Electric Motorcycles

How To Bleed E-bike Brakes

How To Bleed E-bike Brakes

We’re going to go through the process of bleeding the front and rear brakes you’re going to need brake oil a syringe a reservoir cup and a plug a star screwdriver paper towels and gloves are recommended you’re going to wrap the area around the rotor and the rear brake with a paper

Towel while using the star screwdriver you’re going to unplug the brake by unscrewing the plug Then once that’s out you’re going to move up to the handlebars wrap the area around the Lever and then after that’s wrapped you’re going to unscrew the plug on the handlebar Lever once that’s removed you’re going to screw in the reservoir cup that will eventually hold the brake oil then you’re going to attach the syringe to the rear brake by screwing it On the same area where you remove the Plug I just tucked the syringe in the spoke just to keep it upright removing the plug from the reservoir you’re going to then fill the cup with the brake oil which is basically mineral oil and just be careful because it’s hard to get that oil out of different

Places once The Rook cup is filled you’re going to push and pull the syringe and at first you’re going to see a lot of air Bubbles after about a minute or so of pushing in pulling you’ll begin to not see air bubbles and that’s your goal that you want to have no bubbles and that’s going to make your brakes smooth when you squeeze the lever I’m just tapping the line tapping some bubbles out right

There then you’re going to plug the reservoir and unscrew it from the brake Lever then once that’s off you’re going to reattach the plug back into the handlebar Lever then you’re going to unscrew the Syringe and then screw in the plug on The Brak And then just to reiterate we’re going to go ahead and go through the front brake as well basically the same Process we’re going to unscrew the plug on the front brake and quick quickly attach the syringe in this case we filled the syringe and not the reservoir you can do it either way just as long as the oil gets through the brake line and then once that’s attached we’re

Going to go up to the other lever that operates the front brake unscrew the plug And again once that’s unscrewed you’re going to attach the reservoir cup just like we did on the other Break and once that’s attached we’re going to go down to the syringe and push and pull until we begin to see no more air Bubbles again this fills the line with the mineral oil and flushes any air pockets out of It and again once that’s done using the plug you’re going to plug the reservoir cup and unscrew it from the brake Lever always good to have a place where you know you’re going to put the cup so it doesn’t spill and of course once that’s done you’re going to reattach the plug screw that back in you don’t have to go super Tight and then once that’s done you’re going to unscrew the syringe having your plug ready to replace as soon as you get the syringe off of there and that’s it

A quick, easy to follow, video of how to bleed ebike brakes or any type of hydraulic disc brakes. In this case the brakes that this video is based on is the Tektro Racing Products brand of brakes. We switched to this manufacturer of brakes a few years ago from the Magura brand brakes because they clearly showed a vast superiority over the Magura brakes when it comes to overall braking force, flexibility in misalignment, and easy of bleeding.

The torx screwdriver is a T25
Here is a link to the Tektro Bleed Kit, comes with the fluid and everything needed:

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