
My 1967 Cougar I’ve had for 25 years

I’m 40 and I used to drive her to high school

by joshknut


  1. Mo_Jack

    Nice! You’ve been taking good care of it. What engine is that?

  2. Yesitsmesuckas

    Wow!!! This is one of my favorite classics.

  3. nafarba57

    That’s beautiful! Still one of the best front end stylings in auto history😀

  4. sundaypancakemaker

    Wow what a beautiful car. My friend in high school had a white one. Brings back a lot of good memories. Thanks for posting.

  5. BobChica

    My parents had one they bought new when my father was commissioned in 1967. They sold it after I was born and bought a 1965 Dodge station wagon to replace it.

  6. currymonsterCA

    Great looking car! Love the color as well 🙂

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