Electric Motorcycles

This E-Bike is a STREET LEGAL Surron!

This E-Bike is a STREET LEGAL Surron!

So this is the entrance to the military base we’re allowed in here yeah this is my favorite genre of bikes right siron Taria Eide Pros we just got our hands on a new competitor this is unreleased that should have the same benefits of these bikes but it’s actually street legal

Let’s see if it’s worth the $5,000 price Tag the X qi3 has arguably the most features of any bike I’ve reviewed the wheels and suspension are just like siron KK and 19in knobbies but that’s where the similarities end there’s a big step up in the brakes these are DOT rather than mineral oil and the levers have more of

A motorcycle feel it’s direct drive with no primary reduction so it does have a gearbox with oil like the Taria sting it’s got a really wide swing arm but very little clearance for the wheel with such a wide swing arm I wish you could

Fit a larger wheel this is a 72v 32 aamp battery they claim 47 mph top speed which is pretty slow for 72 volts the biggest thing for me is that this bike is street legal so you get a VIN headlight active brake light turn signals license plate Mount with a light

And mirrors it also has lights on the side and additional reflectors the seat looks super comfortable and it lifts up to reveal the battery remove the latch and hit the electronic release button you can also do this with the key or the phone app one more latch holds

Down the battery and you have to do this every time you charge the bike that is a pain point for me if I’m charging on the go now I have my seat separate from the bike and I’ve got several more steps before and after charging I’d love to

See a charge port just on the side to turn the bike on you get two NFC cards One NFC token and two keys the keys turn the bike on from under the seat which is weird so I’d rather use the NFC and they said they’re making gloves that hold the

NFC token that would be pretty cool and inconvenient just like a jet ski it has a safety key that you can tie to your wrist the bike will turn off if it’s disconnected and if you lose it there is a spare under the seat to put the bike in drive you hold

The brake and hit this button here you’ve got your signals high beams and Horn the sport Eco switch is actually sick it’s very satisfying and it changes the display color it’s green in Eco red in sport and it shows your speed battery life headlight mode and even estimates

Your range which I’ve never seen before it also reflects your throttle which is cool and they went even further by adding two trigger switches I’ve never seen on a bike like this the right trigger activates turbo mode which only lasts for limited time but the display

Tells you how much you have left and how long you have to wait before you can hit it again I’m not a fan of Turbo turbo buttons but at least it tells you what’s going on press down on the right trigger and you’ll change the display to a lap

Timer the second trigger on the left side starts stops and Laps the timer I can’t imagine using this but it’s pretty cool if you press down on the right trigger again it switches to navigation which I’ll test on the ride this bike has built-in GPS so you

Can always see where it is on a map using the app the app can track and log all your rides turn the bike on and off activate the alarm and share access with other Riders if someone steals your bike and loads it into a truck the alarm will

Still go off because it can tell it’s moving with the GPS these bikes are stolen all the time so these anti- theft features in GPS tracking are always appreciated it even has a for clock and a USBC charger I forgot to mention this bike is loaded with features and it’s

Street legal but let’s see how it rides all right we made it outside we’re riding with Jim today he just got a brand new Taria mx4 it looks so good he’s got these purple LS Tech brakes on there and I’ve got the new bike it’s looking good I got to give credits to

New for making a bike that’s within the same category of the sirons but without totally copying their design I do notice a little bit of Wiggle here I actually like the way it looks I’d probably remove the ring light oh yeah one more feature here you see how it just turned

Blue that’s when it notices my phone’s in the area now I have keyless entry so I can just never mind still got this boom those are very cool very cool thank you appreciate that thanks for Lending the hoodie all right super comfortable seat super cushy suspension super

Cushy the bars feel pretty low I feel like I’m leaning forward more than on a siron but uh display is cool I like how the it reacts to how much throttle you’re giving it this is Full Throttle in eco mode going 29 miles an hour it’s pretty quiet nothing crazy let’s turn it

Up into sport here sport okay Full Throttle and Sport uh it’s a little underwhelming but there is a turbo mode let’s put it into turbo mode here by pulling this trigger Ultra boost is what they call it here we go oh okay that definitely gives it some more torque we’re going up pill

As well but uh for 72 volts I was expecting more I really was so here it says the Boost is done and you have to wait a certain amount of time before it can start over I like the the throttle curve a lot I think it could be more powerful but

It’s uh really smooth and intuitive on the throttle which isn’t always the case on these bikes out of the box I got to say the stock Sur on right out of the box the throttle is not impressive I’m smoking Jim having trouble keeping

Up no no no I just I was in Eco and you yeah I switched to sport yeah let’s go all right let’s do it okay how is he faster than me that was Full Throttle No so The Toria sting is $4,500 the siron is $4,600 the Eide Pro is 4

800 so this is the most expensive bike in it’s class and it’s 72 volts and it’s meant for the street but it’s one of the slowest which is interesting and I’m also confident can be fixed with some kind of tune or something in the app I

Do have it turned all the way up in the app there’s one slider that puts it into like ludicrous uh mode but I got to say for 72 volts I was expecting it to pick the wheel up which is not this bike I think the appeal for this bike isn’t

Necessarily the performance not to say it’s not a High performing bike it’s the features it’s the fact that it’s street legal it’s got the display oh let’s try the navigation press down here so that’s the lap timer okay so that’s pretty cool so from my understanding is that this

Navigation uses the internal GPS on the bike to track where you’re riding and you don’t I was hoping you could go on the app and like pick a destination see I can barely keep up with gym I was hoping you could like pick a destination and it would show you your route here

But my understanding is that it it tracks your route and it’ll help you find your way back which could be could be great off-roading although for a street bike I’d like to see that actually have like Google Maps or Apple Maps integration like it was a carplay

Or something the IDE Pro SS is $100 less expensive and you’re going much faster you’re going 65 mph instead of under 50 but that being said this is the only street legal in the mix I have the license I don’t have the registration or plates but you’re not you’re not getting

This bike for the speed you’re getting it cuz you can ride it in the street all right Jim I’m following you I am curious though why it’s a street bike but they send it with dirt Wheels all right you countdown one go okay now now Jim’s a little bit

Heavier than me but it looks like right off the line in turbo mode I do have the the get on the Taria mx4 and I think the top speeds are almost identical between these two bikes so okay okay NIU xqi 3 if that’s right it

Sounds like a BMW SUV model this is a bike with a specific purpose and it’s to basically ride a suron in the street with a plate if you put the same lights and mirrors and plate mount on a suron would that make the suron street legal or the

Taria that’s a question for your local DMV but my guess is no partially because of the VIN number I know this bike has a full VIN number and I also think the the retailer the manufacturer needs to register a bunch of stuff with the US government to make these actually

Registerable and I believe they’re doing that for this bike all right it’s the next day we’re going on an adventure see everyone’s in the side lane and the bike lane I’m in the street this is street legal let’s go come on dude your helmet’s so cool oh I’m fall I’m falling I’m fall

Yeah that’s crazy actually I got to see one hand up and then hand drag so sick oh so hard so hard to wheelie it feels good though like the throttle and the brakes feels really good I I just can’t can’t keep it straight it’s funny now I’m looking at

These sirons and I’m like they’re they’re so naked he doesn’t even have a tail light obviously no plates or anything but there is a difference between the suron in a in a street legal I I think they’re called homogenized bike these have a lot more things poking

Out of it if it looks so naked ahead of me we’re going to an abandoned missile silo how badass does that sound so this is the entrance to the military base we’re allowed in here yeah wa sick bullet holes all over it this is so sick this is where the missiles launched

From this would open up B nigles this used to be close and then like four of us grabbed this door we literally like pulled it to the side all our bikes are going to be gone when we come back out this is Crazy W this is great This is Crazy look at this door something special behind here so this is what people used to S 247 and then they had an exit they had an emergency exit e it smells poisonous in here like and Sh bro what the why is there bunkers here that was the exit

Just that’s how they got out just in case they’re like bomb dude this is so I feel like it’s bad to be in here breathing it not really it’s just like a bunch of asbestos what asbest it kills youing poisonous yeah that’s asbest for sure

What the we got to get out of here we got to get out here I’m joking what is asbest asbest was a chemical they had to ban cuz it gave everyone cancer these bikes are the perfect way to explore here W dude are they wild or no they’re not

Wild shut the there’s like a little farm we passed yeah that’s where they sit this is such a majestic place to be a cow shut the you all right bro how’s your hand um my hand’s bleeding a little bit broo f hate to see it I saw you slowly Veer off the

Path this cow’s got the best of you bro you made it look easy let’s go I honestly wasn’t sure oh this is so nice it Is it’s a handsome bike I like the way it looks I like the way it rides the throttle is smooth the suspension’s smooth I think it should be faster I also don’t like that in order to charge the battery you have to take the seat

Off and you have to take the lid off and you have to unplug the battery and then plug the charger in if you’re riding this as a street bike you’re charging it every day and that’s going to be a really big nuisance but it’s got all the

Street legal things on it so this is basically a street legal stock suron I would definitely recommend this if you’ve got a commute under 30 mi in the street this would make a lot of sense if you’re looking for a stunt bike maybe not so much if you’re looking for

Something to get a lot more power on maybe not so much but $5,000 for all the features and of course the street legality I can see that being reasonable as always thank you so much for watching until the end I do yeah I’m on my own

First look at the unreleased NIU XQi3 Street Legal Electric Dirt bike that competes directly with surron, talaria, and eridepro.

Niu Website https://shop.niu.com/

Key Words: Niu ebike niu electric dirt bike niu XQi3 niu QXi3 best electric bike that is street legal best street legal electric dirt bike best street legal electric minibike this electric bike is street legal street legal surron street legal 72v surron street legal talaria street legal dirtbike road legal electric pitbike how to make surron street legal

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