Electric Cars

THIS is the MOST FRIGHTENING Scenario With An EV Battery (Not Fire)

THIS is the MOST FRIGHTENING Scenario With An EV Battery (Not Fire)

One of the most terrifying scenarios that can occur with an electric vehicle is what is known as a vapor Cloud explosion or VP for short this is a fairly complex phenomenon but I’m going to do my best to simplify it in this video and help you get an understanding

Of it buckle up for this one it is pretty scary welcome back to another EV video if you enjoy these videos please do hit the like button and also consider subscribing to the channel if you haven’t already okay EVS one thing that’s well understood and very well

Publicized is what happens when an eeve catches fire it’s well known that these fires are much harder to combat than a typical fire they typically require thousands of liters of water to try and extinguish they can reignite days or even weeks after the initial fire and

Because the energy and the fuel for the fire are stored inside the cells of the battery smothering the fire and cutting off the oxygen supply doesn’t work either now all these principles are pretty well known pretty well spoken about pretty well understood but one area that is not well understood or

Spoken about at all as we’re going to see in this video are vapor Cloud explosions and in many ways they are much much worse now let me show you an example of a vapor Cloud explosion before we go any further and as you watch this p pay attention to how close

The firefighters are to the incident first thing to mention of course look how close the firefighters were to that explosion they had no idea of the danger that they were in and I put this down to this phenomenon simply just is not well enough understood or spoken about and therefore there are no

Safety protocols established for them to follow obviously they can see the vapor Cloud but it’s often mistaken for smoke or Steam and my honest thoughts on this is well it’s just one further area where in our haste to try and reach Net Zero targets at any cost we’ve been negligent

Towards the proper adequate research and training and there’s no other way to put it it’s risking lives so what’s actually happening here well it all starts with failure of the battery of course that might be through physical damage maybe it’s punctured or it could just be degradation of the

Battery in general it then starts to enter a state known as thermal runaway wherein the cells just get hotter and hotter and hotter inside that battery until they start to vent that’s the cloud that we’ve seen in that video now if a fire occurs quite quickly this

Combustible cloud is just going to be consumed by that fire fire and there won’t be an explosion however if the ignition is delayed these chemicals in that cloud get a chance to incorporate then the chances of an explosion are really quite High next up let’s take a

Look at another really good example of this now this is a Tesla that’s ran over some road debris and it’s told by Professor Eric Christensen one of the pioneers of research into this topic and you have an unconfined Vapor Cloud explosion Tesla drove over some debris punctured the the battery case

Some time later he parked up in a garage and up it went 6 seconds from the first appearance of The Vape Cloud three cars one one on one side and two on the other taken out if you don’t get immediate ignition and the firefighters have to deal with a

Large battery EV for example in an underground car park they could be facing smoke diving in a potentially explosive and toxic atmosphere now as if it needs to be any scarier think about where these EVS are stored there’s charger stations underneath buildings you’re going to find them in ped station

For courts now as well even think about multi stories that are filled with these types of vehicles scary stuff indeed and summon I believe issues like this that haven’t been explored properly or researched properly are a result and mination of everyone favoring their own agendas if we look at manufacturers they

Are so caught up in the commercial aspect of it with falling EV sales they’re desperate to try and shift more units meanwhile the government are under pressure to reintroduce subsidies and we’ve got big energy companies in their haste once again to try and meet Net Zero investing very heavily in their

Energy networks and Keen to recoup some of the cost it’s almost as if no one has actually paused for a moment and went hang on this is all quite dangerous actually to give you an idea how prevalent it is the London Fire Service alone are currently called out a minimum

Of every two days to extinguish a light electric vehicle fire and that’s not including the buses now that’s it for me over to you I love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below so please do leave one and one final tip if you are planning on buying an EV hopefully

Not or an internal buus car anytime soon remember to use Vehicles score. co.uk free service put the plate of the car you’re thinking about buying in there and it will tell you all the good and bad points about that particular car they also do paid HPI reports here is a

15% discount voucher on screen now so you have no excuses the link is in the description below but that’s it for me thank you for watching I’ll see you on the next one

EV Lithium-Ion battery Vapour Cloud Explosion ( VCE ). Scary Stuff!

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