Electric Motorcycles

Onyx Motorbikes Is Out of Business! No More Ebikes

Onyx Motorbikes Is Out of Business! No More Ebikes

Well guys as you can tell by the title of this video James from Onyx uh it’s kind of no surprise unless you didn’t know and don’t follow Onyx motorbikes at all um he passed away back in December and I guess as I’m making this video now Onyx motorbikes is no longer

So if you guys have any orders with Onyx waiting for your bike waiting for parts anything like that definitely try to get them cancelled um I wasn’t a huge Onyx person U me and Onyx actually never got along Onyx uh motorbikes is actually the first ebike I ever ordered from my

YouTube channel if you guys did not know that and right when it was coming they went out of business and I wasn’t there to accept the delivery of my Onyx motorbike and I it had a bit frame it looked like in the back so I wanted to

Return it and I couldn’t get a hold of anybody for a few weeks I contacted my bank to do a charge back and the bank was going to just take the bike and the bank gave me a charge back and said hey just keep the bike and then Onyx

Motorbikes I want to say a month later came back into business and I was like okay cool like can we work on something you know like I’ll give you guys this bike back and I’ll pay for a new one that doesn’t look like this because the

Wheel in the back didn’t even line up with the fender or nothing everything was like all messed up and they said no we don’t want to have anything to deal with you like you did a charge back to our company and said look I’m trying to

Make it right I wasn’t trying to get an onyx bike for free so long story short that’s how I started my YouTube uh career I only had like 500 or 1,000 Subs at that point and Onyx didn’t like me after that I uh went to buy a cty 2 and

They canceled my order I also went to buy some parts because I had got a used Onyx for $1,000 and the battery was bad and it needed some brake levers and some other stuff and they canceled my order and I said why’ you guys cancel my order and they

Still charge me shipping I had to go through this big old thing I talked to John angel on the phone he’s like that’s not right you know blah blah anyways me and me and James and Onyx we never got along but I never wish death on people

Unfortunately so uh are you going to go UPS go ahead so it really sucks to hear that that happened I don’t follow Onyx like that so I actually didn’t even know I did see a video that said memorial ride and it’s an awesome video that a YouTuber put together I’ll try to put

Links down the description you can check it out but I didn’t know who they were actually talking about because I only knew the first guy’s name I didn’t know his whole name I didn’t know that’s who they were talking about but it kind of makes sense because I didn’t see him

Posting any Instagram reals or anything that’s kind of what James would do and uh it just sucks you know like you never want to see anyone get hurt even if you don’t get along with someone I I don’t wish that upon anybody buddy so really sad news especially for Onyx not being

Around everyone loves the Onyx bikes dang that guy doing a burnout all right interesting just having some fun I guess and I’ll put some of the screenshots and pictures that I saved that I found on the group Pages just in case you guys aren’t on those group

Pages if you don’t have an onyx RCR I get it I only really go on to the group pages on Facebook that I actually uh have products for I don’t just add myself to any of these group Pages because I I’ll get notifications over and over and over so you guys can check

That out of everything and read it pause it and see what’s going on with that and I was going to ride the Onyx for this video just cuz it seemed right but I had recently got rid of my Onyx back in uh 2023 and it had nothing to do with the

Company it had nothing to do with nothing I actually had a 55 amp hour chai battery on that and it was my most range ebike ever I just didn’t really need it at the end of the day it wasn’t something I like to ride the only time

I’d ride it is for a really good range I really wasn’t the biggest fan of the Onyx bikes I liked them but I didn’t love them I like the taras and the sirons and I just like the power of it really but it just wasn’t something for

Me it was very heavy it didn’t turn very well but there’s a huge Community around Onyx motorbikes just like super 73 so I can understand people you know following them and buying the bikes they’re really huge in New York John Angel is a big person out there that’s really helping

The company and are they all going to go through it damn why are so many people running red lights in my video that’s wild every single time I go out for a ride and what’s going to screw this up is uh I don’t think this light’s going to pick

Me up but we’ll see back to what I was saying John angel is pretty much an angel I would say he is a huge person in the Onyx community and I learned so much from him by making phone calls and all that stuff so we can’t lose him we

Definitely can’t lose that person because I actually I love that guy I haven’t talked to him in a while I think I maybe talked to him like a month ago but we would call almost every single like week and then I just got so crazy

Busy on YouTube I think this is after I passed maybe 30,000 subscribers and that that that is coming in hot but he willing it though he willing it and I just got caught up with a bunch of stuff I used to call powerful lithium and we

Used to talk when I did the Rev one bike and I just legit became so busy I’m still a little disappointed that I was unable to review the CT Y2 I feel like that would have been a perfect thing to review and maybe if someone has one locally I can uh try it

Out and see don’t go truck everyone’s turning out in front of me I’m getting tired of it don’t do it dang what did someone run over did you guys hear that sound like a piece of metal or a hub cap or something I can’t see anything on the road though but dang

Come on Camry let’s go I got my little horn oh is it working oh it does work I was like where is it but I forgot ever since I got the Taria XXX I have still not changed my horn button it’s it’s too uh low I need to adjust it and

Buy a Yus I’m passing you we out of Here yeah I love this thing now the Onyx would have been a lot faster to get around but I didn’t like the fact that they always label the Onyx as 60 mph and it never was that was a huge thing with all of my videos is trying to point out

That they never did 60 mil hour the very first generation ones the ones that I didn’t have I think those were closer to 60 I think they were like 58 or so but the ones that I had the 1.5 and I think they had a version two I’m not exactly

Sure um like I said I kind of stopped following Onyx but they all went like 54 M an hour and if you did get an extra battery like a bigger battery that had less voltage sag you would would get about 55 and that’s true GPS because you

Have to fix a speedometer because this speedometer even on here is off compared to if I put my phone up here so it’s just something that you got to think about and a lot of people just argued you down like no it says I’m hitting 5860 I’m like okay sure the only way

That was capable is if you change out the controller which that was one thing I liked about Onyx recently is that I believe they now have a plug andplay controller that allows you to use everything Factory and then you can just put more power into it oh you ain’t

Going to make the light buddy you ain’t going to make the light I’m going to stay in the bike lane we’ll get there faster and the one biggest complaint I guess I had about the Onyx was the side panels they made so much noise while riding around and

What the heck why is there so much trash there’s even stuff on top of the roof oh crap that’s a cop hold on we’re going to have to go a little slower hold on we’re going to have to uh okay is he going this way okay I was

About to say I was about to get in the bike L I wasn’t about to deal with that cuz these things are really getting confiscated the good thing about Onyx I guess you can say is they did have pedals on them and these ones do not I

Have not added my uh pedals onto this thing yet so once I do I think we’ll be okay but it’s still a risk that you got to take the Onyx surprisingly you can get away with that bike all day long because everything was kind of hidden

And it looked like a uh retro style don’t go it look like a retro style type of bike all right I’m going to visit someone really quick say what’s up to him and then we’re going to get back on the way 12 seconds later all right we’re out of

Here I just had to stop by and say what’s up real quick and I realized I went to the office last night and and uh I I charge the GoPro with the battery on it I normally take it off but that’s not good because I was at 80% and

I need battery life to get back home so we’re going to hurry up and rush to work right now I’m going to take this way the good thing is we’re making a little bit extra content you know going around not doing the same route that we always do

So hope you guys appreciate this see look check this out it says we’re doing 52 mph there’s no way in hell we’re doing 52 mph all that sucks got a big old di on the tailgate I’ve always been worried about that especially uh I put

This bike on my uh bike list and I’m like oh my God Is there a way to keep the Tesla truck closed so you don’t manually accidentally open it cuz you can you can open it from the app you can open it from uh I think like a computer

App you can do a bunch of stuff and I never wanted it to open and get all smashed up that would suck Ass No I did not I took money out of my 401k if I’m not mistaken yeah because it was Co time and I took that money out and I used it as saying oh I need to pay like expenses or whatever I used that money

To buy my Onyx RCR and since it was like 3 months and I still had never received it I ended up seeing the suron uh listed and it was going to ship out in a week and I don’t know how I got the money I think I sold some stuff I don’t even

Remember I think I sold my car by at that time and I use that money all right I’m going to go around and I bought the suron and the suron came before my Onyx RCR and then I just Rod that 24/7 that guy needs a bigger helmet to

Ride that thing especially with those things hanging on what the heck are those thing Lees so that’s kind of crazy to think I took a loan out to buy that Onyx RCR and you know you think that I would keep it but uh I still have my sonon

Which is the first bike I ever technically gotten in oh man homeless people are looking at my bike they going to rob me I just don’t have the original bike that I first purchased but that was Onyx was my second bike that came in and then I just started making reviews on those

Comparing them and everyone liked it because they were the two best fastest bikes you can get at the time and look where we’re at now we’re riding pretty much every single thing out there and it’s supposed to rain later tonight so I’m hoping I I miss it it says it’s

Going to rain at 1 p.m. and I’m getting off at 12: I’m sorry 1 in the morning and I’m getting off at uh 12: midnight so we’ll see how that goes I’m really hoping I don’t get stuck in the ring cuz that’s not going to be fun so I’ll see

You guys at night time smells like paint back here I think they painted I would say i’ stay but it’s raining motherfucker yeah all right I’ll see you see you see you in two weeks yeah yeah that’s right it’s gonna be a while all right man I’ll see you

Tomorrow yeah all right lat Man all right guys as you can tell it is raining I’m apologize in advance that my camera is going to be completely drenched I don’t have any type of towel to cover it so I’m apologizing right now just listen to the sound of my voice maybe that

Might be soothing for you I don’t know just close your eyes and just listen to the voices that I’m saying oh man I’m pretty sure it’s the total opposite but uh yeah I’m just going home right now obviously after talking in the first half of the video

About the Onyx RCR and you are about to run a red light what why does everyone run a red light I don’t get it it’s like the common thing around here and then I’m going to technically do it too because this isn’t going to go for me so

I got to go through the only thing I don’t like about going through red lights with this is uh this is not street legal there is no pedal so got to be really careful but oh my okay I’m going to have to kind of close my visor

But then I can’t really see oh this is oh this is bad okay no I’m going to have to raise my visor cuz then the air is all hitting my eyes drying out my contacts and making me blink a lot man I wish I had like some type of towel I can

Kind of wipe my GoPro off for you guys I can’t see shit I’m sure you guys can’t see anything either hold on hold on let me uh let me see where my headlights at okay that’s my highbeam I guess we’re just going to have to leave it on this

And I’m trying to see behind me right now all right we should be good green baby the one day I decided to wear my nice jacket man oh that sucks I looked at the time and I was like all right so it says that it is supposed to rain at 2:00 in

The morning and then it changed to 1:00 in the morning then it changed to 12: in the morning when I’m getting off work what the heck man that is all bad that’s just worst luck ever let me see if I can uh kind of clean the GoPro off a little bit with my

My glove I know it’s probably not doing much I don’t know I see it kind of coming off the front tire as well too I apologize guys I didn’t want to end the video just going to work when I said I was going to talk to you guys at night

Time but now I don’t even know what to say because I had kind of some stuff I want to say and I can’t remember now just because the rain oh I know something I wanted to say so going back to uh the Onyx was it’s kind of cool to

Know that now all the onyxes that are out there and there are a lot of onyxes don’t give wrong it’s not like there was a limited amount but they’re all going to be rare now there’s going to be a lot that break down a lot of them like are

Used and Abus and people like once the battery goes out or the motor goes out controller whatever they’re probably not going to fix it maybe they’ll give it to someone and turn into a project but the OG ones are kind of going to be cool so

I feel like if you have one it might just be worth like holding on to now it’s probably not going to increase in value because it’s not like a limited run like a one of a 100 but I think it just be kind of cool to own one now so

Maybe just for this video’s sake if someone locally to me it could be a stock one it has to be in good condition though I don’t want a raggedy one where the batter is like not working or nothing like that but if you guys have

One let me know I might be down to buy it off of you because I kind of just want to ride an onyx RCR for one last time all right I just wiped down my GoPro too so hopefully that helps a little tiny bit I hope it’s probably

Smeared all over the the place and if I would have worn my Beyond Riders jacket it has the cloth on it I would have been able to wipe my GoPro so unfortunate leather and glove leather gloves don’t do anything really I love your helmet hey thanks man

Said he love the helmet let’s get out of here I heard someone yelling at me but I thought maybe they knew me or something like that but he loved the helmet I got the RGB lights on here from light modes I love them some of the best helmet lights you can

Get but man really really pricey hey we beat all the traffic cool we bu ourselves baby that’s why you got to take off from lights that’s why I got pulled over the other day in my other cars because uh I was leaving lights but I wasn’t peeling

Out I wasn’t like revving it past like 3500 RPM but I got pulled over just because I was leaving lights faster than other cars but other cars were catching up to me and going faster because I stopped to do the speed limit and they were all going like 5 mes an hour over

Which is hella funny that a cop would say that you’re driving reckless just because you’re getting up the speed fast but you’re not breaking the law I don’t know what technical term they can say about that really dumb holy crap why can’t I see um my headlight is on right

Yeah it just seems like I really can’t see all right this car is really waiting for me and then they’re just going to go right now okay fine that’s fine you could have made it all long but you just wanted to take forever okay so which one okay this one does work better

One thing about the tari XXX is I cannot adjust the headlight I want it to go farther down I don’t like how it sits right now it’s kind of garbage but it is what it is I still like this bike and the reason why I kept it cuz you guys

Might be asking I don’t do much content on it I just been waiting for a 72 volt system to come out and all I’ve seen is uh batteries I think uh companies are making batteries for this thing now which is cool but there is no plug-and playay controller yet there are

Controllers that people use and wired up and everything like that but I’m looking for an all-in-one solution everything’s pluged and play I don’t want to deal with anything let’s see okay this looks better yeah so yeah I’m just waiting but it’s taking so long to the point where I

Might just have to get rid of this thing at the end of the day I don’t know I’ll have to figure it out but not exactly sure I really had big plans for this thing too I wanted to do like the RGB lights on it and everything like that

And I don’t know I just wanted to play around with it like I did my suron I felt like this would have been the perfect thing like my siron and I was thinking about getting rid of the siron to replace it with this because I feel

Like this is more Compact and this thing would fly down the road if you had a 72 volt same power as my siron but it just never happened so kind of sucks and sorry to leave that bad taste in your mouth as soon as I’m about to leave but

I really appreciate you guys watching the end of the video you guys are the true MVPs again thank you for the members that joined it really helps it’s $299 a month videos like this and other videos I post up early access for memb to a c and you can also comment earlier

Than anybody else and your comment will be like the first thing there before anyone else’s comment now I think down the road maybe like a year from now I might change it and do something different but for now I kind of like that style but I will start doing some

Videos where I say hey first comment or first comment that says this in the video like I’ll start doing giveaways again of like 20 50 100 bucks or something cuz I really missed doing that but anyways again thanks for watching and appreciate it I’m going to go to the

Office and edit this video right now for you guys so and again if you guys couldn’t see anything oh I forgot I had this aftermarket light why didn’t I use that okay well anyway back to what I was saying I was going to say if you guys

Can’t see most of this footage really apologize did not expect it to rain today it’s crazy I made it I made it made it

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