Electric Motorcycles

Wallke H7 AWD Ebike Review ~ Hills are no match!

Wallke H7 AWD Ebike Review ~ Hills are no match!

29 30 I’m really impressed I never thought this bike would pull me up this hill with just throttle only wonder if it’s going to overheat anything by the time we get to the top hey what’s going on everyone today we’re going to be taking a look at walk’s new H7 all-wheel drive

Now this is the step through version of the H9 that I reviewed if you guys haven’t seen that video make sure you check it out that was a folding dual motor bike this is their step version that does not fold 20-in Wheels 1000 W Motor in the back 750 W Motor in the

Front and if it’s the same controller as the H9 it should be about a 40 amp controller now this is a pretty big pretty heavy bike coming in at about 111 lb when I weighed it 21 lb of that is the 48v 40 amp hour battery which is

Pretty big and it comes with a 5 amp charger so that’s really nice to see good looking quality charger that has a fan in it to keep it cool and the bike itself weighed about 90 lbs when I weighed it so overall about 111 lbs but we’re going to put this baby through

Some tests today see what kind of power it has first test I’m going to do is come up this hill with just throttle and see if it makes it which it should because the H9 made it up that hill and then we’re going to take this baby on a

Speedrun and see what kind of speed it’ll go because it says it’s supposed to do about 34 to 35 mph so you better believe we’re going to test that to see if that’s true and if you’re interested in picking one of these up after watching this video I’ll leave a coupon

Code down in the description I don’t know when it expires but if I get any I’ll put them down there to get the dual motor version with the 40 amp battery I believe it’s like $1,660 currently if you watch this entire video and feel like this is the

Bike that’s right for you please consider using that link down there and I’ll make a small commission which helps support me creating these videos for all of you but let’s get into it let me know down below what you think after you watch this and it’s probably a little

Muddy down here so I’m going to try to stay on this upper Edge I’m going to start here at this second post and we’re going to do throttle only this is where I start out on all my bikes and no problem pulled me right up over it

All right here we go starting out where I start out on all my tests throttle only let’s see what we can maintain and for a little context here my fastest 750 W single Hub motorbike up this hill will go 11 mph 15 14 so 14

Mph is the slowest that it went up that hill with just throttle only so it beat my fastest single Hub motor Bike by 3 mph and when this thing starts it’s really smooth it doesn’t rip your front tire off it doesn’t jerk you or want to

Throw you or make you lose control it starts going and then all of a sudden that front motor kicks in and it really takes you off now on that H9 that I reviewed there was a little bit of noise coming from the front motor at full

Speed so we’re going to see if this bike does it as well or if this one is quiet and a lot of people comment commented Below on my other video not quite sure why it’s doing that I mean I haven’t really seen any issues at causing any

Problems but it was just a little odd that it made a little bit of noise but Walky did reach out to me because a few commenters were asking them about the noise so they did reach out to me to ask me about it but if they decide they want

To send me another controller or a front motor to see if that solves the issue on the H9 I’ll update you guys down below in the comments of that video I just wanted to jump in here real quick and say the Walky did reach out to me and

Ask me about the noise in my video because they had some people asking them about it I guess they’ve seen my video and reached out to them so it is cool that they reached out to me to ask me if it was making noise I sent them a clip

They sent it to their engineering and their response was that the output power of the controller and the power consumption are larger on dual motor mode the load on the front wheel is heavier than the rear wheel so it will use more power the noise will be louder

When climbing and a drive mode will be louder than onewheel drive mode that’s normal let me know your thoughts and opinions Down Below in the comments let’s get back to it so now let’s see what kind of speed we can get on this straight stretch here and see if it makes that

Noise 20 23 26 27 28 29 30 and I can hear that noise slightly coming from the front let me let off the gas and give us some more slight incline here 25 26 27 28 29 30 and this is slight incline not a whole lot now I’m going up a steeper

Incline let’s see if the motor makes any noises sounded like it started to just slightly maintaining good speed coming up that hill I haven’t pedal yet I feel like that motor makes that noise as well and then I let off the throttle hit it again there 32 going

Down a slight uh decline there 31 going back uphill and that motor is making that noise again not sure why it does that it did that on the h 9 as well but it cleared out I did not let off the throttle that time and that cleared

Out so not quite sure but this thing is ripping up this hill just like the H9 did 22 mph haven’t pedal I’m going to go ahead and start pedaling a little bit and I’ve basically been Full Throttle for the last I don’t know 2 minutes or so just to see if it

Overheats that controller or to see if it’s still going to give me good power and I’m ripping up this 26 mph 25 I quit pedaling again definitely not going to get any exercise like this but you can let off that throttle and start pedaling and get tons of exercise if you

Wanted all right so I still hear a little bit of a w w w w noise I’m going to put the GoPro down closer to the front wheel and we’re going to see if you guys can hear it a little bit better than that way a

All right so you can hear there with the microphone down below hopefully a little bit better the w w noise it was making now that’s usually when it’s full throttle getting up to high speeds now I just bumped it down into pas4 coming back and it didn’t seem to make that

Noise so I’m going to go ahead in the settings and bump this back down to 96% for pedal assist 5 because that’s what it came to set Factory I always Max my bikes out to show their full potential so I set it to 100 so we’re going to put

It back on 96 and see if it’s still does it so to do that you hold the plus and minus button down get you into the display settings I don’t know how good you’re going to be able to see this going to go down to advanced settings

Assist levels go into there and I’m going to set four back down to 96% and see if that makes any difference all right here we go and I got the microphone back up here so you guys can hear me and it’s still doing it so I’m not

Sure what that noise is well we’re going to go ahead and rip on this bike down some dirt roads and up a steep hill and we’re going to see if it breaks it maybe it will maybe it won’t now this bike does have the quad hydraulic disc brakes on it uh four

Piston hydraulic this brakes and the the suspension is not the greatest on it the front’s not bad the front seems decent but the back is a little bit stiff a little springy so the motor’s quiet now let’s bump it up the five yeah the motors are quiet until it

Till it gets up to full speed on that front motor so if you’re not always trying to Max this thing out it’s not going to make that w w w w noise 30 31 pretty good bucks here I mean the seat’s pretty cushiony so that helps and the max payload on this bike

Is 400 lb with a 110 lb limit on the rear seat or you could take that seat off and put a bag on there if you wanted to so pretty good weight rating on this bike for max weight if you’re a bigger Rider see it doesn’t make that noise when you pull out

Almost don’t feel like the front motor is really kicking in hard like it was before h a little bit yeah it is we’re going to go down we’re going to come up a really long steep paved Hill and we’re going to see if that makes any noise coming up that with Full Throttle

For a long distance going uphill see putting a strain on it’s going to make a difference or if it’s going to be quiet because I’ll be going at a slower speed but still be giving it full power I don’t know guys that’s why I do these

Tests so that you don’t have to and so that you know what you’re getting if you plan on ordering that’s the whole reason for me doing these tests so I hope you guys enjoy please leave a comment down below please give me a thumbs up if you

Enjoy this content and find it helpful brakes are really nice though really nice and quiet I did have to do a pretty good adjustment to the rear wheel it seemed like the brake caliper wasn’t going down all the way on the back back rotor and there was two washers

Underneath the the bracket I did take that off and took one of those two washers off and it seemed to get down pretty good and it’s pretty much landed up now all right we’re down here on a straight stretch let’s see if it makes that noise with just front

Motor and we’ll see how how fast it’ll go with just front motor now I do still have it set to 96% so far it’s not making any noise sounded like it almost wanted to do it but not really not like it is when it’s in dual motor mode now we’re in

Dual motor eco mode so this is going to be a more gradual takeoff let’s get on the other side of these trade tracks here probably not us have a top speed either in this mode seems like it’s not making any noise in this mode but it’s also not getting me up to

Full speed either all right so now let’s try just rear motor all right rear motor mode [Applause] so it looks like rear motor mode get you up to around 26 I think it’s still climbing but gradually 27 and it’s not making any noise so individually the motors are not

Making any noises it’s just when you’re in dual motor mode for some reason all right guys so we’re back in dual motor mode fast dual motor mode and we’re going to see what kind of speed we can hit now then we’re going to hit that

Long Ste pill going back up and see if this motor makes any noise makes any noise going up that hill let’s see how it does and this is a fairly level stretch here yep starting to make that noise let’s see if it clears out yeah it cleared up 29

30 29 so I’d say about 30 m an hour all right see how how it does and it started to do a little bit there at the bottom and then it quieted back up and it’s not making that noise now so it’s only at really high speed that it does it and it’s

Man it’s pulling me up this hill with just throttle that’s insane 11 miles an hour that is insane this is a huge hill that that’s that’s crazy guys I’m really impressed I never thought this bike would pull me up this hill with just throttle only wonder if it’s going

To overheat anything by the time we get to the top this is a good test for the controller to see how good the controller is little bit of noise there coming from the front brakes that’s impressive that is very impressive that it pulled me up that

With just throttle only that was a huge hill I have not found a single Hub motorbike yet that would pull me up that that easy all right let’s rip it back up this Gravel Road here and see how it does now this does only have a 14 to 28 freee

On it just like the H9 would have been nice to see an 11 to 28 to give you a little bit better higher speed pedaling without running out of pedaling or ghost pedaling this is my Cadence here at 23 25 so a little fast would have been nice

To see a different freee on it so if you like riding at higher speeds then you’re probably going to want to upgrade that no problems coming up here it is a little bit bouncy with the weight of this bike and the suspension that’s on it it’s not too

Bad you can see here I’m going to give it Full Throttle it does not take off like a mediac it does take some time to get get up to speed there and it looks like the voltage is down to 47.8 let’s see if that if I shut

The bike off and turn it back on if that goes up any some brakes are programmed to keep the voltage down whenever it’s under load yeah so 50.8 now so not quite halfway down on the battery yet all right so I want to go over a few other

Things I noticed about this bike the first thing being is that I feel like they should have had some kind of rubber grommet here to protect these wires now I do have them wrapped you can see where this one’s kind of starting to get a little bit scratched up from being in

There I feel like this should had some kind of rubber ass thing around here to protect these wires a little bit better maybe it had one on in shipping I doubt it because I don’t see it on the wires seems like they just wrapped them in

Here and shoved them in here so kind of sad to see that quality wise though everything else seems decent like I said nothing really to write home about on the rear shocks they are springy not adjustable yes there is some suspension but not the greatest now the minimum

Seat height on this bike is 34 in from the ground up which is about 2 in lower than the H9 when I measured it and the minimum step over height on this bike is 19.7 in so it is still pretty high up off that ground but definitely way lower

Than the original stepover folding bike you have your charge port here on the battery for the 5 a charger and one thing I thought was kind of odd is this one does not have a flip up seat normally when the batter’s behind the seat it has a lever here like on the H9

Where you can flip it up to remove the battery this one does not so you actually have to take this seat post all the way out of here whenever you want to take the battery out of the bike so I don’t know why they decided to go with

That choice on this one now you could always put a suspension SE Post in there to get the back a little bit more cushiony however that will make your seat sit up a couple inches higher and like I said on the brakes they’re dland brakes quad piston and 180 mm rotors on

Both the front and the rear of the bike pretty heavy duty adjustable kickstand rear seat on the back and it does have a brake light that is also a tail light whenever you pull the brake lever set of aluminum pedals comes with front and rear fenders really nice big headlight

On the front which turns on automatically if you have it set on that setting and that it has some adjustability there in the display that you can adjust the sensitivity for that but pretty cool headlight on the front it does have a cheap entry level Shimano

Tney der and like I said if you like traveling at higher speeds you’d probably want to upgrade this free wheel I do like the handle bars on it though they do kind of remind me of the arrow Rider handlebars the way they’re designed here this H style pretty cool

Pretty nice handlebars they do not fold down though so if you needed to fold those down to get a little bit more compact U not really going to be an option you’d have to get an adjustable or fold down stem here you have a half grip twist throttle on the right hand

Side horn button underneath that and a seven-speed shimana shifter the display is pretty nice it does have blueooth and we’ll connect to an app and it has a find my feature where you can use find my iPhone to find your bike but just like the H9 unless the battery’s in and

The keys on that’s not going to really be useful so I’d say that feature is pretty much useless cuz you’re not going to leave your key in the bike and turned on when you have it parked somewhere in a store or whatnot so overall this bike

Is really fast it has good power up this heels however couple things I didn’t like was that grommet missing like I said no flip up seat the rear brakes needed some attention too because they didn’t fit down right on the rotor and that front noise like I said not sure

Why it’s doing that the H9 did that too so I feel like there’s definitely a couple things that I think they should address and hopefully update in the future so now let me know your opinion and if you’re interested in this bike after seeing all this I’ll put the links

And the coupons down below like I said but if not consider subscribing and I will definitely see you guys around on the next one leave a comment let me know what you thought of it thanks for for watching everyone

Wallke H7 Dual Motor Ebike Review.
Wallke H7 Step-thru AWD
Click the affiliate link here to see the current price and use code WK200 to save $200 and help support my reviews.
The Wallke H7 AWD ebike is a new dual motor long range ebike for 2024 that has a massive 48v 40ah battery powering the 1,000w rear and a 750w front geared hub motors and it has insane power for getting up hills!
This ebike has excellent performance just like its folding brother the H9 AWD!In dual motor AWD mode the power delivery is programmed perfectly so you get minimal wheel spin!

My H9 AWD Review https://youtu.be/ovfefXMpm4I

My Wallke H6 ST Review https://youtu.be/IV99jDNETRU

My Wallke H6 Review https://youtu.be/sbTdSkVV1aY

Follow me on Instagram for previews and behind the scenes https://www.instagram.com/jmcintosh97/

My favorite bike accessories below

Sena M1 Evo communication helmet https://amzn.to/3ttZkdw

Sena R2X helmet (The helmet I wore in this video) https://amzn.to/3rRqHxI

Sena R1 Evo helmet https://amzn.to/3ZP3Pvi

Bike Security Below

Kryptonite chain lock https://amzn.to/2AzUIqX

Bike Alarm (my favorite)https://amzn.to/3jwwqCD

Bike Bell AirTag holder https://amzn.to/3B6yGsb

Apple AirTags https://amzn.to/3VoVV94

Alarm Disc Lock https://amzn.to/38doK1N

Rockbros Rack bag https://amzn.to/2t6iYNv

Bungee net for basket https://amzn.to/3DozV6C

My favorite Bike seat below

Cloud 9 seat I have (my favorite) https://amzn.to/2PX84mA
Cloud 9 seat like mine with Lycra Top https://amzn.to/3m3aDjP

Ncx suspension seatpost https://amzn.to/44Uu3hV

Zoom suspension Seatpost https://amzn.to/45lt0rf

Other accessories I use

Bike Phone Mount (My Favorite now) https://amzn.to/394mTzC

Other Phone Mount https://amzn.to/2QiuVb4

Shark Cycle Torch https://amzn.to/2Ql2TLT

Bar end Mirror (my new Favorite) https://amzn.to/45gdttn

Other Bar end Mirror https://amzn.to/2S5qzoU

Tire inflators below

Fanttik X8 portable tire inflator https://amzn.to/38yPiNT
Cycplus cordless tire inflator https://amzn.to/3TRIJIZ
All other portable tire inflators https://amzn.to/34AD5TT

Vibrelli Torque wrench https://amzn.to/43OjGei

Vibrelli multi Tool https://amzn.to/3ieQo3N

Blue thread locker https://amzn.to/2S1meDe

Disc brake cleaner https://amzn.to/3OBXaRb

0:00 Wallke H7 AWD Introduction
0:44 Battery and Charger
1:50 Steep hill test
3:24 Wallke response to motor noise
4:05 Initial performance test
6:22 Motor noise
8:00 Adjusting Pas advanced settings
8:44 Suspension test on gravel road
10:55 Brake adjustments
11:13 Max Speed testing single vs dual motor modes
13:40 Long hill climbing test
16:10 Specs and overview

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission and it’s no extra cost for you! This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support.

#ebike #electricbike

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