
Honda Prologue I How to Use Voice Control with Google built-in

Honda Prologue I How to Use Voice Control with Google built-in

This vehicle comes with Google built-in so you can use Google Assistant to get things done while keeping your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel call or text friends listen to music set reminders or even change the temperature in the vehicle just ask Google Assistant

To activate Google Assistant press and release the talk button on the steering wheel or just say hey Google to get started the system works best when you use short direct commands and speak naturally not too fast or too slow for example to make a phone call to a stored

Contact just say hey Google call Jenna to listen to a favorite radio station say Hey Google Play 87.7 FM if you’re in the mood for some food you could say hey Google find a fast food restaurant the system can then initiate navigation to the place using Google

Maps you can even say hey Google set temperature to 73° for perfect comfort in the cabin Google Assistant automatically stops listening after each conversation until activated again see the vehicle’s owners manual for even more details you can download one at my garage.

The Honda Prologue comes with Google built-in so you can use Google Assistant to get things done while keeping your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. This video demonstrates how to use it.

Applicable on: 2024 Honda Prologue

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