
Make assumptions about me based on all of the cars I’ve owned

Make assumptions about me based on all of the cars I’ve owned

by vanilla_twilight


  1. Thatoneinternetuser2

    You tried ford for a little then went back to what you were used too (gm)

  2. FortPickensFanatic

    Driving for you is nothing more than a chore.

    Something you hate, but must be done.

    Knows nothing about oversteer.

  3. FaZeLuckyBoy

    You like old vans and crappy crossovers

  4. jbltecnicspro

    You were giving lots of free candy away.

  5. Extension_Status_711

    You don’t know what condoms are

  6. Haunting_Bit_3613

    You enjoy the soul warming glow of a check engine light

  7. AgreeablePrize

    Not a car enthusiast, but possibly into kidnapping

  8. knuthamsunfan

    The main thing I am seeing here is that you tried a green car, clearly thought it was too loud, but tried again anyways. I’d say you’re both a hero and a man of stern moral convictions.

  9. ChimneyNerd

    You like violently-bubbly old person cars

  10. Cosmic_Artichoke

    An unbothered lifestyle manifested in car choice. Grandpa car Buick? Fuck it, it soaks up the bumps of the shitty road I live on. Beige creeper van? Who cares, I can haul anything and camp anywhere. Powder blue crossover? If I’m paying new car money, it better stand out like an anime villain. OP doesn’t give a flying shit about what OP *should* enjoy. OP just enjoys shit because they think it’s neat.

  11. MkStoner2002

    You are young, but still…You’ve seen sum shit!

  12. davidwal83

    You were a turncoat then came back to the GM side.

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