Electric Cars

When Hertz doesn’t explain their Electric Vehicles

When Hertz doesn’t explain their Electric Vehicles

Watch it hey guys so I’m over here at the charge Point charger I just ran I don’t even get your name what was your name Kendra Kendra so I ran into into Kendra she rented this Kia from Herz Herz didn’t give her any information of

How this thing works and so she got to the charger she sat here fiddling with it had the car in just accessory mode so it killed the 12vt battery so the 12volt battery died so then she when she finally figured out how to work the payment system it wouldn’t work because

The battery’s dead on it the 12 full said so she’s on the phone trying to troubleshoot trying to figure out all that stuff so as you see the F-150 is in the background but I have some little jumpers with me so I was able to use my

Jumper box get her going now she’s charging she’s at 30% right now however that’s the problem like this girl now miss Kendra you’re tasted on electric cars this is your first electric car experience right first day and I hate it so far until he came and educated me but

That’s the thing is if we don’t show people how to use these things how can we expect them to enjoy it and understand them this is this is a terrible experience and I mean I hope when you reach out to hers and I’m a tag

Herz in this as well that they see this and they they recognize that if they don’t talk to people and explain to people how to use their charging systems and how to you you know go about things it’s going to leave bad taste in people’s mouths this sucks they they

Need to educate people and also AAA needs to be educated Triple A attempted and the guy was very nice but attempted to help me he had no idea how to do this he was watching you YouTube videos and then this guy saved me or else I I

Probably would have left my car here cuz how long have you been here I’ve been dealing with this for 3 hours tonight I’ve been here for one and a half I was at another charging station for one and a half so yeah there is definitely a problem but we’re we’re going to make

Sure we tag Herz and and let them know about this

Hey @Hertz you did this this customer DIRTY! She rented this Kia EV and was given zero tools on how to charge. Found her and the KIA with a 12v that was dead at the Monterey ChargePoint charger. She called @AAA_Travel @AAAnews for help and they couldn’t do anything for her.
This is how people end up with bad tastes in their mouths about Electric Vehicles.
She was stuck for over 3 hours. Her phone was on 3% and was hopeless. She’s from Rhode Island and flew in earlier today.
Just a few minutes on which app to use for charging and how to actually plug in the vehicle, would’ve helped this girl.
Hoping I changed her mind about EV’s. I paid for the charge and helped her out.
Glad I asked her if she was ok, it allowed for a conversation that helped her get on her way to her hotel.

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