Electric Cars

What is my favourite summertime electric vehicle?

What is my favourite summertime electric vehicle?

Hi I’m Richard from Electric classic cars and it’s fair to say I’ve got a few electric vehicles uh my wife’s got a Tesla Model 3 my son’s got a Rena Zoey and I’ve got a couple of electric Classics Land Rover Beetle and a bus but there’s one electric vehicle that you

Guys out there have not seen and that’s my favorite electric vehicle to bring out around about this time of year spring wind in your hair you know no noise lots of power but which electric vehicle is it I hear you ask well it’s time to reveal what my favorite summertime electric vehicle is

Let’s get into [Applause] it it’s my electric lawn tractor now we’ve been at this house for around about 20 years and we’ve always had a sit on lawn mower cuz it’s a fairly big bit of grass we’ve got to maintain and mow but they’ve always been

Petrol obviously I want to tell you a little bit of a story as to how we ended up with this cuz every year around about this time I used to have to go out into the garage and try to start the petrol lawnmower and this particular year was a

Nightmare because I went off as I do every March April time first time to start the thing up went out got some fuel Jerry cans and by the way this was the only petrol thing I owned at this point so that was already a little bit annoying filled it up with petrol that

Was a hassle cu the nearest petrol station is 7 miles away obviously you can’t charge up a petrol lawnmower at home nightmare um so I filled it up with fuel went to start it wouldn’t start solonite had gone on the starter so then I had to go and order a solenoid bear in

Mind there’s not that many dry sunny days in Wales to mow your lawn so that’s quite annoying when you can’t do it so two weeks later dry day again solenoid fixed lawn got a little bit longer 2 minutes into cutting the grass the belt went you know this is the belt that

Drives the cutting blades underneath so again I like a nightmare and that is a pain in your butt to fit as well so again offer went to the same place explained the situation how annoying this was get lawn was getting even longer ordered the uh belt and as I was

Walking around I had a chat to somebody I knew there and he said ah you’re the electric car guy look what we’ve just had in and it was this literally still sitting in the crate and the box that it came in CU they knew nothing about it so

They wanted me to tell them about this thing and I didn’t know anything about it I asked them what size is the battery what’s this kilowatt of the motor not a clue so together we looked over the specs of this thing and as I was doing

It I realized I want that I don’t want that petrol wood at home anymore I want this because I know how the benefits are of owning an electric vehicle over a petrol one so in short I went to the Garden Center to order a belt and I came back with

This so what is it that I brought home well it’s a steager Eide C300 and you know as far as the specifications are concerned I know you guys are going to be asking what’s the size of the battery what’s the size of the motor etc etc well I can tell you

Now this is exactly like a Tesla Model S plaid because it’s got three motors it’s got one motor at the back driving the wheels 1.2 Kow lots of power and it’s got two Motors driving the um blade deck because obviously there’s there’s two blades there’s one there and there’s one

There and there’s a motor directly driving each one of those which means no belts no Drive belts no blade belts yes battery pack wise it’s got a 1.5 kwh battery pack inside here which doesn’t sound like much but it’s easily enough to do the whole of my lawn and then some

So there’s plenty of battery back even though it’s tiny and it’s all built onto the original chassis that they use for the petrol version as well so those are the specs but what are the benefits so there’s the first benefit it’s quiet no more noisy engines when

You’re trying to have a lie in or if you’ve got a hangover after a hard night second benefit I don’t have to go miles to fill up one of these anymore so how do you charge it up well underneath here there’s a little bit of a flap and

With a charge cable three pin plug and that in it goes job done how easy is that and because it’s running on electricity it’s cheaper to run too and no fumes now next benefit and I’ve already kind of pointed out previously is reliability that’s now started so so I can now drive It now after the many years I’ve already had this thing it’s never let me down not once even when you leave it alone for 4 months in the garage to its own devices come to it in March turn the key and it just starts it’s been faultless

So reliability far far much better than petrol but that’s no surprise to everybody out there is it now maintenance side of things I mean it’s a battery there’s not going to be any maintenance there is there there’s no filters to change there’s no spark plugs to look after there’s no oil

To change there’s no belts to maintain or change bear in mind my own petrol one had a belt driving the rear axle it had a belt driving the blade deck I mean there is literally no maintenance to do on this as far as the EV drivve Trin is

Concerned the only thing you’ve got to do just like any lawn tractor is just clean out that blade deck at the bottom every so often but that’s it it’s just so much easier to own one of these things so there we go this is my favorite electric vehicle in the

Summertime that wind in your hair feeling sun when it’s out um but you can get these in all sorts of sizes from big massive ones for Estates to ones like this and I think there’s a bigger version of this as well for uh it’s got a bigger battery in right the way down

To just normal size lawn m in fact you didn’t you just say your mom’s just got one yeah I bought one for my mom she’s sort of nearly 80 and I bought her a little push along one so you know she doesn’t have to worry with like a plugin

Electric one with all the cables or pulling the you start never a to do all the benefits you can get from electric lawn mowers from massive ones down to normal size ones and if you really Posh you can even get those you know robotic ones that just

It’s time to reveal the electric vehicle I look forward to most of all when the Winter finally gives way to warmer weather in Spring.

It’s a convertible, has 3 motors and mainly gets driven off road.

It’s my Stiga eRide c300 lawn mower, or as it’s sometimes called, a lawn tractor. Electric lawnmowers have so many advantages over petrol ones and in this episode I talk about the reasons why I bought one and what the many benefits are of an electric lawnmower over a petrol one.

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