Electric Motorcycles

RUNDEER Attack 10 E-Bike Review / Range Test

RUNDEER Attack 10 E-Bike Review / Range Test

Welcome back to the second Channel where we are diving into another electric bike review video this one on the runder attack 10 now this is their standard model and it comes in just under $33,000 they do have an advanced model that has better suspension and I think a

More rigid frame a little bit more expensive but I’ll drop a link to those down below if you want to check it out uh this one came very well packaged and assembly was a darn Breeze just a matter of Bolt and front wheel on pedals the

Usual I did take this for a short ride the other day as you can see with the the mud on there but let’s go over a few specs and then take it for a nice range test into the city uh riding it hard it’s recommended for riders that are 5′

7 to 6′ 3 and I’m 6′ 3 this is what I look like on it I can stand up pretty comfy actually feels like a small motorcycle uh but if you’re going to go pedaling you know you’re not going to get that full leg out sitting on the

Seat there’s no way and as you’re turning it’s going to be a little bit tight I don’t know how it comes across on camera but it feels really good and I have to say this seat is the most comfortable bicycle seat I’ve ever felt could easily slip two people on there

Although it’s not rated for that we don’t have the foot pegs on the back now by the way payload capacity 350 lbs this got 20in tall by 4in wide fat tires a s-speed Shimano it’s ran it through all the gears the other day shifted perfectly without any adjustment needed

You do have the rear suspension and front suspension with adjustable preload dials on the top and here’s a glance at the travel from the back you see that seats very rigid no flex at all cuz you have these supports and on the front got quite a bit of travel however there is

No rebound so if you’re hitting bumps and you’re you’re jumping off stuff you’re going to feel that rebound thud we got hydraulic disc brakes on the front and rear made by this slin you have leather wrapped grips with the little Comfort pieces that come out there you come

Twist throttle a bell and I think we’re ready to drop the battery in so I can show you the rest of the features now this is a 20 amp hour battery has their name on it here’s a look at the bottom comes with two keys battery switch and

The charger it comes with is a 3 amps output they advertise a charge time of 3 to 4 hours but this is only 3 amps output and this is 20 I would guess it’s going to take more like 7 hours to charge it but we can find out later now

This battery slides in from the bottom so you kind of kind of tilt the bike over get it lined up and then slider into place twist your key remove that make sure it’s locked in flick your power switch on and for charging this you don’t have to remove the battery you

Can just plug her right in on the side over on the controls you have three buttons you hold down M to start it up and then of course you have up and down for shifting through your gears here’s a look at the display you can see I put 9

Miles on this so far we’re on power assist one you can scroll down to zero and let’s see on zero does it still Throttle No it does nothing at all so you’re just fully pedal and see if it has walk assist if you hold negative

Down yep there that is and then you can go all the way up to power assist 5 which is what we’ll be riding in today I’m 180 lb 6’3 other things on here it shows calories burned your battery bar that’s full wattage being used and if

You press M again for mode your trip time and trip miles I did just fully juice up the battery and they advertise a range from 40 to 68 Mi now I’ll be shocked if we get anywhere near 40 Mi they say with without pedaling but again

It’s it’s going to vary on how you ride it and how heavy you are Hills all that kind of stuff we’ll see if maybe we can get 20 mi out of it you know so for power we got a 750 W Hub motor along with an advertised top speed of 32 M an

Hour let’s see what this does just free willing 29 is what we’re showing and one thing you’ll notice uh probably the the one negative I’ve found so far is no fenders on this so if you run over dog poop it’s going to come up on your back

I mean the seat helps a little bit in the rear and up front same deal however this blocks a lot of the mud too so I guess they’re not too necessary but I’m I’m always a huge fan of fenders and I didn’t see those as an option on the

Website when I took a glance to turn the headlights on you I think you hold up right yeah there it is so very bright LED headlight on this and out back uh yeah this is not hardwired it’s just a simply a light that you you turn on so our first acceleration test speed

Five wide open here’s what we look like for acceleration we’re heading toward a hill too so we can see how this does going up that hill no pedaling we’re going to be doing any pedaling really the whole time uh except for maybe just try it out so there’s

24.1 mph and now this is a fair bit of an incline so we’ll see how it holds up we’re losing losing down to 21 so that held very strong up that hill I’ve ridden a lot of bikes that that struggle now as we go down the downhill let’s see what

We hit for top speed we hit 28 M an hour uh so something that might be inhibiting that a little bit is the tire pressure they recommend a Max of 20 but I dropped it down to 12 PSI because I plan on doing quite a bit of

Off quite a bit of off-roading uh and it’s going to you going to handle so much better oh see I just went through that puddle I got water all over my face oh man see I was riding it the other day at 20 and this feels so good like I

Consider this thing more of an off-road machine over anything else like this this is amazing it’s just perfect a big big jump right here off nothing now I don’t know if you heard that clunk that was the front forest with the the no rebound you know

Adjusting the preload is not going to do anything for that but over these rocks these big coarse rocks I mean these fat tires are handling it handling it like it’s nothing I got a wide open throttle and I actually hit this the other day on

My short little test drive it was it was all over the place but now I mean I don’t know how well you guys can see it we’re just we’re just cruising across this at 23 mph look I can even go over to the wood handles it we’re going to put this

Suspension through the test cuz you know see the attack 10 I mean this thing is supposed to be like an assault bike off-road capable let’s try out the pedal assist now we’re on Gear 1 assist zero so if you want to Pedal this like a regular bike now here’s what that looks like

Doing 5 mph in the first gear and these come kind of close for me but it’s doable if you’re turning your your knees are going to end up wanting to hit the the bars unless you scoot your butt back further but I’m going to run through the

Gears now let’s see if what we can do in the seventh gear I can get her up to 11 mph of course if I stand up that’s another story I just I don’t think you’re going to be doing long distances without the assist so bump that on speed

One okay I felt that pleasantly kick in that whole holds us at 11 10 mph speed two nice jolt of power that brings us up to uh 14 of course I don’t think it matters if I stop pedaling pedaling and I hit the throttle same deal you know if

You’re on speed two that brings you up to 14 mph so you can do either one I’d say that’s a pretty comfy Pace Let’s uh bring her up to three that’s 18 mph speed 4 22 mph and speed 5 25 5 m an hour but you can see that’s how fast I’m

Rotating my legs I mean you’re just not really going to be able to apply your your human power after 20 mph with the current gearing and overall GPS that is a true 20 25 mph yes it’s like a a boardwalk through some fresh cut stuff woo oh this is

Cool I love it quite a few broken boards wow it’s actually tripping my eyes out because I don’t know if it’s doing that on camera but I have no idea where this goes by the way this is uh this is new you know somebody put this here some kind of construction going on

Oh man can’t wait for the springtime it’s some nice weather so gloomy and cold whoa look at this first of all people been dumping gosh I hate people that just dump their loads like this but somebody pushed the cement barriers out of the way at the old up

Pull it Crescent ull this used to be a great junkyard and I don’t know looks like more trashes being dumped here now and yeah this was the main yard completely packed with cars now it’s just a boat Dumping Ground oh there it is we just rolled

Over to 10 Mi we got 10 Mi exact and 9.7 on GPS so pretty accurate starting to run out of daylight so I apologize with the low light Oh yeah right up yeah no problem this here used to be the inside of a building building and they stripped the roof just left all the steel beams here turned it into a shopping center like they repurpose a lot of these buildings this one they do all

Sorts of events like uh Trenton art all night and they also do a free skate park every Saturday and you got cool tool stores like this one here there actually no name on this place but they got they got some stuff I mean check it

Out hey what’s up man how are you how doing how are you man pretty good just checking out your awesome selection man you got you got everything in here very neatly organized too huh we’re now on the Nightfall I’m going to just lay some miles down got my

Headlight on enjoy the evening and I’ll let you know what we end up with by the way there’s there’s no hands this thing tracks tracks real Straight No Hands we’re now at 23.2 miles and we’ve gotten into the red so should still have say a few more

Miles I wanted to show you the the headlights I yeah we got street lights so not a great example but uh here we go not adjustable but it’s a really nice powerful beam it’s kind of pointed in the perfect spot since it’s not aiming in anybody’s face at the ground in front

Of you so you can see everything probably the best headlight I’ve ever seen on any ebike at all so oh there goes a rat you guys see him and I’m back in town it was holding full speed but all a sudden just kicked off I’m still

Showing red on the battery but we got nothing that’s 24.5 miles let’s see if we uh turn off turn it back on yeah leave it on speed one because I still got maybe another mile home so I also hear the train coming across the street so I’ll wait for that so always

Coly throw his flares out since there’s no no crossing guard or anything And with these batteries sometimes if you let them rest a little bit too they’ll uh come back to life get you a little bit more more Juice he just lays on the horn because otherwise people keep flying right through I mean they don’t know he’s coming [Applause] you see that one guy go he probably got scared out of his mind all right made it back on speed one actually about 8 mph was holding and that brought us to a total of 26.2 2 miles probably could have went maybe another mile or so if we rode the whole

Time on speed one and we were pedaling I’m sure it would have could have got 40 Mi and maybe more but in my opinion anything over 20 mi is usually acceptable on ebikes you’re not generally riding a lot further than that anyway so at this point I’m going to

Drop the battery on charger and I’ll let you know right here how long that takes to get fully charged I did want to show you on here how to reset the trip too cuz I did that earlier you just hold both these buttons down up and down and

You can go into the user settings you got all sorts of so if you want to do the trip that’s right there or you can go in and do your backlight contrast your units if you want kilometers automatic shutdown time wheel size setting speed limit setting I don’t know

If I had that at the the max oh I guess you need the password to uh to go into that and well anyway to get out of the the settings you just hold those I’m not going into too much incredible detail on that if you’re in the market for a small

Sporty dirt bike is ebike then this definitely fits the bill I can’t tell you how many people came up to me today asking me questions about this bike like where’d you get it how much was it and how do you like it it’s certainly unique looking and this is a magnesium alloy

Frame too not that it’s super light with the battery I think it was advertised at what about 85 lbs and it feels right around there uh this thing likes to wheelie too since the seats push so far back like when you’re going over bump

And such it it you pull up a little bit and it just floats right over them from my use today and yesterday I’ll drop it a thumbs up and I will drop a link to it down below in case you want to check out more specs and current pricing uh for

$3,000 I don’t know that’s a lot of money I feel like you could go buy a motorcycle for that price however this can do things a motorcycle can’t do you can go ride through Central Park on trails and just get out there and be obnoxious and generally people aren’t

Going to say anything to you versus you have a gasoline powered small mini bike you’re going to get in trouble and they’ll probably take it from you for now anyway we’ll see if that changes in the future like always I appreciate you guys very much for tuning in especially

If you watch this far if you’re in the market for an ebike hopefully this has helped you out and I hope to see you guys again in the future

Check out current pricing on this bike HERE: https://www.rundeers.com/lowqjirgkq

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rundeerofficial/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RundeerO YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@rundeerebike

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