Electric Motorcycles

Addressing the eBike Drama – ECELLS vs Wired

Addressing the eBike Drama – ECELLS vs Wired

Hey guys look there’s no easy way to go about this one so we’re just going to have to tear the Band-Aid off and get right into it what’s up chithe heads welcome back to the channel today we need to discuss the Civil War that’s brewing in the ebik community

Specifically between e cells and wired unfortunately this is driven a rift right down the middle of the community and turned brother against brother sister against brother and sister against sister Uncle against nephew and you get the point hopefully by the end of this video maybe we can start that

Healing process but anyways guys before we get into it can you please like this video and maybe subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already we got to do a quick detour here and do a little story time with Uncle Tim uh I guess it’d be more like nephew

Tim cuz you know I’ve seen my demographics I had about 300 subscribers on this channel when I bought my wired Cruiser I ended up making a review on that bike and which got a lot of views and then subsequently more people started subscribing to the channel then

I just started making more ebike Centric content because I like ebikes and I like making YouTube videos so it just worked hand inand I never set out to become an ebike influencer or become the next ebike Channel because you know what there’s plenty of those already but I

Found myself in a position where I now have affiliate links I have affiliate links with wied if you’re looking to buy a wired Freedom or cruiser please feel free to do so by using one of the links in the description of this video it helps support the channel believe it or

Not I’ve purchased both of my bikes from wired at full price as a matter of fact to get the white freedom I had to which I guess technically could be a felony there was a high-speed chase nobody’s seen that guy since and there you have it that’s how I

Got the white wired Freedom so at this point you could probably understand I feel like you know hey I’m on team wired I got affiliate links the videos I make with their bike are doing well and then IFC the post about the festar bike and I had probably a reaction which I’d assume

A lot of you guys had which was man these people totally ripped off wired but then you know as I learned more about it you realize eels has been in business for 5 years the frame that they use on that bike is the monarch frame which is a frame they’ve been using on

Existing models they already have in production and some people have even said that wired kind of copied their frame but that’s not for me to say cuz honestly I don’t know and then you start to look at the ebike industry as a whole now if you guys are familiar with all

These Hub driven ebikes you start to realize that really the only thing unique that you’re buying is the frame and you’re buying into the company uh is there do they have a good warranty do they offer good support are they reputable because almost every single component on these bikes are shared

Between 80 to 90% of the market Samsung sells in the batteries it’s Tetro brakes buang Motors Pro whe crank sets Shimano turny derailers seven-speed shifters it’s like once you’ve seen two or three of these bikes you’ve seen 90% of the bikes so that being said I do find it a

Bit weird that some people are like really fixating on eells making it seem like they’re doing something wrong well I can understand that argument if they contacted the same exact manufacturer they had the same frame the same everything and they just undercut the price but that’s not what they’re doing

They’re using their own frame they developed for years and offering some of the same components at a cheap for Price that’s just competition in the end uh it just benefits the consumer and in case you guys forgot we are the consumers so let’s not fight each other the companies

Can fight each other all they want but we don’t need to fight each other initially I wasn’t really going to cover any of this because honestly if you followed my channel you probably realize I haven’t hopped on all the newest bikes I could have gotten a goat Bike by now

But it’s really just not my style I prefer bikes that you pedal goat if you’re watching this you feel free to send me one I’ll be happy to review it I’ve kind of found myself being this ebike influencer and people have started messaging me I’ve gotten multiple

Messages asking hey shoot the chit are you going to review the five star I even got this one message that said hey shoot the chit you’re so hot we should go out sometime so I get all sorts of messages and that kind of culminated with me today I spoke with David Cleveland the

Owner of eels I spoke with him on the phone for about an hour and uh let me tell you guys this this guy is passionate about ebikes I don’t get the impression at all that he’s doing this to make a quick Buck but I believe with this five-star bike he’s making they’re

Making a statement saying we’re here to compete they see that the people really want these affordable fast bikes and that’s what they’re offering so let’s go check out their website and first we’ll go over what similar features this bike has and then we’re going to talk about

Some of the things that he’s doing that I think is really exciting and definitely going to set this bike apart from the competition so here we are on the eels website and you check it out here most of the bikes they offer they’re definitely more expensive these are higher-end bikes all-wheel drive

They’ve got upgraded components uh 10-speed Transmissions dual Crown Forks lots of really nice componentry and builds on these bikes here we have the eel’s five-star bike and let’s start off by just going over some of the similar features it’s got it has the same Guide

Rst front Fork 26x 4 in fat tires BMX style handlebars it’s got the same seat post different seat 60 volt 20 amp hour battery the hintok 1500 W Motor although this one’s rated at 147 Newt met of Tor which is different it’s a little it’s similar to torque but it’s a little

Different it’s got the same DNM rear shock 56 to cassette now let’s start to look at some of the things that are different on this bike and what I think are pretty cool when you to look at this Frame you kind of think it’s the same

Frame as the other bike but it’s not you’ll see here there’s two bolt holes here for a water bottle or something else you want to mount it has Provisions to have Mount the front rack here and I’m not sure if they’re still doing it now but the initial order of these bikes

Threw in the front rack for free this rear rack is rated at 50 kg which I believe is 110 lbs so that can hold a substantial amount of weight the uh controller here is a 60 volt 40 amp controller but this is a thermal Jael filled metal case controller and it’s

Mounted directly to the frame the thermal gel gives it better heat dissipation it’s going to make for more reliable higher sustained wattages and uh it should not overheat on you so it’s going to be interesting to see once these bikes are available for testing what the actual performance

Is like this bike comes equipped with an 11x 34 to rear Free Will and to me this is one of the biggest upgrades this should buy this Free Will should come on all these bikes because it gives you all the benefits of the 11 by 28 but it

Gives you six more teeth in the rear which is 18% of a lower low gear so this makes your bottom gear a lot easier to Pedal I’m really glad they added that one the wheel set is a double wall aluminum wheel set so while the wheels

Are the same size these Wheels should be substantially stronger than the other Wheels as of now the front brakes on this bike are being upgraded from 180 mm to 203 mm so that’s going to be a nice little upgrade and for what I understand they’re swapping out the rotors on the

First batch of them now so if you already ordered one you should get it with a 203 front rotor and if not eels is going to ship it to you for free so that’s pretty cool they’ll ship you the rotor and the adapter for the brake C ER

Those are some of the key differences but here’s something I think that es Sals is doing that I think is really cool and something that’s been missing from this section of the ebike market for a while now they are allowing you to customize your bike when you order it

This bike comes in two size frames 17in being the standard and 19in being the large I believe the 17in standard fits a rider from 55 to 64 and the 19in I think will hit fit Shaquille O’Neal according to my math I’m not sure what the size on the 19 in

Is but you get all these different options which were just added onto the website today Hunter Edition camo includes camo basket I was told is going to look will look it will have a finish just like this bike here so if you’re interested in the hunter Edition you can

Click that option and this is how the finish will be on your bike you can pay additional for an eeles dual Crown Fork inst installed uh honestly I saw a picture of one with this Fork on it and if you’re going to get the dual Crown Fork I think you’re

Going to need to ditch the BMX bars because it raises the front of the bike significantly and it just looks a bit silly I’ll see if I’ll put a picture I’ll put a picture on the screen for you right now you have the option to upgrade

The rear shocks to a rock shocks Monarch RL I’m not very familiar with that shock but honestly um writing on that DNM shock that comes default on this like I’ve been pretty happy with that shot and it gives you an option of tires here you can do the V bulldozer off-road

Tires or high-speed road tires pick your options you can get the Tannis armor liners through them or you can even get them installed for 189 bucks those can be a pain sometimes I’ve done a video on it you can get mirrors extra helmet so here’s even more interesting here you

Can get this bike equipped with a torque sensor for 99 bucks now I’d be interested to see how a 60 volt system rides with the torque sensor I’m happy with the way the Cadence Sensor on my bike on my other bike if you know what I mean so extra 60 volt battery here

$699 you can get a air pump for 69 bucks and here storage and rim options you can get a bags I’ll see try and put a picture of one of these bags I saw it’s a really big nice bag and and you can get gold double wall rims for 50 bucks

So I think it’s pretty cool they’re allowing you these different options here because I’ve been I came from the mountain bike side of things and half of the appeal of those bikes are people really love customizing them and there are so many different parts available so

It’s nice to see that they’re giving you the option to buy your bike customized to you know set yourself apart and it’s also cool to see it’s going to be cool as more Manu as manufacturers make more aftermarket parts for these bikes in general so let’s go over the colors here

They don’t actually show the colors on the site yet we have blue with matte black whims and this blue is a really nice he posted a picture of these berries that he wanted the blue to match and he said he had a real hard time getting it where he was happy with it

There’s gloss black with matte black wheels matte black rims this is the one you see here it’s matte black with matte black rims orange with matching rims and red with matching so you have five color options here I don’t see pictures of some of the colors yet but I’m sure

Those will be coming in the future so there you have it and as of right now this bike starts off at1 199.95 you pick your option here pick your size and guys there’s no sales tax and they offer free shipping to me which is huge and if you use promo code chit 100

You’ll get an additional $100 off your order another cool thing here too is they allow you to use a firm to buy this bike and set up monthly payments so this is pretty cool guys you get a 60 volt 1500 watt hintok motor nice bike for $18.95 shipped that’s going to be

Hard to beat I have a feeling these bikes are going to be selling very fast so there you have it guys um I was initially skeptical with the eels bike but after talking to David today I have to say I’m on board I’m going to refrain from making any definitive statements

Until I have a test bike and I can get to write it and I’ll let you guys know my feelings about it then if you guys want to order one now use promo code chit 100 to save $100 off your order and uh yeah guys hope you enjoyed the video

Like comment share subscribe and don’t forget live unrestricted and I’m going to go to sleep now because it’s 1: in the morning I will see you guys in the next Video

Hey guys, going over the features of the E-Cells FIVE STAR and addressing some of the recent drama in the e-bike world.

If you are interested in ordering a Five Star, use promo code CHIT100 to save an additional 100 dollars off your order.



Wired Freedom = https://wiredebikes.com/products/wired-freedom?sca_ref=4826142.8ScZQpAjFS&sca_source=Youtube

Wired Cruiser = https://wiredebikes.com/products/wired-cruiser?sca_ref=4826142.8ScZQpAjFS&sca_source=Youtube

Senadabikes Herald: https://bit.ly/48A9sRI
Use code STC80 for $80 OFF to shop Senada E-bikes.

Fanttik X8 Portable Pump = https://amzn.to/3uE44hK
Retrospec Remi Bike Helmet = https://amzn.to/3wxGyUl

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