Electric Motorcycles

Electric Motorbike That Can Wheelie! Himiway C5 – Motorcycle Style Ebike

Electric Motorbike That Can Wheelie! Himiway C5 – Motorcycle Style Ebike

A unique new ebike from himiway the C5 let’s put it together look at that look how nice this kid is look at this the cup holder how the cup I’m going to steal from you kick him away wow that’s Cheesy the C5 has put together look at this thing this is a beautiful bike it’s the C5 Ultra in Gray the frame is beautiful I got to show you an up close to that who it’s tky little thing [Applause] Huh This is the hyway C5 with its motorcycle styling this ebike was born to scale the Summits that others Fear To Tread we are on the most feared Road in America it’s the dragon 318 turns in a 11 mil we are going to see how the C5 rides Safety

First it’s a good looking bike another thing I like about this bike a lot of bikes lately you get this key fob with it you got to turn it on it makes all this beeping and stuff this you just hit it it’s on you’re ready to go all right

We’re going to turn the power up cuz we like high power we are at 1.7 mil right now I’m going to go about a mile into the drag and then turn around it’s not a great road to ride uh bikes on to be honest but I’m just showing you what this bike

Can do it has this thumb throttle on it I love this thing all right this is a pretty steep hill this is uh known as wheelie Hill this is where I usually do my wheelies on my BMW going up I don’t know if this bike’s got some wheeling in it we’ll try

Some later it certainly does Wheeling this is a gnarly turn you usually got to watch out on this one on the bike cuz you’re not warmed up yet but it it moves this bike’s pulling right up this hill this hill is a very steeply graded Hill that section it’s

Probably 9 10% motorcycles High crash area next 11 mies I told you guys this road was dangerous so the top speed out of this bike is 20 mph but going down Hill it’ll let you go whatever you give it back into North Carolina it handled it now we get this downhill this should

Be fun we’ll see if the bike can handle some speed 28 mph I told you guys this was steep take this turn at that speed no I got to slow down a little bit I might have been able to do it if I wasn’t scared can I take this one at 30

32 oh yeah no break on that one that’s funny she sees me rolling the hway C5 survived the dragon I think it deserves a Maxis sticker I love on this bike how there’s so much room for stickers you can put whatever you want on it here I’m

Going to I’m going to put a dragon one on here I need to get it though look at that C5 Ultra killing the game you know it true true this is the steepest part of the Hill that’s down that’s up we have the measure on there look at this 63° slope that is Steep who’s he bikes faster I’m on the hemway she’s on the anoke think she’s trying to race me or something wow who’s going to Wi up the hill will the Hemet ways power come through in the end I don’t know oh it looks like I am

You know it the an’s giving out the still going she the Hem still got the power I could even do some wheelie here you couldn’t compete with the Hemi wow finish her now the bike’s feeling pretty weak too I guess that’s supposed to be 1,000 watts versus this

750 looks like the 7501 we got a green green light the battery is full look at this charger it’s got the nice hemway logo on it these are my other ebike chargers which I had to write the name on every one of them so I could keep

Them organized but the hemway is just a little nicer even down to the manual we are on the cherahala Skyway to test the c5’s range capabilities this road gains 3,000 ft elevation in 10 Mi we begin at the Santia Gap with 19.9 miles on the

Odometer of course I have to take off in a wheelie we rode 2 mi and Rose 440 ft we are now at the Hooper Cove this was a great ride we are going back and forth I have so much fun riding ebikes another 2 m and 640 FT elevation we’re now at

Obadia we are now passing 4,000 FT elevation wri Creek at 4,146 FT Spirit Ridge 49 950 I knew this was the last stop so I went Offroad this is Huckleberry this is 5,300 FT elevation on the cherahala Skyway the 10mi ride down the cherahala

Skyway had to be the most fun of the day this bike is fast downhill after 20 m going up 3,000 ft and coming back down we made it back to Santia Gap there are two bars of battery left at the bottom so I’d say this bike definitely can go long

Range one of the coolest features on this himiway C5 is on the battery now if you hold down the button for 5 seconds lights come on these LED lights they have several different patterns if you just click it once it goes to the next pattern and there are some pretty cool

Patterns in here it is pretty sweet feature I’ve never seen this on any ebike before let me show you the main headlight you just got to turn the power on here and boom it comes on it’s a pretty big headlight and the lights stay on even while you’re moving so very cool feature

From hyway that I haven’t seen on any other ebike before I like the lights the thing I like most about this ebike is its ability to wheelie you can move way back on this seat and just pop the thing up really easy it makes wheelies so easy

On this bike which makes it one of the most fun ebikes I have because wheelies are one of my favorite things to do and it can do stoies Well it’s this thumb throttle that makes it so easy to wheelie unlike the traditional grip throttle where you try to pull up and grip at the same time which isn’t easy with the left hand you can hit the throttle and come right up right Away bike takes off Too each one of these ebikes does something well some go further than others some climb Hills better but the hway C5 wins on the fun factor with its motorcycle seat and styling the C5 has become the most fun ebike that I have it has top build quality long range

Capability and cool features I definitely recommend this Ebike oh

This electric motorbike really surprised me, I thought it would be just another ebike review, but this is the most fun ebike I’ve rode yet! It has motorcycle styling that makes it really cool looking and fun to ride⚡ 🏍️
▶️ Here is the link to get your own Himiway C5:
🟢 https://himiwaybike.info/3IpSCty
① next purchase, all bikes / accessories save $200 (one-time discount, can not be split for multiple use)
② 20% discount on accessories purchased within 1 year (calculated from the date of purchase)
③15 days no reason to return or exchange (user pays shipping costs, quality problems do not need to pay shipping costs)
④ Full discount activity
$250 off 2700
$500 off 3700
$1000 off 5000
(Participating models: C5/A7 Pro/C1/cruiser series/zebra old series/Cobraold series/)
*Page link: https://himiwaybike.info/3V3LlqE
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