Electric Vehicles

A Full 9% Of Electrify America Charging Attempts Fail

A Full 9% Of Electrify America Charging Attempts Fail

by AccomplishedCheck895


  1. Urbanyeti0

    91% success of any system seems pretty good to me

  2. Open_Branch2003

    I’m suspicious of this reporting, since my personal experience with EA stations is closer to a 20% fail rate. And that’s not even counting the 25-50% of stalls that are simply DOA for weeks at a time.

  3. CapRichard

    Too much if reporting is correct.
    For a product/service to be functionally useful, should be less than 1‰

    Imagine if your PC whould not startup 9% of the times.

  4. Vyce223

    I’ll be the first to say the chargers, app and such have issues. But I’m surprised that figure is so low not because of that but because of user errors. Consistently I found that to be more of the problem then the chargers when I worked there.

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