Electric Cars

900hp Lotus Eletre R v Lambo Urus: DRAG RACE

900hp Lotus Eletre R v Lambo Urus: DRAG RACE

What we’ll win in a drag race between the new Lotus Electra R and a Lamborghini Urus performante well we’re going to find out by racing them over the standing quarter mile I’m at Watson you’re watching car now let me tell you about this Lotus Electra so we’ve got two electric motors

One on each axle the the one on the rear axle has a two- stage gearbox oo anyway combined you’ve got 995 horsepower and 985 Newton M of torque now that’s quite a lot but this car also weighs quite a lot tips of scales at 2.6 tons it’s

Quite expensive as well though I do like these seat belts look at the Lotus colors very nice got a showy looking car not quite as showy as that thing over there the Urus so let’s find out about it from its driver Mark Maan hey Mark Manan how you doing I like your

Us I’m back baby hi Matt how are we I’m back we’ve sorted out our differences so um he’s allowed me back on the channel no we haven’t you’re still banned for people that sent lovely messages thank you I appreciate you guys me and Matt didn’t fall out had a back

Operation but I’m back and I feel I feel nice I’ve missed it I missed you guys man lovely seeing you Matt D I’m not messing around you’re banned why are you back everything is not okay Matt you could never ban me you love me so much

And so did the team and I’m always so nice to everyone and we have a great relationship and I know you’ve missed me so I lent Yanni some money right wasn’t that much but he basically took the piss and said that he wasn’t going to give it

Back I’ll see if he’ll give it back now but honestly it’s completely out of order and he’s just trying to like ignore that ever happened Danny listen I’ve told you and until you give me that 10 quid back you still owe me 10 quid he

Can run this as much as he wants I owe him no money and I’m sticking to my story we never fell out we never fell out no so seriously I was bit worried about his back cuz he put his back out and I was like we keep him away from the

Drag racing just in case something happens cuz he’d have been out drag racing the very next day after his operation if he’d have had his way but there we go just being sensible and looking after him anyway tell me about your car so he’s actually my car it’s my

Lamborghini Urus bante with the full Urban body kit 666 horsepower like the devil 4 L twin turbo 850 new M I don’t know what it weighs two something we’ll show on the screen right now and how much was it what the entry level price before you like started fitting options

To it I think the fact that it’s a perf I think they start around 250 260 but mine with everything on it with all the extras and the fact it’s got the kit and the wheels and everything else around 330 quite a lot of money a lot more than

This Lotus now normally in a drag race between a Lotus and a Lamborghini You’ be backing the Lamborghini but things could be different today because this is electric and we know what electric cars do when it comes to launching don’t we we know what they do when it comes to

Launching I know that’s got 900 horsepower but the fact that it’s wet I’m hoping that could work in my favor Plus I’m probably a bit Rusty from launching so I don’t even know how good my reaction time is going to be so I’m a bit nervous well we shall see however

Electric cars are good at launching but this one is also good at doing something else what you going to tell me I’m going to try and show you let me see if I can show you right let’s go again okay that wasn’t very impressive it looks like you’ve been out from drag

Racing doing it for a while not me yeah I can’t do it give it up just just come back it not really good at [Applause] this okay that’s better you’re doing your very best doing my very best Al I know what you’re doing M you’re warming

Up your tires you think I’m stupid I’m not stupid Matthew do you know the car got very cross when me doing that and it’s just said no you can’t have any more power so I’m going to turn it off and on again if you can’t race I Win did you break it Matt I think I made it cross well being crap at that earlier it was doing a good job driving error let’s give it a moment it’ll be fine right Y how you doing over there I’m really good while we’re waiting for

Your car to to recharge and do its thing we could probably do the obligatory sound check obviously and obviously CU your car doesn’t make any noise you need to make your own noise my own noise is oh no why did I go and do that oh oh

Oh there he goes back to the car walking with some purpose in that stride come on right some really bad drifting on my part well it wasn’t even a drift was it it was crap car didn’t like it let’s see if it’s got performance

Back oh yeah we’re on I feel a bit sick though doing that kind of spinning around actually felt really sick okay okay now to go to launch mode I’ll pull this go to sports mode Drive have you fixed it get off that screen there we go

Yep are we doing the sound check though cuz we haven’t done that okay here’s the sound check re your Engine a crap a baby okay here’s mine sh my ERS I’m a pirate don’t know what that was all about anyway can’t launch there we go 3 2 1 launch failed who come [Applause] on went so sideways W it’s all over the wa it’s cuz he got the stability off oh

Wow look at That oh initially I thought I had [Applause] it this is so [Applause] sideways love is still quick a launch failed don’t know what’s happening tell me about your launch first YY I was actually really pleased with the launch and I thought wow okay this this is interesting and obviously the electric motors decided to come into play I know

It kind of was a bit unexpected the launch on this it didn’t launch it said it like launch had failed and then it just took off and then went sideways quite a bit and then came past you let me just have another go I’m just going

To test something okay I’m going to see if it’ll launch cuz it didn’t launch properly there let me just have a go too many launch activations can we get get someone from Lotus across because I don’t think it’s ever actually engaged launch control properly this is Max hello Max he he did

Three launches this morning so he’ll just talk you for it so max what’s happened is I got it to engage launch control once but I never actually launched it I backed out of it so I basically lifted off the throttle again ever since then it said too many launch

Activations have we turned the car off since yeah I’ve turned it off and turned it back on again does it still say that now yep have we been doing lots of driving in it I’ve just get in I did I did try to do some drifting in it very

Badly and then it kind of got cross at me and cut the power so I got out the car turn it off and on again and it’s fine for power I me it’s quick it’s put in a good time but I know it’s going to put in a quicker time because basically

I yeah cuz it had no traction so it went sideways off the line normally it shuts off when the just the rear clutch temperatures got high okay the batter’s good for 10 20 launches so I’ve not I’ve not done one single launch at all myself

I can drive up and down here and see if it’ll cool down but when you engage launch does it say on the screen yeah it’ll say uh it’ll say it’s active on the ribbon in front of you yeah on the on the thing right in front of me yeah

Never it’s never said that once actually so I don’t have to look at the main screen I can look at the little screen in front of the driver yeah you’ll know that’ll tell you when that’s active then yeah okay now for example if you’re I’ll tell

You you’re in the car you’ll got your seat Bel on yeah and then it’s in track mode yeah it says track traction is off so the tot to the right hand side yep and then if you hold your foot on the brake and then firmly and then uh press

It accelerator yeah does that then give you that warning on the left yeah yeah so I don’t get launch control coming up yeah just said it now uh yeah said it’s we’re on now but I’m concerned this is what happened last time it then go next

Time I tried to do it it said it was off let’s give it a go when I was on the launch of the car it let me do it several times I didn’t even care right let’s hope it’s going to do this time and just a quick question actually sorry

I was doing some I tried to like slide it and I wasn’t very good I just spun it I did that a few times and the car just kind of went into sort of limp mode what would that have been about did you have the traction on or was that all off it

It was off it’s probably come back on and then says can you stop driving like okay so if you switch it all off again you should yeah it was all fine so basically it was like who’s this and then it was like taking control of the situation until like some one

Turn the car off and on again un like a grown it was driving again got you okay so it’s a safety thing you built in cool all right thank you the dramas of it all right right right come on then Yan let’s do it it’s going to be midnight by the time

You’re ready can we have someone to start the race please he totally forgot he had to start the race there he is three okay so it’s telling me too many launch activations oh so even when you engage the launch control and you don’t actually launch it counts it as a launch

And then it gets crossed so this is quite tricky because you don’t know you got a launch until you practice that the launch is working then if it says it’s engaged and you’re good to go then you’ve had to go the next time when you

Try to do it for real it won’t let you so I think I got to drive about for a bit you sure that’s not a BMW in Disguise yeah this is like a BMW thing they I think they must have got BMW to do their kind of launch control where it’s very

Very cautious one eternity later hopefully it’s going to work come on left on the brake everything’s ready come on go go 3 2 1 that’s it whoa whoa now Oh wow he come over towards me that was going over there if I didn’t back [Applause] off Jesus [Applause] Christ how was that for you Yanni did you see me coming towards you are you okay there mate like we trying to sideswipe me and then just go on the grass what the hell are you doing because it has the traction off it just goes mad sideways it’s on pelli cors of

Tires which are kind of like racing tires that need to be heated up it’s wet just honestly I thought it would manage the traction but it hasn’t done I’m not sure I want to do another one I thought you going to Sid swap me honestly I know

You got insurance and stuff but yeah that would have hurt if you Sid swwa my car pal yeah I thought I kept in it and I just thought it’ll pull itself straight but it was coming around so backed off and it went straight I’ve got

An idea one more time I’m not going to do launch control and I’m going to have the stability control on and I’m just going to mash a throttle and I bet it goes quicker I’ve got a question for the Lotus people so got launch control but

It went mad sideways if I go in track mode you have slightly tapered back stability control if I were to go into sport mode will I have full stability control but still full power I mean it it’ll be better but you won’t get the power that You’ got in track well no so

If I go in track but with the stability on and just mash the throttle it’s less like to go sideways it still will but probably not as bad okay it’ll be more controllable so that’s probably I might get a better time if I do it that way

Yeah good to go it’s not going to help that it’s wet as well it doesn’t help that it’s s so now I’m going to mash the throttle with stability on yes Yanni can you do me a favor mate can you move one block over just to be sure to be sure to

Be sure essentially what I was expecting is that when it initiates launch control CU in some other systems that I’ve driven when you have stability off but you initiate launch control it knows it’s in launch control so it still manages the traction and it didn’t seem to it seemed to just

Go have hit all have all the power yeah once the launch control um stability has gone gone then you’ve got no stability right so okay why don’t they program it so that you always have stability when you initiate launch control mode I don’t don’t know the actual answer but I would

Imagine it’s because for us off is off okay it’s like a Lotus mentality yeah okay it’s Lotus off Lotus off was very scary for me let’s go with lotus on 3 2 1 oh here we go B down I mean it’s absolute w [Applause] frecking was fighting fighting all over the [Applause] place this thing’s an absolute monster what your face I mean it’s like all over the place sorry sorry sorry do that Again right I’m going to do one more time mate off off well if you don’t want I’m just going to do it myself why you how many more times you want to do it that’s fine we can leave it there I’m going to do one more time myself on my

Own if you don’t want to do it you do on your own mate like you used to doing it okay I’m going to do it here I am going to do it in just sport mode so more traction let’s see what happens now see if this is the quickest time now

That is so much more stable but slower so then what exactly happened well the Lotus won it completed the standing quarter mile in 11.3 seconds the Lamborghini took 12 seconds with a ability control off the Lotus actually took 11.6 seconds to do the standing quarter mile want to

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You sell your car quickly easily and for a fair price on with the video okay let’s go do a rolling race I assume sport your settings usual I reckon you can just choose we’ll start with one thing you choose the speed and you choose the gear you tell me you can

Decide right do you think you’re going to run quicker in second gear from what speed do you want to do second gear from what 30 mph mate you’re electric and you’re instant so whe I go second third or first this let’s be honest we know what’s going to happen here no there’s

No point you just pick the speed that’s good for you when you think you’re in your power band everything’s great and you call it in okay so you just stay with me then and then when I say 3 2 1 go exactly this okay now stay with me m

You um oh get next to me get next to me I’ve gone in Reverse come yet you had one job Matt one job I’m not used to in it this way around yeah I’m going the other way towards the hay bals right let’s go Matt come with me next to

Me next to me let’s go stay next to me and see what gear I’m in stay with me stay with me well that’s quite a good bar actually yes we’re at 40 mph all right you ready 3 2 1 go I mean look at that that is just

Bonkers this car on these tires on this surface in these conditions is a wild ride even then it’s like hello Matthew it’s never going to be any better than that for you is it no and I was quite pleased with that that wasn’t bad to be fair all it’s way ahead

There is a chance that you’ll win in the next challenge then no I will win the next challenge 100% And obviously the break test is what counts so yeah I mean you you’ve got carbon Ceramics you’ve got tires that are better in the wet than these but we’re

Just going to go do do it because you got to run same rules as every other drag race and you got to run with whatever car you’ve got I think I might put the stability all the way on how do I do it do it quickly Watson do it

Quickly where is it where are you where are you where are you bugger there it is vehicle it is on let’s go into not track mode Let’s go into just normal sport yeah that’s good let’s go on sport mode here we go let’s slow it down okay I’m

Going to venture over here there we go ready 3 2 1 I don’t think I hit that hard I reckon I could hit that harder cuz it’s got really sporty that’s light work mate that’s light work okay so I forgot that I’m in a Lotus so it’s got a

Slightly more sporty pedal and I didn’t hit it hard enough I bet I can do better can I have one more go my car is burning like anything makes so no it’s stinking in here you stay there we break at the same point do 100 miles hour all right

Now don’t crash into the back of me for sake I don’t want to think I’m on the motorway let’s move closer to get some more braking power in there cruising 100 here comes the line exactly like last time exactly to the point mate nice try though it is

Exactly the same place I push this pedal as hard as I could yeah you defo won that thank you I won one that’s not bad you won one I am just going to test one thing I’m going to do a launch and I’m going to have the ESC off I’m going to

Go into track mode I’m going to launch it and going try and put in a time right I’ve got the lane keeping off here we go launch activated who mental it’s so wild it wasn’t that it’s just got all the power and like they say

Lotus off is off it’s just off wow that was better though this surface isn’t quite so slippy or it’s like dried up a bit well there’s more heat in the tires as well from all that braking and it just launched better wasn’t any quicker though the quickest time was when I had

The stability control on that just did an 11.6 the stab Leon did 11.3 and I reckon in the drive when you’re launch controlling and it’s not going sideways you’re a sub 11 hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like watch some other videos by clicking here and

On that box there to go a car W to compare this cars quart more times to everything else with ever drag raced thanks for watching

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It’s time for an almighty petrol vs electric drag race!

We’ve finally got our hands on the all-new, all-electric Lotus Eletre R, and it’s about to face off against Yianni’s Lamborghini Urus Performante!

So let’s check out the stats. Starting with the Lotus, two electric motors power it, and these combine to produce an incredible 905hp and 985Nm of torque! Power is sent to all four wheels, and this almighty EV tips the scales at 2,640kg! It’s pretty pricey though, rolling up with a starting price of £120,000.

But that starting price is nothing compared to the Lambo, which rolls up with a starting price of £209,000! Under the bonnet, you’ll find a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 which can put down 666hp. It’s a fair bit lighter than the Lotus, weighing in at 2,150kg.

So the Lotus is well up on power, but it’s also well up on weight! Will the half-tonne weight difference prove decisive? There’s only one way to find out for sure… LET’S RACE!

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