Electric Cars

Dear Billionaires…

Dear Billionaires…

We’re on the cusp of one of the greatest most drastic transportation and energy transitions in the course of human history lots of different startup companies are attempting to capitalize on this great transition which is bringing more sustainable and more affordable forms of transportation more convenient more connected safer forms of

Transportation for the new age of electric vehicles and unfortunately a lot of these startup companies are not that different from each other and statistically speaking in the law of averages say not all of them are going to make it some will die sooner than others because of how much cash they

Have on hand but you may think some startups are doing better than others simply because they had more cash on hand and were able to burn it for longer than others but at the end of the day I think the biggest mistakes so many of these EV startups are making are

Assuming that with this drastic rethinking of engines to powertrains and battery packs and Motors they’re all thinking we need to just keep our existing designs of gas powered vehicles hi Les and just slap some batteries on the inside and hope for the best and it’s resulting in these very heavy very

Unprofitable very expensive to manufacture vehicles that take a very long time to charge that require these insanely complex battery Management Systems all of them to accommodate for vehicles that were built and designed during the combustion engine age if you’re a rich billionaire out there looking for ways to make a difference

Make an impact and figure out which of these companies is actually managing their capital wisely which of these startup companies is actually making good use of every dollar they get you need to be looking for startups that are thinking outside the box because there’s so many of these companies that all have

The same doom and it’s just a matter of time before they inevitably reach bankruptcy because they don’t want to rethink the way vehicles are made and they want to keep their dated Footprints in existing form factors to keep the transition simple and keep it easy but that results in the vehicles being too

Expensive or too heavy for the ma masses and that absolutely is going to prevent people from making this switch to electric vehicles and it’s essentially forcing a lot of the public to continue paying for overpriced gasoline overpriced maintenance repairs they got to worry about transmissions and head

Gaskets and oil changes and brake pad Replacements all of that is going to continue draining everyday people’s bank accounts because these electric vehicles which we all know are our future are being designed poorly and for the wrong demographic and not being drastically rethought for the electric vehicle age

So when you’re looking for which startups are going to make it you have to look at not just which ones are making the most desirable products but which ones are managing their funds the most wisely and in my experience of interviewing several different startup companies and analyzing so many

Different company spreadsheets there is no electric vehicle startup company that is managing their budget as wisely as aptera is they’ve already started showcasing their production intent castings mostly made out of carbon fiber and have started massive investments in into their battery pack supplier and have already started building some of

The early production intent battery modules basically with the couple dozen million dollars they’ve raised which is pennies compared to what rivan and Lucid had to spend to just get to deliveries we’re talking billions and billions of dollars worth of investment on these very expensive inefficient vehicles with giant battery packs and then very

Quickly just after a year or two they ran out of demand now they’re having to scramble together lease options on vehicles that are already not profitable and they’re somehow trying to get the funds together to build cheaper vehicles for the masses but still designing them like you would a traditional gas vehicle

Which is why they’re going to struggle so much and for so long with profitability whereas aptera rethought the vehicle from the ground up for the electric vehicle age and you need to find these kind of unique exclusive advantages in a brand in order to figure out who’s going to survive this

Transition because car companies statistically speaking most of the time they do do not make it it is very rare for any car brand to successfully mass-produce a vehicle profitably and continue to thrive it’s even harder with an electric vehicle company and it’s even harder right now when so few people

Are willing to bet on electric vehicle Brands but I’m not telling you to just jump on a brand blindly because it looks cool or I like the logo or I like the design or something no live life with your heart but invest with your brain right and the aptera is designed and

Manufactured from the ground up with logic and with physics backing it up every step of the way what do people want in electric vehicles what’s preventing people from making that transition they want good range they want reliable charging and they need affordability that’s what so many of these other EV startups are struggling

With right now they can’t find enough people that are willing to pay these 7080 90,000 prices for these EVS that have okayish range with a pretty lousy charging infrastructure whereas EPA from the beginning knew that they needed to have access to the supercharger Network in order for the vehicle to succeed

That’s why they pioneered the adoption of the KNX Port starting a petition to make sure that was the standard for the United States and then shortly after Elon acknowledged this report Tesla opened up the North America charging standard which now pretty much everyone in the automotive industry has agreed to

Use in North America aptera was the one who kickstarted that because they knew that this was the only way forward there are a lot of people that are very hesitant to change the way they do things that are very hesitant to learn how batteries charge and learn how to

Start plugging in their vehicles from home and that kind of thing so if you don’t make the charging infrastructure as simple and as intuitive and as plug andplay as possible a lot of people are just not going to do it and aptera unlike these other startup companies

That are targeting 300ish miles of range their launch edition is targeting 400 m of range which you will not see in any other EV at this price point even Tesla’s Next Generation vehicle platform is not going to be targeting much more than 300 Mi of range which is going to

Be more of a learning curve for people and as we’re seeing continuing rise of costs for living more and more people are living in apartments less and less people are able to afford homes interest rates are too high and landlords or foreign entities are buying up lots of

Land preventing a lot of the free market from being able to afford their own housing that results in less and less of the buying public being able to charge their vehicles from home which is one of the key reasons a lot of people are able

To justify switching to an EV if you can charge from home you’re willing to live with less range you’re willing to live with not as many charging stations as you have gas stations because your home becomes the refueling Source but there are countless people living in situations where they have on street

Parking or they live in apartment complexes and they just simply cannot charge their vehicle from home so if they want to go EV they are forced to charge from a DC fast charging location and those typically are more expensive than charging from home and again a lot more inconvenient because they take

Longer than a gas pump and there’s not as many of them as gas stations so aptera addresses this by being a efficient from the ground up and prioritizing having a super aerodynamic design enabling 10 m per Kow hour where most other EVS barely get more than four

And that allows them to coat the exterior of the aptera with solar cells meaning the aptera is literally capable of charging itself why is no one else talking about this this is the only brand that is actually planning on mass-producing a vehicle that is Affordable to the masses cheaper than

The average new car price that’s also capable of seriously putting in meaningful range back into the battery pack we’re talking 30 to 40 m of range per day for free for every vehicle that is manufactured like no one else comes even close to that and that absolutely makes the vehicle more practical and

Accessible to the masses because it doesn’t require you to have a garage it doesn’t require you to have a drier Outlet to plug into for fast charging overnight it doesn’t require you to install some complicated level two charging equipment at your house which not everybody wants not everybody can

Afford or a lot of people just live in places where that’s not feasible the aptera addresses is that and even if you live in a cloudy climate or some place where you don’t get a lot of sunshine even if you just get 20 or 15 miles of

Range per day that’s still going to be over 6,000 M of free charging a year which you’re not going to find in any other vehicle no one’s going to just be ping out free energy for the life of the car that increases the affordability because people don’t buy cars and just

Have them sit at home they drive them so the difference of cost of maintenance is going to be far lower for this vehicle not to mention aptera is a right to repair company making sure everything can be worked on yourself that lowers the cost of insurance that lowers the

Cost of repairs and because the aptera is so much more efficient that means they can use much much smaller battery packs in their vehicle which makes them far cheaper to build far more scalable not to mention the aptera doesn’t require a paint shop because they rely on more durable materials like forged

Carbon fiber as well as wrapping on the sides to make sure it’s protected and a lot of the exterior is covered in solar cells anyway so there’s just no need to paint those and the paint shop as you can see in most of these other startup Brands is one of the most expensive

Parts of the manufacturing process that’s why Tesla was so keen on making the cybertruck not require any paint because they knew they could use a much smaller Factory footprint and save so many steps if you didn’t have to worry about that so aptera doesn’t have a paint shop to worry about has much

Smaller battery packs so they can build it more profitably while at the same time still having way better range than everybody else and starting at less than half the price we’re talking under $40,000 for a fully electric vehicle with KN that can access the Tesla Supercharger Network that’s capable of

Charging itself via sunlight that’s a fraction of the price from all of these other startup Brands and that’s probably why aptera has over 46,000 paid reservations and a lot of people get nervous about that design because it’s so radical and because it’s so different that they immediately think it must be

Dangerous it must be horrible in a collision whereas in reality it couldn’t be further from the truth in fact EPA has already started demonstrating how incredibly safe their vehicle design is from a Formula 1 inspired roll cage a wider than legally requ required crumple Zone and the outward mounted wheels

Don’t require an axle between them so that leaves less material less structure to be pushed into the cabin in a front end collision and also more side impact Protection Plus the entire vehicle is a bit more rounded off with carbon fiber pushing the pressure of the design

Outward instead of inward not having as many flat you know aluminum door panels like we have on traditional Vehicles this helps the aptera be super aerodynamic and because it’s just a two-seater you have a much wider crumple Zone in the back than you would in a traditional SUV or sedan not to mention

Even though it’s a three-wheeler it’s an autocycle it still has airbags in the cabin to keep you as safe as humanly possible in a vehicle footprint like this there’s lots of startups out there that are basically making all the same things right we’ve got so many different

Versions of SUV we have so many different versions of sedan and there’s so much Capital being poured into these brands that are struggling to find buyers struggling to figure out how to build their vehicles profitably and I just want to ask these guys that keep pouring billions of dollars into these

Brands that are struggling to find customers what is the end goal here if you keep designing vehicles to be like gas cars you’re going to continue to struggle to find profitability and if you keep expecting people to spend 60 $70,000 on your cars they’re just not

Going to be widespread and if you don’t know how to fundamentally rethink the way the vehicle is designed by requiring no paint for the exterior by requiring smaller battery packs and still getting decent range out of it you’re not going to survive they’re all going to find the

Same fate and that that’s why I think aptera is criminally underrated and it’s shocking to me that they haven’t found a couple hundred more million dollars from some whale investors that can see what the future is for a vehicle footprint like this no it’s not an SUV that can

Sit five people I understand it’s not going to be the perfect family car but most families have more than one car you know they have the SUV or the minivan for hauling all the kids around and often times that’s a you know used windar from 15 years ago because that’s

What they can afford but they also need a commuter vehicle so Mom or Dad dad can get to work or maybe Mom and Dad just want to have a fun getaway weekend and drive in something that feels like the future and drive in something that they

Don’t have to worry about oh no what’s the gas going to cost for us to take a weekend getaway trip no they could just leave it out on the street or leave it out in the driveway it charges itself and you don’t have to worry about it and it’s affordable it’s not something

That’s going to cost them $60,000 plus dollars like it is from all these other startup companies and the more you start to understand why they designed the vehicle the way they did making it as safe and efficient as possible the more you’ll start to realize that well yes

When you look at it on a screen it’s a bit divisive and a lot of people don’t like the look but just like we’re seeing right now with all the reactions of Tesla’s cybertruck a lot of people once they see it in person realize okay this

Is actually way cooler this is way more futuristic than I initially thought and now after sitting in one I kind of want one and I can attest from that after meeting with EPA and they let me drive it myself after seeing it in person same thing with my wife who is pretty

Hesitant by it at first when she saw it in videos and pictures but once she saw it in person same thing with my uncle who also joined me on that trip he was skeptical of it until he sat in one till he rode around it it and realized man

This is fast it still feels incredibly stable and quiet on the inside despite being a three-wheeler you still feel incredibly safe and you drive it like an everyday vehicle still has basic steering wheel and pedals it accelerates very quickly because it’s all-wheel drive and apter is using these much more

Efficient cheaper motors which allow them to have such a lower starting price so the masses can afford it and even if you need to plug get in from home and can’t rely on the solar charging purely it’s going to use a fraction of the electricity compared to the most

Efficient EVS out there right now the model 3 is basically the most efficient EV you can find right now and the aptera is going to use less than half the electricity so no matter what you’re paying if you got to go to a DC fast charger cuz you live in an apartment or

You got to charge from home it’s going to be less than half the price to fuel it and that’s assuming you don’t get any solar charging at all which I’m pretty confident you will and I think the other major reason Tesla has such an insane lead on the electric vehicle space right

Now is because they put a huge emphasis in software and let me tell you after talking to abara software team and seeing what they’ve showed us on the mobile app they absolutely are putting a huge emphasis in making sure that the software for the vehicle is simple intuitive quick and easy to understand

And unlike Tesla and rivan who I think are leaving a lot of potential buyers on the table aptera is actually happily adopting carplay in Android auto to make sure that these phones that we kind of live off of continue to have feature parody and seamlessly integrate with the

Car which is I think what a lot of people are going to be comfortable with and used to when coming from existing gas vehicles into this one and of course epter is targeting cheaper vehicles that will start under $30,000 and they’ll start building those trims right after they get through the launch edition

Backlog every launch edition is the exact same spec that keeps the manufacturing simple they don’t have any complexity or different trims to worry about because there’s over 10,000 people that have already opted to switch to the launch edition to make sure that they get their vehicle as soon as possible so

Many wise choices from this company realizing that the average car on the road has less than two people in them anyway that I genuinely believe this could be the next big thing they’re using the small amount of investment they’ve gotten so far and yet still the largest crowdfunding project in history

To get further to production than any other startup has ever gotten with their battery pack supplier figured out their assembly line in the works right now their simple six main body structures already designed and being showcased right now in Paris France how are more investors not catching on to this idea

That there is a vehicle unlike any other on the road that achieves better range better affordability incredible safety structures and there’s no other vehicle like this isn’t that what you want to jump on as a potential investor that’s looking for a way to make a difference

In the world you want to find something that’s on the cusp of taking off you want to find something that’s truly not being valued properly and no other company is making a vehicle like this honestly I hate to say it but if you’re trying to invest in a startup that just

Wants to make another sedan another pickup truck or another SUV they’re all pretty much going to fail compared to Tesla and I own Tesla shares too Tesla’s probably a fairly safe investment but their biggest wild card of course is Elon kind of betting the whole company

On Robo taxes which a lot of investors have already priced in and that’s why a lot of investors are kind of pulling out because the valuation isn’t Justified with their current earnings and everyone thought that they would be raking in tons of Robo taxi Revenue right now and

They aren’t so who knows maybe that’ll change if they figure out the whole level four level five thing but with the slow roll out of version 12 I’m not so convinced that Tesla is ever really going to justify that huge valuation even though I haven’t sold a single

Share I’m a little bit skeptical on whether or not it’s going to become a multi trillion dollar brand in the near future and if you want to make the aptera dream a reality because you’ve got the funds to do it I would just mention that they started back in 2008

They failed to get the funds necessary and that didn’t stop them okay the original Founders got got their money back together again to restart this company because they’re that passionate about it and if you listen to some of the great interviews over on aptera Owners Club these guys are not investing

In aptera to make it rich they’re not investing necessarily because they think they’re all going to become millionaires with this stock they’re investing in it because they believe in it they want this future to exist and they know that it’s a risk it’s a startup and they may

Not get their money back and they may not have an appreciating investment but what’s more important to them is that affordable solar powered mob becomes accessible to the masses so that not just the rich in the upper class are able to afford clean sustainable grid independent electric vehicles they want

All of these EV advantages of connected software great acceleration and clean energy and also of course great range along with a huge safety emphasis with the design they think that should be accessible to as many people as possible and that’s why they’re willing to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into

This company and I think that’s really special and it’s really unique and I don’t think think you’re going to find a community as passionate or as willing to give and support without any expectation of something in return than you will with the APPA fan base so I’m no

Billionaire but I’ve never wanted to be more right now because I think EPA should be getting all of the investment right now in the electric vehicle space because they’re pioneering a new design that is built for the battery chemistries of today built for the solar technology of today to unlock use cases

We could never have from any other product on the market right now none of this of course is investment advice I’m not a financial adviser do your own research but seriously I’m so impressed by what the community has raised for aptera but I’m disappointed whenever I see billions being wasted on brands that

Have no path towards profitability and have no intention on bringing a mass Market affordable vehicle to any kind of scale to the market a vehicle like this I think is eventually going to happen regardless it’s better for the masses and it’s better for our planet and our atmosphere for it to happen sooner

Rather than later thank you to everybody supporting this channel the rec Le seriously helps us out a ton as does just watching these videos so thanks again have an excellent rest of your day

Nothing I say is financial advice, and I’m not a financial advisor.

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Music by: https://www.youtube.com/c/RandyVazquez

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