
Describe my Mom’s car history

A ‘65 White Mustang, a ‘67 Dodge Dart, an ‘86 BMW 3 Series, a 2002 Ford Explorer, and a 2007 Jeep Wrangler

by FaZeLuckyBoy


  1. kicksomedicks

    She bought the SUV after you were born.

  2. spaceursid

    Her car taste peaked at her first car.

  3. Intrepid-Style4312

    Can def tell when she had kids lol

  4. Hour_Intention_9574

    She got the wrangler because she wanted an suv with at least a little bit of personality and flair.

  5. Piranha1993

    Bruh, her first 3 vehicles are impeccable. Bet she wishes she still had them.

    It’s so easy to see when she fell from grace. Fucking hell, went from a well handling E30 to the letdown machine by comparison of an Explorer.

    Now she’s trying to play the role of another quirky Jeep girl with the Wrangler.

    I guess with what kinds of vehicles are readily available these days the Jeep is something interesting if overly played out these days.

  6. Forward_Artist_6244

    Incredibly cool until the SUVs

  7. Joblessmouse06

    She’s a late boomer or early Gen X

  8. NoReference7367

    Cool car, cool car, first kid, baby factory’s open for business, MLM work car.

  9. Monamo61

    Evolution of a female driver. Young, young and sexy, then professional, then soccer Mom, then Freeeedom once your 🫏 left home. Wooohooo!

  10. Rollin_Soul_O

    She was doing great until she got the Exploder.

  11. collectingsouls

    She had a great life until she got pregnant

  12. ApplesOverOranges1

    Your mom aged gracefully 👍

  13. AFrozen_1

    She was the coolest mom on the block. And then regressed.

  14. Top-Flow1297

    Your mom’s car history started strong, and then it deteriorated.

  15. Mofoblitz1

    She was doing OK but then absolutely blew it with the “Just Empty Every Pocket” why didn’t she just keep the Explorer??

  16. Useful_toolmaker

    The weather and roads must have gotten worse over the years

  17. Different_State4375

    Thirsty! Needs people to look at her.

  18. erikannen

    She likes circular halogen reflectors in her headlights. Minus the Explorer, circular headlights entirely.

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