Electric Motorcycles

Unrestricted News #2 – E-bikes Banned? Wired Freedom Rubber?

Unrestricted News #2 – E-bikes Banned? Wired Freedom Rubber?

Hello everyone it’s another rainy day in California but that means you’re in luck cuz you’re in store for another edition of unrestricted news your number one most trusted source for all things ebike related and I’m your host Barry big hands was that sorry I’ve just been informed we are actually your number one

Least trusted source for all things ebike related guys we have a lot of stories to cover today but first we’re going to get started discussing ebikes being banned a Florida town named key biscan recently banned ebikes for 60-day period following a fatal accident with between a 66-year-old woman and a

12-year-old boy on an ebike this caused quite the emotional response and a sweeping ban on ebikes has been enacted in a state of Florida which is otherwise known for being the new Wild West the United States we talked to some people to see how they feel about ebikes let’s

Go to those reactions now Banning ebikes that’s absolutely ridiculous let me guess a weak little noodle arm beta male who’s never seen the inside of the gym propos that I idea right what’s next we ban tanning booths I believe the only thing we should be banning is carbohydrates look guys this Alpha would

Love to stay and talk but I’ve got to go to the veterinarian about this sick python damn kids out there riding ebik I don’t like ebikes I think they should be banned all together government should make them illegal these kids out there riding around smiling having a good day

It’s no life’s about responsibility and misery you’re supposed to be married have kids and have work you work until the day you die you know when I was a kid we played with Jacks and then my dad got me a stick for my birthday once I

Don’t like it at all these kids need to be out there working in the the the mines they’re back out there again hey get off my sidewalk what you serious they’re banning ebikes why would they do that what am I going to do so about to keep it real with you

Right now player hell yeah they should ban ebikes y’all out here posting these 20 30 and 40 mile rides on straa acting like you doing all the work but really your bike we don’t have to work for you what you mean when’s the last time I

Rode my bike it’s been well over 10 years player what’s that got to do with it zero miles is better than those cheater miles you got at least I ain’t no sucker as new supreme leader of the homeowners association first order of business will be to ban use and storage

Of all ebikes within the community that especially means you Jeff from number six don’t think we don’t notice you out there riding your bike around having a good day smiling well those days are numbered I fully support the legal use of class one two and three ebikes but don’t let

Batman catch you going over 28 M hour on unrestricted ebike or you’ll be in for a world of hurt cuz I will bring you the justice that you deserve not the justice that what’s the rest of my lines guys I absolutely love ebikes you know I think

All these people are trying to get them banned are just people that are haters and haven’t ridden one what the hell is an ebike yeah I mean look if you sat there that first off apologies and second I mean you might as well just subscribe to the channel at this point right it’s

Can’t get any worse can it back to the story well as you can see opinions for ebikes range from some people in support to some people just being stupid haters you know unfortunately these events will happen and and politicians love nothing more than to use these of springboards

To pass unneeded laws and legislations which really in the end just are served to generate money for my opinion at least well typically leading the charge will be California California has their own bill that’s being proposed that would require dy’s license for ebikes or a safety course for writers under 16 but

Would ban ebikes for writers is under 12 alog together but fear not guys you can still vote without an ID we’re not going crazy here you know as a matter of fact California put together this package to show why they are concerned with ebikes let’s play it now people have a lot of

Misconceptions about California but none of them are really true none of them they think we’re all Surfers we’re celebrities that we’re all into yoga and then everyone owns a winery we’re skateboard woohoo in that we all drive convertibles where do they get these ideas like how we all live in bik and

Act like rock stars you want to know the truth about California get out here we’ll show you how we roll start your trip at visit california.com oh guys I’m sorry I uh that was actually California’s tourism video here’s what I meant to show you you see this is what California is

Concerned about I’m going to give you a couple seconds here to look over this picture and see what about this is the main concern have you spotted it yet well if you look close enough you’ll notice that they’re both smiling this is a huge no no in California you’re not

Allowed to have fun so if you’re riding your bike around especially an ebike and you’re smiling and having fun they want to put a stop to that immediately I’ve come up with an idea to help and fit into the overall scheme of California and here’s what it is if you’re going to

Be out riding your bike you need to dress appropriately if you want to keep the politicians off your back you need to fit in and blend in in California so here it is this is all fixed you see guys much better you ride around like this in

California you’ll fit right in and if they pull you over guys fear not there’s zero Bell in California so you’ll be out ready to terrorize people again in no time and we’ll be right back after a quick word from our sponsors are you tired of installing cards in the spokes

The oldfashioned way only to fail time and time again leaving you frustrated and feeling like a loser well fear not with the new turbo spoke exhaust system available at amazon.com reliving your childhood is as easy as 1 2 3 the simple non-permanent installation only requires a couple zip

Ties and a few minutes of your time with three exhaust levels to choose from it allows you to customize your exhaust to your liking with level one yellow level two blue level three EX thanks turbo muw pick up the new turbos spoken go system available at amazon.com the link

Below don’t be left out guys and we’re back with a breaking news [Applause] Alert and this is some great news for those of you that have been on the fence about ordering a wire of freedom because as of now wired Freedom has select models in stock and ready to ship according to their website the blue black and orange are in stock and ready

To ship if you’re interested in ordering a freedom or a cruiser for that matter please use one of the links in the description of this video it’s at no extra cost to you and it does help support this channel to bring you more topnotch content like this speaking of the wired Freedom

There’s been some troubling reports from people claiming that the wired freedom is in fact made out of rubber we sent one of our experts to invest at this here’s what they found as you can see here is the wired Freedom that is in question we did a thorough analysis of

Everything what we did find is these circular sections here are in fact made out of rubber but the frame is made out of a substance known as aluminum and there’s various metals and Plastics used everywhere so that answers the question no the wire freedom is not made out of

Rubber I hope that puts all the rumors to rest I guess the wire freedom is not made out of rubber after all and finally a YouTube story from everybody’s favorite YouTuber and might I add extremely handsome shoot the chit has finally made the big time footage from

His recent review of the Sonata Herald has been featured in sonata’s official advertising campaign users close to the situation has stated that this is fed dangerously into his already very inflated ego let’s go ahead and check out that advertising campaign [Applause] now now we’re going to go live to a statement from Shoot the chit himself let’s see what he has to say I know I know thank you everyone thank you thank you thank you thank you all right first off I’d like to thank Alana over at Sonata bikes for

Seeing my channel and deciding to take a chance on a little known YouTuber and uh you know it got it means the the world to me a lot I can’t thank you enough and I’d like to thank my dog Larry for always supporting me I’d like to thank

Maximum charge for commenting on every single ebike video on YouTube and I’d also like to thank the electrified Latino for first always rolling the intro finally I’d like to thank myself for taking that opportunity and just knocking it clean up are you are you playing me off That’s going to do it for this edition of unrestricted news guys if you like these episodes let me know in the comments below I plan on making them every so often but keep in mind they do take me a lot of time so I do appreciate the feedback periodically I’ve been

Giving away t-shirts to comments I enjoy or like regulars I see commenting so don’t be surprised if you see a response from me in the comments asking for you to send me an email and I’ll get your contact information and send you a shirt I have from size medium to 2XL if you’re

Interested in ordering a wired freedom like I said earlier there are some in stock and you can feel free to use on the links in the description below and the same applies for the Sonata Herald a fast affordable budget friendly ebike that sure that knock your socks off

Anyways guys thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next video take Care

Hey guys, its another rainy weekend, so that means its time for a new episode of Unrestricted News. Join me to cover all the most important topics in the e-bike community.

Turbo Spoke Bicycle Muffler System = https://amzn.to/3IjUfZN

Wired Freedom = https://wiredebikes.com/products/wired-freedom?sca_ref=4826142.8ScZQpAjFS&sca_source=Youtube

Wired Cruiser = https://wiredebikes.com/products/wired-cruiser?sca_ref=4826142.8ScZQpAjFS&sca_source=Youtube

Senadabikes Herald: https://bit.ly/48A9sRI
Use code STC80 for $80 OFF to shop Senada E-bikes.

Fanttik X8 Portable Pump = https://amzn.to/3uE44hK
11-34 Cassette/Freewheel = https://amzn.to/3UOoHm2
Park Tool Freewheel Remover = https://amzn.to/3wxooBS
Retrospec Remi Bike Helmet = https://amzn.to/3wxGyUl

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