
Describe the owner of this car

Describe the owner of this car

by 2016FordMustang


  1. Any_Fish1004

    A hippy GILF I’m going to get buzzed with before we bang in the bug

  2. HarveyMushman72

    A tenured professor with a tweed sport coat that was leather patches on the elbows.

  3. thefunk123

    Fat but only from heavy drinking. Probably unemployed and calls himself a writer. Will probably make a lot of money writing one day. Has antiquated sometimes misogynistic opinions on women. It’s Charles bukowski. I thought he owned like 3 of these. And the shady dingy parking lot feeds into my analysis

  4. Friar_Fuck_

    That’s Bruce

    He’s very wealthy, stylish, into racing, reads the WSJ in the lobby every morning with his well tempered small dog. Recently got the car back only for it to spit oil all over. He spent days cleaning the garage, and is very mad at the shop because he could’ve just bought a box engine and dropped it in instead of repairs.

  5. huskerd0

    A brother shamus

    What like some kind of Irish monk?

    Wtf you talkin about, imma dick! Like you, man!

  6. Smooth-Apartment-856

    Female owner in her 60’s. Probably single, though it could be due to divorce, being a widow, or never having been married in the first place. She’s been a bit quirky all her life. Her defining childhood memories revolve around hearing a cool aunt she adored talk about a mythical place called “Woodstock.”

    She has a goofy tiny dog with an equally goofy hybrid breed name.

  7. SproketRocket

    Retired aircraft mechanic, trimmed mustache and plaid shirt.

  8. LeaderTheDeceiver

    the former president of Uruguay José Mujica

  9. ColXanders

    Senior weatherman working for NOAA. Has a log book of every oil change, gas fill up, and mileage driven in the glove box.

  10. Joblessmouse06

    The person goes to the beach every week just to look sunset

  11. AwesomeBantha

    A resident of Singapore who probably only gets to drive it like 30 times a year

  12. deathraft

    Bubbly, happy drunk. Or the complete opposite, no in between.

  13. MauserMama

    Mrs Garrett from that 80s sitcom The Facts Of Life. She drove a VW Beetle.

  14. Mullin20

    One of the Libyans’ personal vehicles

  15. Rockfish00

    they’re out looking for bluey merch

  16. Impossible_Okra

    Someone who would get a short documentary Youtube video made about their quirky lifestyle stuck in some long gone decade.

  17. Dj_Simon

    A 19 year old Hawaiian in the early ’00s trying to look after her 7 year old sister.

  18. InconvenientDictator

    the wife of a Wehrmacht officer. she drives it to Gotenland every year since acquiring it in 1946 after her husband returned from the Eastern Front in triumph.

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