Electric Vehicles

C-SPAN – Exchange on Electric Vehicles

C-SPAN – Exchange on Electric Vehicles

by WeldAE


  1. BeyondDrivenEh


    This is how you school a MAGAt. Point by point.

    The faux populist smear campaign against EVs is one of the most ignorant.

    It’s not new, and it sure is getting old.

  2. swim_to_survive

    I’m a straight cis male.

    I get off on Mayor Pete humiliating lesser repugnantcans.

  3. Awkward_Chair8656

    you can only run from reality for so long before you wake up in a world you don’t understand. Thankfully Biden appoints competent people.

  4. ChirpToast

    I hope he gets a real shot a running if he decides too in the future.

  5. thisisanamesoitis

    Mr. Perry saw what way the wind was blowing as soon as Secretary Buttigieg opened his mouth and immediately started interrupting Secretary Buttigieg’s statement to try and run down his time to answer.

  6. Tubzero-

    Yeah I don’t get the whole “we’re forced to buy EVs thing”

  7. RLewis8888

    Republicans have made it clear their Big Oil masters want them to kill EVs in the US.

  8. DrSendy

    I actually don’t care.
    I’m just going to continually destroy cletus and his coal rolling POS at the traffic light dragraces.

  9. lucidguppy

    So in order to combat a gish-gallop – you just spend all your time showing the other person is a liar – point by point.

    Republicans would rather the US get lapped by all the other countries of the world. They scream for free market – then tariff the hell out of solar panels from China.

    Regulations for cafe standards are not dictatorial…

    Republican ideology will hold back the US and we’ll get crushed when the rest of the world’s energy and transportation are converted to super efficient renewable electricity. And then they’ll blame Democrats.

  10. Crawlerado

    The same CAFE standards and free market that lead to SEVENTY THREE PERCENT of the vehicles on US roads being SUVs or Trucks. FOH with your crocodile tears over freedom to choose

  11. BeerExchange

    Scott Perry, noted insurrectionist, should be in prison not in a spot to spread lies about EV adoption

  12. IronbloodPrime

    Secretary Buttigieg speaks well and composed himself a lot better than I would if I kept getting interrupted like that.

  13. mapengr

    It’s so rich when Republicans argue that people deserve choices.

  14. iamaredditboy

    Why is he not a choice for president ?

  15. xpdtion76

    Love it.. Perry got fact checked and tried to still argue and made himself look even dumber

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