Electric Cars

The Runaway Jaguar iPace EV (and more) Geoff & Richard in Discussion

The Runaway Jaguar iPace EV (and more) Geoff & Richard in Discussion

Recording on my phone as well which should give us better audio so I think we’re cooking good morning Richard from challenge the road uh morning J it’s well interesting developments from from yesterday you obviously covered this story on your channel I then did the interview we spoke about it on Monday I

Think uh with a video that hasn’t yet gone live but yeah interesting developments yesterday you know I think it might supersede that video now won’t it yeah I don’t think there’s any need to upload that one now things have things have changed somewhat well yeah I mean he he

Contacted me straight after my video on Instagram yeah and uh wanted to set up a video uh which I agreed to but I was I was quite busy for a couple of days so I said to him we’ll probably do the Sunday so we arranged a zoom call and I I was

Just really interested because I thought it’s it’s quite some story and also I just wanted to have a bit more feedback um obviously I watch your video with him which was probably 40 minutes and I actually detailed notes from everything you he said uh you went you know he you

Let him talk which was good and I detailed notes and I just thought I’d like to go through them with him to understand what actually is happening going through your mind how you stopped the car to maybe help people yeah I thought if you if you um mean should I

Go through my notes should I give you the detail give give us the questions that you well I I saw the Craig Phillips thing come out straight away yeah so I thought that’s interesting uh within two hours or so he said he had the same problem it didn’t seem it was um the

Same thing more a case that he couldn’t maybe slow down and I couldn’t quite understand it because I wanted to understand is it the throttle or is it the breakes just because an EV will slow down off the throttle because you’ve got regeneration you got these things to do

That so I wanted to ask him about that to say look this looks like the second case in in a day um I wanted to know if you bought the car new or secondhand which was just a question just to see um you know whether it was a brand new car um and

Then my questions were more when he said that the car accelerated off the motorway I wanted to I wanted to understand it and by understand it if you come off a roundabout you’re normally doing say 20 30 mph then he said that the car accelerates to 90 to 120 and I

Thought that is that is some speed um and that’s not to take anything away from the guy because we are talking in a way that um we still don’t really know the answer and I I I’m not going to say I’ve got an opinion either way I’m just

Going to take the detail that I heard and I just thought you know you’ve done so well to drive at that speed because anyone who knows I mean I’d never do that on the public road but you know if you get overtaken by a police car at

They’re doing 120 it’s some speed um and it almost shake your car so then I was thinking well what would be the first thing you would do because he said he called the police and an operator and what I was trying to look at is thinking

You know what would I do um because I would I’d obviously be thinking I was on like a roller coaster that’s never going to end um but obviously the motorway would end at some point so I was just going to ask him you know you called the

Police how was the operator a bit like you did um I then was just trying to understand that he said he come to sort of a roundabout or a red light now normally when you and I think he said that the police asked him to come off

Now even if he’s doing 90 M hour I was just interested to know I was my notes there I’d be freaking out because if I’m coming to a roundabout or a red light or normally motorways are built up so you be coming down Hill how the hell did he

Get round at 90 mph cuz I’m not sure you could and and some of them roundabouts as you know can be very tight all the corners on there and then I just said that the police must have been incredible because I just want to understand if something’s doing 90 M hour and you’re

Putting your car in front of that to stop it one you got to be doing a huge amount of speed to get past him then you’ve got to put this vehicle in and when I looked at the police vehicle it didn’t look overly damaged on the pictures and I

Just from my point of view a bit like a you know a film scene if you imagine you’re trying to stop this car um I wasn’t sure if if it could be at 90 or 100 odd mile an hour but I also know that obviously when I catch fish they

Get bigger every week so you know it might it might be 60 M an hour and then he’s going it’s 90 then all of a sudden you know you with your matate and it’s 120 and then the next minute you’re Fly and then I just had questions about

Unlocking the car yeah he said that at the end cuz that was um and I was just going to say Obviously speeding tickets would be interesting and and obviously talking to him about was he thinking about compensation because it would be the second time and if you know the worrying thing you know

For us talking about it was that if you had this problem twice and jlr weren’t doing anything that’s that’s quite a worry at the end of the day the things we talk about are in a way of of helping people with knowledge um and you know we we don’t really have a

Massive opinion on things it’s more about us putting out there what what potentially is happening um so yeah so that that was my point and I think your your points are in line with emails that I received from people who were basically saying I’m not completely sure

How this adds up and I think there’s two ways you can do it you could probably go on Google Maps and street view and you could go through the interview bit by bit and you could work out distance and time but the other side of that is as

You said if you’re in that situation you’re probably not taking note of oh I was at mile marker X and I was doing 62 mph because if it’s happening you’re concentrating on not hitting anything into the car so I think although we could analyze the bits that he said

There’s also an element of I’m not sure yeah and in my video I did put that the Ferrari 355 suffered with the throttle jamming yeah and and and that did happen after I sold it and when I bought another 355 it was just in the back of my mind

To remember to turn the key off yeah um on the car uh because it was my favorite car so I wasn’t I didn’t want to just be put off forever yeah um but that that did happen to the guy a week after I sold it to him so it’s not like a new

Thing for me to and and all cars it doesn’t matter whether it’s um ipace or whatever you’ve always got you know the danger of of something going wrong haven’t you and I think people now when that story came out there’s a lot of people jumping on the comments saying

Told you so it didn’t add up but for me um and and I know for you as well we’re still quite happy to sit on the fence and say whichever way this story goes um there’s there’s questions either which way because although it’s EAS easy to

Say he faked it all we don’t know that there’s obviously motives and all sorts which I’m not going to get into but this has happened to people as well because Craig from Big Brother came out soon afterwards and said this happened to me we’ve got footage of there’s an ipace

That accelerated and went through someone’s front porch I think there’s an ipace that accelerated into and all of this is on video so this stuff has happened but I don’t know where the story goes next and I I’m more than happy to sit on the fence until we know

More yeah and I have had messages from other people yeah um and they’re sending me some footage of of problems with theirs you know this is the world we live in with an EV car I mean people are going to be self-driving they are now you know I I know

Professional athletes that have got Teslas and they’re saying it’s the best thing because it self drives on the motorway and it’s helping with their recovery from games and stuff so it’s not you know because they’re able to sort of relax their legs and move it because they they’ve been playing the

Sport and um yeah I mean we’re just in that type of thing where it is a self-drive electric flyby wire car isn’t it so you can go you go a couple of different sides there because where people were jumping on the comments yesterday and saying isn’t this hilarious he faked the

Whole thing just like that lry driver some years ago you’ve got the other side the the more conspiracy side which is saying Jaguar have already nobbled the police and told everybody to shut up and kept it quiet and had him arrested you know it it did happen and now this is

Jaguar trying to manage their PR so you got that side of thing so I don’t know at this stage the the guy with the voxel I think there was a guy with the voxel I can’t remember if it was a voxel or an mg but it did the same thing and I’m

Sure it was up north earlier in the year I don’t think he was arrested but again we never heard anything more about that it was never in the news as to what the findings were we didn’t really know anything so at the moment it’s all

Conjecture you know I I kind of feel I did 45 minutes with the guy in my car got to know him you know he’s in he’s in my phone I text him yesterday to see how he is cuz i’ heard the story and I thought can can this possibly be true

You can pick holes in it but this is a bloke that clearly needs some help one way or another at the moment whether that’s with with you know he needs a lawyer or he needs a mental health assistant or he needs you know some conspiracy theorists to back him up

I don’t know where we’re at of this stage so the latest that I’ve heard is he was arrested I don’t think he’s now been granted bail and he’s still being held pending charges but we know nothing more at this stage yeah I think um as I say for our

Channels it’s more we’re trying to take everyone on face value um and also like you say I mean I have had other people I just trying to find on my phone there some other messages of people that are sending me some videos of of cars that aren’t stopping yeah um I think it’s

More for your channel than mine I mean I had yeah I had you know two calls yesterday from people that are very unhappy with stuff on on their Land Rovers yeah um and that’s they’re sort of saying Richard could you do a video on it and that it’s just diff it’s

Difficult for me at the moment because I’m trying to I like reviewing cars and doing my vantage stuff but also um it’s trying to help people at the same time you know we’ve got you know a huge issue with this um uh Jaguar steering rack yes

Yeah um and I’ve been just uh on their Facebook group just giving them some advice uh and I I was going to do a video and then I thought I won’t I said if you can get more people on it and I think they’re actually getting some

Success from Jr now um so this this is on another video that rich and I filmed the other day but this is the fpce the steering racks are failing uh it’s a very expensive fix and they simply can’t get the parts right yeah so I had a chat

With the lady who’s running the Facebook um and you she is almost in tears she said that obviously the steering rat goes because of water Ingress um and they sent me some video footage and she’s had to buy another car um and it’s been I think n months so and and it’s

And it’s very expensive and I felt really sorry for and I thought well they only had about 80 people on the Facebook group I’ll maybe give you the link to that Jeff and you could give that to viewers but it went over 500 and they wasn’t getting any sort of feedback at

All yeah um from jaguar in a good way but I’ve been reading some stuff recently where I think they’re getting actually some refunds but I think the problem’s been is they they haven’t got the parts yeah and this is a problem um and just just admitting stuff but yeah

It wasn’t a nice you know phone call and she is very emotional he’s just trying to see problem is I was right in the middle of this insurance thing I was trying to say that with the which has been going well actually um it’s been going really well um so I just thought

If I take on another thing is it you know it’s quite draining as you know when you get involved in a lot of it is yeah I’m I’m I’m getting sent everything now and I think as well my my feeling on this ipace business is this is for me

The sort of tip of the iceberg there’s a lot of ipace problems I’ve spoken to a lot of people that have various issues with the ipace including leaking wind screens and from my point of view I think well I know about all these issues with the ipace it’s perfectly feasible

That one of them could go out of control on the motorway du to an electrical problem so you want to trust people and the other side of that is I I think if the whole thing was faked in a fabrication and if he is a fantasist why

Would you then give an open 45 minute interview with with someone from YouTube that everybody’s going to going to pick apart it doesn’t it doesn’t quite seem to add up with me we know that we got ipace problems we know we got Jaguar problems you know manufacturing and

Software fault and all the rest of it so don’t know there’s a like you say there is a lot going on at the minute yeah and I’m I’m SS in my sister-in-law’s you know evoke you know I said that she was the one who sort of wanted the the

Security update and and I think we did put a lot of pressure whether it’s us or not but they are going to do this recall for 16 to 18 play I say recall enhancement mustn’t say recall hit me on um this in security enhancement yeah recall is the word that all these

Manufacturers are terrified of I know there there’s your conspiracy so that that’s going to be done now but her window screen is gone totally on the and I’m I’m fixing that for her um she’s got the mother-in-law’s car at the moment but I’ve got that with

Calvin you know my security car guy yeah um she didn’t have the money she went to to jlr they said it’s £1,000 minimum she hasn’t got ,000 I said look just bring the car to me we’ve got that in our sort of lock up at the moment sorry what’s the problem with

What’s the problem with the wind What’s happen is the the glue they use whatever on these window screens I don’t know if it’s just a VES but it just the water just leaks right through and that was happening um but because they wanted sort of £1,000 just to look at the car

She couldn’t afford it but then the water starting to get into the electrics so then she she rung me you know in a state saying Richard I’m just going to just sell this car or just get rid of it and I said there’s no way I said just

Bring it to me and let me see how much I can get it done for yeah1 in um just to as I said let’s use your windscreen excess yeah because it’s difficult as well because it’s not a crack screen yeah you but we managed to get that through on insurance over100

Pound for her and and she’s busy she’s a school teacher it’s not like um she can just drop the car off and leave it for 3 Days 4 days um and now we’re looking at the electronics because it’s gone into the camera at the back is throwing up

Errors yeah um so we’re now trying to find a cheap fix uh for the cameras at the back um to to try and help her really and you know I just it’s just frustrating that just around jlr and these Land Rovers I’ve never known so many problems you

Know it’s just it’s unbelievable it’s a wrong wrong wrong type of glue for a wind screen how many years have they’ve been making cars for you think that they’d have worked that one out I know I know but this is this is where it’s funny isn’t it you found Jil art my wind

Screen is leaking because when you built it you use the wrong type of glue yes we can book it in but we can’t book it in until 2027 uh it’s going to be £1,000 to look at it so then you going have people going out on the driveway with a brick

Put a brick through the window and then phoning their insurance and saying yeah 90 excess can you come and do my wind screen please can you bring some proper glue yeah that’s it’s just a bizarre solution for this you know they’re they’re not a small manufacturer they shouldn’t be having problems like this

But again I was interested water and electrics not good is it water and electrics is a terrible mix no especially with Land Rover electrics but I was interested in your Lotus video yes um because that was a car I was quite interested in obviously I saw Harry’s

Garage video on that but I am um I thought I’d just look into that a little bit more and a lot of people are counceling their orders on that car yeah um but it’s just a joke how can it be you know 180 miles from 320 or

Whatever or 370 I think they originally they got muddled up with kilometers and miles but now they’re just got totally muddled up and it’s I just think it’s not fair that’s that’s my opinion on it and and they pay the price because there’s there’s there’s people out there

Like Harry who’s going to get huge amount of views um and hasn’t stayed on the fence is he so no and and and I agree again that’s you know with the platform of a YouTube channel you can give people a voice and I think it’s important to do that when you see it’s

Necessary if it’s someone with a runaway EV or someone that has owned a car for two weeks and he’s trying to I I I think the gents got a really good shout under like the the the sale of goods act with what Lotus have done there but what’s

Interesting is I said on the video I want to hear the opposite Viewpoint you know I always want to try and give something that that’s more balanced so if you’ve bought one of these lotuses and you think it’s the best thing in the world then send me an email I had one

Comment from a gentleman that said we’ve got the car it’s perfect for what we need and it’s great but I didn’t get any other emails from anyone else saying this Chap’s talking a load of rubbish my Lotus has been fantastic the range is superb they’re not Landing in my inbox

So what what’s going on you know how can lotus be selling these things but like you say if there if there’s people counseling orders over it and you go back to the you remember the we talked about the jagu xj220 on the video that I haven’t yet uploaded and you go back to

That and they go yeah it’s going to be four-wheel drive and it’s going to be V12 and everybody goes take my money and then they go actually it’s two wheel drive and it’s V6 and everybody goes can I have my money back and they say no you’re getting into that sort of ter

And and I think that’s with this I mean I had a call with a with a guy yesterday about his range over I mean I haven’t put this this out yet but there’s there’s some issues with with some of them on and he’s not happy at all and

He’s trying to return it and he was just asking my advice on doing a letter and different bits um so yeah is it’s crazy times I mean the EV stuff I I just well we’re going to do another video on that CU I’m going to bring back the takan but

Um yeah I just find it incredible that that they can get away with it really yeah you know and that that you know and I’m still not even that happy that I don’t know why you know you got Tesla bringing out a car it says not to 60 in one

Second you know what what’s the range at one if you keep doing that two miles I mean I just all I want to know is how far can it go every EV is brilliant because it’s fast off the mark As in that Junctions but you’re not doing a

Not to 60 all you’re doing is that you you’re able I mean I not I say what in you know I’ve gone back to the van yeah so you hang on so you own you own a tyan but prefer using a Transit I think that using the transit cuz I’m moving house

But I’m back in the van in the diesel van but one thing I have really noticed is twice I’ve pulled out and cars have almost hit me yeah just because it’s a different experience because that takan it’s not like you could take liabilities

But you I knew if I had a I had a gap I was gone yeah no but in the van it has to almost sort of go and then go again and I think oh God you know I should have shouldn’t have gone you get so used

To that driving but that’s it if you if you introduce these super fast electric cars you’re starting to interrupt the way traffic actually flows because you’re taking away gaps that should be there it’s interesting yeah exactly the way it impacts it my my my brother

Drives a lot for a living as well and he said the same thing that anytime that you pull out in a van with a gap that you normally go for there’s Tesla in the way well that’s the other thing these you know they can accelerate I mean I I

Look at cars that are coming up to see what they are because I know their ability to accelerate is is faster than any modern super car you know which which is crazy you know so I’m doing this video on you know buying my daughter her first car and and I’m

Trying to think you know I said to her I said would you like a secondhand EV because I can get like a Renault is it a Zoe they’re like um two years old for say £7,000 yeah and I thought and and she come to me and said I you know both of

Them said to me I will not have an EV you know and they’re 12 and 16 I would not have an EV dad I don’t want an EV interesting very against it um and and even on Brands like don’t get me a tester cuz I know I could get a model

Three for probably 122,000 or something and it’s a lot of car and also I was trying to think about insurance because I wondered if the insurance would be less because it’s got a lot more driver AIDS so if if I buy her let’s just say I

Buy her a Cleo manual it’s only really going to have sort of ABS it’s not going to have massive like now we’re very protected in the cars yeah and I just wondered if the insurance would be more for a manual with not many driver AIDS than an EV

With you know brake distance control all these things that we now can potentially take for granted going forward so I’m interested on them quotes actually yeah definitely cuz as you say the more modern car with all of the driver AIDS can stop you from getting a crush but

Then if it is in a crash it’s going to cost x amount more to repair it’s all going to balance out isn’t it um but the other thing he’s touched on there as well is the speed of these cars so let’s say you go and get I mean I know the zo

Is quite slow but let’s say you go and get a Tesla Model 3 because it’s a sensible thing and it and it works out for you and a lot of young people are jumping in these model 3s now go back to your Ferrari 355 with the jamming

Throttle and part them together for a n to 60 and you think oh yeah there nothing he going to be awful is I mean the Tesla n to 6 is probably quicker it’s quicker than the 355 right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the 355

Is not a quick car now I mean I I went out in one the other week and fought well not other week when I sold it was I sold it probably years ago now but I went out and thought this car is just so drivable cuz it was just so slow

Beautiful sound Rev lovely but you felt like you’re just in control whereas I just can’t get my head around I mean I I don’t understand how we can have a government that can allow cars to have I mean the new takan turbo I was chatting we went electric go-kart in last night

And I was with the guy at the EVS chatting with him and he said Richard it’s 2.2 to 60 he doing I said it’s like it’s a missile he said how he said how can it be and I said I said Tesla are doing one that’s one sec but does anyone really care

We don’t care we’re talk about we don’t go I’ve got to have that it’s just like who cares I’ll tell you who’s very excited about the new tians the GTS is it the GTS that’s 2.2 to 60 is that what it’s called I think it’s the the turbo Turbo Turbo whatever it’s called

Anyway I tell you who’s very excited about that Lee the mcmas he’s got his nickers all in the twist because he’s he’s watched the video of it going there’s a there’s a great video of it going around lagona Seca and a great video of going around the nurur ring he

Must have sent me that video three times he’s all excited about it I’m like oh no hasn’t he learned his lesson on the other well I mean a secondhand takeen I was thinking back on mine obviously I’m going to go and pick it up this afternoon yeah um and they’ve stopped

Making the cross Turismo right which I think the so I think it’s going to just be this sport Turismo which I really like they they don’t seem to have a 4S anymore yeah and they put up their prices right and I know everyone’s complaining about the price of Tak hands

But actually in the scheme of things they haven’t depreciated as much percentage as a lot of the other EVS yeah and probably the best EV out there so I’ve been trying to find another car but actually I think I’ll just go back to it and then what what I did was which

I paid for the car in cash which was I think 66,000 and then I thought I should really Finance this on a PCP and have a balloon yeah um which I did which now covers me because I can give that car back yeah that makesense it suddenly

Goes to £10,000 is not going to affect me yeah um but I’ve already taken you know 40% off the price Anyway by buying it yeah then get into a higher balloon just to cover myself yeah I think I think the one on on depreciation on EVS

I think the one that I’m looking forward to is the BMW 7 Series electric I don’t I think it’s too new at the minute to have any look at you smiling I think it’s too new at the minute to have any of those drop into Auto Trader but I’d

Imagine that’s going to be our you know at the end of the year when we give some awards right that’s going to be our winner in the depreciation category reason I was smiling is because the I can’t get over the front end of these new EVS on the BMWs yeah and I couldn’t

Drive one I think just and even on even on the M3 touring which I really want as a car I just think the front of it I can’t I’m not sure I like it I I don’t know I I don’t because the because the 340 touring X

Drive um it’s not the same front end is it the M3 is different and I don’t think I could walk into a BMW dealership planning to buy an M3 touret I think I’d come out with a 340 just cuz it’s got that better looking front end and I

Thought as well when that M3 came out I thought oh it’s going to get better with time and it hasn’t and whenever I see them they’re that lurid green color and I yeah it’s um it’s not the car for me yeah well the E4 E46 M3 was such a such

A great looking car but yeah I’m looking forward to today I’ve got Sun going to go and test drive this Vantage the newer shape than the ones I’ve been doing um and obviously get my take back yeah and have another go say I was I I think it’s

Fantastic to drive um you know so yeah be interest in a few weeks now you’re going to come down aren’t you at some point yeah when we get some weather we’ve been saying this for three weeks now yeah we’ll come down and we do we’ll do the electric co- carting so PL plenty

Going on I mean electric cars keep catching fire and people keep emailing them to me um and even though I’m a bit bored of doing the electric car fire videos If I don’t make a video about it then the emails don’t stop it’s kind of like you have to make a video otherwise

Everybody’s going to send it to you and it was to be honest it was the same with the ipace thing the amount of times that I got sent that ipace story I just thought I’ve got to get this guy on the channel he said what he said people have

Analyzed it the way they’ve analyzed it the latest is he’s been arrested and we know nothing more and we’ll monitor it as it happens and as YouTube is the New Media we’ll report on it as it comes out and we’ll be as honest as we can I think

That’s all you can do isn’t it yeah brilliant no great look at that and we have and we haven’t got a single hair between us turn our heads upside down exactly Rich thanks very much for the chat I’m sure this is going to become a weekly thing isn’t it because the world just

Changes day by day especially in Cars Getting crazier every week it is right I’ll catch every you later on thanks Rich cheers

Join Geoff Buys Cars and Richard from @Challengetheroad as we chat through the Jaguar iPace Runaway EV Story. We’ll be going over some questions and discussing the possible scenarios.

After this we’re talking about JAGUAR F PACE STEERING RACKS, leaking Jaguar Land Rover Window Seals and of course, going into Range Rover theft.

Then we’re into the new Porsche Taycan Turbo, laughing at the size of BMW front grills and concluding with which car is going to be the King of EV Depreciation?

A sensible podcast style chat for your evening entertainment!

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