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2024 Motorway Cars Group Test: Audi Q7, Citroen C5X and Volkswagen Arteon

2024 Motorway Cars Group Test: Audi Q7, Citroen C5X and Volkswagen Arteon

Motorways are the UK’s arteries connecting key locations with direct access which is sometimes quick and sometimes slow but if you are spending a long time on the motorway then you’re going to be finding that you want a car with some very key considerations and that’s what we’re going to be checking

Out today compared with the c5x and the rton shooting brake the Q7 brings that kind of traditional SUV stance that we’ve all become accustomed to nowadays it must be said that these seats are very comfortable Citron has put a big amount of effort into making its cars really comfortable and that comes

Through with these well supportive seats the Aron would provide something of a middle ground in this grouping I’d say it carries on a long tradition of shooting brakes which are designed to offer practicality spaciousness and comfort in one package that can devour long distance Journey

If you spend a lot of time on the motorway, whether you’re commuting, visiting family or heading out on road trips, you need the right car for the job! No doubt your checklist will have comfort right at the top, and will include important aspects such as modern tech and driver aids to make the drive less tiring, and plenty of space for taking passengers along too. We’ve picked three of our favourite motorway-mile-munchers and tested them, to help give you a steer on what kind of thing you should be looking for if you’re racking up the miles. So, sit back, relax and watch our Motorway Cars Group Test featuring the Audi Q7, Citroen C5X and the Volkswagen Arteon. We know MOTORS.

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