Electric Cars

Runaway EV – Interview with the iPace Driver

Runaway EV – Interview with the iPace Driver

I I felt like I was going to cry like yeah that’s how crazy it was I literally thought like any minute I’m gonna end up crashing I’m going to hit the barrier or I’m going to crash into this car this police car I’m going to crash into

Someone and kill someone and I had that just flowing through my head ladies and gentlemen I have an exciting video for you today I am about to phone Nathan who was the driver of the jagu ipace that went out of control and had to be stopped by a police maneuver on the

Motorway just the other day we’re going to get his side of the story and find out more about this absolutely crazy situation Nathan how you doing I’m good mate you yeah not so bad not so bad um you’ve had an interesting week no definitely have it’s been crazy so um

You’re busy with talking to the police and I’d imagine insurance companies and basically everyone in the minute yeah so even got well yeah please I’ve just been on the phone said please have been on the phone to Jaguar uh insurance companies finance companies even like people from the

Press just keep ringing and ringing me when to try and get a story out yeah yeah I bet um so how are you feeling um well I’m still I don’t know it still hasn’t properly sunk in yeah still still really really I I don’t know how to explain it just it just feels

That weird so this is the second time this has happened happened to you right yes so second time so it happened in December just before Christmas talk me through talk me through if you don’t mind talk me through the first time what happened and how you felt and then we’ll

Go on to what happened the second time so I’m just going to let you free talk and just explain because there’s a lot there’s a lot of people in the comments and this is why I wanted to let you just get your story across there’s a lot of

People saying I don’t believe it I think you know maybe you did something wrong maybe the carpet was stuck over the pedals so just talk us through it if you don’t mind yeah so yeah I was going to say like I’ve heard that quite a lot and

Um like people saying that so yeah so the first time I was um I was finishing work at 3 o’ in the morning and um I was on my way home and um I got onto the motorway just near the traffic center at Manchester and um the car literally just

Started speeding up so I started obviously pressing my braak putting the brake pedal down and just wasn’t happening the next thing what come into me head was obviously phone the police because at the time it was 3:00 in the morning it’s when Britain had the that

Really really bad winds and it was like Ching it down with rain so you you how have you not long accelerated onto the motorway then so it’s like you’ve accelerated on and then the car’s carried on accelerating yeah so I’ve just come off the uh m56 on to the

Motorway to you head home towards traffic center and um just pling along and then next minute it just felt like I was on a roller coaster the car just literally shot forward so did it accelerate at like full acceleration did it feel like the throttle had been

Pushed straight to the floor or is it just yeah it literally fell like the pedal went straight down and I was just I just zoomed off and you’re hanging on for dear life at that point I presume yeah yeah definitely so it it was scary like I’ve I’ve never experienced before

So what happens next then what what what speed do you hit if you don’t mind me asking and then and then how long does it take you to realize that you need to do something so within within a couple of seconds like obviously I found the

Police straight away and I’m sure I was on the phone for about 17 to 18 minutes of what I recall from like talking to my insurance the other day and um I literally just found them straight away and within within about two minutes I had two two Motorway police cars

Literally like alongside me yeah I was doing I was reaching like speeds of like over 100 I think it was about one 120 something I was hitting wow the police officers they said at the time because they were in the um they’re in the BMWs yeah their state BMWs and they were

Saying at the time that they was struggling trying to trying to keep up with the car well these electric cars they’re they’re they pretty quick so yeah I can imagine crazy quick they’ have been in a diesel BMW behind you so yeah so so you’re doing so you got a 17

Or 18 minute phone call you’re hitting speeds of up to 120 what are you doing in the car at this point to try and stop the car have you got anything at your disposal to try and slow that car down talk us through that so when I was

Talking to the police operator on the phone um he was asking well he he was really really helpful at the time he was was um seeing if I had um you know like a hand break yeah but because like in the jagu ey Paces they just got buttons

On the left and side so they’ve got like a reverse neutral drive and park so he was telling me to try and get the car into neutral so I was there obviously pressing the button to get me into neutral and the button wasn’t lighting up yeah so obviously I thought into my

Back of my mind thinking well it’s it’s not stopping so um the guy said to try and do everything just try and hitting this button so we ended up just like hit well ended up trying hitting this button like as hard as I could yeah and the

Light actually came on but the car was still obviously going at speed and that’s when the um the guy on the operator said um the police are actually going to try and close me in so the police car is going to go in front of me

And the police car is going to go behind me have you got your foot hard on the brake at this point then is the brake pedal just not doing anything no break P’s not doing nothing at all wow so in my back of my mind I was thinking W it’s

Like it’s juggling down Ching it down with rain it’s 3:00 in the morning there’s loads and loads of wagons like lorries on the on the motorway in my back of my mind thinking I’m gonna end up hitting one of these lorries or yeah like it’s as I said like it was chucking

Down with rain and obviously it’s hard to it’s hard to drive in the rain anyway yeah and if I’m going at that speed yeah so it a of control you were lucky for that one that it was 3:00 in the morning and and the roads would have

Been clearer so so what happens next then you’ve got a police car have you got a police car with lights and everything behind you at this point or yeah so um I had obviously the two police cars flashing lights um still talking to the operator and um literally

My hands on the steering wheel just looking forward because that’s the only thing I could do is literally just look forward I thought like anything bad what I can do I couldn’t up killing myself or colliding with the police officers if I’m looking to see what they’re doing or

Start panicking you know see the police car hit him like get him right in front of me yeah so what happens next then how do they stop the car talk us through that so um they stopped the car by pulling in front of me and then um

Literally like I started get going into the back of him and then um cuz at this time then I got the car into neutral anyway so the car was actually slowing down right so you hit you hitting the button really hard eventually put the car into neutral yeah yeah because I I

Literally started SM I just started punching the button trying to get this button to light up and get me into neutral and um eventually then it did get me into neutral and the car started slowing down and the police car in front of me started to break like to slow the

Vehicle down and I started like hitting the back of the police car how how long do you think in terms of distance do you think it took to stop the car um you must I mean you must have covered some ground cuz you by that point you’re

Doing what 80 90 mph so still pretty still pretty quick yeah I’m not I’m not too sure of the cover like what how to stop but I know when I was satting that when I’m satting the in my car it felt like I was driving for hours and it just

Wasn’t stopping even though I was only driving for like 20 minutes 25 minutes kind of thing so your car then starts to come down to a sensible speed I presume at that point you’ve got flashing lights all around you and the road’s clearing so where

Where did where did your car come to a stop so it come to a stop onto the well pretty much on the hard shoulder and still in the the first Lane yeah so L they was trying to guide me over but my car literally just ConEd out and stopped

Wow that’s when they surrounded the car their police car like trying to trying to block it just in case it rolled or started to jump forward again and what what were the police like what was the conversation like how were you you must have been covered in sweat and shaking

By that point to right so um literally like as soon as I stopped the car my seat obviously came off straight away and I got out the car and um the police officer literally came straight over to me and put my arm around me and just

Like told me to sit in front of his police car and just chill out yeah and then he was the police officer was then saying like obviously the car isn’t safe he was asking me like questions about what happened and then now obviously I was answering him and um

He was saying like he’s um he’s well he’s heard this before with one electric car but he’s never actually seen it himself wow so he he was aware of it happening yeah yeah because he was saying like um he’s seen it through well he’s seen it and heard it through um

People who have like talking about in work work there was another case I think it was in Scotland I can’t remember if it was an mg or the yeah I think that’s what I think what that’s what he said it was an mg yeah and again that that that

Gentleman as well had all the same problems that you had with people saying oh you just got the pedal stuck oh it was the carpet over the pedal um but but quite clearly not so what happens next to the car then the car gets I presume recovered you get a lift off the

Motorway surely they don’t make you drive that car home talk us through what happen next so um they well they pulled up alongside me obviously I got out and then I phoned my insurance company to get me recovered and um the police stayed with me and um I

Got recovered off the off the motorway but the um the guy who was recover me who was working for the recovery service he didn’t trust the car so um he literally opened the the front trunk at the front and dislocate um like took the battery well took a wire off the battery

Yeah that would be the car and then the car go through the cabin what he was saying he said he L did not trust it that’s a scary thought isn’t it yeah like plus like hearing that from him saying like he didn’t trust the car and the police even

Said like they don’t trust the car they both said like the car shouldn’t be on the road so where does the car go next then so the car the car actually went to Jaguar in Bolton and um literally like it was there well yeah it

Was there for about 3 days and then I got a phone call saying come and collect the car they can’t find a fault that’s pretty shocking I think on Jaguar’s part what was your reaction what was your reaction to that so at the time well I’ve had experience with um

Doing with this Jaguar garage anyway because the car’s been in about three or four times maybe five times with like battery problems sounds like an IP it’s been in there that many times and they’re just poning me up saying like they can’t find a problem or the car

Just needs to be updated and to come collect the car so literally went going to get the car took the car back to my house what only about 5 miles 10 miles away and I’m losing I’m losing charge I’m losing about 30 40 miles of charge of range so there there’s clearly

Something wrong with the car then but either they did how bothered were they by by the fact that the car had turned up on a low loader having just been stopped by the police was that not quite high up their priority list were they

Did they care um not the not at the time no so the car came and it took a day for them to they told me they were going to look at it through um through the same day got delivered to him yeah um and then I phoned him I phoned him back up

At about 3:00 4:00 asking um as the car been if you looked at the car and they were like oh no sorry I haven’t got the time we’re going to be doing it this day and then obviously started getting towards Christmas that strikes me as odd

Because as far as I would be concerned your car would be the most important one in the workshop because of the circumstances that it went there yeah do right but all they were saying like they only had one um electric technician right what was covering like the local

Areas so from like Bolton to like Rochdale to like Manchester they had one guy so they right let’s just get this then so they tell you come and get the car there’s nothing wrong with it you drive it home and notice that it’s losing like loads of charge and then

Obviously that’s before Christmas we’re now in March did the car play up again between Christmas and March was there anything else it was doing did you have any indication that it might happen again or had you got your trust back in the car um I kind of had the trust back

In the car so when I when I got the car back it was it was it was still doing the same I was still losing I was still losing my miles but obviously it wasn’t doing anything stupid like what it was doing yeah so I I charged the car up and

I probably get about 20 230 mile from like a full charge yeah but I used to I used to just lose that charge or if I can put it into like a different mode so you’d think in eco mode I’d get more miles of range but if I put it into

Sport mode you get more more miles of range with the sport mode well I couldn’t understand that doesn’t make sense car normally put it in Eco you get more miles right but okay so it certainly seems that the cars doing things that aren’t quite correct then yeah like I even shown Jaguar this

As well um when they because obviously when I dropped the car off I got one of the guys to come out and have a look and I was showing him and he was like oh this is really weird like I’ve never seen a car come in and get more miles

From putting it into sport mode than eco mode so it seems then that there’s obviously something in the electrics that’s not quite right if those two settings have like inverted themselves was it was it driving like it was in sport mode or eco mode was it was it

Driving like it was in that correct mode or do you think those had inverted as well uh no so when when I was in eco mode you can tell it was in eco mode but when you put it into sport mode you can tell right it’s one in% in sport mode

Okay so it’s it’s not quite right then but anyway so you you you carry on and time goes past so talk talk us through this uh this latest incident then yeah so um in the morning the car was all fine like I was going to well

Just started a brand new job so I we was going to training yeah so I’ve been there like Monday and Tuesday and um car was all fine so I was on my way home and um I needed to turn back towards my work cuz I forgot

Something from work but I needed to take home with me so I went back round the round about come back onto the motorway and um I was indicating to get into the the fast lane and next minute the car just shunted forward like it it felt

Like as I said before like I was on a roller coaster like your back goes back like you go back in your seat yeah and then next minute the car just kept on speeding up and I was pressing my break had my foot on the break and there was nothing happening literally nothing

Happening the the speed was just rising and rising and rising and what what are you thinking at this point I was thinking oh it’s happening again yeah so again you you you know what to do you know that the you’ve got your break so so you know that it’s happening again

So are you are you on the phone straight away to the police yeah so I found I found the police straight away and um the operator literally just told me to get onto the onto the hard shoulder um put my indicators on yeah and literally just avoid anybody who’s on the hard

Shoulder they advise you to go on the hard shoulder that’s yeah told me to just get on the hard shoulder doing 90 on the hard shoulder wow okay so obviously that was scary because you had Junctions coming off as well and obviously I was telling the operator

This on the phone he was like right just make sure it’s clear in the first Lane to get into the first lane and then jump back on to the hard shoulder what’s the traffic doing around you so at the time it was it was about half 2 3:00 and it

Was building because traffic was actually coming from like Southport and like hir and that so the traffic was actually building up and like the worst thing about it they was um I was coming to end of this Motorway and there was a roundabout and I need to join another

Motorway um and they had like a it was a red light so obviously I was telling the operator panicking everything was going through my mind thinking I need to get through this this red light or I’m going to end up smashing into all these cars and maybe smashing into like an oncoming

Car as well but the operator told me to try and do it safely to get through the red light stay on the hard shoulder kind of bit and let you just get through so what happened so managed to obviously get through get onto the other other

Side of the motorway and I was stayed on the hard shoulder and then next minute I seen um those two police cars is it the Matrix police cars literally right behind me and um he pulled in front of me telling me to follow him and he was

Trying to take me off um well off like um off the motorway on like a layby kind of thing and but like I couldn’t go I couldn’t I literally couldn’t because obviously the car was going too quick I couldn’t break cuz he wanted me

To go down this lby and then two and off and then go down this other Road and obviously try pull up but I honestly couldn’t so are you on the phone to the operator at this point you I mean you don’t have direct communication with

That police car do you and no no so I was on the phone to the operator and um I was telling the operator everything like I couldn’t go off and he was like right we’ll be telling the the main police car who’s in front of you and then obviously then I was panicking

Because the police car was actually he was do he he was doing all right speed but my car was going too quick so I just kept on hitting the back of him wow just kept on nudging his car and my car was you could tell my car was hit in his cuz

His car was like say like swaying side to side and so I I presume he’s in a f a B&W 5 series of State then so no so he was in a yeah yes sorry yes he was in a five series estate yeah so your your Jaguar

Would have been heavier than his car so from his point of view you know it’s pretty scary for both of you at that point isn’t it yeah so I could even see his number plate I was literally that close to the back of his car like I just

Kept on seeing my car just you can just feel like a little nudge into the front of his car but we were still on live like on the live Motorway so I had like the fast lane and the lane next to me and the slow lane was still like active

So I was obviously bombing down the motorway 90 to 100 and all these cars on the other side who don’t have a clue what’s happening are all staring looking beat so God knows what they were thinking at the time that’s absolutely terrifying what what were you thinking

At the time H to be honest I was literally well I I couldn’t blink yeah l i my hands on the steering wheel just looking forward I I literally thought like any minute I’m gonna hit the back of this police car this police car is going to sway hit the barrier I’m going

To go into that I’m going to end up killing him I’m going to end up killing myself or I’m going to end up killing like a member of the public he was just driving just driving home from work or with kids in the car I had all that in

My back of my mind I was telling like the operator and he was like trying to calm me down saying like oh they’re all trained for this it’s shocking to hear to hear you tell it that way I’m trying to put myself in your shoes and it is truly

Terrifying D like literally like I was I I felt like I was going to cry like yeah that’s how crazy it was I literally thought like any minute I’m going to end up crashing I’m going to hit the barrier or I’m going to crash into this car this

Police car I’m going to crash into someone and kill someone and I had that just flowing through my head so but like third place the the the operator who was on the phone to me that all time was like he was calming me down he was like

Telling me to breathe and telling me not to worry these police officer are trained to do this so he’s trying to make me feel all right about myself for doing like for obviously driving yeah for being in the car I’ve got an electric car just trying

To park next to me right now I’m keeping a close eye on it um so H how does how does this uh I’m going to call it a police chase but it’s not really a police chase is it it’s it’s um it’s an out run yeah it literally felt like I

Was playing Grand Theft Auto or I was playing like a police game or racing game on like the Playstation or Xbox lit like I was I was literally right behind this police car and then there was um there was another police car literally alongside me like beeping um obviously

Flashing lights moving other cars away from these Lanes it’s it it was literally just scary just seeing like how close I was to other traffic it’s a it’s a crazy crazy situation so um how does it how does it start to get under control at what point do you start to feel safer

What happens next well um I was telling the what the operator was saying like how many miles of range I had and um before all this happened I had about 50 to 60 miles of range in the car so that would have got me to to my work and then

Back home I’m most probably back to work the next day but then charge it well charge it Thursday night home so I knew I had all right charge in the car so the operator was like telling me the police have confirmed the going to keep me on

The motorway keep me on the roads to when my car actually dies you’re looking at the range at that point thinking I got to do this for 50 miles yeah yeah but then um literally like I was um he was operate was telling me like how many

Miles you got left then I was like all 20 and he was like right we’re going to be still here for like 20 miles like telling us and I was obviously that was going from my mind as well thinking I’m still going to be stuck doing this but

The charge was actually going down quite quick yeah I’d imagine it was if the car’s accelerating and if the car’s malfunctioning anyway I’d imagine that charge was dropping off quite quick so you must have been relieved to see it coming down yeah well I was like I was

Literally counting down um the operator was telling me he was just like oh we’re telling the police like how many miles you’ve got left and we literally started I literally started counting down wow like I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got 10 miles I got nine miles and literally like it

Was so it was so good knowing like I was coming down to like five miles and all all the while that you’re counting down the miles have you still got this police car directly in front of you then yeah yeah so um the police car is literally

Direct in front of me like it didn’t move once like the pictures what I’ve got on my phone of what the police told me to to take for my my insurance company to look at this police car it looks like it’s wedged with my car

Wow so as soon as well as soon as the car actually comes to a stop um well it it come down like the last three miles and the operator said the the police car in front of me is going to is going to speed off a little bit Yeah and then

Hopefully then I’m just going to hit the back of his car because I was still doing the well the car was still being quite quick and I had like certain amount of miles left and I was I was explaining this like when I know it goes

Into limp mode so normally when when it goes on like low battery mode goes into like limp mode I can’t go over like a certain amount of speed but this car was still going quite quick right okay so it’s like it’s it’s not behaving as

Normal yeah this is what this is what I told the police and like everything like everybody else like the car felt like it it wasn’t in Li mode it was just just carrying on the way it was wow like thank God it did actually have like no miles and the police car

That sped off in front of me I just literally hit the back of his car and the car eventually stopped so you rolled to a halt and I don’t think you were you weren’t on the hard shoulder were you were you still in the live yeah I was

Still in the fast lane I was still in the the third lane or the fourth Lane so what happens then you jump out the car and the policeman says oh it’s you again yeah well um I literally I just sat in the car because obviously with the jagu

I face the the door handles are inside the vehicle so I have to obviously press the button on my side of my door handles out the car so the police the police guy literally come over to my car my hands were still literally on the steering wheel just looking forward and he was

Banging on the window and then I literally just took my seat belt off got out the car and I just like just lent against my car and this police officer then came over to me like give me a drink of water like trying to calm me

Down because hly I was I was in bits like thinking like I’ve just actually just survived this that’s bit crazy then so that that’s really interesting you’ve got a driver that is clearly in like a bad way and needs some help and yet you’ve got to let the police in to pop

The door handles out the side of the car he can’t get in to help you out no no so yeah door handles stay in the car so so when I press the button inside the car no one can get in no like no one can get

In the car that’s pretty scary on its own so you have your glass of water you you try to calm down um where does it where does it go next what like where are you now what’s happening I know I literally I well I said to the police officer like I just

Needed I just needed to just like stand there and just look what’s happened so they the police officer told me obviously not go next to the barrier where the oncoming traffic was on the other side so I just literally just stood in the Middle Lane just looking

Down the motorway of where my car was all these police cars lit like it it felt like I was in like a big police how many how many police vehicles have you got around you at that point do you know how many police vehicles there were

Yeah so there must have been about seven or eight so I had um right next to me was a is it a um I think it was a COA one of the well one of the rapid coopas so I had one of them like alongside me

Obviously the BMW in front of me another car another BMW right behind me and then um other cars like alongside like behind the behind the other police cars so was there any damage on on either the ipace or the BMWs then I presume I literally I

Literally don’t know cuz my car was that W into the the back of this other police guy I I literally do not have a clue and I don’t think mentally you would have been in any position to have a look around would you you were just concentrating on the fact that you were

Alive no yeah so he literally just told me to obviously get out the C have like a little break get a picture in told me to uh um if well take me to like a safe place kind of thing to get me off the motorway yeah so do do you know what

Happened to your car next and I presume you were gone and having a coffee and then eventually the car got picked up yeah so the the police have actually took it to a a site and I’ve just literally phon them this morning to see

Um if I can go to it and can because like jaguar Jagua want the car but the police have said well the company have said like the police have said no one’s near the car wow so I don’t know if the police are investigating into it or looking

Into it but no one’s allowed near the car to when the to when the police have said well the police can confirm the car can be allowed to be picked off okay if if I can ask a stupid question that I know everybody’s going to want to ask um

Is anyone blaming you for this is are you feeling like anyone is saying it is you or is everybody pretty much understanding that this is the car and this is the software well um at the time well the first experience when I went into the Jaguar garage they were saying

Like oh they’ve never never in their lifetime heard this happen to like a jaguar or anything before and then when I I went back into like the Jaguar garage and just spoke to them just explained what’s happened they uh they couldn’t believe it again they were like shocked it’s actually happened yeah so

So there’s some head scratching going on between it’s it’s interesting that the police are saying no one could have the car I wonder if the police are going to want to do their own investigations to find out you know it’s just interesting as to who who is going to find out the

Problem with the car now will it be the police and their forensics will it be Jaguar will I I don’t know yeah so I’ve actually got Jaguar like the proper Jaguar main office like ringing me up and they’re saying like they want to invest the car as well they want to have

A look inside the car look at all the all the um all the um computers inside the car the software they want all that out so they can look at the car well imagine you know somewhere within the technology of that car there’ll be a sort of you know like

A plane has a flight recorder yeah yeah that’s that’s what they said they um they’ll be able to put it in like a diagnostic kind of thing and that everything will just literally flag up of what’s up with the car yeah so they’ll be able to see that the car was

Accelerating and your foot wasn’t imag last time went into jagu I’ve had all these diagnostics for the problems of what my car was and I’m getting the car back and the problems what I had with the car is not on a diagnostic so wow okay so what happens next for you

Then do you think you’re going to are you going to want to keep this car is this I mean you so um well I’ve decided anyway and I’ve been speaking to um head office in jaguar and they’re telling me I’m not going to get back into that car

Yeah I’d imagine not it’s now effectively a piece of evidence and hot property so yeah well definitely knowing like it’s happened it’s happened twice I’m having problems with the battery anyway so it’s really it’s a a red flag really is it so have they provided you a

Car or have you got one through your insurance or yeah so um Jaguar have actually provided me a car is it an electric one no so it’s they gave me a r a brand new Range Rover Sport nice so yeah I’ve got one of them for to

Win the well everything else all this is sorted yeah well look it’s um it it’s crazy um I think just I think you’re pretty brave for having put up with it twice and um everyone keeps saying that like fair play I I put up with the car

Yeah but what could you have I mean the thing is if you sent this car to Jaguar in December and they turned around and said it’s fine and I assume it’s on a finance agreement it’s not like you can just get rid of it yeah no so I founded

The finance company and um they obviously wanted the diagnostic reports they’d have to go into investigation and obviously with the diagnostic reports coming back of the car not going in for like what I wanted the car going in for it wasn’t on the diagnostic yeah so really I was I couldn’t do nothing

Yeah cuz the official line at that point from both jaguar and the finance companies there’s nothing wrong with the car because we can’t find anything yeah yeah so that’s what they said the only time they can write off the car if on this diagnostic it was there was

Something on there wow so they kind of sent you back out into the world for it to happen again and it really is a blessing it really did yeah is literally I felt this time was a lot worse than just before Christmas like yeah obviously just before Christmas it was late

It was chuing it down with rain but there was hardly any traffic on the road this time was pretty much rush hour coming out of coming out of like Liverpool pretty much or orir or whatever it was yeah going back into Manchester and obviously people are

Going to be coming home and coming past the traffic center it’s going to start it’s going to start building up and star and get busy why why do you think it didn’t make the news first time round was it just because the roads were quieter or yeah so I’m not actually too

Sure to be honest like this is what I was what I was shocked about is I wanted people to to know this has happened because I was I literally put it on um I was on I was on pages on um Facebook of like the Jaguar eye Paces so people like putting

Comments of like what’s happened with theirs or if they’ve got like trouble with theirs like people help them out so I put my my story into there and literally everybody was like slating it like it didn’t happen I’m just a young lad who’s driving a high performance CL

That’s what people are saying yeah and again that that’s why I really wanted you to just freely talk and get your story across um because you’re always going to have people that are going to say that but again the reaction of the police they’ they’ve got the operator on

The phone they know what’s going on they know the story it’s not like they’re pulling out of you know pulling you out of the car saying you’re under arrest for speeding yeah CU I said to him today and I was like Oho all these speed cameras were well some of them were

Flashing and then when I was speaking to the police officer they told me if I do get any letters through the post to send them straight to them and they’ll be able to sort it out for me you’ll have to keep me posted then because that’ll

Be an interesting story of itself to see a how many you get and B what this because all of these are automated it’s not it’s never a person that deals with it you all have just triggered these cameras and the letters will be on the way so it’ be interesting to see how

Many cameras you went through and what speed you went through them as well yeah I know that’s going to be that will be interesting well you get these sent back to the police and get them dealt with but then I think that’s something to put on your wall isn’t it yeah definitely

See what see what high speed I got to yeah exactly so yeah you’ve had a couple of days to calm down now I think you’re going away somewhere for the weekend aren’t you uh how are you feeling about it all and what what would you like to

See happen next so obviously I want the car to fully get checked over I want the I want them to literally strip the car down do whatever they want and find the problem what I’ve been having since getting the car in last March like I’ve it feels like a nightmare having that

Car yeah car is actually a nightmare like I’ve had it had it since March last year coming up to a year and I’ve not I’ve always had problems with it so I want them to literally find everything what’s wrong with it and I’ll be able to

Prove them right then yeah I think it and I think the general public as well are going to be interested to know what’s gone wrong with that car and everyone else who’s got an ipace cuz I know full well that the ipace has been a very problematic car for Jaguar but this

Has got to be now now that your second story is getting out and people are realizing that you aren’t just a young lad with his foot stuck beneath the carpet yeah there’s more to this I’d imagine that this is uh this is going to give the wobbles to some ipace owners as

Well don’t you yeah definitely should because obviously the car’s been out for I think it’s about six years or five years or whatever and then they’re stopping it in 2025 as well so it’s just it’s literally worrying thinking if this has happened to mine what’s not going to stop their

Doing this yeah because obviously you said and well I’ve read as well about the the mg happening as well so it’s happened to M it’s happened to an mg what’s not going to stop a like a BMW electric car or even an Audi or another Jaguar have doing exactly the same thing

Or or indeed it happening to someone else I mean you were obviously fairly quick thinking and recognize the you know go back to the first incident you recognized quite quickly there was a problem and although it was stressful you remained calm enough to phone the police and talk them through what was

Happening whilst driving this out of control car if that had happened to you know a little old lady or anybody else it it the outcome could have been completely different couldn’t it so yeah to right 100% it was just literally I just thought while I’m going to by

Hurting myself or hurting like somebody so the best thing was obviously phone the police to see if they can shut the motor away or come to like come to my safety pretty much trying to stop the car now another stupid question then that I think the internet is going to

Want to know was it fun at any point uh well be the first time I ever been in the police chase like that’s that’s that’s that was that was a nice feeling good feeling I’d imagine it’s the sort of thing that’s only fun afterwards when it’s all over I’d imagine at the time

Yeah to right probably yesterday I proper sunk in I was like wow I had all these police cars behind me I had people still driving their cars and probably on the way home or seeing family in the other lanes literally just watching my car in behind this other police car

Nudging this police car I wonder what they were thinking at the time I was just going to say the same I mean if you see something like that on the motorway the things that go through your head my car is all blacked out so I’ve had like

Everything everything on the car is all blacked out so it does look like a dodgy car so going going at that speed nudging a police car you’re thinking the worst you’re thinking what for done well you’re probably the only person that has managed to have such a dramatic police

Chase and they’re not gone to jail so congratulations I know yeah I feel good about that right thank you very much uh honestly thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me about this I’m I’m really glad you were able to just uh explain what happened and hopefully for

People watching um it’ be interesting to see what the comments are on this one now so I’m going to keep an eye on this story see what happens next uh from Jaguar from the police and you know in the electric car Community generally um would you think you’d get another eye

Paace no definitely not 100 100% not I’ll never never get electric call I got told when I first got it electric cars like the best thing in they’re cheap to run but they they’re definitely not so prior to prior to the two out of control things what were you like with

The car generally you said it had problems anyway or how soon into owning the the ipace did you start to think hang on a minute this isn’t all it’s cracked up to be pretty much within a month and a half that’s not great is it cuz that’s an

Expensive car the car in March and I think it went in for went into jaguar in May so pretty much straight away that’s painful isn’t it for you know it’s a lot of money it’s not a cheap investment no definitely not 100% not brilliant well

Thanks very much I’m going to let you go thanks so much for speaking to me and um yeah I’ll keep keep in touch and let me know when all those speeding tickets come through yeah I definitely will thank you right okay thanks very much that’ll do it for the end of the video

Dude thank you so much for that that’s amazing dude I think you’re I think you’re a legend I think yeah I think honestly from doing my video yesterday I think it was you know it’s all fun and games but when you actually describe it it’s terrifying it gives you chills to

Your right like I went into work yesterday and like all the girls in work were just dead worried yeah I do is just saying like I’m literally everywhere I’m all over the news literally I’ve about like news repor is like messag me I’ve had people from the radio message

Me this is the thing it’s one of those stories where I got sent it once and because of what my Channel’s about and the kind of stories that I cover I just knew that if I didn’t go and make a video about it there and then my inbox

Would just fill up with people sending me this story like yeah but I can’t believe like how quick it blew up literally like within within about an hour it was um was on Facebook and um I think it was like Northwest police put a picture of my car and then next minute I

Just seen people’s videosos of my car like stuck between these two police cars I wonder if anyone will have a video of your car flying past I wonder if someone was filming in that traffic maybe it’ll come out in the coming days say hopefully if someone’s got a dash cam or

Something and seeing this all happen then hopefully they reach out because I would definitely pay to to watch that there we go then so if anyone’s got the dash cam footage please please please send it in send it to us both definitely brilliant all right thank you very much

I’ll I’ll chat to you later on I’ll keep in touch I’ll send you a WhatsApp and just see how things are and you know I’m really Keen to see where this one goes so I I’ll I’ll keep it touch you appreciate it thanks Nathan take care much cheers byebye

Bye what a story that is absolutely insane and I’m quite happy to rain my neck in and say um although I presented a video that was fun the other night making light of this it’s not this is a pretty serious situation thank you very much everybody for watching and I’ll

Check in with Nathan again um as that story develops because I’m not going to let this one go we need to find out what went wrong with a car and that’s it we need to find out what what went wrong with the car if you got footage of that

Chase chase on your dash cam jeffb cars gmail.com thank you for watching please do hit the like button and the subscri subcribe button cuz it helps cheers

In this video I sit down for an interview with the driver who claims his Jaguar iPace EV went out of control and lost all brakes…

Let’s see what this is all about.

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