Electric Motorcycles

We Rode This NEW Insanely Fast eMoto // Flux Primo First Ride

We Rode This NEW Insanely Fast eMoto // Flux Primo First Ride

Hello everyone I am very fortunate to be standing on this ground before you right now with this beautiful motorcycle behind me if you haven’t already recognized which bike this is I’m very happy to tell you that that is the new flux Primo Let’s start out by explaining the status of this flux Primo this bike is a development mule which means that flux is using this bike to test characteristics and develop software before moving to a more refined pre-production model flux sees themselves as a Powertrain company using their skill sets to innovate where it

Matters which to them is in the battery and drivetrain of course they also care about chassis but their mindset is that frame geometry and flex characteristics have largely been solved and therefore it’s less of a hurdle so this production mule is utilizing a massive 450 volt 7

KW battery the bike is producing roughly 80 horsepower knock knock Stark VAR you have a new neighbor it’s got an aluminum chassis currently utilizing a KYB SSS fork and an Oland TTX shock Remo breakes and a super unique virtual clutch SL regen lever which we’ll focus on during

The ride and what better time than right now okay so startup procedure on the flux Primo you’ve got this option there it says Hey Tucker pretty cool and you just hold down the mode button for one second uh then it’s ready to go this is currently

Set up in just one mode so we’re running full power 80 horsepower if you’re wondering why there’s track tape all over the place this test track in Croatia recently had an absolute mutter cross country race and I’m riding the aftermath of that so conditions were rough and rded to say the

Least but once I got a little more familiar with the bike learned some lines and found whatever flow I could Buster up I was able to get a little more speed going and actually ride the Primo so I’m sure you want to know what this claimed 80 horsepower feels like and

It’s insane but it’s also kind of not the manner in which the power is delivered on this Primo is incredibly subtle and smooth the power feels abundant but it’s also extremely mellow for the first half of the throttle there is an obvious threshold though and it’s right around half throttle

At half throttle and Beyond the Primo absolutely screams and I personally like that balance the best comparison I could give would be like an electric 3002 stroke like the KTM xcw it rolls on slow and has kind of a mild luggable feel down low but once you wake it up it quickly

Reminds you that it is a ferocious machine with more than enough ponies to H humble you one of the biggest surprises to me was my appreciation for what flux calls the virtual clutch SL regenerative braking lever when accelerating the lever acts as a digital clutch which reduces power while you’re on the

Throttle once the throttle position is closed the lever then acts as a Regen breake to help slow the bike down by way of the motor while this riding environment wasn’t really conducive to my need for a clutch I did start using the regen lever as somewhat of a third

Break when I needed to reduce speed and it quickly became a really positive attribute of the bike it allowed me to slow down easier in right hand turns when I prefer to keep my right foot neutral on the pegs and in several cases allowed me to forego the brakes alt

Together and let the bike decelerate solely by way of the regen lever and now I want one of these levers on every bike in the fleet the chassis on this bike has a surprisingly similar feel to some gas bikes that I’ve ridden in the past I

Won’t outright say it but if you were to combine the colors of these two bikes I’m thinking of you would end up with the color purple and I’ll leave it at that to me the bike feels really stable and confident but leans toward the side of not being a super quick turning bike

Which honestly took me a short bit to get used to but I think you blue crew Riders would immediately feel right at home and once I got amiliar with that steering feeling I really appreciated how predictable the bike feels in terms of suspension this setup was very overs sprung and over valve for

Me but the KYB SSS Fork feels exactly how you would expect it to awesome the harder I pushed it the better it worked and although the ol shock will likely be replaced by KYB for the production model the suspension helped this bike feel super balanced and confidence

Inspiring yes we all want to know the battery range there wasn’t a real accurate way to gauge distance on the bike but from my extremely rough estimations I would expect the current model to be on par with a stark V maybe better but I can’t quite verify that

From this ride flux did reveal to me that the next prototype model will have a battery just shy of 8 kwatt hours at the same weight which would be impressive but we shall see speaking of ressed this part was the most eye openening to me the team at flux brought along their monolith

Supercharger which is made in-house requires three-phase power and is claimed to charge this 7 KW hour battery pack from 10% to 80% in 25 minutes we tested that claim and plugged the bike in after I had run it down to 14% battery remaining in roughly 15 minutes time the battery had charged

Back up to an impressive 62% I myself was due for a 15-minute break and in that time the bike had plenty more energy to go back out and ride longer it’s unknown if this monolith charger would ever be a product for sale with the Primo but regardless this

Completely opened my eyes to the potential of quick charging these high voltage bikes all in all this is a super promising offering from flux there’s still a way to go before it’s a true production bike but flux’s ballpark is to have a production model by the end of

2024 with bike deliveries starting in the fourth quarter of 2025 the Target price is 13,000 USD and at the time of filming this a refundable reservation of €50 locks in a price of 12,000 USD when the production bike is ready so that is the first review of the

Flux primo and thanks for watching it right here on ECR

Tucker from ECR does a First Test Ride on the New Flux Primo Electric Dirt Bike.

Read more about Flux Primo on ECR: https://bit.ly/FluxPrimoFirstRide

Check out the Flux site: https://bit.ly/FluxMoto

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Best Deals On Electric Dirt Bikes For Sale: https://bit.ly/ECRMarketplace

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The Flux Primo electric dirt bike in this video is a production mule, designed to test characteristics and software before Flux develops their pre-production model. This bike is equipped with a massive 450 volt 7kWh battery, which generates approximately 80 horsepower. Knock knock, Stark Varg, you have a new neighbor. It features an aluminum chassis, currently utilizing a KYB SSS fork and an Ohlins TTX shock, as well as Brembo brakes and a unique virtual clutch/regen lever.

There is still a way to go before it’s a true production bike, but Flux’s ballpark is to have a production model by the end of 2024 with bike deliveries starting in the 4th quarter of 2025.

The target price is $13,000 USD – and at the time of filming this, a refundable reservation of 50 euros. locks in a price of $12,000 USD when the production bike is ready.

0:00 – This is the Flux Primo
01:56 – First Ride
03:02 – Power
04:04 – Virtual Clutch / Regen Lever
04:58 – Chassis & Suspension
05:58 – Battery
06:28 – Supercharger!!
07:24 – Price & Plans

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