Electric Cars

Tesla Competitor? Xiaomi’s Game-Changing Electric Vehicle

Tesla Competitor? Xiaomi’s Game-Changing Electric Vehicle

Chinese smartphone maker sheli is set to release their new electric car in China it’s going to be pretty huge we’re going to get a good look at it uh but who are they can they actually make a car can they actually afford to make a car can they make something cheaper and better

Than a Tesla and still survive let’s find out about that I’m Brian welcome to futur Roza before we get started a big thanks to uh Joshua who used my referral link uh to buy his new model y down there in Vegas very exciting stuff and uh yeah it’s great when you do that I get some points that I can use for uh

Supercharger miles or uh FSD Beta Trial things like that I appreciate uh using them and if you want to support me on patreon as a patron X as a subscriber or uh YouTube as a channel member the links are you know in the description and all over the place appreciate your support

So much so let’s talk about it xiaomi releases this electric car $4,000 cheaper than the model three as the price War heats up well have they released it no but it’s coming in like a week so it’s as good as out su7 will sell for about 30 Grand in the country a

Price he acknowledged would mean the company was selling each car at a loss is that sustainable can you do that well yes for a time up to a certain point you can the question is how big of a loss is it of course they’re expecting to ramp up production and get to higher

Numbers so that they can actually bring down their cost of goods sold make a profit that’s the goal but if you were to try and sell each new car at what it actually costs well you’d have a hard time it’s very common for manufacturers

To sell a car at a per unit loss in the early days looks pretty good in this picture there will be a video momentarily where you can get a better idea of what it really looks like and it looks I think pretty good it looks less

Like a Tesla knockoff and more like a Porsche tyan knockoff for Tesla pricing a little bit less so they said they’re going to sell this for far less than the model 3 um it’ll be a nice car uh it’ll be it’ll beat it on 90% of its specs

Except on two and it’ll take at least three to five years to catch up with Tesla on those the problem is Tesla is a moving Target it’s very hard to catch them you can get a car you can tear it down Benchmark it and do some great work

You can catch up to that hopefully recently Ford purchased a cyber Tru at auction for A4 million dollars and uh benchmarked it and took a good look at it and said here’s what we need to do here’s what we’re doing now and 1,500 people have been laid off from the Ford

Lightning division I’ve got that story over here going to cover that in another video and these are revenues on smartphones $47 billion market cap is quite good when you’re selling devices that cost a100 $500 and looking at their cash on hand they’re at 13.7 billion if they’ve

Already got the factory built the car is designed the tooling is in the factory is there they’re rolling off the line presumably already stockpiling them for the delivery event coming up in like a week or two and they’ve still got 13.7 billion in the bank that’s a good sign that’s promising

They can lose 10 20 40,000 on each of their new cars while they’re ramping up while they’re improving costs while they’re getting their name out there their reputation cemented as someone who’s making a serious car now this is unfortunate because Apple just announced that they have cancelled their car but

Their car wasn’t really going to be a car they were trying to go straight to Robo taxi and it’s apparent that there are somewhere between one and zero companies capable of doing that in the next year or two and apple had already put in $1 billion

To lose to bleed out on so that’s not great and if you look at their cash on hand historically they’ve done well 2021 again a great year uh but I assume a lot of this draw down was to design and develop the car and the smartphone sales

Can carry them just like how Ford and others have the ability to lose money on a per unit basis because they’ve got something profitable over here it’s just like how Tesla is losing money on the bot project because they’re not selling any Bots but they are building them it’s

Like how Tesla probably lost money on their very first large mega pack installation in South Australia they sold it for $100 million with A9 day guarantee we’ll have it in and running in 90 days or it’s free there were a lot of expedite costs that surely came into

Play but they got it done on day I want to say 87 88 it worked so the question is and I will ask you what do you think of this car how’s it look by the way if you haven’t already smacked a like smack a

Like not on his video on mine or his that’s fine that’s a good-look car if you could get that with specs that beat Tesla Model 3 on 90% of the specs and it’s $4,000 cheaper would you buy it now a first generation car probably not but if they can actually

Make it at this price that’s pretty compelling that’s that’s a stylish interior that’s a stylish exterior it’s got It’s got the display in the place people keep complaining that it should be now I don’t need my display in that place but I get it I get it lot of bells

And whistles the Chinese manufacturers love their bells and whistles it’s got phone integration oh that’s nice an advantage to having a phone company make it is that presumably the infotainment and the integration is going to work having entertainment on the the head rests is better than putting it in the

Middle I don’t know why manufacturers would want to put it on the center console instead of where humans watch but then again I don’t know how much use a rear seat screen actually gets make it an option maybe make it an option decent leg room it looks like

Full glass great they’ve got all the right pieces but is it going to work I guess that would be my question for you guys um yeah and it’s quick and it’s pretty I assume we’ll have some early problems with build quality like you would expect with any manufacturer even

The big guys have problems with their new vehicles especially their new EVS since it’s a whole new drivetrain but they can figure it out and let the early adopters do their thing early adopt let the rest of us get it in a few years when it actually works cars like this

Are not likely to come to North America they would have to build a whole new Factory here they could build it in Mexico and import it as a domestic product uh under the USM CA trade agreement but it’s unclear that they would they certainly haven’t announced

Plans to and with a stockpile of only 13 plus billion dollars which will be likely drawn down a bit it’s very likely that they would not have immediate plans to move into the Northwest it’s likely they would not have plans to move into the North American Market quite so

Quickly but when they do even if that’s in five years or 10 years they could move quick quickly they could move aggressively they could get a whole lot done again this is the newest company xiaomi is the newest company in the Fortune 500 meaning they’re moving quick they’re doing they’re doing good work

That looks a bit like a Nissan Ultima in the back but you know 370 mil of EPA rated range 310 miles for the base model that’s pretty good for 42,000 but again that’s the inchina price meaning this is a premium vehicle so there’s some flexibility there in

Terms of by the time you export it this in Europe would be 55 to 60,000 at least throw the vat on there gets a little gets a little trickier so what do you think of it do you like the look not sold on that little bump on the forehead I’m not sure what

That’s how that will be received but once I’m in the car it doesn’t matter and it is a goodlook car they’ve got the styling figured out they’ve hired the right people to do that part of the job the red not for me but I assume that’s

Optional I don’t think they all come in Red so what did I miss what did I misunderstand leave it into them comments below you know what you got to do smack the thumb in either direction I appreciate it and uh for everybody else like subscribe and stay tuned stay juicy

And I cannot wait to hear from you CL robots from the passenger seat of your brand new Chinese car and look at that it’s got the anchors for the car seats for the child restraints just wonderful good stuff

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Citations from today’s show:
Xiaomi releases electric car $4K cheaper than Tesla’s Model 3 as price wars heat up

Who they are

How much revenue they have

They have over $13b cash on hand

Don’t Imitate Porsche, Just Be Yourself – Xiaomi SU7 Review


Edited by: Roshan Khatiwada

#Tesla #TSLA #EVs

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