
Captured mid convertible process

Walking through a parking lot. saw this black continental owner putting his car’s top down.

Wish I’d had the presence to capture a video – but my battery was red!

by donmreddit


  1. Distinct_Scheme4191

    That’s a Lincoln Continental

  2. Atlas03

    Hear me out, make one of these as an EV instead of a cyber truck. Why an EV, you say? Well, the gas is too expensive for daily usage. 😂

  3. Parmory

    Those old Continental tops are real monsters.

    Cool as hell to watch them fold out, serious mother to work on.

    They run the wiring harness through the top padding for some bizarre reason. Only car I’ve ever seen like that.

  4. Yorbayuul81

    I’ve never understood black vinyl or leather interior in a convertible.

  5. Riverrat423

    I think I’ve seen that car cruising around Dallas.

  6. series-hybrid

    I talked to a vintage car restorer once, and these are one of the vehicles that allows him to work on old cars full time. They are considered desirable with collectors being willing to spend big bucks on them, but they are a nightmare for a casual week-ender to fix up.

    The mechanism that lifts the trunklid, retracts the top, and then closes the trunklid is…complex.

  7. CadillacsandBourbon

    Love those suicide doors, on a convertible to boot! Awesome awesome ride!

  8. 04BluSTi

    I have one, and I’ll tell you what, when that car was designed and built, we were gearing up to send men to the moon.

    We haven’t been back since, and they sure as hell don’t make them like that anymore

  9. salty-sheep-bah

    Is that the car from the Matrix?

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