Electric Cars

The HUGE Problems With Public EV Charging (Scary!)

The HUGE Problems With Public EV Charging (Scary!)

Public EV charging is arguably in a worse State than it ever has been before firstly for us consumers it’s now far more expensive to rely on public fast Chargers than it is to fill a car with fuel secondly in an effort to speed the process up 250 and 350 Kow Chargers are

Becoming more and more commonplace but given that these draw the same amount of power as 80 family homes it’s hardly an efficient solution to the problem and finally with public charger prices being unregulated there’s no easy way to say this current EV owners well they’re being ripped off let’s get into It welcome back to another fact-based electric vehicle video where today we’re taking a closer look at some of the aspects of public charging now if you’re new here please do hit that subscribe button hit the like button on this video and remember to leave your thoughts in the comments section below let’s start

With cost a study recently carried out by the car buying brand walk car determined that when using public fast Chargers you can be charged up to 85 P per kilowatt hour of charge now if we consider an ev’s average consumption to be right around 31. 32 Kow hours per

Mile that is a whopping 27 p per mile compared to 15 P for your typical internally combustion engine car now over the course of a year let’s say 15,000 M that’s a difference of around £1,800 now we’ll take a look at this study in more detail later in this video

So stick around for that now the argument that often follows this is well don’t use public Chargers then charge at home it’s far cheaper the reality of the situation however is that the vast majority of us don’t have a driveway let alone anywhere to place a personal

Charger so you’re going to be forced to pay the price that public Chargers demand and think about this right now you’ve got the option to to not have an electric vehicle but in years to come it’s not going to be an option you’re going to be forced into it and you’re

Going to be forced to pay the price that they demand I have heard people try to make the point that okay well the fast Chargers are the expensive ones why don’t you use a slower one but come on it’s already an inconvenience being sat in a charger Bay like a Sitting Duck for

A criminal you’re going to want to use the fastest charger available especially if you’ve had the queue for it which is pretty likely you should remember however that fast charging your car your one soless in a world of inconvenience has been confirmed to degrade the battery more quickly Expediting the

Process of leaving you with a massive worthless paper weight in the form of a car but that’s the topic for another video so whilst the fast charger degrades your battery and your wallet let’s take a look at what it’s doing to the electricity grid because I often

Feel like it’s misunderstood or not put into relatable terms just how much power one of these Chargers is taking so if we look at a 250 or even 350 kilowatt charger these are becoming more and more common place and yes whilst they do offer faster charge times one of these

Chargers charging a single car is pulling the same amount of power is 80 family homes imagine an area where we have 10 of these Chargers in a bank they are going to be drawing the same amount of power when they’re in use as a small town or Village it’s unbelievable and

It’s quite scary when you consider electricity well it’s the same resource that we all depend on for fundamental living heating our homes and such it’s not some endless easily made resource it is an Ever expensive and in demand resource but really that’s no surprise now is it now I mentioned earlier that

Walk car conducted a study visiting various charge sites found some extremely high prices but that wasn’t all they found let’s take a look together so the charging Point here is indeed out of order if I click on the screen here as you can see it says temporarily

Unavailable on all of the charges bad news I’m afraid the charging Point here there is only one CCS point and it is out of order it’s not even switched on at all it’s got a hanger on it so we can’t charge up there’s no point in even

Trying but the good news is that the next charging station is pretty close as expected it isn’t good news I’m afraid this BP pulse charging Point behind me is out of service so we can’t plug in and charge up but we don’t want to end on a down so it kind of seems

Like you should count yourself lucky if you’re able to spend your 85 P per kilowatt hour because 30 odd per of the Chargers that he visited didn’t work whatsoever now that’s a topic for a whole other video as well the thing that we’re interested in here is the price

Variance 65 85 per kilowatt hour is a massive difference the pricing isn’t regulated and honestly it’s kind of hard to imagine that people aren’t already being ripped off by profiter energy companies because people understand miles per gallon and liter price and it’s been around that long that I think

Most of us probably do but kilowatt hours It’s A New Concept probably not so much just wait until the government starts tax it to make up for some of the loss of fuel tax then we’re really going to know about it now if you are in the

Market to buy a new car EV or not no judgments here one thing we can all agree on is free services are a good thing so check out Vehicles score. co.uk put the plate of the car you’re thinking about buying into their system and it’ll tell you the good and bad points about

That car for completely free now they do offer a paid HPI Service as well I’m going to add a 15% discount voucher on screen now for that you can use that make sure you buy a good car I’ve bought and sold a lot of cars over the years

I’d never buy a car without doing one of these checks now thank you so much for watching please do hit that subscribe button hit the like button if you’ve enjoyed this video and please please please do leave your thoughts in the comments section below because I’ll have

To read them I’ll see you for the next one

Why aren’t people speaking about this?

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