Electric Motorcycles

SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w Review | A Colorful Cruiser E-Bike for Less

SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w Review | A Colorful Cruiser E-Bike for Less

This is the 630 every Journey 500 a beach cruiser designed specifically for women with fun colors to choose from classic Cruiser good looks and a Pepe 500 wat motor but how did it perform in our test take a ride with me and let’s check out the Results Hey there friends and welcome back to electric bike report I’m Mike East your tour guide Through the Ever growing world of ebikes but before we jump into the nitty-gritty of the every Journey 500 let’s talk some quick business hitting the Subscribe button and liking this video might seem like a small

Request but to us it’s like getting a high five through the screen it keeps the lights on and the reviews coming and I get it everyone says it but it’s true your support really does make a difference okay with that out of the way let’s gear up and see what makes the

Every Journey 500 stand out we don’t see a ton of Brands tailoring to female Riders so it’s refreshing to see the every Journey take an approach with women in mind with a lower handlebar stem at 40 in a seat post at 26 and a step through height of just 21 in the

Every Journey kept shorter Riders In Mind however it doesn’t leave taller Riders behind with adjustable seat post and handlebar stem it comfortably accommodates Riders between 5 ft and 6’4 and that’s a pretty wide range offering something for nearly everyone another standout to us was the color options for

The bike 630 offers fun colors and each has their own unique accent colors on the wheels here in our test bike’s case we have the navy blue with accented teal wheels and we think it looks great but but if this isn’t your style don’t worry there’s several more to pick from

Including mint green cream and teal so if you’re someone who likes a little personality in your bike you might want to give this one a look also in a time with high-tech everything the every Journey keeps things simple and we like that you’re getting an entry-level ebike with an MSRP of

$1,199 with those highlights out of the way let’s get into the rest of the specs for the every Journey 500 before we jump into our test results the every Journey comes with a 500 W rear hub motor giving 40 Newton M of torque that motor is initiated with a

Cadence Sensor and the every Journey has five levels of pedal assist there’s a seven-speed Shimano tney drivetrain with a 44 to chain ring and a color match chain guard the bike comes with zoom mechanical disc brakes with 160 mm rotors which we found to give underwhelming results but we’ll get into

That later during the brake test up top we have a nice and wide foam filled leather seat and matching leather grips and it gives it a nice look overall the every Journey has reflective sidewall tires reflectors on both front and rear spokes as well as a rear reflector all

Of which just help in terms of being seen at night if you’re still out cruising the bike has both front and rear fenders as well as an integrated rear rack That’s rated for 55 lb below that rear rack is the 48v 10.4 amp battery giving a total of 500 W hours of

Juice currently the bike is not UL certified but I spoke with the owner just a few weeks back and he let me know that they’re currently in the process of obtaining the certification which overall is a good sign and finally wrapping things up in the driver’s seat

You have a simplified setup on the left you have Duo tone black and white display where you can track your current battery level speed and pedal assist settings and on the right there’s a Shimano index Revo grip shift where you can access the s-speed drivetrain all right that’s a wrap on the basic

Now let’s get into all the details of our test Results all right to give you accurate data on brakes we use a consistent approach for every bike we review we have the same Rider conduct a brake test by accelerating the bike to 20 mph applying the brakes at a predetermined line and then measuring the distance

Needed for the bike to come to a complete stop to ensure this accuracy we repeat the test three times and calculate the average stopping distance this method helps us provide solid data so in the case of the every Journey Zoom mechanical disc brakes and 160 mm rotors

After three runs we got an average stopping distance of 26 ft 6 in when we compared this against comparable Cruisers also paired with mechanical disc brakes we found this fell short of the pack by 2 10 in I spoke with our in-house bike mechanic Ben who carries over 30 years of bike wrenching

Experience under his belt according to Ben due to the frame’s construction the caliper mounting bracket was angled in a manner that prevented the brake pads from having flush contact with the rotor so with only partial contact we found the bike took longer to come to a stop

In our tests additionally this isn’t an area we could fix ourselves with our in-house mechanic if we did crank them down we would introduced unnatural rubbing and noise as well as premature wear of the pads it’s not something we want to see for the longevity of the

Brakes and while the result was a bit less than expected it’s important to note that at no time did we never have an issue stopping when we needed to and more importantly never felt unsafe we just can’t adjust the brakes to make them stop sooner I asked Ben what this

Ultimately means to you the buyer of the bike and he thinks at most it just means braking is less efficient and will likely need servicing sooner than a properly aligned brake calber hopefully this is something that’s addressed in future bikes and 630 says they’re working to eliminate the issue from the

Every Journey 500 moving Forward all right now let’s go to our test course and see how the 630 every Journey did in our speed test where I tested the speed of all five pedal assist levels and then a throttle test to see how fast it reached 20 M hour all right so this is going to be

Our speed test I am currently just pedaling at a pretty relaxed pace um I’m going to higher gear I’ll bring that down just a bit there we go this is a super relaxed pace and this being a cruiser bike you could find this to be a typical pace

You’d be riding without any pedal assistance so let’s turn on pedal assist one and see what it does so as you can see on pedal assist one that bumped us right up to right at 10 m hour and you can’t really see it on the handlebars but according to the bike

Speedometer we are at 10.5 so let’s go to level two and that has moved us up to 12 mph uh more specifically on the LCD display says 12.7 level three we are now at 14.6 no 14 15 there we go 15 M hour 15.0 level four we are now at 7 1.4

Mph and then level five we are at 20 M hour and it looks like it’s going to top out on the display as 20.1 um so there you go levels 1 through five and overall feels really good throughout each level and there’s only a slight noise from the motor um but it

Engages well and it feels smooth throughout all five levels all right this is the throttle test so we’re going to go ahead and from a stop here we’re going to initiate the throttle full and we’ll see how long it takes to get to its class to maximum of

20 mph so on your mark get set go and 20 so to recap those results starting off I didn’t use any pedal assist and just pedal at a relaxed pace typical of a cruiser where my speed averaged around 10.1 mph starting off in pedal assist level one the bike reached 10.8 mph a

Slight Boost from my natural pace then I bumped it up to PA P2 where I reached a speed of 12.7 mph and I found that to be a nice casual Pace moving up to pas3 the bike reached 14.5 mph upping it to pas4 the bike helped me get to 17.7 mph and

Finally at pas5 we saw a top speed of 20.4 mph as you can see these results tell us the bike’s pedal assist power distribution is pretty even across all five levels also I found this 500 wat motor to be a bit punchier than we expected especially considering its

Laid-back Cruiser Vibes but certainly it was not overbearing so if you’re looking for a cruiser with a little more Gusto then the every Journey might be worth a Look all right let’s dive into the all important range test to truly gauge what this bike can handle we put it through its Paces not once but Twice first up we ride it on a minimum of pedal assist one where we ride until the battery waves the White Flag then after a full

Recharge we Crank It Up To the Max pas5 and ride it again until the battery finally Taps out for the every Journey the results were pretty impressive on the low end pas1 brought us 50.5 Mi cranking it all the way up to pas5 we still managed to cover 22.9 Mi now 630

Sets the bar at 40 Mi for pas1 and 20 mi for Pas 5 our test not only hit those marks but vaulted over them especially at pas5 where we saw a whopping 25% more mileage than predicted so what’s the takeaway the every Journey’s performance in our Test shows that it’s more than

Capable of meeting and even exceeding your range expectations letting you focus more on enjoying the ride and less on how far you can Go heading into our Hill test we once again used our same tester Justin who who took the every Journey up our local steep incline affectionately named hellhole which is a third of a mile and has over a 12% grade it’s basically a beast of a hill okay here we are at hellhole on

63’s you know kind of classic beach cruiser and the throttle test we’re going to see how it does a lot of times these can struggle a little bit going up hell hole you know the lighter weight just kind of Cruiser style you know not meant to like bulldo any heels or

Anything like that um so far it’s doing okay right about 7 mph it’s when we get below three we start questioning so it’s down to 4.9 4.8 4.7 so it might be close 4.5 holding the 4. 4.4 4.2 4. 3.7 oh come on come on you just got a

Little bit farther and then we might be able to make it so 3.1 3.0 hold it oh right down 2.9 going I have to look a little more forward than just at the speedometer here um we have a chance is what this bike is telling us so we made it through that

First steep section um motorwise you can hear it it’s you can hear that it’s kind of like grinding and trying to get up through this um I have a feeling it’ll do better on the pedal test but this last section I’ll let you list as we

Head into it and if it makes it up here then it’ll make it up the rest so let’s cross our fingers and let’s see what it does so hitting it right about 8.7 oh slowing down 5.5 4.6 might have to do a little bit of this cross pattern here

2.3 oh you hear that motor kind of grinding it’s it’s kind of a low growl got down to about 2.3 and I had to kind of save it by swerving a little bit um that’s about as much saving as I allow myself to do on this but I think it’s going to make

It um so no not a not a hill charger on throttle and my guess is when we turn around on pedal it’s going to do significantly better so I’ll let you listen as I pass this couple here here on your left thank you sir man have a a

Good one yeah you too thank you yeah so head nicely into the home stretch right around 11 you know 11 12 milph made it uphill a hole on throttle so congratulations to 630 on that um let’s turn around and see how it does on the

Pedal okay so we’re back out on 630 on the pedal test and let see how it does but I think it’s going to do a little bit better than the throttle only yeah through this first section so far shifting once twice pretty comfortable climbing up the power input seems pretty consistent um

And about 9 and 1/2 9 mph 8.4 3 I’m not putting much into the pedals and a little bit but I can do this all day um at the amount that I’m putting in see I got down to about 7.3 is all um and I’ll let you listen to the motor now

So you can hear the difference between pedaling and throttle and we’ll see how it does up this next steep section yeah so shift it down there to make it a little bit easier to Pedal through there but did nice right around 7 1/2 mph um shifted fairly well those rear

Hubs that actually does help with the shifting a little bit I feel up the hill cuz it gives you a little push so you’re not necessarily grinding the gears there um say it’s not a heel Crusher but I can say like I did not have to Pedal much I didn’t have to put

In a ton to Pedal up that hill so you can definitely get up a hill on this bike I would just recommend pedaling at a nice easy Cadence so as you can see Justin made it to the top of the hill with the throttle in 2 minutes and 38 seconds with an

Average speed of 6.9 mph and in pas5 he pedal up in 1 minute 41 seconds at an average speed of 10.7 mph to be honest this result was surprisingly good to us the lower 40 newon m of torque had us concerned it might not make it up using

The throttle at all any cruiser bike that can actually make it up steep hills is a solid Testament to its motor capability but as you might have noticed Justin was struggling a bit to balance the bike in the really steep Parts because the bike dipped below 3 mph so

While it’s not going to win any awards for Hill Sprints it does get the job done bottom line Cruisers aren’t meant to be hill climbing machines but if you live in an area with a few Hills this might be the cruiser you want to take a look at

In our final ride let’s take a look at how the bike rides and feels focusing on the riding position overall fit the tires and the motor’s feeling when pedaling then we’ll head back in here to wrap things up this is a cruiser style bike which means you get a nice upright seating

Position when you’re riding gives you a good wide commanding view of the path in front of you and I find that my peripheral vision is even slightly better maybe not better Vision but improved as far as how much I’m able to see when riding as opposed to riding on

Say a mountain bike or a road bike where you’re bent over like this so I do like the upright position and it aids to a bit of a more comfortable feeling for my back moving on to the handlebars these handlebars are a nice wide grip they

Have a sweat back design which is very typical of bikes of this class um you could make you could make adjustments to this by loosening the one nut on the front and that would allow you to tilt the handlebars either forward or backward but I would caution you if you

Do make any drastic changes to that it could make the ride quality and the Comfort quality a bit more awkward so just keep that in mind if you decide to make major adjustments to The Handlebar the tires down below are a retro cool looking white wall um semi

Slick tread pattern and these are 26x 1.95 in and one of the great things about riding bikes all day here in Utah is we get to test these in all sorts of conditions today we got some rain and I’ve had wet paths for the majority of

The day in both wet and dry situations these tires have performed really well um they’ve been quiet on the road they haven’t made a ton of noise and they haven’t caused me any concern or given me any scary moments in wet Corners which I am thankful

For um the bike does not have suspension so that means you can expect the seat to do the majority of the heavy lifting when it comes to absorbing impacts also you can expect to feel more imperfections in the road now in the case of the seat on on this bike it is a

Nice wide leather seat and it’s foam filled the folks over at 630 call this their Cloud foam technology and while I don’t know what that means I can tell you from sitting on it it feels pretty good so no argument from me on cloud foam now the motor feels nice on here

It’s nice and smooth and it’s initiated by a Cadence Sensor and that means when I rotate the pedals that tells the bike to kick on the motor now this Cadence Sensor takes about a half turn somewhere between a quarter and a half turn to initiate the motor which is a fairly natural feeling

Once you start pedaling the motor kicks on within that first quarter to a half turn and I think it does a good job in that regard overall it’s smooth it’s responsive and I like the feel of pedaling this bike it’s something I can leisurely pedal at a slow pace or even

Pick up to 20 mph and overall feel pretty comfortable in doing so so that wraps up the ride quality let’s head back in so the continued theme of a cruiser and honestly a bit of an expectation when you ride one is Comfort these bikes aren’t Built For Speed to

Crush double black diamonds they’re meant to do as the name suggests to cruise I found the bike to be really comfortable and in my rides this week some lasting hours I felt like I could ride this bike all day while this bike doesn’t have any suspension the leather

Grips paired with the wide leather saddle maintained a good cushioned feel on my rides and really finished off the overall upright posture of the Cruisers ride quality speaking of upright posture I really liked how I had more of a pan panoramic view of the path in front of

Me rather than the more hunched over view that I’m typically used to the bike’s female Focus design allows for easy mounting and dismounting where you’re not forced to kick up your leg over a high crossbar instead a simple step through design at a low 21 in

Really does make it easy access for any Rider down below the tires are semi slick white walled tires with a size of 26 by 1.95 in now these tires are unbranded so while I can’t speak to any longevity I can say I was able to ride

This bike on a few wet days here in southern Utah and overall the tires performed really well including on flats and even when accelerating through corners the grip was always on point so that’s always a plus for tires to see good results on wet days the motor on

The every Journey feels a bit quicker than I expected but to be fair it’s not aggressive or nerve-wracking more of a pleasant surprise the motor of the bike is activated by the bike’s Cadence Sensor which essentially means that when you the ride starts pedaling it sends a

Signal to the motor to kick on then when you stop rotating the pedals it sends another signal to the motor to stop overall is the bike comfortable yes absolutely it’s a bike I spent many hours on and I never felt like I needed to get off for a break it’s a bike that

Delivers in the comfort Department all right so let’s break all this down into some final thoughts if I had to sum up my take on the 630 every Journey it’s a solid kickoff for those new to the ebike world and we would recommend it with one caveat we’d like to see the folks at 630 address the

Brake caliper issue we discovered earlier and hopefully it’s solved soon basically if you’re going fast give yourself a little extra space for any stops ahead the every journey is more about enjoying the ride but with an extra Touch of your own unique style what really sets it apart is its design

Which is thoughtfully and clearly centered around women with its lower stepover height and adjustable handlebar stem and seat post it’s kind of striking that perfect balance between Comfort functionality and value so if you’re in the market for a bike that gets the job done and looks good doing it the every

Journey could be the cruiser you’ve been looking for all right friends that’s a wrap thanks for stopping by and if you found this helpful or interesting or maybe you just don’t like my hat don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe it truly means a lot to have

Your support and until next time take care and we’ll see you soon N

For current pricing on the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 500W, click the link below:

For a full detailed written review of the Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 500W, click the link below:

SixThreeZero EVRYJourney 500W Review, 2024

🚴‍♀️ In this Sixthreezero EVRYjourney 500W review, we’re thrilled to bring the technical and performance aspects of this cruiser e-bike that’s designed with a focus on female riders.

🎨 We kick off the review by diving into the aesthetics of the EVRYjourney. With its eye-catching palette of frame color options like Mint Green, Cream, Navy, and Teal, as well as accented wheel colors.

🔋 Under the hood—or rather, the frame—the EVRYjourney has a 500W rear hub motor activated by a cadence sensor. This is matched with practical features such as mechanical disc brakes and a rear cargo rack capable of supporting up to 55 lbs.

👩🏽‍👩🏽‍👧🏽‍👧🏽 The bike’s design smartly accommodates a range of rider heights and preferences with a downward sweeping step-through styled crossbar. An upright riding position offers a commanding view of the surroundings, making every journey a joy.

☁️ Ride quality is paramount in our review. The EVRYjourney’s semi-slick 26 x 1.95” tires are quiet and quick. We put these tires to the test on wet and dry surfaces to assess their grip and durability.

🛠️ Lastly, we don’t shy away from discussing areas ripe for enhancement. While this bike was fun to rid, our review will cover aspects where future iterations could improve, specifically in build quality

🌊 With our in-depth analysis, we’re here to guide you through every detail of this cruiser e-bike, from its technical specifications to its real-world performance. Whether you’re cruising the beachfront or navigating urban landscapes, we’ll show you why the EVRYjourney might just be the ride for your next adventure.

#sixthreezero #cruiesrbikes #electricbikereview

00:00 Intro
00:38 SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w – Overview
04:03 SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w – Brake Test
05:56 SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w – Speed Test
09:42 SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w – Range Test
10:50 SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w – Hill Test
16:25 SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w – Ride Quality
21:15 SixThreeZero EVRYjourney 500w – Conclusion

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