way better than the inline 6 there’s way more room it’s not turbocharged things are much simpler especially with the engine and this is really good now as far as materials and kind of quality of

Things I really like what I see here Mazda lately has been really doing things well in this area right here there’s nothing flimsy there’s nothing cheap everything is just solid and good feeling and that’s important folks most people are so focused on interior and gizmos and all that nobody really looks

Here this is what’s going to break your bank or not and in that department this is definitely better than the in line six the in line six they are got a little carried away this one is a lot better and plus this engine is not some all new high-tech engine it’s an engine

They’ve used for years and years and it does have a track record let’s take a look underneath the cx90 plug-in hybrid this is entirely covered this is one of the most covers cars I have seen up to date I mean they really did a good job covering everything here I mean the

Front’s completely covered all you have here is a little piece of the subframe where you can lift it up from what I love about their covering is they did leave you an opening for regular service oil changes and whatnot and even when you look on the side here things are

Very well covered look look at this cover this usually doesn’t exist in other cars this part they really did it extremely well now also at the front suspension so this is a double Wishbone suspension but this very interesting suspension here so you do have an upper control arm that is actually steel see

It from here it is a steel control arm now the knuckle is aluminum the control arm at the bottom it’s actually a two-piece half of it is steel half of it is Aluminum that’s a a pretty interesting setup there you have a dual piston caliper in the front it’s

Actually a pretty decent Siz caliper here there’s one note the lower ball joint is actually part of the control arm you can’t separate it and that is same thing at the top I wish they would have just flipped this and made it a little bit better for service they

Didn’t and that’s okay but then as we move back there’s this very interesting uh looking cover here it’s riveted on believe this is where the Catal converter would be I mean you can’t even tell anything here you usually will not see car manufacturers cover up the

Exhaust like this I mean if you come come around and look it’s not like the exhaust immediately goes up it’s right here and they have heavy shielding on this plastic so it would have Melt from the Heat this is very impressive you will not see a lot of gasoline cars are

This covered up now I believe this Shield has to do with that it just to radiated the heat outside from the exhaust because is completely covered up I mean the covers go all the way across now because of the covers unfortunately we will not be able to see a lot but

Just to give you an idea of the construction this battery is a pretty interesting battery and same thing with a fuel tank it’s a saddle battery it has a very diff strange appearance it’s basically two modules and then a bridge between them so the battery is actually

In this area right here you can see the ac lines that we talked about for the cooling they’re right here and then on this side you open open it up a little bit you’ll see another coolant line another AC line that goes to the SE to the other

Module and then here you have a saddle fuel tank I love this packaging and just this part they did really well you notice there’s this very strong brace here just to kind of brace the body and give you a little bit extra protection Everything feels very high quality

Including the exhaust I really like the quality of this exhaust the shielding everything is really done well here and then we come to the back You don’t see that in a lot of cars and that is the part that I wish they would carry on to other models now the rear differential you can see again we talked about this being really an interesting setup this is a very large differential

And look how huge it is and this doesn’t even have like the disconnect mechanism that’s the transfer case but it does have these two fins that stick out I feel like that’s going to get caught and that’s the only thing but even the control arms have like an over elaborate

Covering to it for aerodynamic they really went all out with this folks and they did it I think in my opinion did it well this is Everything You Touch here and feel it just feels well made now the rear suspension and the multi-link suspension can’t really see much of it

If we come here maybe we’ll see a little bit it’s also an interesting combination of some steel control arms some aluminum control arms and then the knuckle those aluminum does have a single piston caliper in the back with a electronic parking brake on it so that is pretty

Interesting but then we look at the typical automotive industry stuff you notice they put some coverings here but not completely all the way which is better than nothing same thing on this side you know they put some coverings not 100% but I feel like they were not really following the trends of the

Automotive industry with this car they just wanted to make something out of this world and they in some aspects they did especially in the looks Department underneath things look really well I mean you will not see many cars even some really high in luxury cars with metal covers right around the

Differential area I just wish this fin was a little bit they needed the extra cooling but maybe put it on the side so it wouldn’t stick out cuz I feel like this is going to get caught if you go some off-roading let’s take a look at the

Outside and the inside in one go because the plug-in hybrid model is actually exactly the same as the inline 6 model which we have already reviewed but we’re going to talk about some highlights I mean just look at it the best thing about the cx90 is how it looks both

Inside and out this is a beautiful looking car I mean it is classy it is plus is more emphasized me look at this headlight when you look at it close up I mean there’s not much much going on with it but in the grand scheme of things it

Just looks so elegant look at this little line that is lit and then the way the grill just kind of comes out and starts yes it is a massive Grill but it doesn’t look out of place and if you notice there’s these dips in the bumper here that gives it this this character

It’s a very classy design that is not over done you look at the hood there’s not very strange lines there’s just one main line one main line very tiny line here that disappears and that’s about it it even has this very strange Corner over here

Of the hood so the hood comes down then makes a little cut and then goes that way then you look at the side now this is something with the cx90 that they’re doing they would write in line six here this one says plug and hyb electric vehicle very interesting and then you

Look at the side profile there is absolutely nothing it’s just and that’s the beauty part of it I think this is one of the greatest looking cars to come out in these times from a company that is really trying to change their previous image it was not a bad image

But they’re trying to enter the luxury market and nothing says luxury more than this look it is very elegant now it’s not perfect nothing is perfect you can lock the doors from the front but you can’t do it from the back given the price of this particular

One I don’t think that is the end of the world but if we’re going into the luxuries Direction I think this would be a really nice touch but what is really a nice touch and most people might not notice so most cars you open the back

Door you know this is plenty of space to pack this is a pretty tall door but watch what Mazda did here this is almost 90° I mean this gives you huge space to get into the car makes it very comfortable to get in out

Of it I love this this is this every car should have this now they don’t have the same in the front but the entry in the front is still plenty wide so you to get in now we go we go to the back and this is

Where again less is more I mean this is a very goodlook car the only concern I have about this because of this shape and this kind of elegant design the window is actually not that big this belt line is very high the window is not the biggest but that’s the only thing it

Is a beautiful looking car now just like all new cars this is something that’s becoming kind of the fashion the back door is very close to the bumper like there’s no bumper at all so any hit you may damage the back door that is one thing we’re seeing with the automotive IND

Pretty much all around badging is medium on this cx90 o whee Drive e Sky Active plug-in hyper vehic it’s a bit much but that’s how everybody is this is really on the lower side of things but then being a plug-in hybrid you have fuel door and you have a kind of a charge

Door this is the fuel door let’s go look at the charge door cuz that’s really what’s different pretty massive door and it is cover which I like this is how it should be but they always could do this a little bit better I mean this is a door

You’re going access frequently to charge your plug-in hybrid and this is not just Mazda I’m seeing almost everybody some companies really get this right Mazda and I guess join the ones that this is a little bit on the flimsy side but let’s take a look at the inside because this is I think

Where things are interesting I mean this interior is the first thing about it is it’s very comfortable when you look at a car like this and they’re heading all in the luxury Direction I feel like they did not go over the top here and for a good reason all physical controls for

Your HVAC the infotainment system is a little bit confusing to me in the plug-in hybrid let’s talk about it a little bit just for you to get an idea correct me if I’m wrong cuz I could not really get an accurate answer on this

One so this has a Rory dial but in the inline 6 model the 12-in screen it was touchscreen but in this one it is a 12in model and it is not touchscreen the smaller screen is not touchscreen but the bigger one is supposed to be but in the plug-in hybrid model this particular

One is not touchscreen so a little bit creates a confusion for us here Rory dial works fine but it is nice to have the touchcreen in addition to the rotary dial because this is uh you know Rory dial with Wireless Apple carplay which W one does have gets a

Little much sometimes you just want to change an option and that’s it now the materials here they’re nice but they’re not the top I mean this is the leather is a little bit on the drier side it’s not the nicest leather out there but again considering the price of this car

This is okay but the fit to finish here is folks is impeccable this is something to be said I mean everything here is very well put together and that’s what you expect this material here this I don’t think this is really real wood a wood veneer if you would at best looks

Very nice and very classy it’s not over the top it’s not all over the dash and all over it’s a little bit on the doors a little bit here it just gives it a hint of nice but not over the top center console open both ways it is Tiny though

Because this does have a very deep tunnel cuz there’s a lot of real estate going on it is small but I suppose it works now the gauge is also a full screen that doesn’t really do much other than display multiple information so don’t expect a lot with this screen and

That’s how it is with the cx90 let’s talk about some things I do not like about the 2024 Mazda cx90 plug-in hybrid model the biggest thing is the plug-in hybrid model part while this system this plug-in hybrid system is very sophisticated and it actually has a lot of cool features

And cool designs and things that are really groundbreaking it is extremely clunky that’s the best way to put it it really needs more refinement on the transition of things between modes you feel every transition and occasionally it just kind of hangs up to line everything up to go

And it’s something you really feel on a daily Drive regardless if you have a heavy foot or you’re driving conservatively or you’re just driving normally you will always feel the powertrain just not smooth and that could really use some improvements here and the other thing and this is really

Not specific to the plug-in hybrid model the smart key access or the keyless go access when it’s only in the front doors not the rear doors I mean we’re going after a luxury car theme that would have been something really nice to have simple to add I I must add but would be

Nice to have but the biggest concern about the interior while the interior is just fabulous the shifter I don’t know why they decided to have the park be on the left side where you have to move it physically so it really has a steep learning curve and if

You’re in a hurry you’re trying to make multi multi-point turns if you just bump the shifter it’ll go into park and now you have you stop and you have to go it just it’s not the best idea I wish the park was just a button that would have

Worked too and then here’s an interesting thing that since we did the inline 6 model and now we did this one I discovered it this one if you’re in Reverse or drive and you most people are kind of used to pushing the shifter forward and we’re in park you’re busy

You’re on the phone you have kids yelling you throw it and you don’t think that you have to move it to the left you shut off the car it’ll actually engageed Park and it’ll tell you and roll away engaged and you walk away lock the car we’re great Life’s good then you come

The next time you start it won’t start lights will come on and it will tell you shift into park you’ll be like what what do you mean shift into Park oh we have to move the shifter to the left very confusing shifter that is totally unnecessary

But we have it it works but could be better we’re going to need to sit down for this one folks because this one is really difficult to say I love this car and I love the direction that Mazda is going lately with their proper luxury car and they’re

Really doing it at prices that are not proper luxury car prices I wish Mazda is listening right now because this is not criticism this is actually feedback from somebody who genuinely cares I love everything about this car from the way it looks to the way it feels when you

Sit inside of it from everything looking around everything I can tell that Folks at Mazda really poured their heart into this one but here is the truth this beautiful car from the looks and the feel and everything really needs the refinement on this power train more here

Than in the inline six but even in the inline six things are just too clunky they feel like experimental and and that’s a problem in 2024 there are so many hybrids and plug-in hybrids are so good that it’s a it’s it really pains me that a car this beautiful and this well

Thought out and they really thought about everything and they spent so much time and they did things so well elsewhere but in the power Trin it really needs to work and on top of that there are some areas are done so well but some areas are not like the

Door closing sound it could use real Improvement and this is simple stuff but this is what consumer will will look at you close the door it just doesn’t Inspire luxury now having said that not everything about this plug-in hybrid system is just clunky needs refinement and all that there are some very

Groundbreaking stuff like the two clutches that’s not the norm in parallel hybrids usually you have one clutch this one has two and the feeling of driving it in EV mode and the transmission shifting with no engine running it’s something you’re on to something here this is just I always thought why don’t

They do it this way where the electric motor drives a regular transmission and the transmission shifts just like an engine would be and here it is the really on to something with this but I feel like if they make a revision to this system improve some of it

Clunkiness they’re on to something this to me as a mechanic as just an average Joe on the street this is a lot more like it than inline 6 the inline six headed towards BMW side so much that it scared a lot of folks I am one of them

It was way too complicated things here they are complicated because this is a plug-in hybrid after all but they’re not as level of complication of the inline six and this still drives fine other than a clunky powertrain but when it is not clunky and everything is engaged and

Going doesn’t like power it’s pretty smooth it’s pretty quiet and that’s why I say I think this will be the winner here if they work on smoothing out the powert Trin a little bit everything else we can live with no car is perfect of course but this is such a beautiful car

Just needs some work on that refining that Powertrain folks and as far as reliability without a doubt I feel like longterm this may be better than the inline 6 simply because the inline six is just as beautiful as that engine engineering is it’s just too complicated

For the real world and that is something we talked about in the previous review folks I hope this video was helpful informative I hope you learned something new if you like it consider giving a thumbs up if you’re not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some other videos until the

Next video folks may the Lord bless you and keep you and you have your have wonderful day

A Mechanic Reviews the 2024 Mazda CX-90 Plug In Hybrid. Should You Buy One?

In this video we take a look at the Latest Mazda CX-90 Plug In Hybrid.. We start with a proper technical review under the hood then underneath the car.

Then we look at the exterior and interior. Then we talk about some things we don’t like about it.

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0:00 Intro
0:53 Under The Hood
18:25 Under The Car
23:20 Exterior and Interior
30:10 Things I Don’t Like About It
32:40 Should You Buy One?

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