Electric Motorcycles

ISCOOTER U2 Ebike Review Unboxing & test ride. Affordable step through electric bike

ISCOOTER U2 Ebike Review Unboxing & test ride. Affordable step through electric bike

All right everybody look I got a another box right okay then what is inside this box well it’s another ebike now this has come from a company called I scooter so I’ll put it by there and uh a very short name on this bike is called You2 it’s

From so it’s from I School and the bike’s called U2 so what I’ll do I’ll get the bike out put it together and we’ll have a look together and see what is all about right okay then use the bike it has got one sticker there

Saying you too um they did say that it’s a new brand of bike out to them so but it has got a sticker they saying you to uh it’s got sort of I don’t know what to describe them handlebars quite unique they are they do come towards you I’ve

Sat on the seat and then they do feel quite comfortable battery slots in there it’s got one of them tilt uh turn the key battery comes in and out so it’s one of them types there now I don’t know if you can see there that is the seat clamp

And if if you do have the seat clamp that facing that way it does block the battery so I’m going to have to turn around and face it the other way uh because well I don’t know if it could I could put it change it around to go on

This side I’m not quite sure but that does block the battery at the moment there so I have to move that um you can see a little power it’s got a little button there to show the power let’s lock that back into place it’s got a

Bracket on the back there look rear tail light brake light it’s got a front light integrated it’s got disc brakes on the front disc brakes brakes on the back sspeed Shimano now it does come with a throttle um but the throttle is in a box um and it’s not connected so it’s

Entirely up to you if you want to put the throttle on or not but when the bike comes they leave a little Gap there to put this little throttle on it’s just a little press one like that uh that isn’t on the bike so it’s entirely up to you

It’s optional okay but without the throttle this is a legal 250 W ebike in the UK so this bike is perfectly legal and that doesn’t come connected it’s entirely up to you if you want to put it on or not um now that throttle did come

In a box so I’ll show you what was in the little box within that box right okay inside the big box is this box and inside this box is more boxes so we’ll take this box out here and I think this is the it says 42 volts uh two amps

There so I’m assuming that is the charger we’ll have a look at that in a minute uh I think I can see there we go that’s your front axle so that that is your front axle I’ll pull that on in a minute you got instructions and some

Tools and bits and bobs what else is in here we got we got a side stand there to go on the bike we’ve got the front stem for the handlebars inside this box the pedals and there’s something else there’s something more in the box there more let get din there and there’s

Something there what is this um I don’t know what that is looks like some sort of I don’t know I’ll have to have a look what that is I’ll look what that is in the instruction anything else there and it’s empty there then I’ll just open this quickly here

Like this and you can see there we go and look what can you see oh it’s UK 3 pin plug and I can see the charger in there there we go nice compact charger lovely right okay comes with two keys the key goes in the battery on this side

Over here you can’t see it but I’ll put some overlay of a a video of me putting the keys in and you turn it on like that like so and then you just press all the M button on the screen there and the bike does come on and it has got an

Actual oh that’s quite loud that is quite loud so people will hear that it’s got electronic horn I think it might be incorporated into the headlight uh but it is quite loud I don’t I’ll point it towards that way there and it is quite loud trust me is loud um so you’ve got

Your display up here and we’ll have a look at that in a minute and also here is a headlight I don’t know if you can see the light shining there look there’s the headlight tail light if I pull that there the brake light is flashing on my

Hand it’s quite bright yes I don’t know if you can see that but it is flashing on my hand so you got brake lights headlight and a tail light right okay then here we are out on the old open road on the ice scooter U2 and um just checking if there’s any any

Cars coming um it is quite windy today there’s expected showers I don’t know if you can see on the road there’s pedals everywhere it has just rained so hopefully it doesn’t rain again because it just absolutely tipped down um so I hope I don’t get caught in any showers

So it’s windy it’s cold and even though it looks nice about 10 minutes ago it was quite rainy um so anyway we’re out on the old uh ebike now so let’s get on with the review and uh see what it’s like let’s just watch the this van coming

Past another van coming behind me I’m going let him Cat come through let’s let him come through there’s no point trying to race vehicles on Mountain Roads right then so that’s how we go then so like I said earlier I have put the thumb throttle on

Uh but you can use this bike with just the pedal assist only now if I use pedal assist there is a a slight delay and then it it doesn’t shoot off like every bikes there’s a slight delay and it comes in nice and gradually so it’s not

A it’s not it’s nice and gradual I hope you can he me because it’s really windy um just got to watch these vehicles again coming past okay here we go right so like I was saying I’m uh using the pedals now it takes a while for the pedal assist to

Come in and once it comes in it’s nice and gradual now the bike is set to 15.5 mil hour or 25 km an hour so it is set to that um and when the bike came to me it was set in kilm an hour and it’s quite easy to change I’ll be showing

That a little bit later on it’s quite easy to change from kilomet 2 mil hour um so I’ll show that a little bit later on but let’s get down here I got to get past that big [Laughter] peddle okay if you want to change it

From kilm an hour to miles per hour just turn on the screen by holding down the M button and then you got to hold the plus and minus button like so and it’ll go into the settings there and if you can see if I press

Minus if it goes to zero it’s kilm an hour if it goes to 1 it’s miles per hour it says miles if you just leave that then that’ll go off on his own if I don’t touch anything it should sort of cancel itself and there we go it’s set

Miles per hour it’s quite a comfortable bike to sit on because you’ve got the handlebars sort of coming towards you and I’m in an upright position so it is quite comfortable the way I’ve set it up I’ve got it so I’m sitting almost upright um and even though the seat

Looks hard there is there is a bit of um foam in it so it does give a bit of give oh I just noticed they’ve done the road by here it’s nice brand new road that’s nice there’s no PS look oh that’s nice now there’s a big hill coming up so we’ll um We’ll try and uh see what that’s like the hill is just just up there on the corner and uh we’ll have a go and see how much power this 250 wat ebik gives me going up that hill so I’ll put the gears down to number

One I got the gear set to number one now with the easiest gear and the big hill is coming up so we’ll just see how much assistance this 250 wat ebike is going to give me up this hill I’m not going Rush up here but I’m

Going to see so far is quite easy uh let’s have a look getting up this hill now so you have got to put you have got to put a little bit of assistance in yourself because uh it is only a 250 wat M but it’s making it easier getting up

This hill I just had to pull over there because there was a van coming right behind me so I pulled over to the side but uh if you take your time up the hill is all right it’s nice and easy um it’s not giving you massive amounts of power

But it’s making the hills a lot easier so there we go go so I’ve managed to get up here quite easy that’s quite nice CU it’s a lot of traffic on the roads today so with any ebike uh the range people always ask me uh what is the

Range on ebike but it all depends on how you use it I mean if you pedal a lot you’re going to get a lot more range on the battery um if you just if you do fit the Thum thumb throttle then obviously you’re going to get less range the

Batter is not going to go as far so it all depends how much work you put in it all depends how heavy the rider is I’m 88 kilog at the moment so you can you can gauge off that but I’m 88 kilg and it did give me assistance to get up that

Hill there we just went past well the sun’s come out and the wind stopped for a minute so that’s not too bad but uh we’ll drive down by here now we’ll have a quick look at the bike and I’ll go through a few things right okay

I’ll do a little brake test but to see what the brakes are like let’s pull the brakes on and there we go I stopped me fantastically then so I mean people do say that they prefer um hydraulic brakes but the cable brakes they do stop you

Just as well not just as well I mean you have got to pull the brakes harder but they do work uh these brakes work perfectly well they stop me fine but um when we get up by here I’ll get off the bike and we’ll have a little look around

The bike and I’ll tell you what I think but just for clarification I am using the thumb throttle now and again um I like to use a thumb throttle uh but I am trying it I am trying to use it without the thumb throttle to give you a gauge

Of what it is but I it’s got five speed settings so if I put it on the uh I press the horn instead of the speed setting and if I turn it down to number one I think the on speed setting one with the with the thumb throttle it’s

Only doing 3.7 uh miles per hour car coming behind me so um another car coming be I’m going to pull over a minute if I put it on to speed setting two assist setting two is doing uh a about 6 miles hour and then we got speed

Set in three this is with a thumb throttle now and it’s going 8.7 M hour I am on a slight hill I’ll put it on setting four that’s go in up to what’s that going up to 9 10 10 11 and then set in five will obviously take up to 15.5

Mil per hour right okay then so the mud guards have saved me from the wet weather so I haven’t got wet at all now the seat does look as if it’s hard like I said if I press that there don’t know if you can see that there it is nice and

Soft it gets a little bit firmer in the front but it is a nice soft seat so it’s not too bad it’s not too bad at all um now the battery is a 36 vol Vol 13 a battery like I said I don’t know if you

Can see there if you go around this side here like I said earlier if I wanted to pull that out of there I’d have to pull out pull out a little bit uh and then you got to lift this up here and you I think the key is got to

Go in I think if I go with a key like that you got to press the key and turn it like that and that unlocks the battery to take it out if you want to charge it from outside the bike if you only undo it slightly the seat stays

Clamped up so that’s my solution just undo it slightly you can get the battery out then so it’s no big deal just undo it a little bit like I said cuz the cuz the bars are coming towards you I’ve set it up I don’t know if you can see there

I’ve set it up like that so I’m sitting in a nice sort of upright position so it is quite comfortable it is quite comfortable I got to say it’s quite comfortable it’s nice looking bike isn’t it and it’s very light it’s very light so it’s nice to move around anyway let’s

Get back on the bike and go that way before it starts raining right okay it’s the next day the sun is shining so let’s get out and finish the ebike review right okay then a much nicer day today and if I don’t know if you can see but

I’m using the old thumb throttle by here at the moment and it’s taking me along it’s up to 14 m per hour and uh it is nicer when the weather’s nicer but um it is a nice bike to ride I got like you can see me a bit better now but um

I’m sitting in a very upright position I have mentioned it before but it is comfortable to sit like this instead of being hunched over uh especially when you’re own as I am something just flew in my face then but um I do tend to use the

Throttle a lot uh some people might not put the throttle on because uh it’s only a legal up to six is it 3 miles per hour in the UK uh there are some I was watching a a video where you can get the bike certified to use a throttle um is a

Legal loophole apparently I think it was on a video from electr heads so you can you can get the throttle certified in certain circumstances but anyway let’s carry on now there’s a hill coming up by here in front of me um it’s a pretty steep hill the bike is slowing don’t let see

If it keeps going up here I’m not going to Pedal at all okay I won’t put I want not touching the pedals look I’m not touching the pedals at all it’s still doing 8 Miles hour it’s still taking me up there remember it’s only your 250 wat motor

Didn’t touch the pedals at all and it’s taken me up the hill so that’s pretty good isn’t it and it is a it is a 250 wat motor um cuz if you look at the motor it’s quite small but it’s got quite a bit bit of punch for a 250 wat

Motor it’s a very nice road to ride a bike down by here uh very quiet only a few cars come up and down this road so nice it’s a nice lovely place to ride a bike now I’m just going to use um Pedal Power Bon let’s see what it’s like let’s

See what it’s like now once you get up this once you get your legs moving it starts coming in it doesn’t come in abruptly it comes in nice and smooth so and now it’s starting to give me almost full power I’ve got it on set in five

With the pedal assist there is a hill a really big hill in front of me by here I expect I’ll have to Pedal up this hill but I’m not putting any I’m just ghost pedaling at the moment and now I’m starting to put a little bit of power in

But it’s quite easy it is very easy you’re not going to get out puff on this bike I don’t think I’m not sure um how good the uh range is it’s a it’s a 36v 13 amp hour battery and like I said it’s hard to gauge range because it’s all to do with

The weight waight to the rider how much Pedal Power you put in and you can see by you that um I’m not out of breath at all I’ve just come up B massive big hill and it’s easy there’s some lovely views along this road I can see all the the

Sheep I think there’ll be I think I can see a few Lambs along there yeah there’s a few Lambs who his lambing season and uh it’s quite a few Lambs actually now if you look on the website this bike will be uh I think it’s priced really well it’s quite a reasonably priced

Ebike and it is a step through and I you got a little bit older an age I do like a step through a step through break is I you know I prefer it now because um I’m a bit older but there we go so um yeah I’m enjoying this bike I am

Enjoying it I mean I I do like ebiking anyway so I don’t think there’s many ebikes I don’t like but I’ve gone a few miles now um I come up all these Hills over the mountains and I’m not out of breath it’s it was easy it was nice and easy it’s a

Nice relaxing ride there’s a car coming towards me so I’m pull over by here a minute uh I’m going to pull over cuz I don’t think this car is going to slow down it’s going quite fast there we go cars don’t like to slow down on mountain roads for bikes for some

Reason but uh yeah what some beautiful views along here okay I thought I’d give you a view of what I’m looking at when I’m going past on the ebike but uh there we go I don’t know if you can see down Bel there there’s one two three four there’s four

Tiny Lambs one’s running up towards me now Look they look really T they’re newborn Lambs they are see them coming running up here look at them little lambs there that’s nice isn’t it look at them there we go so it’s definitely spring it was raining yesterday but it’s nice and

Sunny today and it’s definitely spring there they’re having some milk right then okay and there’s the bike there’s the I scooter U2 and it’s getting me around lovely this bike is it is nice it’s nice to ride uh right let’s get On okay then there you go that’s the review of the I scooter You2 I really enjoyed my time on this ebike here it is as well priced I think it’s well priced and all the links will be in the description down below anyway if you did

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ISCOOTER U2 Ebike Review Unboxing & test ride Affordable step through electric bike
Ebike was reviewed in locked mode 15.5mph 25kph (there is a unlock mode)
U2 Commuter Step-Thru Electric Bike
Ebike Discount code: U2eb (£30)
link https://www.iscooterglobal.co.uk/products/u2-ebike

@iscooter #iscooter #iscooterU2 #ebike
New ebike for 2024 is on sale at the moment with discount code above
350 watt ebike with optional thumb throttle .
Comes with rear rack 26 x 1.95 tyres

350 W

36V, 13Ah

Max Load
264 lbs (120 kg)

37-47 miles (60-75 km)

Before Unlocking: 6/10/15/20/25km/h

After Unlocking: 10/15/20/25/32km/h

Rider Height
5’3″ – 6’3″ (160cm ~ 192cm)

Pedal Assist
7 levels

12 Months

1x U2 Bike Frame + Rear Wheel, 1x Stem, 1x Front wheel, 1x Quick Release, 1x Front fender, 2x Pedals, 1x Seat with Seatpost, 1x Rear Rack with Rear Light, 1x Kickstand, 1x Pump, 1x Charger, 1x User Manual, 2x Key, 3x Hex Spanner, 3x Open-end Spanner
350 W

36V, max output 15 amp

374 Wh (36V, 13Ah) lithium battery. Waterproof IP65 (included)

Cadence Sensor

8.4*5cm LCD display

Top Speed
32 km/h

*The motor will stop giving assist at the stated top speed. You can still ride beyond the stated top speed with pure muscle power. This limit is set in accordance with local regulations.

37-47 miles / 60-75 km (in pure electric mode)
43-56 miles / 70-90 km (in pedal assist mode–PAS mode)

*Actual performance will vary depending on temperature, road conditions, rider’s weight, etc.

Climbing Ability
Suitable for moderate urban slopes

*The actual performance would depend on the rider’s physical strength.

@iscooter #iscooter #iscooterU2 #ebike
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