
Social Contribution Activities special movie LONG Ver.

Social Contribution Activities special movie LONG Ver.

The fut we Mitsubishi Motors pursue corporate citizenship initiatives under the slogan step to the Future step stands for the four pillars where we leverage our technology and skills for continuous community service s Society to support community revitalization and be loved by many people we proactively participate in local

Events if traffic lights go down in a disaster our Outlander phvs can power them restoring them in such situations contributes to a safer Society we also provide disaster relief among other activities step to the Future T traffic safety as a way to strive for security and safety in a car oriented Society we

Regularly offer a class called vehicle school people can try out our pedal misapplication prevention and collision mitigation braking systems as well as our parking assist system and special goggles simulate driving Under the Influence together with municipalities we strive to create a society without traffic accidents Step to the Future e environment aiming to sustain a healthy environment for future Generations we’ve been growing petto forest and since 2023 in The okazaki Outlander Forest we’ve been advocating for carbon offsetting and Water Conservation Mitsubishi Motors group strives for a carbon neutral societ Society through Global Environmental preservation including Beach cleaning and

Recycling the fut P people we engage in various activities to bring smiles to people’s lives we organize car factory tours for elementary school children and interactive programs on car design techniques and conservation activities in addition our Hardball baseball teams based in okazaki and kurashiki host baseball workshops to promote

Sports we also donate scholarships to schools overseas and research vehicles and engines through various activities we are working to nurture children with a bright future f through these initiatives we Mitsubishi Motors aspire to realize our dreams of being a company that contributes to both people and the world drive your ambition Mitsubishi Motors

To address diversifying social issues, Mitsubishi Motors carries out its STEP social contribution activities, focused on four main themes, standing for the first letters of Society, Traffic safety, Environment and People. Based on this policy, we will continue to contribute to society by utilizing each and every employee’s skills and know-how as well as our technologies and products, aiming to create a better society where people can hope for a better future.


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#MitsubishiMotors #sustainability #SDGs #carbonneutral #EV #PHEV #outlanderPHEV #Society #Traffic #Environment #People #baseball #driveyourambition

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