Electric Motorcycles

Lectric One Ebike first look and ride ~ I can’t believe this e-bike has a Pinion smart.shift gearbox

Lectric One Ebike first look and ride ~ I can’t believe this e-bike has a Pinion smart.shift gearbox

This thing got some awesome torque though this is insane power 27 28 oh yeah 28 miles hour hey what’s going on everyone so I’m down here today in Tempe Arizona electric ebikes invited me down here to check out their newest model which is going to be

Released on March 12th and going to be shipping in the beginning of May very excited to be checking out this new electric 1 very awesome very Sleek looking bike it has a smart shift system in the center so your gears are here there’s no cheap der on this bike belt

Driven 750 W Motor 10 14 amp hour battery depending on which option you choose and this thing I feel like it’s going to be awesome so let’s jump into it here today follow along if you want to see what this bike’s all about and what it has to offer so let’s get on

This baby take a first Spin and see how it performs all right so getting ready to go on this group ride and there’s already a bunch of features on this bike that I got to get to learn but it has a smart select system where it’ll automatically shift through the gears

For you which is cool because I’m so used to GoPro and with this hand and when the throttle on the opposite side I get mixed up when I have to hold the GoPro but it automatically shifts through these different gears as you’re pedaling you can set the Cadence to

Whatever you like which is awesome so even though it’s Cadence Sensor based it’s pretty cool that you can set it up to whatever Cadence you like and it’ll shift through automatically all right guys so far this shifter is so smooth on this ride it is awesome you can barely

Hear a little click in there whenever you shift you just shift with your thumb I got to tell you I’ve never ridden a bik that shifts smooth like this one does and at 50 some PBS that’s awesome that this bike’s that lightweight still trying to figure out the shift system

Not quite sure exactly how to set up the smart shift for it to shift automatically been playing around with it it is pretty cool that you can set the Cadence from 45 so if you like uh lower Cadence you can select that I think 45 currently is

The lowest you can select it to and then you can bump that up as well if you don’t know what Cadence is it’s basically how fast you’re pedaling or how fast you’re spinning the pedals like this when you’re riding let me see if I can shift down like this so this is a

Fast Cadence and this is a slow cadence pretty much like when you’re shifting gears but you could set it up to maintain whatever Cadence you Like and guys this bike Rifts pretty good I didn’t realize I was in one the whole time I shifted it up to five and this 750 W Motor takes off riding with my buddy Chris here from ebike products make sure make sure you check out his channel if you haven’t yet got some

Pretty good content on there he what you think of the bike so far uh loving it so far still trying to figure out the shift system U didn’t realize I was only in pas1 the whole time till just now I kicked it up to five and this thing took

Off I was like wow this thing I’m definitely impressed with the 750 W Motor it’s about time they put one especially in a small bike like this yeah I agree and at 50 some pounds that means it has the highest watt to weight ratio of any electric bicycle in the

Industry it truly is a rocket ship when you dump that throttle all right here we go I’m in pedal assist 5 let’s see how this shift system works I’m not even sure if I’m actually in the right setting let’s see on the Cadence no it takes off it’s not shifting by itself

Yet I’m still figuring that out oh wait it did shift up I think it did I can hear it shifting let me see here I don’t want to hold this GoPro like this while it’s shifting all right I’m in pas5 here and one thing to know there is no suspension

On here but they said you were able to possibly upgrade it to a suspension in the future on the front so that’s cool to see but honestly I I don’t think it’s too bad without it got freshly charged over here all right and the parking lot

Let’s see if we can figure out this shift system here this thing got some OD awesome torque though this this is insane power woo it picks up good I hear it shifting comes David brand new got Chris Cross here check out his channel too freshly charged over

Here some good dudes can’t get the oh wait there it goes I don’t know the trick for it to shift up automatically there’s got to be some kind of trick I just don’t uh don’t know what it is yet not sure I’m seeing what gear it’s in on the display got Ryan

From ebike Escape All right so this does have a wattage output on the display and it was up to around almost 1,300 Watts there and they did tell me that this does have a 24 amp controller powering the 750 W Motor in the back of this bike and I

Think I might have figured out the shift system it won’t shift when you’re putting pressure on the pedals automatically you have to pause for a second second and then it shifts up almost like a mid Drive how when a mid Drive pauses when you shift so I think

You have to pause it real quick or stop pedaling real quick for it to shift up and I don’t know if it’s based off of speed or what I would assume that it is all right everyone so I think I figured it out so smart select you can set that

In the app and whenever you select that it will start in whatever gear you want it to start in when you stop when you select pre-select it’ll automatically shift for you and it’ll keep your Cadence of whatever you have it set for I set mine for 45 so I’m not spinning

The pedals like a maniac and you can set that as I said before from 45 but you can also go up to 95 so if you like the pedal a lot faster you can set that which is a pretty cool feature and I did figure out for it to shift you have to

Just pause pedaling for a second it’ll shift up and then just continue pedaling and that’s nice especially when you’re recording one-handed with a GoPro like this because I cannot shift when I’m recording holding the GoPro in this hand but I just pause and it shifts up automatically now I was talking to the

One electric guy and he did explain that on this bike as well as on the X Peak and I think I forgot to mention that in my X Peak review but the throttle comes limited to your pedal assist levels with the pwr system however you can go in the

P settings and disable that so that you have Full Throttle up to 20 mph in any of the pedal assist levels which is what I have this bike set here too because that’s the way I like it all right so I think I got everything set up good and I

Am not used to traveling on bike Lanes I’m a country boy we don’t have bike Lanes out there I’m usually riding those back Country Roads not used to City riding I have it set to uh start in pas3 and I have it set to shift automatically and the Cadence set to 45

So soon as I start pedaling when I pull out of this turn here it will uh start in three and then automatically shift up those gears till I hit the max gear to keep my pedal Cadence set at 45 but like I said you do have to pause in your

Pedaling once you get up to a higher speed for it to shift up and as you slow down it will automatically shift back down for you all right here we go it’s set to start in three so as you can see here I’m going to pause pedaling it’s going to shift

Up and it’s going to maintain that Cadence of 45 revolutions per minute I’m going to pause again and I do have this unlocked to the max speed so it should go 28 mph I’m doing 25 right now it is a little bit hard to go Max Speed

Here uh one-handed cuz it’s a little bit bumpy here with no front suspension it’s a little bit um a little bit dangerous to do that but I’m hitting 28 right now 28.5 according to the bike so very nice speed very nice power Here Comes David brand new ah Criss crossed

Woo there’s some glass on the road there man this bike is cruising good lots of power man I feel like I might almost hit crisscross with my GoPro sorry Chris I didn’t think I had it over the sidewalk that far but then I hurried up and

Pulled it back and then realized oh man I was going kind of fast hope I didn’t hoping I didn’t have to make him swerve I have to watch the video and see if I did cruising here and pedal assist one let’s see what kind of speed we can get

Up to on automatic mode actually let’s try throttle let’s see if that throttle is truly unlimited here oh yeah 20 mph would just throttle very very nice wonder if the power is still capped if the pwr system is still capped at a certain amps um let’s let’s look at the

No I do not think it is I think it just peaked there over 1,000 Watts so that’s awesome that the throttle can be set to not be limited and then only your Cadence your pedal Assist is set to that limit so you can get tons of range if

You’re only pedaling but if you need that extra power or speed you just hit this throttle all right so now I have it toned down to pedal assist one I still have everything else set the same the Cadence and the Auto Select so we’ll see how this does

Here and just shift it up very nice and at any time there it shifted up again at any time you can override that automatic shift by just pushing the shift switch up on the handlebars on the right hand side and like I said they’re both thumb activated

Continue Van Street and then I believe if you stop or slow down it automatically re-engages the automatic mode if that’s how you have it set but it’s awesome that you can always override that automatic mode I don’t think I would ever take it off automatic I’d probably just leave it in that

Setting all the time and you do also have some different settings that you’re able to adjust um like I said you can take the throttle limit off the pedal assist level so you have Full Throttle up to 20 mph in any of the levels and

You can also set it so that your max speed caps you at I think it’s like 15 m per hour in one and two is what they were trying to explain if I get one of these bikes to review I’ll go into further detail about all the settings

How it performs unfortunately I don’t have time here to go into detail in every single setting but I’d love to show you guys all the details in the future so I’m right here to the entrance of the Phoenix Zoo I’m trying to find some kind of Park not quite there yet I

Don’t think this is the entrance I think I still have to go up the road just a little bit but if you’re interested in purchasing one of these bikes or putting in a pre-order I’d appreciate it if you use the link Down Below in the description it will be an affiliate link

And I will receive a small commission if you do use that link and also like I said comment down below let me know what features what settings you want to see so whenever I I get this bike for full review I can go over all those and I

Don’t miss anything that you guys want to learn about that’s an awesome view there at rocks that’s pretty cool so let’s go ahead bump this up into some different levels here let’s go to level five let it shift up automatically and this is what I was talking about you could go ahead and

Shift it with these buttons here shift it down shift it up and you don’t have to quit pedaling when you shift it with these you probably should take some of the tension off the pedals though uh if you’re on a steep incline I don’t know I don’t I haven’t really seen an incline

That I can go up to test that but very very nice here another thing that’s cool as well is on the shift here this is the upshift and this is the downshift you could go in the app and you can change that so that if you

Want this to be your downshift it will and then you can make this be your upshift depending on your preferences so that’s pretty awesome that they allow you to change those settings also I think I’m in the max G here here I’m in some kind of Botanical

Desert or something this is pretty cool hi hello yeah weird it uh for some reason it wasn’t giving me full power there we got a little incline here let’s see if we can get it on this incline I’m in one it’s giving me 227 Watts with just pedals going to hit the throttle

Here and it is not giving me full power for some reason I don’t know there it goes oh you have to quit pedaling to for it to give it power I think so if I’m pedaling if I’m pedaling it’s not giving me power I quit pedaling it gives me power and then I

Can start pedaling again so yes if you’re in a lower pedal assist levels and want full power you might have to just quit pedaling for a quick second I’m assuming this is going to be how the production models are but let’s test that again gonna start off pedaling

Here wait till it kicks in I’m GNA hit the throttle and it’s not taken off nothing so quit pedaling it takes off then I can start pedaling again and it gives me Full Throttle yep so as soon as you quit pedaling it will give you full throttle and let’s see if

It’s like that in pedal assist too it seems like it might be so pedal assist 2 it’s giving me 365 395 I hit the throttle and it didn’t start taking off till I quit p in but if you keep pedaling after it gives you that power it will take off

All right so I’ll see if you can hear this down here it just shifted just shift it again because I’m coming to a stop so I’m going to pull out here it’s going to be in gear three that’s what I have it set to going up the small

Incline then I’ll pause it’ll sh shift and keep pedaling pause again shift again pretty nice setup it takes the guest work out of having to shift and having to know when to shift basically so it’s going to be for those of you that want less der maintenance and don’t

Want to think about really when you’re shifting just set that setting and it will shift automatically for you but let’s check out their newest released electric 1 and if you’re interested in pre-ordering one of these I’ll leave links Down Below in the description please consider using those links if you

Find this video helpful to you but let’s get into it and see if this is the bike for you so let’s just jump right into what’s amazing on this bike so first of all they finally updated the display and now it has a color display it has a

Pinion smart shift system so you no longer have a derailer and it is belt driven so that’s awesome to see there belt drive you don’t have to worry about a chain grease your der getting bent or ever needing adjusted you basically need to do zero maintenance on this thing

Right so when you go out and you ride in the rain and you’re worried about your chain getting rusty or something else forget about that with the belt right it just it doesn’t happen you can be assured that when you get on this thing it’s going to work for you it’s going to

Be there every day day in day out that smart select system there has all the gears built inside here and they are controlled with this lever right here you can select up or down or you can reverse this in the app to go the opposite way if you want to the throttle

On this bike is powered over here with your left thumb has a really nice set of locking rubber hand grips and then the normal display that they use on all their other bikes here for controlling your pedal assist levels up to five different levels this bike has a set of

Hydraulic disc brakes coming down to 180 mm rotors on both the front and the rear of the bike has a really nice heavy duty adjustable kickstand there and you will have different options on battery capacity if you want to go the cheaper route you can get the 10 amp hour

Version and from what they told me it’s going to start at $2,000 $1 199.99 I believe and then they’re going to have another option for I believe 14 amp hours so it’ll go 2, 2200 depending on the size now Levi did tell me cuz I asked him specifically with that bigger

Battery is it going to make the seat set up higher he said no you will still have that lower seat height the battery will still not come up past this which is really nice for a battery to be behind the seat mounted and not to limit your

Seat height cuz on a lot of them big capacity batteries it does make your seat have to sit up pretty high I don’t have a tape measure on me but really really nice low seat height there only comes up to maybe here on me where it

Goes down in it has the same adjustable stem on here really quick and easy to adjust like the Expedition head this is their phone mount I think that’s an additional accessory really nice Mount though kind of like similar to the one that I normally use it does have a

Folding stem so that the stem does fold down however the frame does not fold in half but I’m okay with that really really Sleek looking on the frame you can see or you can’t see most of the welds up here makes it really nice Sleek looking the front uses a aluminum front

Fork which is their first ever on one of the electric bikes really nice quick release pedals here really grippy I really love these pedals from them and this little bike here is using a 24 amp controller to power a 750 W rear hub motor in this bike and that is awesome

For it to be only a 50 some pound bike and have a 750 W Motor in here with a controller that big this thing definitely has some get up and go up here on the front the lights mounted on the fender all the wiring for the most

Part is hidden down in the frame you do have this little bit up here but from here back you don’t see any wiring really whatsoever all hidden really nicely and it does have what fills like aluminum fenders on the front and the rear and a little rack on the back for

Mounting accessories up here on the front you have a mount for a basket and what’s awesome about this front wheel is it’s using a through axle so you have a tulus design on here to remove this wheel and it’s way better than having those little chintzy uh quick releases

That you get on some lower end ebikes definitely topnotch here for safety you have the headlight in the front a tail light in the back which has a brake light when you pull the back brake lever and it also has a reflective strip around the front and the rear tire which

Is awesome to see for safety as well and it’s setting on a pair of 20x 2.5 in tires so really nice small and compact for being able to transport it and put it in vehicles easily even though it doesn’t fold but I don’t have much time with this bike unfortunately I have to

Get back to the group supposed to meet them at 11:30 and it is already 11:27 so I got to get going see you sorry guys I’m going to be late I’m not quite sure where I’m supposed to be going here I think down this bike route in 50

At the traffic circle second on Parkway head south on gvin Bikeway in half a mile turn right onto Papo Park Road East Papo Park all right definitely going to be rolling back in there pretty late man time got the best of me having too much fun on this bike time flies when you’re

Having fun to Papo Park Road East Papo Park 27 28 oh yeah 28 M an hour 27 26 it’s definitely 26 to 28 mph I feel like I do have a little bit of a head wind here slowing me down turn left West Washington Street I am loving these bike Lanes

Though not used to this but if I lived in the city you better believe this would be my form of transportation pretty cool view there beautiful weather out here for the end of February I’m not used to this I’m used to like 30 some degree weather

Pulling back up here to the event little late look at this guy doing anything for the shot

(Affiliate link)Click here to see the current price and to help support my reviews.
The new 2024 Lectric One E-bike with its Pinion C1.6i Smart Shift gearbox and its Gates carbon belt puts this e-bike at a whole new level! This electric bike is rocking a 750w geared hub motor that’s peaking out at over 1,300w and with the low weight to watt ratio this bike is sure to launch you off the start and boost you up hills when you smash the throttle! It can also reach speeds up to 28Mph with PAS!
With the automatic shift feature of the Pinion Smart.shift gearbox this ebike is a dream shifting through gears while eliminating the need for chain and derailleur maintenance.

See all my other reviews here https://youtube.com/@JeremiahMcintosh

Follow me on Instagram for previews and behind the scenes https://www.instagram.com/jmcintosh97/

0:00 Lectric One first look and ride
0:55 Pinion Smart.shift features
1:45 Setting cadence
3:55 Figuring out the smart shift system
5:14 App settings
7:27 Max Speed
8:28 Speed With Throttle
11:16 Shifting while pedaling
13:35 Hearing it shifting
14:19 Overview of specs
18:32 Riding footage
19:43 another max speed test

Learn More about the Pinion smart shift system here https://pinion.eu/en/smartshift

My favorite bike accessories below (Affiliate links)

Sena M1 Evo communication helmet https://amzn.to/3ttZkdw

Sena R2X helmet (The helmet I wore in this video) https://amzn.to/3rRqHxI

Sena R1 Evo helmet https://amzn.to/3ZP3Pvi

Bike Security Below

Kryptonite chain lock https://amzn.to/2AzUIqX

Bike Alarm (my favorite)https://amzn.to/3jwwqCD

Bike Bell AirTag holder https://amzn.to/3B6yGsb

Apple AirTags https://amzn.to/3VoVV94

Alarm Disc Lock https://amzn.to/38doK1N

Rockbros Rack bag https://amzn.to/2t6iYNv

Bungee net for basket https://amzn.to/3DozV6C

My favorite Bike seat below

Cloud 9 seat I have (my favorite) https://amzn.to/2PX84mA
Cloud 9 seat like mine with Lycra Top https://amzn.to/3m3aDjP

Zoom suspension Seatpost (make sure you select 31.6mm option)https://amzn.to/45lt0rf

Other accessories I use

Bike Phone Mount (My Favorite now) https://amzn.to/394mTzC

Other Phone Mount https://amzn.to/2QiuVb4

Shark Cycle Torch https://amzn.to/2Ql2TLT

Bar end Mirror (my new Favorite) https://amzn.to/45gdttn

Other Bar end Mirror https://amzn.to/2S5qzoU

Tire inflators below

Fanttik X8 portable tire inflator https://amzn.to/38yPiNT
Cycplus cordless tire inflator https://amzn.to/3TRIJIZ
All other portable tire inflators https://amzn.to/34AD5TT

Vibrelli Torque wrench https://amzn.to/43OjGei

Vibrelli multi Tool https://amzn.to/3ieQo3N

Blue thread locker https://amzn.to/2S1meDe

Disc brake cleaner https://amzn.to/3OBXaRb

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission and it’s no extra cost for you! This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support.

#JeremiahMcintosh #Ebikes #Electricbike

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