Electric Motorcycles

My First Ever E-bike I took for a Spin 65+ mph

My First Ever E-bike I took for a Spin 65+ mph

You know what we can do though yeah what are you doing van what are you doing well well well ladies and gentlemen how long has it been since I have been on the siron wow and if you guys haven’t seen my siron let me show it to you really quick

72 volt we got a original light speeed uh battery right here this thing cost me a lot of money back in the day like 2100 or something like that and then the bike though was actually $3,600 Back Then and Now what are these like 4500 these things are expensive now but anyways

Street tires Luna seat on here we got turn signals all this kind of fun stuff you can see the turn signals right there we got a brake light in the back with the LOL gas license plate so now you know what I’m riding on and I swear it has been

Probably I don’t know like 5 months I really couldn’t tell you I’d have to go back on my videos and see when I last did a video on this thing and the reason why is because first off so many different projects and then second off they’ve been kind of hot on the market

Especially here too A lot of people always comment and say you’re ruining it for everybody you’re ruining it for everybody not really I think it’s the group rides that ruin it like the LA ones the New York ones and I’m one person by myself but there was a kid uh

I think he’s like 14 years old in Clovis which is only like 20 minutes from my location he got his confiscated don’t know the whole exactly entire story of it all all I know is he said he was doing 20 but I kind of highly doubt that

I’m not trying to you know question him or anything like that but I still let’s go straight but I still feel like I’ve never got messed with on mine doing 20 or 30 m an hour and I don’t expect it to happen anytime soon but I

Wanted to kind of lay low a little bit because you know when people run from the cops and do stupid stuff on these you know they start coming down on you or they start looking for them cops know exactly what sirons look like toari is

They look like dirt bikes so I could see why they would pull us over now if you’re on a regular bike like super 73 I don’t think I’m going to get pulled over but long story short that’s kind of why I uh how’s it going man that’s why I uh

Stopped riding this thing and I can’t get my oh I got it I was trying to get my latch and my backpack on there’s cars behind us so we got to go God oh my God this thing is so fast it wants a wheelie we’re at a 16 or

177,000 watts of power we’re pulling like 200 and something amps on this uh BAC 8000 anyways I get a lot of looks on this thing and I I don’t want to get a ticket I really want want to get it confiscated like I’m pretty sure I can

Afford to get it confiscated you know what I mean I don’t know if I’d even want to get it back I mean there is a lot of money in here I want to say I probably have like $8 to $9,000 in total including the bike into this it’s super

Cool it’s pretty much as expensive as a car but if it did get towed and it’s there for 30 days you got to pay all the fees I don’t really think it’d be worth getting it out I don’t know what what would you guys do if yours got pulled

Over and I can see the kids in the bus looking behind me but you guys can’t see CU it’s like tinted glass they’re just like what the heck is this guy on it’s funny he kind of nodded at me like he wanted me to go like you see that he was

Kind of like he went like this and I was like okay cool I’m going to go and then like he was already in chanal so I was like you know what you go first I’m really in no rush I can get to work super damn fast on this thing but here’s

Some things I wanted to talk about we’re already probably really far into to the video already oh that is a nice Type R is the office now you guys have probably noticed that a lot of stuff has been going on and my videos have been very very late like me making this video

Right now I haven’t recorded in the last 4 days that’s how like busy I’ve been with the office and moving I didn’t think it was that bad I’m not like moving moving where I’m moving like half like I’m not moving like my whole entire like thing everywhere okay they

Going I’m not moving everything in my house to this office I’m just moving a little bit of stuff but you know I got a new TV stand you got to put it together I got a couch got to put it together I got a desk I got to put it together new

Computer new software uh the new TV that came I had to set that up we put like RGB lights on it and then everything like the Xbox PlayStation 5 uh I got a uh I had a steam deck now I have a Asus Rog Ally but all that stuff you need to

Sign into all your accounts and it just takes forever like if you’ve ever had to do it before where you have multiple devices and you’re like changing a bunch of stuff around you understand that it’s just a long process I was at the office for like 3 hours and I’m just trying to

Set up like Plex and Netflix and Hulu and just all the streaming stuff on every single platform that I have like Playstation Xbox so it’s been taking me a long time the good thing is and I’ll put some images up on the screen so you guys can check them out but the office

Is completely done other than like some miscellaneous like RGB lights and stuff that I want to put in there but for the most part everything that I needed in there like my desk the TV monitor the regular TV the TV stand the couch the desk that’s all I really needed to have

My little office space cuz I wanted to be able to kick back and watch TV as well and you know edit videos because once I edit videos I kind of just want to sit back relax wait for him to finish rendering that’s why I got a nice

Computer we got a 40 uh 1,400 900 14900 K there we go and it’s laced up with a uh I’m talking about like bike wheels laced up with a 4090 RTX card Nvidia card and my computer at the house I have a 480 super

On that with a 7950 x3d um the x3d was is technically faster for processing but I also wanted something a little bit newer and for gaming and stuff like that and I feel like I took the wrong way let’s go people let’s go what kind

Of plate is this I just noticed what the heck is that can’t even read that probably does drugs but hopefully you guys are appreciating uh I’m trying my best to get this content out uh the four days that I had off that I did not film I really should have taken the time

Because I wanted to do the Vmax scooter that’s the next uh thing that we’re going to be reviewing but the reason why I didn’t do it is because let’s try to do this in a short story instead of it being super long so it came probably two months ago or maybe

A month and a half ago I was talking to the company for probably 6 months before we finally got it in um there was a huge contract that they wanted to do and everything like that but what happened is when they sent it to me the box was

Open and half of the parts fell out so I had to wait for replacement parts and I’m going to go around yeah we’re going to go on the bike lane we’ll just pedal that’s all we got to do that’s all we got to do is pedal what up

Man what is going on over here I’m glad I made do that cuz I did not want to sit but remember I told you I took the wrong way to work but anyways they sent me the parts took a while I put them on and the time that I was

Going to use to you know do the video review I had to spin putting it together and then I also had to make sure to test it up and on the street and then I never charged it within that time because I wanted it to make sure it was working

First so that kind of ruined that and then I just ended up spinning more time at the office oh boy let’s go let’s go Let’s go People I would like to move I would like to move anyways that’s the next video that you guys are going to see is a Vmax scooter it has a really nice big deck um it’s supposed to go pretty decently fast all right let’s get the heck out of

Here I don’t feel like waiting any longer I forgot how fast this thing goes yes oh I love it it it’s not no like extreme bull k6 fast but it is definitely uh just I don’t know it’s more of like a gradual speed I know a lot of people are going to

Question that like that’s not gradual 72 volt hella powerful but if you’ve been on the k6 the k6 is violent and brutal where this thing feels a little bit more smooth but it just keeps going like that top speed just wants to keep pulling you like faster and faster I love this thing

Kind of glad I finally got on it I haven’t even taken the the the screen protector off of this thing that’s how how much that I uh try to keep this thing nice and clean but ever since my buddy started riding it he goes through

The mud and the dirt and then I just had so many projects that I can’t wipe and keep these things clean anymore so my garage is a mess that’s one thing I should bring up right now is that go on my YouTube channel or hit me up on

Instagram send me a message if I don’t reply it’s because it goes into my message request and sometimes I don’t check a like every hour I’m I’m really busy I’ll check him maybe like every other day so just keep that in mind if you guys are looking for a bike I have

The Rave GTX the Chrome bike for sale what the heck is That you’re not supposed to make a U-turn there buddy I was going to go in the bike lane and then I saw that it says this is closed so I don’t know what’s going on over here and I can’t I couldn’t ride in the bike Lane right there what what the

Heck is going going on man I wanted to ride and give you guys some like content and then it just turned into a cluster I don’t want to say the f word okay I see that it says we got to get over but can I still stay like on this side because Yeah see that’s why you need a Sur on baby yeah why they even blocked at all I guess they were getting ready for people to move over but they should have done it after to the turn lane I think anyway well going a lot farther away

From my work than I would like I’m already a street over past my work and now we’re going another street over and now I’m going to have to figure out how to get to work from here cuz I don’t really take this road okay but what I

Was saying is the the Rave GTX Chrome that’s for sale what are you doing all right and then the ride one up 72 volt that’s still for sale I lowered the price on it 2,800 bucks if you want it without the set 72v battery and you

Can figure that out on your own you can pick it up for ,00 that’s what I’m going to sell it for and then I I think I’m going to sell the Road Runner Pro I really love it but we’re going to have to get rid of stuff I got two bikes

Coming in we got the was it the f2.2 the Ghost Bike ghost cat bike coming in 1,500 watt bike that’s going to be badass I also got a chameleon uh I think it’s like a t7 or something like that it’s a bike that you guys actually requested and I got it in

And it was cool they gave me the color that I was looking for so that’s was awesome and wait oh you can’t go left I need to go left actually going to go this way I supposed to do that oh oh man the front wheel was like I

Felt it floating like it was like coming down every so often I got to be careful on this thing I’m not used to uh riding this anyway I got to put my weight forward and then what else I feel like I had another bike for sale and I can’t remember

The super 73 is staying with me um what else do I have though can’t remember I love how everyone just stares at me that’s why cops pull these things over everyone just sees me in the room they’re like they just stare at it it’s funny yeah I can’t remember what else I

Have for sale but definitely go on my YouTube page look at my uh Community post and you’ll see what I have for sale and if it’s not there try not to hit me up if you see it for sale hit me up on Instagram message request don’t be mad

Though like if it’s gone cuz it it could be I just need to get rid of a lot of Stuff I think the next video you’re going to see after my review video of the V Max scooter we have to do an office tour and it’s crazy enough the way YouTube works is absolutely insane everyone asked me how do you get ebike reviews you reach out to these companies

Like how do you do it just start posting content if you legit just start posting content you will get like companies to reach out to you and I’m not sure I think I went down one extra Street I think I’m too far oh oops and that’s legit like all you have

To do just start posting up and if you get recognition and you get like a following of people that’s it that’s all you got to do I got to make sure there’s no cops around because I don’t think it’s going to pick me up with this bike

So I might have to go through it like I haven’t rode this thing so long I got spider webs like sticking to it I’m pretty sure the GoPro ain’t going to pick that up but I guess I could use my turn signals I forget I have turn signals oh that’s a clean

Truck if all Hills will we matching that’s probably a sideshow truck come on life I’ve been here way too long what the heck bye all right ladies and gentlemen well you know what we have to do next so after all this traffic is gone I’m going through it and

If I get pulled over I’ll fight it in court if I get a ticket because it says in the California law that if it doesn’t go for you over I think like two Revelations or something like that then you can go through it safely which that’s what I’m going to do

So after uh this one car we’re going through it oh come on they turning go faster go faster yeah I’m going there I a sitting there wait no more hey lady you’re going the wrong way dang this thing still has like power up top and I love it

I don’t even know if the turn lane was going to go off at at any time I was there way too long oh oh go go go you know what’s crazy about this bike too is I got the sir on when I started my channel this is the first bike I ever

Had on my channel and I’ve kept it the whole entire time and I have the original belt cuz this has a uh a belt on the mid the mid Drive motor and then you have the chain in the back and a lot of people say and I’m going to get this

The Bike Link a lot of people say that uh that belt breaks and I’ve had the same one for like the longest time yeah we’re going to that that’s pedal hello people even though I’m ghost pedaling at 5 miles you and I’m going like 35 right

Now roughly I need to put my foam Mount up back here if I ride this bike again I think I took it off because I needed it for another bike I need to order more excuse me sir I’m on a bike coming through I got to find out where the heck

My work’s at I don’t come down this road you guys have never seen this street because this is just the path that I never really have to take I don’t have anything over here but hey at least it’s new content right oh here we go again

All right we’re going to get in the we’ll get in the street now dang that guy broke his neck maybe I should take this thing out more often I mean it’s not like I want to get a ticket but this is going to bring in more views I think if we got

Pulled over and we got hassled with the cops and look at this it’s a train I think I’m going to be late to work if I’m being honest I left 10 minutes early so I can start doing this but this has been a very long time now all I’m

Looking for is Ashlin and we really passed it we really got screwed with everything and we’re going to go this way again in I just make sure to Pedal just make sure you get a suron pedal get pedals all right don’t be dumb and then when you’re in the

Road you can uh pedal if you want backwards it’s kind of funny or just don’t pedal at all when you’re in the road and I got to make sure there’s no cops in nothing we going to go this way I could use my blinker but I’m Not I love this thing I forgot how fun this is I definitely got to ride it again and I need to make some more group rides it just time is crazy now but since the office is done hopefully I’ll get back in the Rhythm but it’s going to

Take me a little bit to catch up just bear with me guys just bear with me I don’t think it was your turn to go red truck but okay dang okay it wasn’t your turn to go either but okay we fixed it though you notice that we let everyone go another rotation

Really quick so we fix it on our side everyone on our side should go all at the same time even if you get there and like after and everything don’t go with it I would probably go and wait for the next re Revelation to go through and

Then go with everybody keep it all the same because it gets really confusing when the turn lane like the people get there late or early and they go first and the people that got there late it’s it’s a mess anyway we fixed it all right

We’re good and now I just want to get to work do I got to go in the dirt do I got to go in the dirt do I want to go around them I kind of do I kind of do there’s not much room what we got to do is

Shorten These Bars I do see man I should have went around I do see a guy on electric bike up there that we can uh fly past we’ll see though we’ll see hey that was probably like kind of dangerous but look how fast this guy’s going all right my work’s on this side

But I’m on the wrong side oh man this guy in the truck is like going pretty quick you know what we can do though yeah yeah all right that was a little sketchy uh what are you doing van what are you doing idiot got to be careful around here

People are dumbasses all right well I made it I probably should hurry up so I’ll probably see you guys at night time I actually had to go back to the office tonight we’re doing a movie night and that’s going to be fun but I’m also probably going to edit this video

Tonight as well so I will be up until probably 5: in the morning for you guys the thing with YouTube is the whole algorithm thing and you got to be consistent and if you’re not consistent they uh yeah I don’t know they don’t promote your videos as much like I’ve

Noticed when I haven’t posted in 3 days that My Views are going down like a thousand each day and then when I post another video excuse me they go up again so so anyways I’ll see you guys at night time and you’ll get to see my Fisher Fab

House light if you guys haven’t seen my videos of The Sur on yet because it’s been such a long time hey what’s up man long time no see so you guys be able to check that out I love this headlight but it does get hot in the summertime and I

Have be my beyond rers jacket as well so I do have some motorcycle jackets I’m going to start wearing soon but for now I still love Beyond Riders and you guys can get links down in the description for that no links or discount codes for sirons though Unfortunately they never

Send them out to anybody maybe sster got one but they don’t send these bikes out to any YouTuber and I think I promoted this bike pretty well I think I want to say Dylan did as well Dylan Thompson but anyway see you guys at night time be

Back all right I’m really going to get out of here this time yeah yeah it’s going to be a long night for me too I’ll probably still I’ll be going home when you’re probably taking a lunch all right all right see you man see you oh I can’t

See there we go all right all right we’re in our good power mode now too I was going to take off like a badass in front of my coworker and realized if you do not turn the egg Rider on over here um you’re down to stock power that

Happened to my buddy when we went on our last group ride and he was he was having fun with it he’s heavier than me and I was like how is a Taria almost staying up next to him and I realized he never had the egg Rider on

The the whole entire time so better for battery range but not if you want to have some fun and crap this light ain’t going to get me come on all right I’m going through it I sitting here waiting byebye I’m out of here probably going to be a lot faster

On the ride home I’m pretty sure we recorded like 18 to 20 minutes during the day cuz I got lost just going everywhere what’s up buddy oh that was a girl and yeah I had no horn I wanted to like honk at him hey I like this bike though CU I

Forgot that I had something cool on this thing so if I hit this button right here all the lights it blacks out everything except the turn signal so that’s cool I like that but now I got to turn my uh my headlight back on I probably shouldn’t

Do that when I’m going kind of slow 1 2 3 4 get on the highest setting cuz if someone’s behind me and doesn’t see me I do not want to get ran over I’m out of here I like this thing though and I can’t get rid of this thing definitely

Can’t some crazy stuff happened at work though guys as my eyes are watering right now cuz it’s so much colder than it was uh during the day but man someone it wasn’t today thank God it wasn’t on my shift but they uh slammed their finger in the safe and I don’t know if

You guys know how uh thick safes are like the ones that hold hold basically all our money like in the back she had her finger on the other side of it boom like oh all bad and that safe was not forgiving that thing just took that

Finger off man I don’t know like I mean I know what I would do I call 911 but man like the first things that you think of is like holy crap holy crap like you know what I mean like that’s a lot to do like you got to wrap it up scary man

That’s something I always get afraid of with riding this thing as well too is just going down on something like this especially going so fast you just never know like I’m trying to get used to this power again because when I was coming to work I told you the front end was just

Coming up on this thing and it’s like I got to get used to my weight balance on it again and if I don’t have it down then I might end up wrecking all you need is that one little that one little pull and it lifts up just enough but

Your wheel is a little crooked and you’re going down be all bad but anyways guys I think what I wanted to tell you guys is the first thing I’m going to do and girls I didn’t forget about you there’s only like 11% of you guys is

That I think I didn’t say it earlier and I’m sorry if I didn’t but I have a sponsor for my office we got a chair coming that’s why I’m saying like it’s crazy how YouTube works when you post videos or whatever you’re doing like I got Tesla videos I got sponsored for my

Tesla videos it’s just crazy you post one thing and you get companies like reaching out to you so I got a cool chair coming for the office and that’s actually where I’m going right now I’m not riding there on the suron over there and I’m also going to keep the office

Private compared to me going back to my house because I don’t really want people KN where my office at I want people stopping bying like that not to be rude or nothing but I want to keep that separate this is going to be the first ever video I record I’m sorry not record

Edit man it’s been a long day oh I got to beat this car let’s go let’s go all right we made it we made it but yeah I think this is legit going to be the first video I make at the office and you guys are going to see it same day cuz

Right now it’s 12:30 midnight I’m going to get to the office probably around like 1:15 maybe 1:10 I’ll probably be editing until like 4:00 in the morning maybe 4 30 really depends on how fast that video renders and then I’m going to sit there wait for it upload it I don’t

Even think I have Photoshop because now I think about I don’t think I have photoshoop on that computer yet just Adobe Premiere that’s what I edit with so you might not even see a thumbnail on this video I don’t even know I really don’t know how today’s going to go but

Exciting day nonetheless that I’m going to be editing at the office tonight and hopefully everything goes well you’re you’re technically not supposed to stay there but I think there are going to be nights like this if I do go to the office late to go edit that I might just

Stay there until like the morning maybe get a few hours 10 11:00 head home and then you know get ready take a shower and then go to work but I think I’m going to get down in a routine where so the office AC turns off at 1: in the

Morning roughly and it’s cool right now it’s nice and cold but when it’s like 100° here it’s going to be hot as hell so you can use AC all day long if you want so I’m thinking I’m going to make make a bunch of videos and then I’ll go

To the office midday on a day off and I’ll knock out like two or three videos editing all day I’ll make it like an actual like work day like I’m working at where I’m working at sear right now the grocery store so then I can space them

Out you know every two days or every 3 days and then I’ll be good and then I can start on new content and just keep it going like that so I think that’s what we’re going to do I’m not too sure but I hope you guys are really liking

The suron content I’m going to try to do more summertime’s coming I still have a ETS put on this thing I think I’ve had it since Christmas actually a month before Christmas or maybe even Halloween I don’t know if it’s Halloween I am slacking but I bought a really small

Sprocket so I can do a top speed run on this thing because I was trying to be like Jack Cecil and I was trying to get like 80 M hour plus out of this thing but I don’t know we’ll see if that happens or not not exactly sure I’m

Going to go down a little bit ways before I head back home this thing’s so fun I just want to stay on it riding and I’m pretty sure it’s kind of loud too because my GoPro set for the microphone are like at5 or8 normally have them at – 24 when

Riding the Sur on so you guys don’t hear so much noise cuz these bikes are ridiculously loud with the chain noise but it’s cool though when you have a full face helmet it’s not that bad you don’t think about and go Prius what are you doing just sitting there the whole

Time taking forever taking forever idiot are you high or something he was just staring at me like didn’t even know what to do but anyways I’ll see you guys in the next one you guys the trip of PS and I really hope this video comes out good editing the office and I appreciate

All you guys’ love and support and where’s this car going let’s follow him all right guys no serious I’m getting out of here peace and love Everyone ride safe oh real quick maybe you guys want to know my voltage um I got to be clear though I’m at 55% what

The hell to be clear I think I started at like 95 or 96% on this because me and my buddy were supposed to ride one of these days and it never happened he got busy with work and that that’s actually another reason I took this too because

It’s been sitting at a full charge for it feels like two or three weeks and that’s not good so I kind of wanted to get out and drain the battery a little bit that might be why the cells are kind of iffy and it wasn’t fully

Balanced before I left so 55% is horrible though especially for a 42 volt I mean a 40 uh no it’s a 40 amp hour not a 42 so 40 amp hour it should have been better than that we only had to go like I probably went like 15 mil a day dang

My packages they been here all day

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