Electric Motorcycles

This 50 MPH Electric Motorcycle ROCKS! | Eahora Knight M1PS Review

This 50 MPH Electric Motorcycle ROCKS! | Eahora Knight M1PS Review

What’s up nieces and nephews welcome back to the channel if you’ve been around a while you’ll know that we have been looking to get some smaller bikes to have a little fun on here locally we love our big motorcycles my big Road King her big fat pop but there’s

Something fun about taking something little and just whooping it around well today we have an opportunity to do just that welcome to the M1 PS this thing look at the size of this box this thing arrived to us on a pallet the other day

It’s a 260 lb box inside of it is a 187 lb motorcycle that’s right motorcycle let’s get this thing open put together and get out there and raise some hell baby I have been looking forward to trying this thing out now for several weeks and I am excited

Baby cut one cut two and it’s all in Cut I think one of my favorite things about this is that it comes mostly assembled already check this out this thing comes with a certificate of origination or an MSO that’s exactly like a title so this thing is actually

Street legal that’s going to be fun we’re going to take this up to bike night now what I didn’t tell you is that this thing is an electric scooter now you know you know your old Uncle loves a good internal combustion engine but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the

Power that lies within an electric motor I have never in my life owned an electric vehicle so this is a totally foreign concept to me you know those memes that say the European mine cannot comprehend this is one of those the southern mine just don’t understand what

We’re going to figure it out charging cable I don’t know what this is we’re going to figure it out box of stuff what is in here actually oh hell yeah hey it wouldn’t be street legal if we didn’t have mirrors right these are mirrors we’re going to put these off to the side

To keep them safe box number two I’m kind of pushing this stuff off to the side cuz I’m really excited about what’s under here and you’re about to see styrofoam styrofoam another box that we’ll figure out in just a little bit now we’re getting to the good stuff this

Is what your old uncle has been waiting for baby do you see what I see is that a big old leather seat I feel like it would only be fitting for the first ride on this thing to be down like the local biker bar you know what I’m saying I

Guarantee this thing is going to turn some heads hell yeah dude hell yeah brother all right let’s see what we can do here it’s like a kid opening a Christmas present man I can’t be too gentle with it not when I’m this pumped up there we go now we’re getting

Somewhere all right I think the got will be a little bit smarter than uh the box so let’s get an appropriate tool and cut this cardboard up the right way but out the cardboard may be stronger but it is no match there are Staples on this end

And technically I could uh remove the Staples but I don’t want to lose those in here cuz your old Uncle doesn’t wear shoes a lot of times and there’s a very good chance that I would uh stab myself all right uh we’re just going to take a

Moment here in the Box look at this thing man this thing is badass and I can’t wait to get this thing put together now this thing is heavier than I thought it would be uh even though I had plenty of access to information online I guess I didn’t quite fathom in

My dumb old head how heavy it was so uh we may need to wait till B Mama gets home to finish putting that front wheel and stuff on but for the meantime let’s see how far we can get so she comes with the handlebars off probably so that way

They can fit it inside of this box so we’re going to see what we need maybe some of the tools and the parts that we need are going to be inside of the uh boxes that we just threw to the side speaking of boxes let’s take a look and

See what’s in there so that way I I have my head wrapped around what’s going on in there there we go the fit and finish man I got to say look at these key fobs look at these key fobs that is professional looking ke fobs here’s your foot

Pegs those are solid hell yeah and then the these guys I already know what this is we’re going to pull it out these are going to be like uh forward controls we’re actually going to put those on because I’ve looked at the riding positions there’s your speedometer

There’s your top Riser clamp and they even include a phone holder that’s amazing let’s take a look at the second box and this guy what do we have not the Easter candy that you were all hoping for what do we have what do we have what

Do we have look at this thing here’s your charger so you plug this bad boy in through the wall and then that orange cable that we looked at earlier that’s going to go to the bike so we’re going to keep this here for now and we’re going to start putting this thing

Together all right first thing I’m going to want to do here I’m not going to dig this little knife too far in here because these brakes are hydraulic br brakes and they do come with your uh brake fluid already in them last thing I want to do is puncture

One of those I advise you to do the same reason why I’m putting these on first is uh I don’t want them flopping around any more than they have to be now that the um box is undone and I think this is going to give us a lot more leverage as

We um try to muscle this thing around to finish the assembly and I already know that I’m going to have to go get that uh Riser clamp stick it on there and we’re not going to tighten it all the way down cuz I’m going to figure out the best

Riding position for me let’s come over here and get it done look at that it’s even like branded that’s cool it’s it’s little things it’s little things like that that really make a difference you know what I mean so unsurprisingly this um the bolts on top for this uh Riser clamp are going

To be metric so uh 6 mm on these things because it’s a clamp to keep things still definitely don’t tighten them all the way in until you got them all in that way you have room a little wiggle room you know what I’m saying your uncle need a little

Wiggle room especially in my belt after a good barbecue dinner what I’m going to do is I’m going to actually I am going to tighten it down uh and then if we need to adjust it later it ain’t hard to just break these four things loose

Trying to go out a diagonal pattern not tightening one side all the way down before getting to the other one that way both sides of the Riser clamp has you know the room to get itself all the way down there you know what I mean we had

Stop right there for just a moment you guys know I’m a very patient impatient impatient man I didn’t have to go get my own tools you know why I didn’t have to go outside and get my own tools because mango Stein is both uh wise enough and good

Enough to send you a whole bag full of them I’ve got everything I need this actually looks like a pretty well-crafted wrench a 19 mm 17 mm combo wrench another 17 19 mm hell yeah 12 and 14 those are like good wrenches they’re not like plastic bullshits a nice

Screwdriver looks like a Japanese industrial standard screwdriver dude hell yeah man we got everything we need in here in other words there’s a lot of good stuff in here another bolt for something I will figure that out and this guy I got too much stuff in my

Hands this guy is product overview notes for safe writing it’s got how your gauges work I mean most people that ride motorcycles or scooters already know how gauges work but it doesn’t mean that some people don’t know right some people don’t know so it’s good to have these kind of

Things in here yeah look at that tells you how the charging port works not an instruction manual on how to put it together not instruction manual but uh they do have that available online and I’ll link it in the description um they have a whole video

On how to exactly how to put this thing together did I watch it of course I did of course I did all right back to the project at hand we still want to get this uh this wheel out of here right oh here we go here we go

All right turn the wheel a little bit handlebars there we go now we got the wheel out sometimes like I said you just got to be smarter when we working with okay now for safety purposes what I’m going to recommend here so this is obviously not included in the box I’m

Going to recommend you either get a really really strong friend with a lot of stamina or do like I’m doing I’ve got this motorcycle jack we’re going to lift this over I’ve got it at an angle cuz I’m going to have it at an angle when I

Bring it over here I’m going to use this motorcycle jack to pull this thing up there we go baby both sides of this axle have washer nut so this washer has um it’s carved out so this nut fits inside of here brilliant all right so uh this motorcycle jack is

Great but a uh a friend would also be helpful but you can do it on your own just it would be nice to have somebody else here to help you know what I’m saying bringing out the big guns hell yeah all right all we want to

Do on this side is make sure when it starts coming out that I got the other spacer all right we want to make sure this thing is uh about as even as we can get it on both sides I don’t want one axle looking all out of shape compared to the other

One or one side of the axle you know what I’m saying okay here’s another thing where uh a second hand third a third hand would be nice to keep that thing a little bit steady up there hell yeah she looks good so far all right on

To the next step this scooter comes with three sizes of Allens so they they include all three sizes of Allen wrenches okay the fender has uh two bolt holes on the front on each side and one bolt hole on the rear on each side what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to get the uh rear ones on uh kind of loosely at first so we can use those as pivot Points to line up the front ones you know saying all right tighten them down we’re getting there we’ll go tighten the other side and since they’re not really connected I don’t have to

Worry about any sort of uh torque pattern you know what I’m saying there we go that ain’t going nowhere boys okay next up from our bag of goodies we’re going to put these controls on now what I will say is that you can you can put

These pegs on right here if you want uh if you’re a shorter Rider maybe this is more comfortable or if you just like make controls but what we’re going to do is we’re going to put them on like this to have them a little bit more up and

Forward uh I think that’s a more comfortable riding position for me may not be for everybody else totally up to you so this is going to be your original holes right I can’t wait for somebody to say nice bike man I’m this thing you know

What I mean I’m going to be like hell yeah brother you want to make sure okay so you got you got these right and you could technically put it on like this make sure this is on where it folds backwards and the reason why you want

That if you do hit the curb you want it to give you want it to fold backwards not forward you end up throwing yourself off the bike if you do that we’re almost done guys we’re going to charge this thing up afterward I’ll show you some highlights of the of the scooter hell

Yes this is so awesome all right last but not least on this little uh assembly trip you got it had two little uh two little Allen bolts on the back that’s what’s got your speedometer on there this is a smaller of the three Allen wrenches what I like about

The Allen wrenches that they included is you’ve got one side that’s got it’s squared off off like a traditional allen wrench the other side has the I don’t know what it’s called but it’s like the bevel in so you can go at a little bit

Of an angle if you need to you know excellent and then how does this work you say well says I this is going to plug into here right it can only go one way which is very nice so it’s impossible for you to really put it in

There wrong I mean you have to really make an effort to do that anyway so you can only put this on the skinny part of the bar um maybe you can straight stretch it out and get it on the fatter side but I don’t want to do that we’re going to get

This to about right here and the reason I’m doing it right here is because I need to place I need to make sure I can get my screwdriver in there not the angle that I want it necessarily but that’s going to do it look at that

And then this guy plugs in here again it can only go one way so you really can’t mess it up without effort like you have to try to mess it up all right last pieces before we uh start putting this thing getting this thing squared away so

You’re going to screw this all the way up right this is going to act like your stop so then we’re going to get this in as tight as it’ll go and I’m going to put both mirrors on because I have a thing for as much symmetry as possible check your state

Lws in Florida you only have to have one as long as you have one rear mirror you’re fine but uh I like the symmetry of two so uh that’s what we’re going with all right so I’ve got this lined up with the handlebar I don’t have anything

To hold on to so it’s going to be the 14 and they thought of everything I’m going to tell you what I mean by that just a second I’m going get that set screw or set nut tighten down on there oh mik and this boot see I mean just little little

Pieces little things like that like really make a difference because it could have just left that just like that and nobody would have ever really noticed and nobody’s going to notice this either but that is a it’s a nice touch last one baby and then we’ll see you when I got the finish

Product together okay there’s only two things left to do before we get ready to take this puppy out and ride it did come with a completely depleted battery I dig that man I love it so what we’re going to do is we’re going to plug it in there’s the battery charger converter

Whatever that piece is I’ve already got it plugged in you see it’s got a green flashing light uh which typically means it’s not doing anything because hey we still got this thing to plug in so let’s do that real quick I like that this in two parts

So we’re going to take this guy it can only go one way we’re going to plug it in here and now this one I don’t know if this is proprietary or not cuz I’ve never had an electric vehicle you got a square part up top it goes right

There boom she’s locked in all right nieces and nephews your old Uncle skipped a step but we figured out and now we know what’s under the magic box so the battery itself is underneath this cover that we talked about earlier we didn’t know what was on there uh so it

The way it comes this is not plugged in it needs to be plugged in and this switch is set to off we just set it to on okay beautiful I love when a plan comes together so the way this comes on and off is you got these little guide guide hooks right

And just make sure they’re all lined up in there and just kind of push it forward to get it off do the key sideways knock it backwards it comes right out so now with that said 43 37 p.m. Easter eastern time you can hear the battery charger kicking in this is

Beautiful I love it remember it was on uh flashing green you can hear it going now she’s on red 4:37 p.m. all right like I said this thing came completely dead probably for the safer we’re going to let this thing finish charging see how long it takes to get charged and

Then we’ll see you back here later all right fam uh the time is now 6:30 p.m. and sometime in the last 20 minutes the uh motorcycle has completed it charging cycle so we are less than 2 hour no less than 3 hours so about 2 and 1/2 hours from completely depleted to fully

Charged baby we’re not going to turn it on yet we’re going to do all that in the morning I would love to ride it this evening but uh H we’re going to do it tomorrow I’m excited for you guys to see this thing All right boys and girls so we are going to do a second video where we’re going to put this thing through some test to see really what all it’ll do I can’t really take it out too far publicly cuz I don’t have it registered yet but I

Cannot resist the urge to ride this thing I mean look at for an electric scooter the classic bobber style look at that dual shock suspension in the rear two piston disc brakes on front and back it just looks sharp man absolutely sharp it’s got this key fob on it where I can

Lock it yeah see I accept the alarm I think let’s see yeah see okay unlock it I what does this thing do look it starts without me having to put the key in that is so cool oh man that’s great let’s see if it’ll go without it so the headlights

Have a couple uh interesting things you’ve got this off Halo and fully on button I don’t know how well you can see this display but it’s got three gears we’re going to start in the lowest one there it goes okay kickstand cannot be down oh oh she’s pretty quiet I mean it’s

Electric so what do you expect oh man it’s so weird like not having the motor the rumble and Roar beneath my legs the suspension feels great I need to adjust my mirrors okay which one is just front or back okay let’s put it in gear there’s two

Oh yeah baby it’s definitely a lot faster oh man oh this is great there’s a little guy in our neighborhood that rides a little Honda monkey like down to go get his mail from the mailbox I feel like this could be my mail getter brakes work very very well

Like I said this is uh we’re going to do a second video of this thing I just wanted you guys to see a little bit what it looked like I don’t know what top speed that’s one of the things that we’re going to do on the second video is

We’re going to look at top speeds you know what let’s um we’ve done first gear and second gear I’m reaching I’m I’m reaching for a a pedal break and there’s not one okay we’re going to put it in third this is uh supposedly going to be the uh the mamama JAMA oh

yeah you got some torque baby holy smokes man so this is definitely the one if you’re going to go on a public Road holy cow okay calm down Mike calm down yeah hell yeah oh this is great uh I am reminded though that I need to uh need tighten up

My handlebars remember yesterday I didn’t tighten the Riser clamp all the way down well I need to do that and she’s got some I mean keep your expectations real but it’s got some serious torque man a little thing this size oh I can’t wait I can’t wait does a horn

Work sure does I love this thing man uh we’re almost at 40 m hour it’s definitely speeding through my neighborhood this is so cool man let’s see if I got indicators yep there’s the uh right turn indicator oh there I go reaching for the brake pedal again

That’s not there man yeah this thing’s pretty cool let’s get back to the house okay I put exactly one mile on the odometer one mile on the odometer uh we’re going to do a couple things I’m going to uh I think this is a good no oh

There it is right there there it is right there I’m going to tighten these down and uh I figured out that I actually have this phone holder upside down so I’m going to flip it try to squeeze it up in here as much as possible so that way it’s kind of flush

Here and then yeah man this thing’s pretty cool we’ll see you Inside all right y’all that’s going to wrap this one up this has been a blast like I said I’m going to do a second video this is video One the company was kind enough to hook me up with a discount code if you want to get one of

These of your own um I’m going to have a link down in the description and in the Pinn comment uh directly to the scooter that we just talked about here the M1 PS or if you just go to the site e a o r a

Um and use the code bog gator check out you’ll get $400 off of one of these scooters and you might look at those and say well who who needs that well short answer everybody after having one of those but no really my wife and I were talking

About this last night and it’s like what a great onetime investment for some people I mean if you buy a motorcycle oil changes gasoline I mean all these things uh that you have to do with regular vehicle wear and tear maintenance especially if you have a relatively short commute I mean

Um and especially if you have a relatively short commute with somewhere where you can charge it if you need to during the day um street legal onetime cost it’s fantastic great option for people I would have never considered you know electric scooter any EV vehicle EV vehicle like ATM machine electronic

Electric vehicle before getting the scooter and I got to tell you man I think my mind has been opened up a little bit so yeah thanks for coming along on this one and stay tuned for the next video I don’t know if it’s going to be next but it’ll definitely be sometime

Very soon uh where we go down we’re going to go do some road tests I want to see how fast this thing can go why not uh I want to see what kind of distance I can get from this thing we’re going to do some uphill tests on it I just want

To look and see what the capabilities are of the M1 PS I don’t have a lot of Hills here in Florida but we’re going to do best figure it out so until then we’ll see you later

I was blown away at the styling and function of this street legal electric motorcycle! The Eahora Knight M1PS looks and rides like a traditional bobber, but with the torque of an electric motor. If you want to shop for your own and get $400 off your order, click on the link here: https://eahoraescooter.com/?ref=bogator

OR Use code BOGATOR at checkout.

Here are some useful links from Eahora:
M1PS assembly video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjRn-i4ARoI
M1PS Product page: https://eahoraescooter.com/products/4000w-m1ps-black

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PO Box 1975
DeLand, FL 32721

Email: unclebogator@gmail.com

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