Electric Cars

Mercedes DUMPS EV Production As Profits Are In The Toilet!

Mercedes DUMPS EV Production As Profits Are In The Toilet!

The EV dream is OVER! Mercedes CEO just DITCHED EV production, shocking all carmakers by going back to combustion engines!

Remember how Mercedes promised they will ditch all gas cars by 2030? Well, they’re not doing that anymore! The EV market is crashing super hard, with EVs dropping 30% in prices. But why is Mercedes suddenly getting cold feet about EVs? Why did they go back to gas cars? Are EVs a scam?

A few years back, governments worldwide pushed car manufacturers towards electric vehicles with strict regulations and hefty fines for non-compliance. Mercedes-Benz, a frontrunner in the luxury car market, was one of the first to ditch gas engines, aiming for an all-electric lineup by 2030. However, despite these ambitious plans and an early commitment to electrification, the reality of EV sales and market conditions has prompted a significant strategy shift for the German automaker.

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